Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 168: Dragon whip new owner

After He Yiming left, he immediately ran forward, his movements reached the extreme, and soon he came to the beach.

Here, one hundred and eight has already set up a shelf, and is being turned over, while the Bao pig is particularly active, and the active sea has captured Min Shi big fish, and piled up in front of the hundred and eight.

He Yiming's gaze passed over them, and he did not hesitate to take out the silver ring from the chest. A lot of infuriating rushed in, but the magical space had already opened.

I reached out and rummaged through it, taking the long whip that was placed in the corner.

Although He Yiming does not know the origin of this long whip, he has some understanding of the characteristics of this long whip. According to the dragon gun in the hands of the Golden Battle, this long whip seems to have been forged from the dragon skin.

Of course, whether or not he is so, He Yiming does not dare to guarantee, but he has a simple test method.

Put away the ring space, He Yiming came to the fire, took the six grilled fish on the side and took it.

Bao pig suddenly jumped up and blocked it in front of He Yiming. It lingered for a long time and seemed to be explaining something.

He Yiming looked down at its front hoof, where the white horse lived in the direction. He smiled and suddenly understood the meaning of the pig.

Divide the grilled fish in the hand into two, and hand it over to the burning novel network. The pig immediately opened his eyes and opened the way.

He Yiming laughed and left, and went to Dongfu.

I think that in this small team of my own, I have a good relationship with Chu Artemisia, but Bao pig has a very close relationship with White Horse. The relationship among them is strange to the extreme.

At the moment of Shao’s stepping into Dongfu, He Yiming’s heart also had a few points.

Suddenly, a handful of weapons of the gods in his own hands will definitely cause doubts in Chu Artemisia. Although he deliberately went to a place where he went to a hundred and eight, he had some tastes of stealing.

However, He Yiming believes that with the skill of Chu Artemisia, it should not be deliberately asked about this question.

Sure enough, when He Yiming came back, Chu Artuo was simply not mentioning why he had just left.

All the roasted fish in the hands were thrown to the Chu Artemisia. The old man was also welcome. He opened his mouth and ate a few times. However, the old man’s eating is much better than the first time. At least understand the truth of eating fish spit.

After the old man finished eating, he casually used the sleeves made of animal skin to wipe off the greasy mouth. He said sincerely: "He brothers, you have all encountered a shipwreck, and you can bring so many spices, this heart is really Great, the old man admire."

He Yiming shook his head in a dumb, and these spices were all brought in by the Golden Battle. He was not thrown away because of his brotherhood. Unexpectedly, he really encountered such a situation on a deserted island. His heart was extremely grateful for the Golden Battle.

"He brothers, you just left, not just bring a few grilled fish over." Chu Artemisia put away a smile, a true color.

He Yiming smiled dumbly, knowing that this person, his wrist turned over, has taken the dragon whip on the waist.

In fact, at the moment he entered the cave, Chu Artemisia had already seen the black whip on his waist. It’s just that the old man’s cultivation is excellent, he has always been blinded, and he has devoted his attention to eating fish. Until now, He Yiming took the initiative to take out the dragon whip, and he only fixed his eyes.

Slowly, there was a look of inexplicable look in his eyes.

He Yiming’s heart was a sneak peek. He chuckled and said: “Chu brother, if you don’t want to give up, you may try it. o” He turned his head and said: “Chu brother, but the ugly words are in front, this one The weapon was obtained by me inadvertently in the ghostly ridge, but whether or not the weapon of the gods made by the body of the beast is not absolutely sure. If the brother is unable to use it, please do not disappoint.

Chu Artemisia’s heavy point was nodded. He was deeply absorbed, and there was a strong excitement on his face.

For forty years, he dreamed of obtaining a weapon of the gods that he could use for him. For this reason, he did not hesitate to refine the iron ore for a few days as a day to collect the precious iron.

At this moment, although the path of refining weapons has been broken, but in front of him, it is very likely to be a weapon of the gods that can be used by him.

At this point, his heart is also jumping fast, almost jumping out of the throat.

For many years, he has never been so excited. At this last moment, there are some feelings of suffering.

After taking the long whip in the hands of He Yiming, Chu Artuo slowly instilled the infuriating body in it. Next mystery. 1, he immediately feels the martial arts, the sacred king of the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred priests, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big princes, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred priests, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment Royal martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神.

He violently withdrew the infuriating and threw the dragon whip back to He Yiming. He was not angry: "He brother, are you kidding?"

He Yiming’s heart was suspicious and asked strangely: “Chu brother, is this **** soldier not the refining of the skin of the beast?”

Chu Artemisia’s strolling: “Is this skin made from the skin of the beast, I don’t know. But with your infuriating, I can’t use He Yiming’s slight glimpse, and then laughed loudly. I forgot the matter.

He took the whip, and a lot of infuriating rushed in. In this weapon of the gods, it was his infuriating, when his infuriating gas gradually became a huge vortex. When Mei Shi took out the infuriating inside, a little bit.

In fact, with the strength of Chu Artemisia, even without the help of He Yiming, as long as it takes several months, it will be able to thoroughly refine the infuriating spirit within this weapon, and use it as a weapon of its own.

But for a few months, not only can he wait, but even He Yiming can't wait.

After a while, inside 9! j Zhenqi has been absorbed by He Yiming, and no more points are left.

With a smile, He Yiming took back the infuriating and threw the dragon whip to the Chu Artemisia again.

The old man took over and converge on some inciting mind. After all, his old man is a master of the savvy, just a few breaths, he has completely controlled his emotions.

Later, he calmly instilled the infuriating spirit into it.

This long whip really has the power of unpredictable power. After a lot of infuriating infusion, it slowly straightens up, especially the scales of the whip, which is even more black. Bright light. Each scale is like a gleaming mirror, and like a faint light source, showing a horrible face in his hands, and the heart is full of a sense of awe.

At this time, Chuzhou State also has this feeling.

Especially when he began to manipulate this squadron, there was a sense of awe in the bottom of his heart. It seems that the power hidden in this dragon whip is that he would not want to fully control it.

In the eyelids of Chuzhou State, there is a glimmer of excitement, and the infuriating nature of his body begins to change.

Soon, the dragon whip became red, and even the air in the cave became hot. He waved freely, and the weeds in the bedroom suddenly became burnt and quickly lit.

He Yiming frowned, looking at some of the hustle and bustle of Chu Artemisia, a wave of random.

The fire that just ignited was suddenly dead and disappeared.

Chu Arthur's eyes showed a hint of surprise, but this time, this young strong has already brought him too many surprises, so he just took a look, it is no longer strange.

The color of the dragon whip has once again produced a wonderful change. The whip has become dark, and more importantly, there is a thin layer of water mist on each scale, and the water vapor seems to drop at any time. It looks like it.

The fiery feeling around it disappeared, but it was filled with a full water force.

Then, the force of the blue wind was integrated into the dragon whip. This sly dragon whip suddenly had a more ethereal feeling. It seemed that a pair of wings would fly away at any time.

He Yiming looked awkwardly at the side. When he was manipulating the dragon whip, he never thought that there would be so many changes.

It seems that I just removed the infuriating inside and put it into the space.

In his mind, the value of the dragon whip is far less than that of the big knife and the five-ring ring, so although it is known that this thing is a dragon weapon that is not inferior to the battle of the gold, but it is also not in the heart.

The art of Zhuzhou is different. For him, this weapon of the gods is the treasure that he dreams of. Once he gets it, it is naturally like a life, and he dares not to have a slight scorn.

It is precisely because of the different springs of the weapons that they will react differently after they get the dragon whip.

Under the control of Chu Artemisia, three different forces slowly poured into the dragon whip. The next moment, the dragon whip suddenly began to sizzle surrounded by three different colors, seems to explode at any time.

But whether He Yiming or Chu Artemisia, there is no doubt that this dragon whip has sufficient confidence that it will never burst under pressure.

Sure enough, from beginning to end. The dragon whip is always intact. However, there was a problem in Chu Arthur's body. When his infuriating was halfway through, he was suddenly unable to continue. The three colors were completely dissipated only after the half-tone was maintained.

He Yiming was too curious in his heart, said: "Chu brother, can this whip not fit?"

Chu Artemisia shook his head, his face full of surprises and gratification, said: "This whip is made from the body of the beast, just for the old man. It is only the old man has not completely refining it, can not wave its real "The power is gone." He raised his head and said: "For half a year, at most half a year, the old man will be able to refine it and become the exclusive soldier of the old man."

He Yiming just let go of his heart and hugged his fist to him: "If this is the case, then thank you Chu brother.

Chu Artemisia laughed and said: "A year later, the old man must return to his hometown and let those people know what is called blood debt."

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