Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 394: Space portal

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Hanging mountains, in the evil spirit.

Since Cheng Feng was drawn into the evil spirit, he wiped his eyes and couldn't see anything at all.

Not only that, the yin-sha qi is also full of strong corrosive force. It sticks to the skin, causing painful bursts of pain and making a corroding sound.

If it is an ordinary person, as long as it is touched by the evil spirit, it will immediately be corroded into a ball of blood, and the bones will not exist.

However, Cheng Feng has a strong physique, and has also practiced mad sword and domination.

Therefore, as soon as he felt that the situation was not right, he immediately exerted the mad sword and dominated the body, condensed the sixth-order knife intention into a layer of knife intention protective film, and protected the whole body.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the eyes of the God of Creation, and the dark atmosphere like thick ink was instantly seen through by him.

When he stayed, his eyes swept away, just looking hundreds of meters away, the eyes of the corpse guardian.

"Well, you can see through the corpses of this seat?"

The corpse guard law froze a bit, and couldn't help looking at the starting peak.

Because Cheng Feng, although he is weak, has already surprised him, this wicked giant, two or three times.

"Well, it seems that you are the most outstanding genius of this year at Qianlong College."

The corpse guardian said coldly: "It will be more valuable to kill you than to kill dozens of college students."

In a cruel whisper, the corpse guardian was ready to start.

But at this time, Boom Boom Boom Boom ~~~

Outside the large array of nine days and ten places, Mr. Jing mobilized the power of Qianlong's large group and cooperated with Mr. Shu to launch a wave of horrible combos, which actually hit the whole group, and the cracks were full like spider webs.

There was even a huge fissure, which had even penetrated the large shield.

Directly let the violent force from outside burst in through the cracks. Perhaps without a few breaths, Mr. Jing was able to completely defeat the broken array of nine days and ten and entered.

"Huh, you'll kill your ant again later."

Seeing this, the face of the corpse guardian's face suddenly changed, and then stared at Cheng Feng fiercely, then retracted his gaze and took out a strange copper door from his arms.

This bronze door is about the size of a palm, but as it was taken out by the infernal protection method, it was thrown into the infernal spirit.

Wow! ~~~

As a large amount of evil spirits poured into the bronze gate, the bronze gate immediately became larger.

Soon, it became a three-meter-high and two-meter-wide portal.

In that portal, the evil spirit surrounds it, which is much stronger than the evil spirit of the corpse guardian. It seems that behind the portal, the Huangquan ghost is connected!

"What's that?" Cheng Feng was shocked to see the huge copper gate.

"That should be a space weapon, at least it is the existence of a sacred level, understand the space mystery, and build a space portal." Nalan Changsheng explained.

"Space portal?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng said suddenly: "This corpse protects the law, the reason why I dare to come here, I am probably relying on this weapon to get away!"

"Uncle Nalan, can this space portal be destroyed?" Suddenly, Cheng Feng asked coldly.

"Why, you want to ..."

"Yes, if I can, I want to destroy this portal."

In the eyes of Cheng Feng, a burst of madness was raised: "I can't let him protect his corpse when he wants to come, just leave if he wants to."

"Space is inherently extremely unstable, and even if it is shot by Void, it cannot be completely stable."

Nalan Changsheng said, "So the space portal is extremely easy to be destroyed ... but the question is, how do you approach the copper portal under the eyelids of the corpse guardian?"

"I'm afraid that when the corpse guardian finds out that you have such an attempt, he will directly attack you and kill you!"

Nalan's words are true.

Cheng Feng is still alive at this moment because the corpse guardian has no time to ignore him.

If he still slapped a fly on the tiger's ass, the consequences would be a bit scary to think about!

"I have a plan that might work."

Of course, Cheng Feng knows that the protection of the corpse can't be provoked, so he needs to make good use of the timing.

At that point of time, it would be best to be stuck in a large array of nine days and ten places, about to be broken by Mr. Jing, and the protection of the corpse is about to leave.

At that time, if Cheng Feng could strike the portal of time and space, the corpse protection method would not be able to go.

Just as Cheng Feng was planning the plan, hundreds of meters away, the corpse protection method had already set up the teleport copper gate.

Immediately, he painted the Baizi: "Master God, this portal, the other end is connected to the corpse ghost house, please take a step."

"Ghost House?" Bai Zihua walked to the copper gate, looking at the copper gate with a dazzling atmosphere, and frowned.

"Master God, time is not waiting, hurry up!"

The corpse guardian saw Bai Zi painting hesitant, and immediately urged.

And at the same time, as soon as he waved his sleeves, the sky's wicked atmosphere formed layers of waves, and then swept over towards Cheng Feng.

The terrifying waves not only targeted one person, but also targeted Liang Luoshi and Fang Fenfei.

The intention is to wipe out the most outstanding genius in the new session of Qianlong College!

Just then, the silent Cheng Feng suddenly took out a leather gourd.

When he lifted the lid of the leather gourd and pushed it hard, he burst out the hordes of heaven and earth contained in the gourd.

Boom boom boom boom ~~~

The layers of Yin Qi that swept over collided with these natural Qi, making a noise.

In particular, one of them was like a thunder dragon-like spirit, rushing out with a horrifying thunderbolt, and directly tearing the sky full of evil spirits.

Let the outside audience, as well as students like Liang Luoshi, all see some of the pictures inside the evil spirit.

"It's Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng is not dead!"

"Haha, not only is Cheng Feng not dead, but he is also violently resisting, it is just too fierce."

Seeing Cheng Feng holding the Nether Pot in his hand, he tore the corpse's evil spirit out of the corpse protection method, and thunderous cheers rang out in the audience.

But Cheng Feng didn't have time to pay attention, but passed on the sound to the beast peak Shihuang: "Brother Shihuang, have you seen the bronze gate in the evil spirit of the corpse? With your seven-light fist, severe bombardment it!"

"I see."

The Shihuang heard the news and said nothing, "I'll do it!"

Between words, Shi Huang's fists had begun to glow.

Waiting until the light on his fist reached the limit, and then slightly lifted, hum ~~~

I saw a red light suddenly shoot into the writhing corpse evil spirit, and then, click, the sound of a broken thing, immediately sounded!

Hearing this voice, Cheng Feng raised his eyes and suddenly saw the teleport copper gate next to the corpse guardian, which had already been smashed by Shihuang's Qiguang Fist, and left and right borders were blasted off, becoming very unstable. .

It seemed that the next moment, it would collapse.

In this scene, the eyes of the corpse guardian became blood red, and anger rose like a tide!


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