Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 149: Going to sea

However, the sacred ocean of the 瀚 汕 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 波浪 ” 波浪 湛 湛 湛 湛 湛 湛 湛 湛 湛 湛

This is the first time He Yiming actually saw the sea. Although he only looked at the pier, he had already felt a sense of optimism.

When I saw this boundless sea, the first feeling in his heart was that the sea was much bigger than the small lake on the side of Hejiazhuang.

If the lake is a beginner who has just begun to practice martial arts, then this sea is a saint, and the two cannot be said at the same time.

Deeply sighed, the smell here seems to be different from the mainland, with a taste that is exclusive to the ocean.

After leaving the Lingbi Hall, after a month of travel, under the guidance of Chen Yulin, they came to the coastline.

Here is a simple pier. Chen Yulin originally prepared three large ships, personnel, water, medicines and other things are all properly prepared, but he was rejected by He Yiming without hesitation.

He Yiming is traveling to the sea, and Hui is not enjoying the sea. If he brings so many people, he will be able to have a feeling of enlightenment.

Therefore, Chen Yu said that he had no choice but to prepare a small boat.

Although it is a small boat, the length is also more than seven words.

At this time, Chen Yulin stood beside He Yiming, his face full of worry, said: "He Zun, or else the younger generation will accompany you with a few disciples, we promise not to disturb your Xiudong" The little Gu, who has more than seven feet, is not something that can be manipulated by one person, and more importantly, he has heard that this elder has never had experience in sailing.

Let such people go boating alone to the sea. The result is that He Yiming is a sage, and it is still a sensational, the youngest sage in history, but Chen Yulin still can't imagine this, the consequences.

He even suspected that He Yiming could drive the ship out of the sea.

He Yiming smiled and said: "Why, you can't believe me?" After this month's getting along, Chen Yulin is now, He Yiming is really different from the rest of the Sayādaw. At least, in his eyes, he does not regard himself as one, but can be a dispensable person. Although Chen Yulin also knows that this has a lot to do with the age of He Yiming, his heart is quite moved by the Japanese.

At this moment, he bit his teeth and said: "He respects, the younger generation does not believe you, but you have no experience in going out to sea, and the wind and waves on the sea are unpredictable. If it is really windy, this ship is in any case. You can't keep it. So, let the younger generation go up for you." He Yiming feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family will kill the night God **** seals the throne, seeks the devil, respects the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the empire, the gods, the gods, the night gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world Nine Heavens’s strongest abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty’s royal family reached his sincere heart, and reached out and patted him on his shoulder. “Reassured, I came out to be experienced, not sent to death. Go here.”

Chen Yulin’s helpless sigh, finally, did not dare to violate He Yiming’s order. He took out the most detailed nautical charts that had been prepared for a long time, and then took them away with them.

After all of them left, He Yiming’s feet were slightly forced, and it was already blowing the boat like a wind.

The boat is more than seven feet long, but this distance is far from He Yiming, as long as you blink, you can run back and forth.

However, he looked at the sails on the top of the head, as well as the inexplicable equipment on the entire ship, and the head of the ground was as big as a bucket.

Hesitated for a moment, He Yiming first took out the silver ring, opened the space, and stuffed the big package presented by the Golden Battle.

Although he does not care about this thing, but since it was given by the Golden Campaign, he naturally would not throw it away.

Later, he took out the tracker on his chest and said: "Hundred brothers, can you really control a boat by yourself?" The sound of the hundred and eight was passed from the tracker: "Of course, I I have the experience of manipulating the spacecraft alone, and know the skills to survive in all kinds of sinister environments, so you can rest assured." He Yiming took a deep breath, since one hundred and eight said yes, then you can definitely .

Although he does not know what the so-called spaceship is, it must be a big ship. Since a large ship can be controlled by one person, then this boat is naturally a matter of course.

"Hundred brothers, I have already taken all the people away, you can come over." He Yiming said, the body jumped back and returned to the shore.

It didn't take long for a person to run from a distance. It was a hundred and eight. On his chest, the pig was hanging fast, and there was no shaking.

The action of the hundred and eight is extremely fast, from the appearance of He Yiming to his face, but it is just a moment of excitement and a sigh of praise, and said: "Hundred brothers, we can go on board." The gaze of the 28th turned around and said: "Where is the boat?" He Yiming whispered, and he blinked and blinked. He turned and looked at it. The boat stopped at the same place, without any The change is just that I don’t know why. One hundred and eight are turned a blind eye.

"Hundred brothers, the boat is here." He Yiming reached out and said.

One hundred and eighty eyes suddenly lit up like the sun. After half a ring, he asked, "What is this?" He Yiming was awkward, almost like this.

He shook his head and threw out a faint sensation that was extremely rare in his mind.

"Hundred brothers, this is the ship. Do you not even know what the ship is?"

He Yiming’s voice contains a snarl of almost anger, and his heart has a faint hunch.

One, even the people who call the ship do not know, how can it be controlled by one person?

He regretted that he had been accustomed to his omnipotence with a hundred and eight years, but now he knows that in this world, there are things that are not known.

One hundred and eight eyes blinked again. He seemed to be self-aware, and said: "This is the ship. I thought you found the spaceship... and He Yiming’s head reveals a black line, saying:" Baixi, I think Chen Yulin will find them back. "Hundred and eight rare shook his head and said, "No. "Then how do I go out to sea?" ",I come."

"You?" He Yiming prolonged his voice, and his tone was full of suspicion.

"I have found the origin of this ship in the memory." One hundred and eight restored the calm and self-confidence of the past, saying: "According to the record, this should be the watercraft that was made when humans had not left the planet. It The operation is very simple. I can drive even the spaceship, and this old antique is naturally even more important.

He Yiming looked at him with suspicion. After a long time, he finally decided that he had never let himself down, and at least he should believe him once.

Two people and one pig and Tao on the boat, He Yiming followed behind the hundred and eight, see him Dongpu, Xiqiao, seems to be looking for something.

Half a ring, He Yiming couldn't stop, and asked: "Hundred brother, what are you looking for?", the cockpit, holding the control panel. "He Yiming is stunned, and his heart is suspicious. What is this, how I have never heard of it."

After half a sigh, the hundred and eight finally stopped searching, saying: "This ship is more ancient than I expected." He Yiming carefully looked at the hull, although he did not dare to say that Xiao Xin, but even though It is his eyesight that he can see that the ship is 80% new.

Hao Yu’s command, Chen Yulin certainly did not dare to neglect, he chose the best one among the right ships. Ships that have sailed through several winds and waves are much better than those that are new and have not yet been tested.

However, He Yiming did not know. He looked at the serious expression of one hundred and eight, and his heart was amazed. Could it be that a refurbished ship could not be made?

He walked over and asked, "What is this?" He Yiming stared in the direction of his finger. He snorted and said, "This is a sail." "After raising it, you can let the boat be blown forward by the wind." "Understood, this is the power system." So what is this? "This, it should be an anchor." ”

"Action." "Throw it down and you can stop the boat." "Understood, this is the brake system, what is this?" "This... it should be a paddle." "Action." "Crap, The paddle is of course used for boating." "Understood, this is the backup power system, what is this?" I don't know. Hey, what are you doing? "I have to give it a try. What is the use of this thing?" ",,............,..." He Yiming raised his head. He only thought that the future was dark and faint. After two hours, the ship was so good that it opened out. Although it was obviously the first one. Controlling such a ship, but it must be said that this guy does have some skills. After two short hours of exploration, he really made him sail to the sea.

He Yiming came to the bow alone, and in his arms, Bao pig caught him tightly.

When I tried to explore it in 100, the little guy seemed to see that it was not reliable, so he left the very decisively and returned to He Yiming. embrace.

He Yiming, who was holding a pig, had a long, stunned eye for a long time. After the successful rise of the hundred and eight, their hearts suddenly gave birth to a feeling of mutual sympathy.

It’s hard to be assured that the ship was handed over to the hands of the hundred and eight.

On the top of the head, the sails hunted in the sea breeze. He shook his head and looked up. A very uncomfortable feeling came to his mind. He looked around and heard aloud. He carefully asked two "Bai Xiong, did you feel no?" "No, everything is normal." "But" He Yiming hesitated: "How do I feel that this ship does not seem to be moving forward, but is retreating." "I understand, the wind has changed." He came to the bow of the boat and didn't know what adjustments he made. He turned the big banner above.

The huge noise seemed to be more obvious, but the ship went straight ahead.

He Yiming has a long sigh of relief, and his heart has a strong hunch. This time, the trip to the East China Sea is only a disaster.

: Is it a disaster for the East China Sea trip?

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