Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 132: Giant axe

He Yiming Ang, a full of powerful and extremely confident self-satisfaction from his heart, is like the waves of the sea rumble.

When Gabri once again beat the wolf and retired, He Yiming’s heart was leaking.


Before the 10th day, he was in the hands of Gabri, there was no chance of winning at all, especially when he was surrounded by the other epee. Even if you want to escape, it is unlikely.

But it is only after ten days. This situation is gone forever.

· What he used is not the strongest twenty-fifth style currently mastered, only the twenty-first type, and only using 50% of the infuriating, it will already let the other gods appear. crack.

Although he knows well, most of the credit goes to the five elements of the ring.

If it weren't for this imitation of the militia that would force all the five elements of the world, if not, when he shot, the five elements would have the corresponding strength to cooperate with him, then he would not It may be so easy to make the other party so embarrassed.

At this point, He Yiming finally realized that the artifact is an artifact, even if it is a replica artifact, it is definitely not a general so-called weapon of the gods.

Especially when the user's cultivation is to climb the Supreme, they can truly exert the power of these imitation artifacts.

He felt quite embarrassed at the thought of his own appearance with the five-line ring.

It turned out that the old self was as shallow as the frog at the bottom of the well.

Gabriel suddenly screamed, and the whistle was filled with a tragic smell. His eyes were faintly red, and the momentum that had already weakened in the body suddenly expanded again. A lot of infuriating madness came out, and the hands suddenly burst into a fog.

It’s just a moment, these fogs have disappeared on the shield, and the crack on the shield is now intact.

He turned out to be guided by his own perfection. The shield was completely repaired in an instant.

He Yiming is just a promotion to the Supreme. But I have read a lot of books in this area.

Knowing that the atomized gods are damaged, they can rely on their own instinct to slowly cultivate and recover. But this requires a process, and the specific time depends on the level of repair and the damage of the soldiers.

However, the magical method of replenishing the damaged gods in such an instant is unheard of.

He was moved in his heart and immediately understood that this was Gabriel’s unique study, or that it was not a secret of a certain Western sect.

Gabri took a deep breath, screamed in the mouth, and once again raised the giant shield, his eyes were higher than the shield, so he was like a bullfighter, stepping on the ground and rushing toward He Yiming.

He Yiming laughed, he had already sensed it, and the momentum of Gabri became stronger. He seemed to be exerting some kind of thorn wave potential, which enabled the combat strength to be greatly improved in a short time.

However, Gabri never imagined that he only used 50% of the power. If he knew the mystery and knew that the five elements could provide the corresponding strength, then his only choice at the moment is still desperate, but only It’s desperate to escape, not a desperate attack.

He Yiming's eyebrows fluttered, his face was fearless, stepping forward, the five lines in his hand, and the twenty-sixth style of the opening mountain were cast on his hand.

In front of him, the same axe light appeared.

After the twenty-first style, the energy of each type is much larger than that of the previous one. Especially with the difference of the people who use it, the difference between the two can be far worse.

When the twenty-second style was cast out, the surrounding space was suddenly shackled by the powerful force of the pole.

The two pieces of the weapon of Gabriel in the hands of Gabriel originally belonged to the gold-dyed power - but at the moment under the attack of He Yiming, it was impossible to sway the sharp characteristics of the Jin Su power.

However, this can't blame him. The power of the imitation of the militia in He Yiming's hand is too great. In addition, he is still able to use the gold-level warfare technique that has been passed down through the ancient times. In this case, whether it is a weapon or a slap in the case of "the technique is grammed, Gabriel's power can be restrained to the utmost extent, and even half of the squad in the Q can not be embarrassed."


Another loud noise, Gabri was once again beaten and turned to the head - far away. In the hands of He Yiming, he did not say that he did not have the power to fight back, even if the work of parry was gradually lost.

He Yiming stepped out on his feet as if he had stepped directly into the air, following the other side’s chasing the past.

He Yiming was keenly aware of the traction of the talented machine. Gabriel’s momentum has reached a low point, and he has even raised fear and fear. If there is no guess, Gabri has no longer had the courage to fight alone.

However, how can He Yiming easily let go of this person, he stepped forward, just like a meteor catching the moon, his eyes tightly locked Gabri in the air, the breath between the two is even more Tightly linked together.

The light of the five elements in the hands is more powerful, and the power of the twenty-third style begins to condense again! !

In front of him, the shadow of the huge light axe is looming, as if he is willing, he can instantly condense and give off powerful power.

However, at this moment, He Yiming’s double-eared emblem made a move, and he actually caught a little strange sound at this time.

Although this sound is extremely light. But in his ears, it is loud and thunderous.

He Yiming’s footsteps kept on, but the blood on his body had already risen, and his war was unprecedentedly high, even if he was facing the bear promise in the past, in the face of the Qilian double demon,

There has never been such a high morale.

A black ray suddenly spurted out from a side wall shadow.

This radiance is unremarkable, there is no murderousness, there is no wind, and it seems that the person who has pierced this light has used some strange method to oscillate the surrounding air, so there is no point from beginning to end. The voice is waving.

However, he did not know that He Yiming's singularity has been cultivated to the extreme. When he was close to a distance, He Yiming had already "listened" to his existence. It is also because of the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king of the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred priests, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big princes, the princes, the night gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest武动乾坤 will kill the gods of the gods, the throne of the gods, seek the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the young, the royal family, the other . Therefore, his heart has a stronger sense of pride and enthusiasm.

Seeing this black shadow is about to be stabbed. He Yiming’s face was exposed - a strange smile, just like the cloth was stuck. A thousand hardships finally waited for the emergence of prey.

Then, the road in front of him was always a looming giant axe light and formed in an instant, and moved from the front to the side.

At the same time, his air machine was also transferred, and the breath of the person who appeared on the side of the body was firmly locked.

With the power of one person, even in the face of the two great people - distracted and locked the two

interest. So timid, it is enough to be shocking.

Hidden in the secret sneak attack. Nature is the sacred assassin from Huangquanmen.

Among the strong people at the Sayādaw level, very few people will make secret sneak attacks. Because once this is done, it means that there is no trust in the heart of the martial arts, and there is considerable hindrance to the future advancement. So no less than a last resort, no one will choose to sneak like this.

However, for the Huangquan Gate in the East and the Assassin Guild in the West, there is no such jealousy.

Just as dogs can't change the habit of eating cockroaches, no matter what the assassin's cultivation has reached, they are ultimately assassins. If they suddenly come out to challenge the big and bright, it is something that people feel unacceptable.

However, when Ding Li steals his hand and sees the smile on He Yiming’s face, he knows

Not good.

Subsequently, the appearance of the other party's air and the appearance of the giant axe and light shadow made him more sure.

My own thoughts.

He Yiming turned out to be his long-term existence...

With this in mind, the shock in Ding Li’s heart can be imagined.

It can be seen that at the time of the battle with Gabri, He Yiming actually had more effort.

His mind just flashed this thought, and the huge axe light and shadow had already collided with his fork sword.

Huge, unimaginable power came from the giant axe.

Ding Lide’s face changed greatly, and he finally understood.

Why Gabri holding such a huge shield will be flew out by He Yiming and his axe, because the power contained in this axe is too strong.

This power has completely exceeded the limits he can bear.

The next moment, his body has already flown, high flying guide and side.

However, unlike Gabriel's desire to stabilize his body shape, he turned out to be a retreat. With this powerful and irresistible force, he took the initiative to retreat.

In an instant, he has already flown a few dozen feet away, like the empty J!, the birds that go, generally can not see the slightest look of wolf He Yiming heart praise, he A blow has given out 60% of the power, with the amplitude of the five elements of the ring, has been more than 10 to 10 Q!) The power is more powerful, plus the Kaishan thirty-six type can pick up the thief The level of combat technology, the power of the power, far from the Huangquanmen's Supreme Assassin can be picked up by the fork sword.

The reaction of the Sayādaw assassin is also coming to an extreme. Once the feeling is unstoppable, it is a force to fly back, not only avoiding the injury, but also far away - pulling the distance between each other, let He Yi I can’t catch up.

Compare the reactions of the two sages. The only feeling of He Yiming is that the Eastern Sayādaw really understands the way of change than the Western Sayādaw.

He slammed his body, his eyes glanced in the direction of the two sages on the private side of the front, and from his body, there was a great feeling.

He is arrogant, swinging his sleeves, and the light on the five elements of the ring shines brightly.

His demeanor, his voice, his imposing manner, are filled with a taste of the world.

"There is another one, why not here."

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