Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 660: God's Sacrifice

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Chapter 660: The Sacrifice of the Gods

After destroying the teleport copper gate, Cheng Feng carried the Devil Sword and flew towards Tiemu Dengke slowly.

"Cheng Feng, you forced me!"

The only way of life was cut off, and Temudenco was completely desperate.

There was a resentment and madness in his eyes, then he actually stretched out two hands and tore apart his Wuhun acupoint.

Immediately, a black shadow appeared before Cheng Feng's eyes.

"Is this the undead Wuhun?"

Seeing the black shadow, Cheng Feng curiously said.

"Cheng Feng, that's just appearance."

At this time, Nalan's long-lived voice sounded: "The essence of the undead martial spirit is the thing wrapped in the black shadow."

"What would it be?"

"It's undead blood."

Nalan Changsheng said: "The essence of the undead martial spirit is the undead blood!"

And when Cheng Feng talked to Nalan Changsheng, not far away, Tiemu Dengke had put his hands into the black shadow.

When his hands were taken out, there was a drop of purple blood like purple diamond on his hand.

If there is no accident, it is the origin of the undead martial spirit that Nalan Changsheng said --- undead blood!

"Cheng Feng, since you don't want me to live, you don't want to live happily."

Tiemu Dengke held the drop of purple blood in his hands and raised his head above his head, hissing and roaring: "Immortal blood, God's sacrifice ... Wrap me on Cheng Feng, and let him live in endless doom forever and ever!"

"No, it's a sacrifice to God!"

Seeing Tiemu Dengke's move, Nalan Changsheng said anxiously: "Cheng Feng, hurry up, interrupt Tiemu Dengke, you must not let him complete the offering of God."

"What is the offering of God?"

"The Sacrifice of the Gods is a great tribe in ancient times, offering sacrifices to God."

Nalan ’s eternal life explained: “To sacrifice God, naturally a high-level sacrifice is required, and Tiemu Dengke made a sacrifice of the immortal blood in his hands to sacrifice God.”

"It was not a problem to sacrifice God with undead blood."

"But the problem is, he doesn't seem to intend to give that drop of undead blood to God, but to blend into your body."

"In this case, it is equivalent to seizing God's sacrifice, which is an enemy of heaven."

"If Temudenko's sacrifice is completed, you will have big trouble!"

After listening to Nalan Changsheng's explanation, Cheng Feng understood.

"Tiemu Dengke is a mess, and it's going to be disgusting when he's dead."

Cheng Feng's eyes were cold, and then the whole person was like a **** arrow, blasting to Tiemu Dengke.

唰 唰 唰 ~~~

Before and after arriving at Tiemu Dengke, Cheng Feng's demon sword was quickly cut out.

During the breath, he cut out dozens of knives, and cut Tiemu Dengke into equal dozens of pieces.

However, being killed by Cheng Feng in this way, Tiemu Dengke is still not dead.

Looking at Cheng Feng at this moment, with a vicious sneer in his mouth: "Cheng Feng, you still have to die in my hands."

"Although you can't die immediately, the long death process will actually make you feel more pain."

"Hahaha, I Timmudenko will be waiting for you in hell, that moment ... not too long!"

The words stopped, and Tiemu Dengke's body shattered, and he died completely.

However, at the same time, the drop of purple blood in his hand flew away suddenly, and radiated toward Cheng Feng.

Obviously, the sacrifices to the gods were still completed by Temudenko.

At this moment, the undead blood, which is a sacrificial offering to God, will fly over and merge into Cheng Feng's body.

Once they are allowed to fuse, Cheng Feng will become the one who keeps up with Cang and robs the offerings, and will definitely be abandoned by God, embarrassed by doom, and tolerated by heaven and earth!

"Get away from me!"

Seeing the immortal blood flying, Cheng Feng lifted the devil sword and cut it with one stroke.

Intent to chop off the undead blood.

However, the undead blood was not cut by the sword.

Cheng Feng hit the undead blood with the Devil Sword, not only failed to chop it, but also attached it to the blade.

Then the undead blood ran down the sword, quickly flowing into Cheng Feng's hands.

Immediately, it was directly integrated into Cheng Feng's body.


The immortal blood melted into the body, which made Cheng Feng creepy.

He yelled and hurriedly opened the internal vision of the God of Fortune, found that the immortal blood had melted into his body, and went straight to his Wuhun acupoint.

"Not good, the undead blood will be incorporated into my martial arts."

Cheng Feng's scalp was numb, and he shouted, "Uncle Nalan, please think of a way!"

"Cheng Feng, the Sacrifice of God, cannot be stopped at all."

Nalan longevity shook his head and sighed, "You don't have to waste any effort. It is the end of the matter, so let's accept it frankly."

"And, after your interruption, the entire offering of God has not been completed."

"So, as long as you don't use undead blood, then even God, it's hard to detect that you stole its offering."

"That is to say, am I safe for the time being?" Cheng Feng asked.

"you can say so."

Nalan Longevity said: "Moreover, it's not entirely a bad thing for you to get this immortal blood."

"It will at least allow you to quickly create an undead Wuhun in your Wuhun Acupoint, and let you have your second and third life."

"From this perspective alone, you have a little trouble and it's worth it."

"Uncle Naland, I'm having trouble, isn't it‘ somewhat ’simple?”

Cheng Feng's look remained dignified: "Aside from being hated by God, as the undead blood merges into my body, it will surely make the people of the Ironwood family and the protection of the corpse know my whereabouts. Palm. "

"If you start an assault, you can't defend it."

"Secondly, it was the genius who had drawn the undead blood by the corpse guardianship."

Cheng Feng frowned: "That genius, if it is ordinary people, it would be another big trouble if there is a huge background."

"Cheng Feng, don't think too much."

Nalan Changsheng explained: "As long as your cultivation can be quickly improved and you have enough strength, then any strong storm can be easily blocked."

"Yeah, everything is strength in the end!"

Cheng Feng made a mouthful and nodded in agreement: "Without strength, everything is empty talk, only people can slaughter!"

At this point, Cheng Feng no longer thought about it, the undulating mood calmed down slowly.

And at this time, the undead blood had already penetrated into his Wuhun acupoint, quickly took root and sprout, drew on the power of Wuhun, and nourished and strengthened himself.

Cheng Feng's martial arts aura contains a super martial arts soul, including ice martial arts spirit, beast martial arts spirit, sword martial arts spirit, bow martial arts spirit, and the inexorable destiny martial arts spirit.

The undead blood, although it is the origin of the undead Wuhun, also has some fear of the super Wuhun.

After entering Wuhunxueqiaoqiao, I dared to open up a place in the remote corner of Wuhunxueqiao, and did not dare to approach the center.

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