Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 251: Refining trenches

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Chapter 251 Refining Trenches

Purple pulp liquid is the essence of purple jade that is buried deep in the ground for thousands of years.

It can greatly raise the human body.

In particular, the meridians that nourish the martial arts, the five internal organs and the six organs, strengthen the meridian's endurance, and are a rare heaven and earth spirit.

The original meridian of Cheng Feng has reached its limit and can only accommodate up to 91 rivers of vitality.

Once over 91, the meridians are stinging and damaged.

But as Cheng Feng smeared the purple pulp fluid a little bit onto the body, and then was infiltrated into the body by the violent Huanglong Earthen Vessel's airflow, into the meridians.

Immediately, Cheng Feng's body and meridians were greatly nourished, with increased strength, increased toughness, and increased width ...

In this way, Cheng Feng's repair was to the limit and was broken again.

The vitality in his body actually started to grow again.

Article 97.

Article 98.

Article ninety-nine.

Boom ~~~

It didn't take long for Cheng Feng's vitality to reach ninety-nine.

And this is not the limit.

With the continuous inflow of Huanglong Earth's veins, Cheng Feng's vitality river, rumbling, even broke through the ninety-nine barriers and reached an appalling one hundred.

"A hundred rivers of vitality, cool, really cool!"

Cheng Feng couldn't help but stand up and felt that his body was full of strength, and he could blast the whole world with one punch.

However, Nalan Changsheng is still not satisfied: "Cheng Feng, you have only one hundred vitality rivers, are you satisfied?"

"In the half-step martial arts realm, there are more than one hundred geniuses in the river of vitality. Many people are here."

Nalan Changsheng reminded: "Now you are far from being satisfied, continue to apply purple pulp fluid, and at the same time try to get closer to the depths of the stone room, so that the number of vitality rivers reaches your current limit!"

Cheng Na was smashed by Nalan Changsheng, and Cheng Feng immediately calmed down.

Then, without saying a word, while applying purple pulp fluid, he stepped forward, and slowly approached the depths of the stone room like a storm mouth.

Boom boom boom boom ~~~

In this way, Cheng Feng supported for nearly ten days in the baptism of the storm of vitality.

In these ten days, he broke the existing limit again and again.

Until the end, he couldn't hold it anymore, and Yuan Yuanliu suddenly blasted out from the depths of Shishi and hit the stone gate.

Huh! The stone gate, which was more than one meter thick, was almost broken!

"Uncle Nalan, this time, I should really have reached the limit, and then continue to withstand the impact of the yuan air flow, I am afraid that my entire body will burst directly."

Cheng Feng got up hard from the ground, his body was sore, as if his potential was completely drained.

"Cheng Feng, your potential is stronger than you think."

Nalan Changsheng said, "But now, your body is still far from being fused with the 'Tianmai'. The potential cannot be squeezed too much, otherwise your blood veins will be exhausted and you will lose more."

"Uncle Nalan, I now have 186 vital rivers in my body. Hasn't this dried up my potential?"

Cheng Feng is a bit difficult to understand: "How could my potential be so huge?"

One hundred and sixty-eight rivers of vitality can hardly be called half-step martial arts.

Because many high-level martial arts soldiers in the sky may not have so many vitality rivers.

It can be said that at this time, Cheng Feng, if alone fighting for strength and strength, the vast majority of high-level martial arts in Tianwu Realm should bow down and be ashamed.

But listening to the meaning of Nalan Changsheng, even so, it has not reached the maximum limit of Cheng Feng, and there is still potential to be tapped.

This surprised Cheng Feng a bit.

"Cheng Feng, do you remember that when the Tianxuan auction was held, Tiemu Zhengxiong mentioned your mother."

"of course I remember."

Cheng Feng nodded: "He said that my mother was extraordinary, and that my sister and I were very talented because they inherited the blood of my mother."

"Is my potential related to my mother?"

"Yes," Nalan Changsheng said, "your potential is much thicker than the average person, this is indeed a blood line inheritance."

"What kind of person is my mother?" Cheng Feng couldn't help asking.

"I don't know this, but one thing is certain, your mother is definitely not an ordinary person."

At this point, Nalan Changsheng said, and his tone changed: "Well, you don't have to think about these things until you have enough strength before you explore. Now your first task is to adapt to the surge of energy in the body as soon as possible. Great river. "

Cheng Feng also knows that without strength, everything is just fantasy.

So forcibly suppressed the information about the mother, and then in Shishi, practiced the most basic rage fist, and gradually adapted to the booming vitality.


"Hoo ~~~"

"Finally, I have adapted to the 168 rivers of vitality in my body. The vitality can run freely, and can receive and send freely."

One day later, Cheng Feng smiled with satisfaction: "Now, I feel about two or three times stronger than ten days ago. Now if I meet Yu Moyu, I can beat him down within two or three moves."

After this practice, Cheng Feng is indeed too powerful.

"Cheng Feng, your own strength has indeed made great progress, but if you want to save your life under the assassination of the killer of the temple, you need to do one more thing."

"What is it?" Cheng Feng asked.

"Refining that broken territory trench."

As soon as Cheng Feng heard it, he patted his head: "You don't remind me, I almost forgot."

Cheng Feng spent a huge sum of 1.6 billion yuan. The Broken Territory Trench bought from Tianxuan Business League has not been refined.

This is a big deal.

Because every trench is a dead body without wisdom, and the trenches are no exception.

In order for them to exert their fighting power, they must first be refined by their masters, leaving a mark of souls and souls in the trenches, so as to be able to be resisted by the warriors.

"The refining of trenches is very simple. It only needs to engrave a mark of the soul in the trenches," Nalan Changsheng explained.

While listening to Nalan Changsheng's instructions, Cheng Feng took out the iron rock trenches from the soul ring.

Then, he used the Divine Spirit to split the door, separated his own soul from a trace, and shot it into the iron rock trench's mind.

The soul of a warrior is actually the soul of a person.

The soul is very important to people, and must not be split at will, otherwise it will cause great harm to the human body, from loss of memory to idiot.

Therefore, Cheng Feng was very careful and separated only a little bit of soul, and the impact on him was almost negligible.


When Cheng Feng drew a trace of spirits into the iron rock trench.

Immediately, he had a sense of the Tieyan trenches, as if the Tieyan trenches were an extension of his body, allowing Tieyan trenches to perform any kind of action.

Cheng Feng moved, and passed a thought to Tieyan Trench.

Suddenly, the Tieyan trenches took a step forward, and then punched out with a punch, shaking the entire Shishi with a shiver, as if to collapse.


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