Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 249: Temple of Killing

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Chapter 249 Killing the Temple

After the five days of Dadao Wang left, Cheng Feng chatted with Boss Li for a moment and was ready to leave.

"Brother, before leaving, I want to remind you."

Suddenly, the look of Boss Li was right: "According to reliable news, after the return of Temu Masao to the Temu clan, he went out alone and went to kill the temple."

"Kill the temple?" Cheng Feng looked for a moment.

This kills the temple, but he thunders like thunder.

Because this temple is one of the two major killer organizations that are famous throughout the continent.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that as long as you are followed by the killer who killed the temple, then no matter where you hide, the other party will be able to find it.

"Mofina, the old ironwood dog, is a killer who hires to kill the temple. Will he come to kill me?"

"** Do not leave ten." Boss Li nodded.

"The killer who killed the temple was rumored to be terrible. The killer did not blink, and now they are focusing on Brother Feng."

Wang Wanben's face turned pale: "Isn't that Feng Feng ..."

"Don't be frightened by rumors."

Boss Li said: "Although the killer who kills the temple is pervasive, it is not absolutely defenseless. If it is only a one-star or two-star killer, there is no need to fear.

The killers who kill the temple, from low to high, are: one star, two stars ... seven stars.

It is said that on top of the Seven Stars, there are even more powerful eight killers. Each killer can easily kill a strong man who has stepped up to heaven, which is terrifying.

Of course, Tiemu Zhengxiong's family did not say that he invited the Eighth Party to kill the marshals.

Even four-star and five-star killers may not be able to move.

"I heard that one-star killer in the Temple can assassinate the first-level warrior in Tianwujing; two-star killer can assassinate the high-level warrior in Tianwujing; three-star killer can assassinate the half-step shattered realm.

Boss Li said: "Brother Cheng Feng, you have Tieyan trenches, unless you kill the temple with a four-star killer, you may threaten you. Don't worry too much."

"Thank you for reminding me."

Cheng Feng sincerely thanked Boss Li. Fortunately, the other party told him the news in advance.

In this way, he was mentally prepared to avoid being caught off guard when encountering the Temple Killer.

Next, Cheng Feng whistled.

After a while, Xiao He, who had swollen belly, flew down from the roof of Tianxuan Restaurant.

Cheng Feng took Wang Wanben to jump on Xiao Hei's back, nodded to boss Li, and urged Xiao Hei to fly to Qianlong Academy.

Little Black awakened the blood of the Eagle King, almost twice as fast.

Within half an hour, Cheng Feng returned to Qianlong Academy's Knife Tower Peak.

Then he went directly to Jiang Tao's dormitory.

"Brother Jiang, please open the door." Cheng Feng shouted outside the door.

"Is it Brother Cheng Feng?"

In the dormitory, Jiang Tao didn't seem to fall asleep. He heard Cheng Feng's voice, and the door quickly opened, revealing a beard-shaven face.

The owner of this face is exactly Jiang Tao.

His legs were crippled, and he was sitting on a wheelchair, extremely decadent.

"Brother Jiang, guess what Brother Feng brought to you?" Wang Wanben said eagerly when he saw Jiang Tao.

"Cheng Feng brought me something? Could it be ..." Jiang Tao apparently heard about it, and today is holding a Tianxuan auction.

So until now, he couldn't sleep, showing how much he was suffering.

Cheng Feng was sore in his heart that he took out the white jade bottle containing the dragon's blood on and off and handed it to Jiang Tao's eyes.

"Brother Jiang, look, this is what I brought to you."

"This is ... Dragon Blood Intermittent Dan!"

At the moment of seeing Dragon Blood intermittent Dan, Jiang Tao straightened his blood-red eyes, and even cried with joy.

"Dragon Blood Discontinuity ... This is Dragon Blood Discontinuity ..."

Jiang Tao grabbed the white jade bottle, stared at the red elixir inside the bottle, and muttered it ten times in a row.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that Jiang Tao's emotions calmed down: "Thank you, Master Cheng, and Master Wanben ... I originally thought that I had already been like this in my life, and I was going to be in the midst of decadence!

"Brother Jiang, those are gone. Now that you have the dragon's blood on and off, you can definitely recover as before."

Cheng Feng said: "This dragon's blood is intermittent. It is said that the sooner it is taken, the better. You should take it now, Wanben and I will protect you."

"Good!" Jiang Tao nodded again and again.

When the two of Cheng Feng were led into the dormitory, Jiang Tao poured out the dragon's blood on and off in the white jade bottle and swallowed it in his stomach.

About a few minutes later, Dragon Blood Intermittent Dan began to play a role, making Jiang Tao's face twisted, his whole body shivering, and her two disabled legs moving around.

"Brother Jiang ..." Wang Wanben looked trembling.

"Brother Jiang is okay. This is a normal response to taking Dragon Blood Intermittent Dan. He will be fine when he meets."

Sure enough, after about half an hour, Jiang Tao's physical response was not so drastic, especially his legs were wrapped in a heavy light, creating changes that are difficult for outsiders to understand.

In this way, for the past two or three hours, when the sky gradually opened up, Jiang Tao finally opened his eyes.

"Brother Jiang, how do you feel, are your legs okay?" Wang Wanben asked immediately.

"I feel my legs are full of strength."

Jiang Tao exhaled, saying joyfully: "It seems that the knee broken by Xiao Lin has been completely repaired."

Talking, Jiang Tao couldn't help getting up from the wheelchair.

"Okay, really good!"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng was also overjoyed: "Brother Jiang, try two steps."

Jiang Tao got out of the wheelchair, walked around the house, and found that his legs were all right.

Even better than before it was injured.

This is because the dragon's blood intermittent Dan, not only cured his legs, but also tempered his legs again, naturally very different from before.

"Brother Jiang, I'm really glad to see you stand up again."

Regarding Jiang Tao's injury, Cheng Feng has been very self-blame, feeling that Jiang Tao suffered because of his own reasons.

Seeing Jiang Tao's injury healed at this moment, he was happier than anyone.

"Brother Cheng, I know you have been blaming yourself for my leg injury."

Jiang Tao walked dozens of laps in the house before he calmed down from the excitement of healing his legs. He looked at Cheng Feng and said positively: "But I just want to say that I have never blame you, not for a moment!"

"And, now that my leg injury is better, you don't have to blame yourself anymore. Anything you want to do, just do it."

Cheng Feng nodded and said, "I plan to go to the Sword Valley in two days."

"Sword Valley?"

Wang Wanben interjected: "Brother Feng, the sword sword valley is located in Tongzhou, six thousand miles away. Once you go there, you will inevitably be chased by the ironwood family, even the temple killer. This is too dangerous."


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