Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 151: storm

Looking into the distance, at the limit of the day, I saw a small black spot He Yiming looked around and asked, "Hundred brother, what is this?"

"This is an island." One hundred and eight clear voices came from behind.

"It’s six places." He Yiming said softly. For him who has never been to the sea, the journey of the sea for more than half a month has made him feel a little down to earth.

The direction of the ship changed slightly, and it was not here, but it was far away.

Sailing in the sea, physical and fresh water, are all necessary. However, for He Yiming and others, the requirements in this regard are not high.

After being promoted to the Supreme, He Yiming's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. Even if he does not eat fresh water, he can rely on the power of water in the air to supplement the body's water consumption. And for him, food is even more problematic. Grab a fish in the sea, even if there is no firewood, you can use the power of fire to roast it.

However, the fish that are cooked in this way are somewhat unflattering in terms of taste. Even if the pigs are raised in the craftsmanship of the hundred and eight, they become refused to take it."

As for Bao pig, He Yiming has a very interesting thing. This little guy is actually drinking sea water. It seems to be for it, whether it is fresh water or sea water, it will not be rejected, even in In the ghost crying ridge, he did not eat or drink for more than a month, and he did not see signs of death.

The last is one hundred and eight, but He Yiming will not consider the problem of eating and drinking.

Therefore, for the three creatures on this ship, they can sail forever as long as they do not turn over.

A few days later, they met another six places, which is still an island, but the area is much smaller than the one encountered last time. A few people on board naturally have no interest in wanting to board 6.

However, when the vessel continued to move forward, Hundred and Eight suddenly said: "Your map is not accurate."

He Yiming Hui Yu, said: "What map?"

One hundred and eight wrists turned over and there was already a chart. This thing was taken by Chen Yulin at the time of separation.

He Yiming's brow wrinkles, said: "Impossible, Chen Yulin absolutely dare not play tricks on this.

Indeed, let alone the Haosong with Hao Hao, even if there is no order from the Lingbi Hall, Chen Yulin will never give him a fake picture of the danger of offending a Sayādaw.

One hundred and eight Shen Shen said: "I just said that this map is not accurate. In terms of proportion, the distance between the two islands and their distance from the big 6 is not in agreement."

He Yiming was in a big heart and said: "How could this be, is it really their mistake?"

However, I recalled the passing of Chen Yulin this month. Although this person is not a strong person in the innate realm, but he is very calm and does not seem to make such mistakes anyway.

The slow and slow sounds of the hundred and eight sounds: "These people draw the charts and draw them with their impressions and experience, so they will make such mistakes."

He Yiming said slightly, inexplicably asked: "Hundred brothers, if you do not rely on experience and impressions, how can you get accurate charts?"

Everything is taken for granted: "They should make specific measurements, the distance between all the islands, the distance between all the islands and the big 6 is exactly one inch, and then drawn according to a certain ratio, so that the cabin is enough The most accurate chart."

He Yiming opened his mouth and looked strange.

Although he is not a person who wants to live on the sea. But I also know that the possibility of drawing a chart in this way is actually close to zero without limit.

Not to mention the accuracy, even if it is accurate, there is no such tool to measure.

Shaking his head, He Yiming’s heart was a bitter smile, and the requirements of the hundred and eight were really high.

Suddenly, the sound of one hundred and eight seems to have a little more ups and downs: "Danger.

He Yiming immediately converged his mind and said: "What is dangerous."

"According to my observation, after two hours, there will be a big storm, this time we can't hide."

He Yiming said in his heart, "We have been in the sea for nearly 20 days. We have never encountered any storms. Why did this come suddenly?"

One hundred and eighty silently glanced at him and said: "The weather at sea is unpredictable. We can have twenty days of good luck. It is already very amazing."

He Yiming smiled and said: "Hundred brothers, you have not said that you can control the ship alone."

At this s1, He Yiming, who has no experience, only has one hundred and eight as the only straw.

One hundred and eight helpless words: "If it is a spaceship, it is naturally impossible to be destroyed by this storm, but this level of the ship..."

Although one hundred and eight is not human, at the moment, he seems to be full of grievances.

Let him control such an ancient boat that is exercised by the power of nature alone. It is too strong for people.

He Yiming licked his lips, and the ominous premonition in his heart came again. He turned and quickly browsed through the cabin. Although the equipment on board was very complete, He Yiming had never been concerned about most of the things.

He packed some clothes and put them in the silver ring space. However, before he could close the space of the silver ring, he heard a ping-pong noise coming from his side. Turning around, Bao pig bite the shelf of the grilled fish, covered with a brazier for roasting fish, and came to his side with great pains.

He Yiming’s eyes glanced at these tools, and then looked at the pigs who looked at him with pitiful eyes and kept shaking their tails. Finally, they were so helpless that they stuffed them into the brain. In the space.

Although the ring space is not small, but after stuffing in so many things, there is even a tendency to fill.

When everything was done, there was a faint wind on the surface of the sea, and it gradually increased.

At the beginning, the wind on the sea did not seem to be big, it was still a calm and calm posture, but very quickly, the wind here became huge and unimaginable violent.

They frantically ravage the sea, blowing countless waves, and getting higher and higher.

The boat swayed on the sea, although the high-lifting sails had long been put down, but before the raging waves, the boat was like a toy, and it was turned into a big wave. Keep throwing and throwing away, there is no freedom.

He Yiming’s feet stood on his feet and stood quietly in the center of the boat.

The real airflow in his body turned endlessly, and the power of the earth was used by him to the extreme. He was like "the megalithic stone is generally pressed against the raft. No matter how violent the wind and waves, it is still impossible to subvert the boat easily.

Of course, He Yiming is also doing a complete strategy, standing on his side, and holding the treasure pig in his hand.

He is not afraid of the wind and waves in the sea, because he is confident, even if the boat is turned over, this piece of sea can not take the lives of the three of them.

However, if you lose contact in the sea, then you want to find each other, but it is not an easy task. Even if they have a hundred and eight trackers on their bodies, He Yiming does not dare to take risks easily.

The wind and waves are getting bigger and bigger, rolling waves, like the rolling hills floating on the sea, howling and screaming at the boat.

He Yiming's dedication to the balance of the boat. The infuriating explosion in his body poured into the boat like a running water.

The power of nature is revealed at this moment. Manpower, even with the power of respect, in the face of the power of this real world, has become as small as an ant.

But the more so, the more in the eyes of He Yiming, the more fascinating.

His whole heart is immersed in the confrontation with nature, and every struggle with the huge waves seems to be a life-and-death impact. Every time he drilled out of the rolling waves, his heart was like a grand baptism, which made his mind infinitely clear.

Being able to allow the boat to undulate on the surface of the sea without sinking in this environment is already the limit that He Yiming can reach. At this point, he realized the benefits of being a sage.

If he has not successfully promoted the Sayādaw, then even if he can do this, he has long been unable to continue because of the exhaustion of infuriating.

But now, from the top of the Baihui hole in the head of the huge insults, let him constantly challenge the peaks one after another.

In the big waves, He Yiming faintly grasped, and the powerful water power filled in the air seemed to have some resonance with him.

He Yiming's heart is full of joy. He even has the feeling that if he can withstand the test of this storm, he may be able to wait until after the rain.

Perhaps this is the opportunity for him to condense the flowers of water.

He Yiming He screamed in the sky.

The rumbling whistle pierced the endless wind and rain, leaving a voice of his own in the rough sea.

His confidence swelled up, like the endless sea, spreading to an unimaginable level.

However, just in this s, 1, He Yiming has tasted the joy of sorrow.

His feet suddenly shocked, and then the boat carrying his ups and downs finally could not stand this degree of blow, but was interrupted by the big waves that gave birth to endless power.

He Yiming is a powerful sage, but at this moment it is impossible to protect the entire ship under its own wing.

He lamented, and the whole person suddenly retired from the magical realm. The kind of sentiment of the genius is like a mirror of flowers and snow, and it no longer exists.

All eyes were seen, all the waves and waves, the boundless waters surged, drowning his cover and face.

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