Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 440: Jiulongshan

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Chapter 440 Jiulong Mountain

Long Yao's remark seemed to make sense.

But it is very powerful and overbearing.

And when speaking, he didn't even look at Cheng Feng and took Cheng Feng as air.

After hearing this, Cheng Feng felt very pierced, and his heart felt a little tired.

In fact, it is not just Cheng Feng who feels this way. Even Tailong, Fang Fenfei, and Sword are clean ... even the leader of the Citroen Iron Group feels that Long Yao has talked too much and no one in his eyes!

"Long Yao commanded this purple gold banner, but Cheng Feng took his life to fight back from the volley of countless masters."

Tyrone was hot, and immediately said unpleasantly: "How can you take it if you want to, and change it if you want?"

"I have made it very clear just now. The reason why Cheng Feng was able to obtain the Zijin banner this time was because the big commander stopped the corpse Zong Weng Qianbai."

Longyan's gaze stared at Tailong like a knife: "If you follow the roots, the Zijin banner does not belong to Cheng Feng at all!"

"Now Longya, I have given him a chance to switch to a weapon at hand, do you still feel wronged?"

"Oh, as you say, I want to thank you?"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng couldn't listen anymore.

Because of this Long Yao, his words were too aggressive and overbearing.

Not only completely wiped out Cheng Feng's efforts to obtain the Zijin banner, but also looked high, giving Cheng Feng an opportunity.

Cheng Feng, need Long Yao to give him the opportunity?

Besides, although Zijin Daqi is an extraordinary treasure, it has not been taken too seriously by Cheng Feng.

Originally, as long as Long Yao talked calmly, Cheng Feng, in the interests of the head of the ice iron, may have given Zijin banner to the ice iron camp for free.

But at the moment ...

Cheng Feng would like to see how Long Yao gave him the Zijin banner from his hands.

"Your name is Cheng Feng!"

Long Yao's eyes cast on Cheng Feng: "Listen to what you mean, are you very dissatisfied with what I just said?"

"Oh, serve you, what do you serve?"

Facing Longyao's torch-like eyes, Cheng Feng was fearless: "The reason why I can obtain the Zijin banner this time is really thanks to the ice-iron commander. If the commander wants, there is no problem at all!"

"But ... what is Long Yao in charge of?"

"Furthermore, you Longyao said with a voice that you want the Zijin Banner, but from start to finish, you didn't even look at me, the owner of the Zijin Banner."

"That being the case, please find someone you can look at and change the Zijin banner!"

"As for me, Cheng Feng, Gao Pan can't afford it!"

After hearing Feng Feng's remarks, Tai Long clapped his hands and applauded.

As for Long Yao, his face was hard to look at once, gloomy.

He was a young man with a long history, and when he was less than 30 years old, he entered the broken seventh realm and became the youngest deputy commander of the Divine Power. He was never hit by anyone.

What's more, Cheng Feng, a half-step fragmented environment?

At the beginning of the time, Long Yao was angry, a flash of cold light in his eyes, and a sudden burst of violent gas fell on his body.


But at this moment, the leader of the ice iron came in and said, "This Zijin banner, needless to say, should belong to Cheng Feng."

"As for the matter, just stop there."

"I don't want to hear any more discussions related to the Zijin banner."

After seeing the leader of the ice iron, Long Yao tolerated and tolerated, and then returned the fire pressure in his heart.

Cheng Feng, on the other hand, took the Zijin banner and carried it on his shoulders again.

At the same time, Cheng Feng had decided that when he left, he would leave the Zijin banner in the ice iron camp if the ice iron leader needed it.

As for now, even if it's for a breath, Cheng Feng won't let out the Zijin banner!

After resolving the dispute between Cheng Feng and Long Yao, the Citizen Iron Chief looked to Fang Fenfei: "His Royal Highness, am I going to send you back to the imperial city of Yujing now, or go to Jiulongshan where I am a militia, Rest? "

"It's so easy to come out, don't rush back."

Fang Fenfei groaned and said, "Go to Jiulong Mountain first. I often hear about the Jiulong Mountain mentioned by my father, but I have never been there, so I can just go and see."

"it is good."

The head of the ice iron nodded, and then asked the three Cheng Feng whether they would go with Fang Fenfei or leave first.

The three of Cheng Feng thought about it, and decided to return with Fang Fenfei. They could also take a look at it. What kind of place is the prestigious Shenwei army station!

After the decision was made, the Chief of the Iron and Iron Group did not delay, and immediately issued an order to let the master of the Iron and Iron Camp just arrived and start to return.

However, Na Molin and Long Yao left the team and went to the core area of ​​Tianfu Mountain.

Obviously, I want to go through the colorful glow staircase to enter the tomb of the Emperor's Burial and make a break.

In this regard, Cheng Feng is not so optimistic.

Because in the tomb of the Emperor's tomb, it's not ordinary danger. Even the ascendants of the heavens must be careful.

Na Molin and Long Yao, although both are masters of the broken seventh realm, but if they enter the cemetery, they are still a lot behind.

Not long ago, three or four corpses had been thrown out of the gate of the coffin hall in the sky.

The worst repairs are the broken sixth realm.

And one of them is the existence of the pinnacle of Broken Realm.

But half of his head was killed by an inexplicable force and died by death!

"It was too scary to bury the tomb of the Emperor that day. Several super masters have already died for this."

Tyrone couldn't help but sigh.

"This is just the beginning."

Cheng Feng also said with emotion: "I estimate that over time, when the news of the death of the Emperor's Tomb is fully spread, more super masters will arrive."

"At that time, if the inheritance of the Heavenly Burial Emperor is dug up, there will be a **** storm!"

At this point, the master of ice iron camp has been promoted.

The big leader of Ice Iron also released the giant ice dragon. Fang Fenfei and Jian Wuchen have already stepped up.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng looked at the little white bird: "Little guy, when your grandfather threw you out, did you tell you where to meet?"

The little white bird shook his head.

"Then you know, where is your home?" Cheng Feng asked again.

The little white bird still shook his head.

"Then what do you know?"

Cheng Feng asked with some toothache: "For example, where are relatives and friends? Or is it convenient for your grandpa to find you?"

The little white bird still shook his head.

This time, Cheng Feng really has a toothache.

Little white bird is so small, if it is converted into an adult, it is estimated that it will be three or four years old.

It wasn't Cheng Feng's style to leave it here like this, so Cheng Feng reluctantly said, "Well, then ... you follow me first? When your grandpa defeats the man with the golden armor, he will come to you you."

On hearing that, the little white bird nodded again and again.

"In that case, come with me."

Cheng Feng beckoned to the little white bird, and by the way told him: "Remember to leave a mark so that your grandpa can come to you, so that you won't find anyone at that time!"

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