Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 217: Breaking the limits again

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Chapter 217 Breaking Limits Again

One day **, passing by.

The ninety-seven peaks in Shushan and the stone room. After this day's practice, Cheng Feng's muscles and fascia were all tougher, full of energy, and strong.

And the most prominent improvement is the surge of vitality in Cheng Feng's body, which has reached 58 in full.

"The river of vitality in my body seems to have changed, and it is not the same as before."

Cheng Feng felt the rivers of vitality in his body, and found that each river of vitality had become thick and strong, and one of them stood up to two, or even three.

"This should be the effect of the Huanglong Dimai. The vitality of the Huanglong Dimai is too pure. Silently and silently, it assimilated my river of vitality and made it qualitatively stronger."

Cheng Feng realized: "No wonder everyone crowded their heads and wanted to soak the veins of Huanglong. The reason is here."

Understanding the powerful effects of Huanglong Dimai, Cheng Feng worked harder.

Actually, he stood upright, and stepped towards the inside of the stone chamber.

Huanglong's veins, the farther into it, the Yuanqiu became even more violent.

The closer to the depth of Huanglong's veins, the stronger the effect of soaking.

In order to improve his practice more quickly, Cheng Feng hammered his body and utterly charged deep into Huanglong's veins.


Cheng Feng stepped out one step, and the Yuan airflow rushing from the depths of Shishi was nearly doubled, making Cheng Feng's body tremble violently.

But Cheng Feng stiffened.

The body is like a nail, nailed there!

Then, a large amount of violent Yuanqiu poured into Cheng Feng's body, hammered and forged the body, and widened the meridians by one minute without causing any harm to him.

This is the benefit of Huanglong Dimai.

It can strengthen martial arts cultivation while consolidating the foundation, nourish meridian blood and flesh, and will not cause cultivation to virtual height and physical damage.

In addition, it will repair hidden dangers, hidden injuries, and stifle injuries in the cradle.

Time passes in practice, and in the blink of an eye, another day passes.

By this time, Cheng Feng had already made seven consecutive steps from Shimen.

These seven steps seem uncommon.

But in the seventh step, the yuan air current was more violent than Shimen in front of Shimen.

As for the depth of Huanglong's veins, it is a storm of vitality twisted by a stream of yuan, which is terrifying. Even if a half-step shattered warrior goes there, I am afraid that he will die every minute!

"My body finally gave birth to 981 rivers of vitality."

In the stone room, Cheng Feng stopped at the seventh step to meditate: "It stands to reason that once a half-day martial arts warrior has eighty-one vitality rivers, he can condense into a vitality lake and cross into Tianwu realm.

"But how do I feel that I haven't reached the limit yet, and my vitality seems to increase?"

"Cheng Feng, the 81 rivers of vitality have reached their limit, which is for ordinary people."

When Cheng Feng was puzzled, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "But you are different. You can break this limit and let the vitality river exceed eighty-one."

"Do you mean, I can make the river of vitality reach ninety-nine as I did in the high order of Diwujing?" Cheng Feng asked with surprise.

"Cheng Feng, as long as there are more than eighty-one rivers in your body, you are breaking the limit."

Nalan Changsheng said: "As for how many can be reached, it depends on your potential, not dead."

"As far as I know, there was once a half-step martial arts warrior who just trained 810 rivers of vitality. The amount of vitality was much stronger than that of high-level martial arts soldiers in Tianwu."

"Experienced 810 rivers of vitality?" Cheng Feng was startled when he heard this.

"Well, these are too far away for you."

Nalan Changsheng's tone changed: "At present, you still aim to break the existing limits. As for what step you can rush, it depends on your fortune."

Cheng Feng nodded, his eyes firmed like never before.

Then, boom!

He took another step forward, causing a blast of bombardment and drowning him completely.


The ninety-seven peak of Shushan, inside the small courtyard.

"Mr. Jing, can you do it? It's been two days and two nights." Tiemu Fenghuang looked at Mr. Jing.

From the initial respect, became suspicious.

Because according to Mr. Jing, he is a master of the formation of Qianlong College.

Normally, the formation method is as transparent as he can see it at a glance and easily crack it.

But it was such a master who studied the ninety-nine days sword arrangement arranged by Cheng Feng for two days and two nights, but had no clue and could not be doubted.

In fact, Mr. Jing did not lie to anyone. He did a good job against the law.

But unfortunately, this time he was confronted by the ancient odd formation that Cheng Feng obtained from Nalan Changsheng.

This array is quite famous even in ancient times, and it has stumped countless array masters.

Although Mr. Jing can also be called the first generation of the formation, but if you want to break within two or three heads, there is no hope.

"Little girl, don't bother me, the old man already has a clue, and he will be able to break this line immediately."

However, Mr. Jing is a very proud man, with a mess in his heart, but he pretends to look like a bamboo in his chest.

Then he continued to be in a daze, his head moving fast, with the intention of finding a way to break the battle.

When Mr. Jing scratched his scalp and broke the line, Huang Long's veins and stone room, Cheng Feng took his most crucial step.

Boom ~~~

In the impact of the turbulent flood of energy, Cheng Feng suddenly straightened his waist.

Immediately afterwards, a mighty force broke out from him, which was even fiercer than the first-level and even middle-level martial arts of Tianwu Realm!

"Is this the feeling of breaking the limit? It's so cool!"

Cheng Feng shouted happily, and then said nothing, suddenly opened the numerous pores in his body, swallowed, and began to absorb the pure vitality around him frantically.


In just half an hour or so, Cheng Feng's body and another vital river continued to emerge.

This absorption slowly slowed down until the vitality of the body reached eighty-eight.

"Eighty-eight rivers of vitality? Uncle Naland, is it my limit to be only eighty-eight rivers of vitality?"

Feeling this change, Cheng Feng turned from ecstasy to loss.

"Cheng Feng, 88 vital rivers are not your limit."

Nalan Changsheng affirmed: "This is only the beginning of your breaking the limit, because your potential has never been exploited ... once it is really tapped, it will be extremely scary!"

"My potential?" Cheng Feng muttered, asking about the specific situation.

But suddenly felt a force pulling him, intending to pull him out of the stone room.

"Why, is it three days?"

Cheng Feng was thinking, the pulling force suddenly increased, and Cheng Feng was pulled out of the stone room.

Outside of the stone room, there stood Ironwood Phoenix and the long-haired crowned mirror.


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