Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 136: 9 dragon furnace

An angry drink came out of the mouth of He...there was a flash of light in his eyes. In front of him, the huge light and shadow axe was once again formed.

But this time the axe light and shadow is much larger than any one time, and the feeling of giving people is dignified to the extreme.

At the same time as the three sages, He Yiming finally no longer concealed his strength. He brought the infuriating to the apex, and the ten-tenth of the infuriating caused the change of the independent world within the five elements. There is also the same powerful force emerging there.

The combination of the two forces, the power caused by the moment, will never be inferior to the full attack of any two sages.

Coupled with the powerful power of the thirty-sixth style of the mountain, the power of the three powers is no longer one of the three sages to stand alone.

Tickets... The old face changed a lot, and his feet were walking at a strange pace. The body was actually here, and it became looming.

This is one of the certain abilities that the Sayādaw created after the power of the gods to communicate with the heavens and the earth. Just as He, Ming can control the top strength of the wind and the technique of drilling the earth. This is also a variation of the power of the fire.

At this moment, the old ticket seems to have become the fire of the narrow star, and the whole land is constantly jumping. Although He Yiming's giant axe was lifted high, but in an instant lost the chestnut yuan... the old breath, there is a feeling that can not be started.

However, He Yiming was only hesitating to dry up, and the light and shadow of the midair was suddenly rushing down.

When the giant axe was cut, the wind was sharp and harsh, and the huge pressure was like a mountain.

In an instant, the countless star fires suddenly went out, just a little bigger, and the fire of the point became the real body of Chestnut. The singularity of the fire that he has changed has turned out to be a ruthless attempt by this unreasonable means.

He Yiming’s heart was in Daji, and all the power was instantly swept away. The huge axe was cut off without any mercy.

"Boom", the huge sound exploded, and He Yiming's face became a bit weird.

At the last moment, Gabri suddenly rushed up, holding the shield hard and holding the ticket to the old man behind him.

Although He Yiming’s blow was powerful, he had already consumed a part of the infuriating force when he had extinguished countless fires. He then met Gabri, who had a defensive squad, and then he broke his shield again. It was hard to be picked up by him.

Then, a black shadow pierced him silently. When the black shadow approached He Yiming, he even gave him a strange feeling that he was still in the ghost forest.

The five lines circled back and the ground, the rotating ring body touched the fork sword, and immediately blocked the gods that made countless people stunned.

However, a strange force accompanied the fork sword suddenly broke into the body of He Yiming.

If it is normal, this little injury can naturally not have any effect on him, but he has just exerted his full force to open the thirty-sixth style of the mountain, and the infuriating emptiness in the body has been attacked by this sudden attack. Wounded.

Although a lot of infuriating gas rushed into the Baihui hole, it immediately reduced this infuriating, but this also gave him a wake-up call.

The figure flashed again, the ticket... The old man had already rushed out of Gabriel’s shield, and the whole person made a clear stream, and he turned around He Yiming. His feet ran on the ground, and the long sword in his hand flew, and he did not leave the vital parts of He Yiming's body. And Ding Li's body shape turned, once again hidden in the darkness, like a poisonous snake hidden in the dark to choose people, the powerful murder is permeated in this area, making He Yiming secretly shocked No.

Gabriel is also a pair of feet, like a moving castle, holding up the shield and taking most of He Yiming's attack.

These three sages are like a horse-like turn around He Yiming, Gabriel guards, Li Yuan... The old main attack, Ding Liyin is even more gloomy, although he shot the least, but he gave the most headache.

After another fight, He Yiming’s brow wrinkled, and he finally realized the true power of the three sages.

Although they have never teamed up beforehand, these three old monsters, all of them in the three grades, have a rich life in the life, and they are definitely far above, so once they abandon their self-esteem, they put When the position is right, it immediately becomes an offensive and defensive alliance. Naturally, according to the characteristics of each individual, the strength of all people is completely swayed out.

Compared with these warriors who have fought in battle, the strength after adding one more time is definitely greater than three.

After a while, He Yiming has a feeling of beaming his hands. When the three of them have not yet joined forces, He Yiming can kill the Quartet with great arrogance, but at this time it has completely lost such a possibility.

His heart sighed, although the power of the five elements of the ring is strong, but although it can only be swayed, the power of more than double, if you encounter three people who work together, then the possibility of winning Still not big.

However, in this world, it is worth noting that it is worthwhile for the three sages to join forces. Only in the future when going to the deep mountain totem, the wolf, the snake masters of the two masters are afraid that there will not be only three.

He remembers the electric turn, the actual experience and the experience, then when he is not in the enemy, can he pursue the pursuit of the sage?

Between the body flashing, He Yiming has already sneaked into the ground and drilled quickly toward the distance.

Just between a breath, he has penetrated the cliff and flew into the air.

Later, his scene in front of him had a wonderful change, and the familiar line was once again in front of his eyes.

Stepping out, I have crossed this countless line and came to a few dozen feet.

The more familiar the three old Chestnuts are, the more powerful they are, and their confidence is slowly recovering. The only thought is to kill He Yiming on the spot, as for staying in the ghostly ridge. Secrets, they are already innocent.

However, at this moment, He Yiming unexpectedly performed the technique of drilling the ground.

And more importantly, he is not using this skill to seek a counterattack, but to look far away, even after leaving the mountain, even the top strength of the wind system is gone.

At this point, even the idiot knows that He Yiming does not want to continue fighting, but intends to escape.

The eyes of the three people are intertwined in an instant.

Chestnut Yuan suddenly sighed: "This person is young, and there is no limit to the future." Gabriel's face looked quite awkward and said: "If he is a martial art, he will never let us go." Ding Liyin is cold. Looking at them, it is just a cold word: "kill." Almost in an instant, the three of them have already passed this way and decided to pursue the killing.

Because they all know that if this time can not leave the life of He Yiming, then they will never have a second chance.

With this man's horrible refining and five-line ring, this imitation of the gods, it can be seen how close he is to this **** soldier.

As long as he gives him time, this soldier can perfectly fit with him. At that time, his achievements on the martial arts are far from being able to look back.

Therefore, this time the pursuit is the first time that the three of them have teamed up, but it is also the last chance.

The three of them jumped up at the same time. Ding Liyin’s body seemed to have turned into a black mist. The fog in the black mist and the ghostly ridge was different. It moved as fast as the lightning chestnut. The figure was once again, and it turned into a little bit of a beating flame.

These flames are like flowing magma torrents, and they are not inferior to He Yiming.

Gabri’s movements were the simplest. He waved his wrist, and the huge epee suddenly appeared in front of him, waving to the front, and suddenly shot like an arrow from the string.

The three of them are almost as fast as they are, following the follow of He Yiming and chasing the past.

If it is solely for individual combat power, He Yiming holding the five-line ring can definitely defeat any one person, but their degree is almost the same under the limit.

He Yiming certainly can't get rid of these three sages like dog skin plasters, but the three people can't catch up with He Yiming at the same time.

At this point, He Yiming understands why the time when Gabriel tracked the gold battle in the past will be unsuccessful.

After both sides have the ability to communicate with the power of a certain world, the degree of each other is really not much different. Although the escapers occupy some cheap, but want to get rid of the rear tracking, it is not a piece. Easy things.

What's more, He Yiming did not intend to really get rid of their tracking.

Looking back and looking at it, He Yiming looked at the three figures in the distance, and there was a sigh of color in his eyes.

Seeing that there is a mountain in front, He Yiming bowed his head and plunged into the ground.

The three men chasing each other looked at each other, Gabriel vacated, and flashed toward the opposite side of the Ding Liyin’s same lame, immediately sneaked into the ground, and Li Yuan was Slightly slow down and walk slowly towards the top of the mountain.

Their strength is no small feat, they can clearly sense the movement of He Yiming, they are waiting for the best shot.

Suddenly, they are now, He Yiming has changed direction in the underground, so he bypassed Ding Liyin and followed the original way.

When Li Yuan’s eyes were bright, his figure flew down again. He landed on his feet and saw He Yiming drilling up from the soil.

In the hands of a long sword, it has already flown like a flowing water in the past.

He didn't want to fight with He Yiming, but he wanted to drag him. As long as there were counts of time, he could let the other two come. This time, the three people once again joined forces, and will never let him have a chance to escape.

However, at this moment, when he hit a sword, he saw He Yiming turning around.

On his body, he did not see the five-ring ring, but held a quaint stove, and He Yiming’s hand was on the side of the stove...

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