Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 669: Detoxify

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Chapter 669 Detoxification

"What about the other two, sword dustless ... and Bai Ze?"

Lifting the sword dustless two, Cheng Feng smiled slightly.

Since a few hours ago, Bai Ze used the gold portal and returned to Jinyucheng with Jian Wuchen, and there is no news.

In all likelihood, something went wrong.

Otherwise, Jian Wuchen will never leave him alone with Tailong.

Even if I can't find a helping hand, I will kill it with my sword.

"The sword is clean and Bai Ze, it should be in Jinyucheng. We will go to Jinyucheng later to find them both."

Cheng Feng suppressed the worry in his heart and then said, "As for now, Tailong and I need to deal with the injury first."

"Handle the injury? Aren't you saying it's okay?"

"Tylon and I are both wounded. Compared to those who died, it can be said to be fine."

Said, Cheng Feng took the lead in landing on a bank of Qianduan River.

After laying a few bamboo mats casually, Cheng Feng sat down with his knees crossed, and first reapplied a pair of forged bones on the fractured shoulder, and then took the next bone quencher. The first injury was treated.

Next, Cheng Feng slammed the internal organs and spleen and carried blood, so that the injured internal organs and spleen were rejuvenated, and the flesh and blood quickly derived, supplementing the broken spleen and liver.

After half an hour like this, Cheng Fengfang took a long breath, and the five internal organs damaged by the fist resistance of the hard anti-iron army were mostly half.

Just recuperate and toss for another two or three times, and you will be able to recover as before.


After dealing with the second injury, Cheng Feng tore his right trouser leg apart.

Immediately, Cheng Feng's right leg, which was hit by three plum poisonous needles of jade plum, appeared in the air.

"Fuck, how did your legs look like this?" Tyron was startled.

As for the little white bird, he even blocked his eyes with his wings and couldn't bear to see them.

I saw Cheng Feng at this time, his right leg was full of a circle, the whole body was black and purple, all extended to the thigh roots, and there was no slight appearance.

"It's not a big deal, it's just three syphilis shots."

Cheng Feng was very calm, like the dark-haired, purple legs, not his own.

"Not a big deal if you hit three syphilis needles?"

Tai Long Shen Shen said: "I can hear that the plum plum poisonous needles of the jade plum are hardened by the poison of the six grade poison divisions, and there is no corresponding antidote.

"I know."

Cheng Feng smiled slightly: "So I started with that jade plum first, and the antidote for plum blossom poison needles is in this bag."

Said, Cheng Feng took out the pink bag obtained from Yumeizi.

"That being the case, why have you been so long?"

Tyrone was silent for a while, then urged: "Hurry up and open the bag and put the antidote in it."

Cheng Feng is not sure whether there is an antidote for syphilis in the pink capsule.

Because after he grabbed the bag, when he was about to look at it with the spirit, he accidentally triggered a thought of the goddess helm left in the bag.

When Cheng Feng smashed the god's thoughts left by the master of the maiden's helm with the sacred seal, he happened to run into Li Jiu's self-explosion.

With such a delay, there is no time until now.

"I hope that the jade plums did not lie to me, and really put the antidote for the plum poison needles in the bag."

With a whisper in his mouth, Cheng Feng no longer hesitated and poured the spirit directly into the bag.

As the spirit entered the bag, an area of ​​thousands of meters immediately appeared in front of Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng looked up and found that there are a lot of things in the sac, most of which are related to 'poison', such as rhizomes, sap, flower heart of various toxic plants ... .

For these, Cheng Feng skipped directly and looked at the most central position of the capsule.

Immediately, three things were placed in the center of the bag.

One of them is more than one hundred dragon crystals, which are stacked together and emit a sense of dragon spirit, all forming a dragon-tiger intersection.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng did not hesitate to roll out all of the more than one hundred dragon crystals out of the bag and rolled them in front of Tai Long.

"This is ... Longjing?"

When Tyrone saw the dragon crystals, his eyes widened immediately: "And there are still more than a hundred!"

"Tylon, use these dragon crystals."

"I hold it?"

Tyrone was stunned: "So many dragon crystals are estimated to be worth at least 100 million military merits, all of them for me?"

"It's just over a hundred dragon crystals."

Cheng Feng didn't care: "Again, I still have a lot on my hands, more than you."

"Hahaha ~~~"

"That being the case, I'm welcome."

Hearing that Tyrone suddenly awakened from the state of Mongolian circle. Haha laughed and put more than one hundred Longjing Tongtong into the soul ring.

"Cheng Feng, I also want Longjing, I also want!"

Seeing that Tailong swept away all the dragon crystals, his mouth cracked, and the little white bird immediately became unbalanced. He flew to Cheng Feng's eyes and begged Dragon Crystal.

Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled: "Hanging, you have a share."

Said, Cheng Feng took out a dragon crystal and handed it to the little white bird.

"Only one?"

Seeing that Cheng Feng only gave it a dragon crystal, the excitement on the little white bird's face suddenly disappeared, and the whole face was pulled down, very dissatisfied.

"No small point, Long Jing contains a lot of dragon-shaped vitality. Based on your cultivation, one piece is enough to absorb a lot of time."

Cheng Feng replied: "When you have absorbed the vitality in this dragon crystal, I will get you another one."

"Really?" Little White Bird asked with wide eyes.

"of course it's true."

However, Cheng Feng's voice had just fallen, and he only heard a quaint, quaint, crisp sound.

Later, he saw that the dragon crystal he had just given to the little white bird had been chewed and eaten by the little white bird as a candy bar.

At this moment, he stretched out a small wing, dangling in front of his eyes, and he was asking him for the next dragon crystal.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was suddenly speechless. After a bitter smile, he threw a dragon crystal to the little white bird, and quickly put his attention back into the pink bag.

Inside the bag, in the center.

After Cheng Feng removed more than a hundred pieces of Longjing, there were two things left.

One of them is an old yellowed map of animal skins.

This map is rough, and the text annotations above are still ancient texts. Cheng Feng couldn't understand it at all.

If nothing else, it must be the map of the ancient Tianlong fall.

Regarding this map, Cheng Feng was not in a hurry to delve into it, looked at it a little, and looked at the last thing.

It was a cold jade vial with some light yellow liquid in it.

The pale yellow liquid seems to be very hot. Even if it is packed in a millennium cold jade bottle, it gives a feeling of boiling.

"Is this the antidote for syphilis?"

The moment he saw the pale yellow liquid, Cheng Feng had this idea in his heart.

But he knew nothing about poison.

Whether the light yellow liquid is the antidote for syphilis acupuncture or not must be judged by Nalan's birth.

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