Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 23: condition

One hundred and eighty silently looked at him, there was no glory in the eyes. *

Like the head, it is simply not moving.

Even the other saints above Tianchi Mountain are trembled and stunned when they see the gods. They are even more excited about his praise.

However, one hundred and eighty is a special secret, even if it is facing the **** operator, it is still without words, as if in his eyes there is no such person.

This attitude made He Yiming also squeezed a cold sweat.

The **** operator smiled slightly, and he was not angry at all, but what he said was a surprise to He Yiming.

"Hundred brothers, the old man wants to have a meeting with you 4p, I don't know what you mean?"

He Yiming suddenly looked up, double Q 炯炯 looked at the **** operator, the heart calculated his meaning.

The expression of the **** operator is not the same as the one hundred and eight, but it has the same effect.

The smile on his face seems to be a painting and will never fade.

"The old man has read countless people in his life. When he meets for the first time, he can see each other in the same place. But today, when he meets with the two, he knows that the old man’s calculations are still far worse." Thousands of words, "He Xiaodi will stop, how many can still see a score of three or five, but in the face of the hundred brothers, the old man is actually a little bit can not see."

He Yiming’s heart didn’t know what it was, but he knew that it’s normal to see it, and it’s not normal to see it.

However, his idea was obviously not recognized by the God operator. The old man took advantage of the long-term, and said, "It is because the old man can't see through it, so he will see the hunter and joy, and want to communicate with the hundred brothers."

He Yiming coughed and said: "God is an adult, and a hundred brothers are not good at fighting with people. I think it is free."

If when they come up, the **** operator does not allow them to meet the treasure pig, then He Yiming is definitely speaking without saying anything. But now Bao pig not only sees it, but also drinks with the white horse. He naturally has a mindset and is unwilling to conflict with the second person on the Tianchi Mountain.

The **** operator smiled slightly and said, "What do you mean by Bai brother?"

He Yiming quickly made a look at the hundred and eight, but, unexpectedly, the hundred and eight turned his head and looked at the pig that was playing. Then he turned around and said, "If I am jealous, Bao pig will follow us later."

He Yiming looked at the hundred and eight, and almost thought that his ears were out of order.

Although before he came here, he had already felt that a hundred and eight people seemed to have made great changes. However, what he can't think of anyway is that this guy has changed too much.

The two beasts that are playing are suddenly stopped at the same time. They have two big eyes and small eyes, and they seem to be suspicious of their ears.

Whether it is white lightning or Bao pig, it has the inferiority, even the wisdom of normal human beings.

They have been with each other for a long time, and they have long been accustomed to this powerful, but hobby-like character.

In their impressions, this stuffy gourd will certainly not accept the challenge of the **** operator, but did not expect that the hundred and eight not only took the challenge, but also proposed such an additional condition.

At this point, they all understand that why is it willing to take a shot?

Bao pig stunned, suddenly slammed the white horse thunder, and flew like a fly to the body of the hundred and eight, as in the past, the two front hooves clung tightly on its chest, at the same time, in its There was a series of buzz in the mouth, which seemed to be talking about what it was like.

God's operator is helpless, "Bao pig, you little guy, you will eat inside and outside, the lord and the old man have raised you for hundreds of years."

Bao pig turned around and yelled at him for a while, as if he was discerning something.

One hundred and eight finally became impatient. He reached out and grabbed the post-bearer of Bao pig. He gently pulled it, and Bao pig couldn’t hold his body anymore.

He gave the beggar to He Yiming, and he said calmly: "How are you considering?"

The smile on the face of the **** operator finally converges, and his eyes flashed a hint of appreciation.

I don't know how many years have passed. It seems that since he lived in this house, no one dared to talk to him in front of him.

Even if the Sovereign Master met him, it was equally polite.

This kind of zosole's aggressive attitude, and the face of himself, is still such a strong and confident figure. When was the last time I met, what time is it... The air around seems to be When he was dignified, Bao pig struggled two times in He Yiming's arms, but he felt that He Yiming's palm was as stable as Taishan. The more he earned, the stronger he was, and he even had to breathe.

In desperation, it had to be honest and sturdy, staying, and not moving. It doesn't want to be strangled alive, it's not fun at all.

"Okay, I promised."

The short five words came out of the mouth of the **** operator, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly relaxed. Even He Yiming had a sigh of relief.

Only one hundred and eighty-one did not know, said; "Where.

The gods waved their sleeves and smiled. "You will come with me."

From his body, suddenly a huge and strong atmosphere, and then the bright light cut through the thick fog, illuminating the entire estate.

He Yiming’s body swayed a little, and under the pressure of this breath, he could not hold on.

Zhangkou, the flower of the five colors spit it out. "Instantly, it became a light curtain. It covered a layer of his body. When this set of five elements was formed, the pressure of He Yiming’s body was only Lightened a lot, to the point where he can afford it.

A scorn came from behind, He Yiming turned his head and saw that the thunder and lightning came to his side. Its big eyes were full of hostility, and the unicorn on the head was faint and could see a flash of purple light. .

The thunder and lightning also felt that the guy in front of him was not irritated, or that no one in the people they met had any more terrible breath than him.

He Yiming suddenly moved in his heart and shouted badly.

He immediately looked down and looked at the face covered by the armor. There was a sudden pressure on him that he could barely bear, and how the Bao pig could live, so He Yiming’s heart was worried about the safety of the pig. . But what I didn't expect was that the treasure pig in the center of the storm had almost an expression of one hundred and eighty. It seemed that there was no such thing as an overwhelming momentum.

This kind of dull feeling made He Yiming laugh and cry, but also deeply felt the envy that could not be said for a while.

The body of the **** operator slowly rose into the air under the cover of the light column.

He smiled and said, "Hundred brothers, please come with the old man."

After all, his body shape has turned, and it is already flying away in the distance.

The body of the hundred and eight is also a colorful light, chasing it up there with no slowness.

He Yiming's face changed suddenly, and he quickly turned over his horse. There was no need to wait for his call. The white horse lightning has turned into an electric light, and it has already caught up in an instant.

The huge momentum that has just come, has been passed through the entire dense fog area for a moment. All the cultivators who are practicing or not practicing are all looking at the two rays of the sky. .

Although they are foggy, they are able to see it clearly with their eyesight.

In their hearts, all of them caused a slight wave of vibration.

In Tianchi, there are still people who dare to be enemies with the gods, which is too uncomfortable. However, when they saw that the figure fluttering in the sky, they realized that the original challenger turned out to be a master of the same rank.

In an instant, among the seven or eight individual courtyards, people jumped out. They all ran toward one place, because they knew that if the gods were to fight against the masters of the same rank, then in the whole Tianchi, There is only one place that is most suitable.

However, these people just ran out for a moment, and there was a flower in front of them, and then a white light glided from their eyes and burned the novel network, and it disappeared instantly.

These veteran sages face each other, their hearts are faintly cold, such degrees are actually such a degree... Their eyes are sharp and far-reaching, so it can be seen that this white light is actually a white horse. But what exactly is the horse that can have such an amazing degree.

“What is this?” asked one of the nobles.

"This is a preparation." Xu Zili’s voice sounded, and his face was heavy. "But this is not an ordinary horse."

These people practiced at the main peak of Tianchi, and the one with the shortest time has passed 50 years. Although everyone in the week is not very close, they are familiar with each other.

After listening to Xu Zili's words Everyone is in the heart of the dark. This is not nonsense, the ordinary horse has run so fast. Xu Zili sighed and said; "The holy beast is the holy beast, and it is really different. The face of the congregation has changed, and several insiders immediately exclaimed the work." Is this the white horse thunder? "Yes, if it is not the thunder and lightning, who can run so fast." Xu Zili affirmed "why is it going to chase the opera operator?" another person asked.

Xu Zili smiled and shook his head. "This old man doesn't know."

The man turned and speeded up, although he knew that if he talked about it, it would be a hundred thousand miles away from the white horse, but in any case, he would go on a side.

A few of them held the same idea and instantly left the fog area, appeared on the mountainside, and rushed down the mountain.

Among them, Xu Zili is most worried. Although he does not know what happened, he also guessed that this is definitely related to He Yiming.

Otherwise, he living in the lowest courtyard, it is impossible to ride a white horse from the higher peak.

At this moment, he prayed silently in his heart, no matter what, no big disaster.

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