Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 8: Southern Xinjiang vs Dashen

Everyone's eyes were seen in the place where the sound came, and then the expressions of the people suddenly became rich and colorful.

Under the high platform, He Yiming and the Golden Battle confronted each other for two days, and even challenged at the same time.

"He brother, I opened it first, let me give it to you." The golden battle rang.

He Yiming’s head shook like a rattle. He said: “It’s not right. This is the main peak of our Tianchi. It should be taken by me.”

The Golden Campaign did not have a good spirit: "He brother, you didn't hear it, he said everyone from Dashen."

He Yiming has a serious and nodded, very serious Taoist work. "We are not coming from Dashen."

When he said this, all the people who knew him were all dumbfounded, and the so-called strong words were justified.

The Golden Battle was helpless, and he sang a bit, and suddenly he slammed it. He Yiming shot his hand and grabbed his arm.

The strange eyes stunned He Yiming, of course, the Golden Battle did not believe that he would shoot against himself, saying: "He brother, what do you want to do?"

He Yiming is convinced that "you don't want to start suddenly, this set is in front of me, regardless of the gold battle, and he just wants to take the lead. As long as he and Li Jiangfeng hand in hand, He Yiming can't help. However, in the central Daping exhibition, He Yiming, who had been on a trip, was prepared and stopped him in advance.

As soon as the eyeballs turned, the Golden Campaign lowered the voice and said: "He brother, Li Jiangfeng's daughter is also very powerful. "You might as well challenge her, Ba."

He Yiming deeply nodded with the same feeling, Daogong "She is really powerful, is a good opponent, our brother relationship is so good, I will give her to you."

"Nonsense, Lao Tzu does not hit a woman in his life." The Golden Battle gnashed his teeth.

"But I don't want to fight with women." He Yiming said innocently.

When Li Jiangfeng’s gaze saw the golden battle, he suddenly showed a very high war in the two days, and he shouted: “Golden brother, since you have to start, why are you still dragging and pulling. Where did the old spirit go?”

The Golden Battle roared, and your heart blinked. I didn't see He Yiming holding my arm. I can't cut my arm and fight with you.

"He brother, you also heard it, it is his name to challenge me." The golden battle double eyebrows and one singer smiled and shook his head, finally loosened the palm of his hand, sighed in his heart, the reputation of the gold battle is outside, he is at this point The loss was a mess.

After seeing the two of them, this person did not hesitate to choose the gold battle, and gave him a smile in the golden battle. He whispered: "There is one left for you." After that, he turned and Take a big step forward. At the moment he turned around, he suddenly made an incredible amount of gas from his body. At this moment, the golden battle is like a huge sun, with an incomparable giant. He is the light in his eyes. Four beaches have a firm color on their faces.

In contrast, Li Jiangfeng’s eyes are also flying in the air. Their four eyes meet in midair, and it seems that there is an infinite spark in the emptiness.

Of course, this spark is not really appearing in nothingness, but in the feelings of everyone.

The war and the arrogance of the two of them are already powerful as the essence at this moment.

When Wei Zongjin on the ring came to see the opening of the Golden Campaign at the beginning, his face suddenly became extremely ugly. But when the powerful momentum that popped up in the Golden Battle was even moving for him, "his face flashed a smile."

He Yiming, this guy, really has a means that ordinary people can't imagine.

However, it is a faint thing for him to pay for such a friend.

Li Yajing's face changed slightly. She didn't seem to think that she would encounter such a powerful master here. Before she came here, she had been full of confidence, but until this s1, when she saw the battle of gold "And feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the princes, the princes, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the most powerful, the abandonment of the Zhou dynasty Qiankun will kill the gods of the gods and seal the throne of the gods to seek the devil. The world’s most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty’s gods will kill the gods and the gods, and the throne will be the most powerful and abandon the big Zhou royals. Not inferior to Li Jiangfeng's strong breath and war, she finally began to worry.

"Hey..." Li Yajing whispered, "Let your daughter take the shot for you."

Her hand gently waved, and the imitation of the Kowloon furnace began to spin up in her palm.

Li Jiangfeng laughed dumbly, said: &t; 迳 is my battle with Jin brother, can not fake others. He waved his hand and said, "Let's go back." ”

Although Li Yajing was unwilling, but hesitated a bit, he turned and re-boarded up to the top, leaving only the two outstanding figures who once dominated Dashen and South Xinjiang.

Li Jiangfeng’s voice is loud and powerful. “Golden brother, the last time I missed it, we can’t think we are all successful.”

The Golden Battle laughed and said: &t; Li brother, you are wrong. ”

Li Jiangfeng gave a slight glimpse, and his particularly huge eyes smashed twice, with a hint of confusion inside.

The golden battle is very high-spirited, and his voice is filled with a strong self-confidence that stands proud of the world.

"With the talents of both of you and me, if you can't advance to the Supreme, that's the real thing you can't think of.

Li Jiangfeng’s big eyes were twice again, and then he laughed loudly. “Golden brother said it was good.

The two simple sentences of the two of them are heard in the ears of the rest of the people, but they have different feelings. The martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred king, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the week. The royal family will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night gods The throne seeks the devil to be proud of the world's most powerful and abandon the big Zhou Dynasty. Just, watching them so conceited, and the momentum of the heroic and dry clouds, everyone has a hint of instinct in their hearts.

At this moment, those new sages are not thinking about it. If one of the two people standing below is their own, then this northwest is not white.

Li Jiangfeng waved his hand, and the mist in his hand tumbling, and instantly became a huge mace.

Almost at the same time, the Golden Battle also moved, his hand waved, and the dragon whip instantly formed.

At the moment when the two weapons were taken out, they burst into the air at the same time, and the body had left the place and collided in midair.

Countless huge sharp crashes converge into a much longer, louder sound.

Just like the bronze bells that were ringing in the ancient temple of the millennium, they spread out in all directions.

The two of them suddenly separated in the air. When both of them landed, everyone could clearly see that their bodies, especially their hands, were gently squatting.

Whether it comes from Da Shen or from the Supreme People of Southern Xinjiang, their faces are not the ultimate in dignity.

No one has ever thought that the confrontation between the two men would be so fierce and unbelievable.

Their first collision was immediately the tip of the needle, and no one took a step back. No one thought about attacking the rest. Instead, they used their weapons to wave their power in the strongest posture. The collision of the ultimate force.

After seeing this scene, even if He Yiming is also slightly changed.

In the middle of the capital, he and the Qilian double demon have also had five lines of collision. At that time, it was also the complete confrontation of the power of the Five Elements. If it was based on the momentum and power, it was above it. But if it is compared with the momentum between the two men in front of you, it will be inferior.

In the confrontation just now, they seem to have put their lives and deaths out of the way. In their momentum, there is only one intention expressed, that is, to knock down the other side, fight and fight.

Seeing the confrontation between the two of them is like watching a fierce battle with thousands of people.

There is no warfare technique, no five-line exercises, and the pure force and force confrontation is filled with the alternative beauty that makes everyone feel scared.

The golden war screamed and laughed.) Road 1 "Happy 1111"

In the long laugh, he took the lead and rushed toward the other side. The dragon whip in his hand was like a power, rolled up a gust of wind, and brought a scream, still heading towards the other side.

Li Jiangfeng also laughed. His mace took advantage of the length. He swept over and met the dragon whip halfway, and another loud noise came out.

The movements of the two people are getting faster and faster, and they are becoming more and more unrestrained, and the sound of the deafening sound is endless.

However, at this moment, He Yiming and others have already seen it.

After the first confrontation between the two of them, they also began to make subtle changes. Although Wuzhi on both sides is dominated by big troubles, there are also no small turns and hard work.

From the beginning, the two lions had a hard and hard collision, and at this time they used their sharp teeth and sharp claws.

The degree of danger is much larger than it was just now. Anyone who is careless will definitely be seriously injured on the spot, and even may have left his life.

Before entering the realm of life and death, even in such a dangerous way to fight, any lose party can not bear such losses.

For a time, the whole big skill field was already silent, except for the two people who fought, the hearts of the rest of the people were hung up high.

In particular, the three veteran sages have a hint of remorse in their eyes.

Huarui Jin suddenly whispered "Ai Xiong, the sect of the sect of the sect, or the singer of the singer is free. Yumian Fei suddenly understood his thoughts, and he raised his eyebrows. I also looked at it with hope.

Under this circumstance, it is possible to separate the two mad masters without any loss, and fear that only these two.

Ai Wenbin smiled a bit, and his heart screamed that he was unlucky. He even encountered these two unreasonable guys.

He swept his hand gently, and the innate master behind him slowly stepped forward.

He whispered a few words, and the man respected it, and quickly turned away.

Seeing that the disciple had left in a hurry, the three talents had a little peace of mind.

However, at this moment, there is a sudden change in the field.

After Li Jiangfeng waved the past and burned the novel network, and the dragon whip of the Golden Battle swayed, he suddenly opened his mouth. The spurt from his mouth was not a tangible flower, but a strong group. The red pillar of fire, like the size of a fist.

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