Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 213: Top Ten Qianlongs

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Chapter 213 Ten Great Qianlongs

The ninety-nine-story turret is the most important building of the turret peak and can be called the symbol of the turret.

It is open to all students at Dota Peak, so it is very popular.

When Cheng Feng and his team of four came here, they were immediately surrounded by a large number of turret students, pointing and discussing.

Obviously, everyone has heard about Cheng Feng's killing of the Ironwood family's half-step broken master, kidnapping Ironwood Phoenix, and breaking into the No. 99 knife pool.

This made Cheng Feng's reputation suddenly soared.

In the past, Cheng Feng subdued Su Feiyang, the first person of the 371st session of the turret, and Qi Ke, a genius of Qihe ... Although it was also very popular, it made him famous, but after all, he was a little petty.

Compared with the kidnapping of the pearl of the Tiemu family, it is not worth mentioning at all, and everyone cannot pay attention to it.

What everyone knows most eagerly at this moment is how Cheng Feng will end.

Regarding everyone's concern, Cheng Feng did not respond in the slightest, and took the three Ironwood Phoenixes into the turret directly.

In the turret, the sword is full of vertical and horizontal pressure, which is extremely stressful.

Cheng Feng and the four climbed down the stone steps. Before walking, they bumped into Xiao Feli.

"Cheng Feng? You are ..."

Xiao Bieli's body is a lot thinner than before, his face is sloppy, his beard is sloppy, but his eyes are sharper, and he is restrained by light.

"Brother Xiao, we are going to find you."

Cheng Feng only looked at Xiao Bieli and knew how much pressure he had recently suffered: "I went to Knife Pool No. 99 not long ago. Unfortunately, Yu Moyu's **** was not there."

"Yu Moyu's humiliation to me, I will find it myself." Xiao Bieli only said a word, then turned his tone: "It's you, the momentum has been very strong recently."

"Haha, it's just some arrogance."

Although Cheng Feng saw Xiao Bieli ’s pretense, but he was actually accumulating energy and practicing hard, he was relieved, and said with a smile, "Brother Xiao, now that I have found you, let us not stand here together. Have a drink at the 'Wen Xin Lou' in Shushan. "

"Okay." Xiao Bie nodded and then approached Cheng Feng, whispered softly: "Is that the Pearl of the Tiemu family, do you really tie her?"

"The situation is compelled to do so." Cheng Feng shrugged.

"You are really ... bold and brave!" Xiao Bie shook his head, then looked away: "Don't you worry, the Tiemu family sent someone to find your family?"

"They dare not!"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and analyzed: "First, I captured the Ironwood Phoenix, but the other party wanted to kill me first. I was just protecting myself. The Ironwood family lost money and should not dare to offend Qianlong College. Dangerous, move my family. Secondly, I had an agreement with Mr. Qianlongling Great Monster Snake, and the other party would look after my family. "

"And I heard that the gentleman of the snake has already gone to Longyuan Pavilion, and has to take advantage of Longyuan Pavilion's treasure‘ Shenglongtai ’and jump to the Dragon Gate to enter the heaven.”

"Once Mr. Snake is promoted successfully, he will be a giant immediately. Although the Tiemu family is our first family in Qianlong County, they have a deep foundation. They should also avoid three points and dare not easily offend."

"Qianlongling great monster snake gentleman?" Hearing Cheng Feng's words, Xiao Biefang changed his face: "This is a remarkable character, I did not expect that you could be protected by this person!"

Actually, it wasn't just Xiaobie who was shocked in the centrifugal. The most shocking thing was the iron-wood phoenix.

Originally, she also felt that Cheng Feng was afraid to treat her no matter what.

But now it seems that she was wrong.

From now on, get along with Cheng Feng.

In a chat, Cheng Feng and his party came to Shushan.

This book mountain is the true center of Qianlong College. It not only brings together the elites of Qianlong College, but also many outsiders who are certified to enter and leave Qianlong College freely.

And with too many people, Lazar had to follow up.

The 'Wen Xin Lou' they are going to, Cheng Feng, is the only restaurant established in Shushan, where everyone eats and sleeps.

"Find me an elegant room on the second floor." Entering Wenxin Tower, Cheng Feng instructed a supervisor.

"You follow me." The steward led the way.

This Wenxin Building has five floors in total. The first floor is crowded and noisy, and the second to fifth floors are built into separate elegant rooms with different styles and tranquility.

But for a moment, the five of Cheng Feng came to a quaint elegant room on the second floor, ordered a table of dishes, two altars and wine, and a few of them ate and drank.

Only Ironwood Phoenix was a bit out of place, sitting aside, not sure what was thinking.

"In another two months, our Qianlong Academy will host the" Qianlong hegemony "only after three years."

After a few bowls of spirits, Xiao Bie raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you all prepared? This time, I am bound to participate and get a good ranking."

"I have always heard that Qianlong's battle for hegemony is a great event for our Qianlong College, but I don't know how to participate and what benefits it has." Cheng Feng took a long drink.

"Qianlong is fighting for hegemony, but all Jiufeng students of Qianlong College can participate as long as they have less than three years of entry."

"But in the end, only ten students were able to stand out from the list."

Xiao Bieli explained: "These ten people are often referred to as the 'Top Ten Potential Dragons'. They will be vigorously cultivated by our academy, a lot of resources will be tilted, and the repair will inevitably advance by leaps and bounds!"

"In the last battle of Qianlong, the Temu family only had Temuken on the first day, and eventually they only rushed to the eleventh place and missed the Ten Great Qianlongs."

"But that guy has recently awakened the second type of Wuhun, and it has grown soaring, I'm afraid it's no worse than the last ten Qianlongs."

"Ten Qian Qianlong?" Wang Wanben's eyes glowed.

Even Cheng Feng is no exception.

I am longing for the seats of the top ten Qianlongs.

"Brother Cheng, I heard that you have already challenged Tiemu Dengke. When Qianlong is fighting for hegemony, rather than on the stage of life and death, you must die?" Xiao Bieli asked suddenly.

"Yes, after more than two months, either he died or I died!" Cheng Feng said coldly.

"If so, then you must hurry up, your cultivation is ..."

"Brother Xiao, rest assured, I will not take my life as a joke." Cheng Feng laughed.

"Just know what you have."

Seeing Cheng Feng's success, Xiao Bieli stopped talking and said, "I'm going to visit the Imperial City of Yuhua recently. Can I make a difference when Qianlong is fighting for hegemony? "

"Go Yuhuang Imperial City?" Cheng Feng did not understand.

The Imperial City of Yuhua ‘Jade Jing’ is the center of the entire Yuhua dynasty, but it is not the place where Xiao Bieli, the cultivated warrior, should go.

"I'm going this time ... I confess my love, haha, confess my love !!"

Xiao Bieli said this, but his tone became bitter, and he took the wine jar and poured it into his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng and others all guessed faintly.

However, this is obviously Xiao's departure. If he doesn't want to say that, as a friend, it's better not to touch it, lest he tear the **** picture and make Xiao's separation embarrassing.


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