Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 26: Magical 8

The flow of rice in the air is getting bigger and bigger. The gods will release the sneak peeks at this time. The circle is as true and powerful as the glory of the mountain waterfall.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the big Zhou, the royal family, the huge power, He Yiming Minor changes, he has self-knowledge, if he is replaced by himself and he is easy to get along with, then he can only use the Jiulong furnace's wine fire, if not, even the flowers of the five elements of the reincarnation can only maintain the power of resistance.

However, watching the action at the moment is still meticulously moving forward. He is under tremendous pressure, like a practitioner who first learned the martial arts, holding a shield and facing the mountain. The waterfall that fell down climbed up.

However, the situation at the moment is even more difficult than those who are strong and unyielding.

"Booming... rumbling

When the one-footed one hundred feet touched the ground again, there was such a loud noise.

Fortunately, the land here is sturdy to an incredible level, otherwise under such pressure, it was directly pressed into the soil.

But even so, this burst of sound is like the sound of the ancient beasts on the ground is still the heart of the crowd.

God knows what kind of pressure this guy is under this hood, but his body is like steel casting, and there is no bending at all.

The faces of many masters are all changed. They have never seen any of the five-powered dynasty masters choose hard-resistance under the dust-like blow.

But it is because of this that the action of the hundred and eight is so strong and moving.

"Who is he?"

One of the sages asked in amazement, there was a trembling in his voice, because his heart was deeply affected after witnessing this strange but full of leaks.

Xu Zili took a long breath, as if the turbidity in the chest was completely spit in this tone.

Later, he calmly said: "This is the hundred and eight people around He Yiming."

"It is He Yiming again.

A few strange sounds snorted at the same time.

After seeing the white horse thunder, everyone has had great curiosity about He Yiming, or envy and jealousy, and after hearing about the identity of the hundred and eight, they have a greater Change.

At this time, no matter what He Yiming's own cultivation is, his weight in these people's minds has reached a very high level.

A shouting sound suddenly came out of the mouth of the **** operator. His figure retreated a few steps like a fly, and the distance between him and the hundred and eight was greatly drawn.

But Hundred and Eight is like nothing, and continues to move in his direction.

With the infinite brilliance on his head, he stepped on the steady, powerful, and unremitting pace, and once again forced the past to burn the novel network. Moreover, his degree is getting faster and faster, from the initial difficulty, after the first time the God operator began to regress, it began to become easier.

at this time. He strode out, it is already inexplicable, there is a tendency to swallow the mountains and rivers. It seems that all the streamers on his head are like paper tigers, and it is difficult to make necessary suppression for him.

The face of the **** operator has become extremely dignified. In today's battle, he no longer has the feeling of controlling the whole situation.

This situation has not been encountered several times in his life.

In this Hai, he thought of the ancestors of Tianchi, and thought of the only outstanding figures in the world who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Tianchi ancestors and stood at the peak of humanity.

There was such a thought in his heart.

Perhaps, this one hundred and eight, in the future also has the potential to compete with those few.

Suddenly, a sense of crisis came to him.

Looking at the hundred and eight steps that came step by step, the heart of the **** operator was bitter.

Although he can fly into the sky, but the other side has no such magical power.

His dusty streamer is used against the masters on the ground to be able to maximize the effect. If the effect of air combat is discussed, even the flying sword is not as good.

But when I thought about the other side's waving shield, it seemed to be a prophetic shift. All this made him feel like a madman.

However, after all, he was one of the top five sages of the five-dimensional dynasty. After a while, the spirit immediately returned to normal.

He slammed his fingers and flew three lights again, and at the same time, his body also ignited a brilliance, wrapping his figure.

He Yiming took a sigh of relief. He finally understood that the reason why this **** operator has a big name is absolutely true, without any exaggeration.

Three flowers gather top, five gas Chaoyuan"

The gathering of the top is the sage, and the ability to vibrate the second sacred soldier is the five-dimensional dynasty.

However, among the five gas dynasties, there are also strong and weak points. The power of a single light soldier can grow a lot.

If it is to be able to vibrate the five gods in addition to the sacred soldiers, it is equivalent to standing in the realm of the charcoal peak of the Wuqi Chaoyuan.

In this realm, as long as we go further, we can reach the true horizontal realm that can be achieved.

However, if you want Guanghua five soldiers, then it is easier said.

Even if it is Chu Artemisia, it is just a lucky refinement of two

But at this moment, I saw the six different lights on the God operator. He Yiming knew that this person had reached such a height.

In an instant, the valley is full of endless sharp and screaming, full of dazzling radiance.

All of this made up a huge network of light, completely shrouded in one hundred and eight.

However, trapped in this piece of brilliance, as if there is no one to fight back, but there is no panic, and his body has also burst into a huge light.

When the light of the sun shines, everyone has subconsciously squinted their eyes.

Then, the light converges. When the people saw the hundred and eighty from the brilliance of the sacred weapon of the gods, they could not help but face each other, and the look on their faces could not be said to be weird.

At this point, the shield in the hands of one hundred and eight has disappeared. However, at this moment, it is true that there is no flaw.

Because, on his body, has covered a thick layer of body sputum.

This whole body looks at the past from the appearance of the burning novel network and He Yiming's true gas armor is exactly the same, but only He Yiming knows that the essence of their armor is very different.

The armor of He Yiming is made up of infuriating, and its power is in direct proportion to the strength of the infuriating and the strength of He Yiming.

However, the armor of the body is different, and He Yiming can be sure. The armor is like the clothes on his body. It is made up of changes in the body. Only his body can change as he pleases, whether it is soft as water, or as hard as a diamond, it is a thought.

At this moment, in his body, it is undoubtedly the hard armor composed of King Kong.

The streamer in midair suddenly stabbed to the bottom of the chain, only to hear a series of jingle sounds, all the attacks were unrelentingly smashed to the body.

But let everyone be stunned.

At this moment, I didn’t know how many dozens of Fengfeng’s tens of eight, and it turned out to be a real operator.

The endless streamer, the top blow of the top five qi dynasty, did not cause any harm to him.

Not only are the sages on the cliff walls cool in their hearts, but even the gods have a feeling of living and ghosting.

He knows a lot about the power of his own militia. Each of these powers of the gods is a high-level weapon of the gods. Although there is no imitation artifact, it has formed five Wuyang Chaoyuan. The combination of the gods and the soldiers, the power of the power, is absolutely not under any imitation of the gods.

However, such a powerful weapon of the gods can not break the armor of the other party, and even can not do any damage to the other party.

What is this armor? Or what a strange weapon of the gods.

Also, how the body of this person is cultivated, even to such an incredible level, is simply stronger than the holy beast.

In short, this kind of tactics similar to the invisible turtle shell, even the God operator himself is the first time.

Moreover, what made him feel more helpless was that he could not help.

In the meantime, there was a horrific thought in his heart.

Could it be that the hundred and eight in front of him, even the strength of the lord of the lord is not enough?

It was another stream of light, and the five weapons of the gods were again hit with different powers.

After a sudden stop, he reached out and grabbed the void.

time. It seems that it stopped at this moment, and everyone's eyes are concentrated on his right hand.

In his right hand, he caught a long sword with a strange brilliance.

The hundred-eighth hand wrapped in armor, tightly held on the sword, no matter how the Jianguang swayed, the arm of the arm was steady as a mountain, and even the slightest trembling had never been born.

The face of the **** operator is pale and there is no trace of blood. His eyes are full of horror. The eyes that look at the hundred and eight are also looking at a ghost. In addition to panic, they are still scared.

Above the cliffs, the sages held their breaths one by one, and their bodies were soaked in a cold sweat without knowing it.

What did they see?

Empty hand to win the white blade?

In the confrontation between the general warriors and even the confrontation of the innate powers, there may be such a However, the two people who played at this time, they are not ordinary people, but the sages, and It is the top five qi dynasty.

Compared with the masters in this class, the power of using the weapon of the gods is definitely far from the sky.

Therefore, the so-called empty hand to win the white blade, in this level of brush, it is simply a big joke today.

However, at this moment, everyone saw it and a joke became a reality.

In the hands of the hundred and eight, the long sword that is in control is a weapon of the gods of the great man.

A few: First, if you can come back early in the afternoon, you will have another chapter after the code is finished.

It will return to normal tomorrow.

It was already the first place last night, but it seems to be falling behind. We will continue to work hard, and we will not admit defeat for 22 days!

Seeking a monthly ticket" (to be continued)

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