Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 129: Ripple escape

The reason why he held the pigs was because the pigs had been to the other side's acupoints, for fear that the big python would be remembered. As for the hundred and eight...

To be honest, He Yiming does not think that there is anything in this world that can kill him. Even the big python on the top of his head, even if he was torn into pieces, it is estimated that he can slowly recover.

Today, He Yiming has been promoted to the Supreme, and he is better at comprehending the power of the wind. It is as fast as lightning. Just when the sound of the giant python had not stopped, He Yiming, who was holding the pig, had already reached the edge of the gray-black fog.

However, just in this s1, He Yiming’s body suddenly stopped.

A suction, a huge unimaginable suction came from behind his back, and he was firmly sucked.

At this moment, He Yiming’s heart suddenly felt a sense of fear, like an invisible sword framed over his neck, causing his body to fall. Stand up.

Since He Yiming had the experience of the lake, he had only had a similar feeling.

That time, under the cover of Sogo and the Red Wolf King, the combination of the snake and the stone king was a blow, and he almost made He Yiming a fate on the spot.

At that time, He Yiming had a similar sensation.

However, at that time, the old man of Minamata saved his life at the last minute, and this s1, He Yiming has a sense of isolation and helplessness.

His body was so fast and swift, and his body seemed to become heavy in an instant.

Huoran, his feet have been stepping on the ground, and the infuriating body has become a strong earth system. He wants to use the technique of drilling the earth and sneak into the ground.

But in the next moment, he is now, this is simply impossible.

Around him, it seems that there is an indescribable gust of wind, endless gray-black fog, flying toward a place.

The powerful suction has a deadly threat, and even the ground is blown up.

Moreover, within the scope of suction, it seems that there is still an inexplicable force. Under the blessing of this power, even if he wants to use the technique of drilling the earth, it is impossible to perform. Because his power once spilled out of the body, it was suddenly destroyed by this suction, and there was no room for display.

At this point, He Yiming's face changed greatly, he really feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big empire, the night prince, the night god, the gods, the throne Proud of the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne to seek the magic of the world, the nine strongest days, the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned The great horror of the Big Mac to the top of the Big Mac.

This is definitely not something humans can handle, at least not what he can deal with.

Holding the Bao pig, He Yiming suddenly found the whole person on the ground.

He has abandoned the dignity of being a new sage, and in this case, as long as he can save his life, everything is unscrupulous.

When his body touched the ground as a whole, the earth power could finally be used. The ground beneath him turned into a muddy pond, and the whole person sank.

After entering the ground, He Yiming breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, I have mastered the technique of drilling the ground long ago, otherwise this time it is difficult to fly.

However, he just relaxed a little bit of mood, and the sweat of his body was once again smashed.

The feeling of a strong crisis that has reached the extreme has once again appeared.

Although he did not know where the danger was coming from, his feelings clearly told him that he was once again caught in something that seemed to be a must.

The earth's strength in the body was boiling, and it was spinning in an incredible degree.

It was only between the two, He Yiming had already moved, and he was moving at a height in the ground.

At the same time, he took out a hand, the hand tumbling, and instantly formed a five-line ring.

The golden light flashed from the five-row ring quickly. At the moment when the light of the road appeared, the sand and mud under the ground instantly turned into a real water flow, letting him travel and hire, without a little bit. Obstruction.

He Yiming's perception of the strength of the soil has reached a very high level, coupled with his special physique, so he can reach these places under the ground.

However, the sense of crisis that hangs over my heart does not seem to have been in the past, and the more powerful it is.

He Yiming walked through the ground while his ears swayed fiercely.

At this critical juncture, He Yiming can no longer retain the slightest. Any strength, as long as he can help him, he will not hesitate to display it.

There was a subtle "sand" sound in the ear. When the sound just sounded, it seemed to be some distance from him, but it was only a few blinks of effort. This voice was suddenly much bigger.

He Yiming was scared to be almost flying, but did the big python actually dig into the ground and "can't catch up?"

He hated in his heart, the power of the whole body swayed out, and the degree of walking through the ground was almost twice as fast. Under the strong sense of crisis, He Yiming has already used the strength of breastfeeding.

However, even if He Yiming is already doing his best, the voice of Shasha is still approaching with a faster degree.

Finally caught up with him.

In front of the flower, the soil behind him suddenly broke open. He Yiming took the opportunity to make a decision. He didn’t even return to the head. In this way, the five elements were ringed up, and the people had already smashed out of the ground like a fly.

He just flew into the air, and the weird and powerful suction suddenly moved like a shadow.

He Yiming couldn't figure out anyway, and the way the guy on the top of the mountain passed the way to lock his position. To say that it depends on sight, or hearing, He Yiming does not believe in dumplings.

No matter what he does, it seems that he can't get rid of the surveillance of this beast.

When the man was in the air, He Yiming’s figure flew to the distance, only a few blinks of time, and he had already returned to where he had stood.

After a hard time fleeing for a long time, she was sucked back to the place.

In the eyes of the fine man, the five elements of He Yiming’s hands were once again rotated, and he himself changed.

The infuriating in the body immediately became the power of the wind. He was like a sudden wind, and he was unrestrained, and no one could beat the breeze.

His body floated up, and under the opening of the five-ring ring, he opened a gap here and escaped from the huge suction.

This seems simple, but it is already his best efforts.

The power of the three flowers in the five elements of the ring, together with his flower of the wind, can be said to be a practice to the limit, no reservations.

It’s hard to get rid of the deadly suction. He Yiming’s feet have not yet landed, and his face is a change.

The power absorbed by the top 100 will instantly turn to his almost exhausted instinct, and he will change his direction in the air and fall to a place other than ten feet.

And he just landed on his feet, the original place suddenly turned up, a huge, full of people hugging the snake tail rushed from the ground.

This snake tail straightens up, like Optimus Prime, with the majesty of looking up.

He Yiming looked at this huge snake tail with a stunned look, and his mouth was extremely bitter.

The end of the snake tail seems to be bright, and the huge force around it gathers there. This huge power makes He Yiming's face instantly ugly.

He vaguely felt that this snake tail could also gather energy, and the nose, like other spirits and breaths, sprayed the concentrated power to attack the enemy.

For He Yiming, the Wu beast that he has seen has already had a lot of breath. But when it comes to the power word, compared with the strength of the snake tail at the moment, it is a small witch, and it is impossible to compare it.

Whether it is the Red Wolf King, or the Stone King, or even the Bear Bear's Big Bear, their power is even only for the snake's tail.

He Yiming’s heart glimpsed, and he instantly realized that his power alone seemed to be unable to withstand the strange “breathing” power of the snake tail.

In this s1, his heart immediately calmed down.

The tremendous pressure made him enter a mysterious realm in an instant.

He reached out and threw the treasure away. In this battle, regardless of the outcome, if the pigs are blended, it will have a great impact on its life.

Subsequently, his feet stood side by side, and the five-ring ring in his hand instantly made a thick fog and disappeared. His hands formed a magical handprint that seemed to lift up to the top of his head.

At the same time, within his dantian, the power of the magical pagoda is already eager to move, and along the meridians in his body, it flows upwards.

In He Yiming's body, there are two kinds of powers that do not belong to him, the power of the fire of the Kowloon furnace and the power of the pagoda.

At this point, it is undoubtedly impossible to take out the Kowloon furnace from the silver ring, then only use the sky.

However, his handprint has just been halved, and he heard an incomparably grand, almost earth-shattering screaming This giant will suddenly congratulate He Yiming from The mysterious realm was scared out, and the power of the pagoda in his body was also scattered in an instant, returning to Dantian.

He Yiming turned his head and looked at him with a face that was unbelievable.

This buzzing sound came from the mouth of Bao pig.

This s1, this is just like a puppy-like snow-white pig, so it squats on the ground. All the white hair on his body is erected, and a pair of eyelids reveals unprecedented light.

In its body, there is a horrible atmosphere that makes He Yiming feel creepy.

The snake's tail was slightly swayed a few times, and finally it was under the nervous gaze of He Yiming, slowly retracting to the ground.

Slowly, the strong sense of crisis disappeared inexplicably, and He Yiming suddenly understood that the giant python on the top of the mountain had given up the pursuit, and he was considered to be out of danger.

He turned his head and looked at the pig in a hurry. The look in his eyes was intriguing.

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