Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 202: Skywood Fire

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Chapter 202: Heavenly Wood Divine Fire

"What kind of flame is this? It gives people a feeling of dead wood and spring."

Seeing the emerald green flame, Cheng Feng was very surprised.

You know, almost all flames are inseparable from destruction and destruction.

However, this flame violates the normal truth and is full of vitality, which is really incredible!

"Cheng Feng, this emerald green flame, called 'Tianmu Shenhuo', is a variant flame." Nalan Changsheng said.

"A variant flame, is it a psychic fire?"

"Yes, it's the psychic fire."

Nalan Changsheng said: "This day, the **** of wood fire is ranked 63 in the list of different fires. The ranking is higher than the super talented" Jiugong Orange Fire "of the Water and Fire Temple, and Fang Fenfei's" Purple Fire " It's all high. "

"But this flame is not good at attacking, but is an excellent treasure of alchemy."

"The reason why Ironwood Phoenix is ​​so young has become a four-star pharmacist. I am afraid that the help of this fire is of vital importance."

"That's it." Cheng Feng nodded, and he had a lot of confidence in purifying Tianpeng's true blood.

Guru ~~ Guru ~~~

As Dading was burned by the fire of the heavenly wood, the sharp blood of the great sword shark inside Ding began to change, as if something had been awakened and he was gradually gaining new life.

"Interesting, really interesting." Looking at this scene, Cheng Feng was surprised.

Because any object is cooked by the fire, I am afraid that it will be burned and killed!

However, the sharp-sworded shark's heart blood was better, and as it was cooked by Tianmu Shenhuo, it turned out a strong anger.

After half an hour like this, Ironwood Phoenix suddenly exerted its strength, prompting Tianmu Shenhuo to the limit.

"Stripping!" Ironwood Phoenix whispered.

Om ~~ The turbulent emerald green flames poured into Dading, so that the blood and essence of Ding floated, and the dross sank to the bottom of Ding.

In this way, Tianpeng's true blood mixed in the sharp blood of the Great Sword Shark was refined.

"Receive!" Ironwood Phoenix took out a jade bowl, and once again evoked the sky fire.

Wow ~~~

Tianmu Shenhuo suddenly wrapped in the refined blood of Tianpeng and flew over the jade bowl.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of Tianpeng's true blood, which was as bright as jade and as red as fire, gathered into a drop of 'mercury' blood drops, ticked and ticked, and dripped into the bowl.

After a few minutes, all Tianpeng true blood dripped into the bowl.

The jade bowl the size of a fist is just over half, about forty or fifty drops.

"This Tianpeng is real blood, I have refined it for you."

Ironwood Phoenix put Tianmu Shenhuo in his body, and then handed the jade bowl to Cheng Feng: "Since then, we have nothing to owe."

"Is this the true blood of Tianpeng? It really is different."

Cheng Feng took the jade bowl and saw the blood in the bowl, which was clearly visible, as if they were completely different individuals, which existed independently and did not merge with each other.

"Cheng Feng, in fact, the true blood of Tianpeng in this bowl still has a taste that is far from the true blood of Tianpeng."

Nalan Changsheng said: "But even so, it is more than enough to cultivate the third layer of Tianpeng true blood."

"Next, you just need to pour this bowl of Tianpeng true blood into your body, and outline the phantom of the ancient beast Tianpeng in your body. Once the third layer of Sky Eagles is displayed, you will have sky instantly. Peng average inhuman speed. "

"By then, you will practice the martial arts skill of Skyhawk to the full."

Listening to Nalan Changsheng's explanation, Cheng Feng was immediately fiery, and couldn't wait, he wanted to refining and absorbing Tianpeng's real blood in the jade bowl, and practiced into the third layer of Sky Eagle.

But at this moment, there was a quick knock on the door.

Cheng Feng frowned.

In order to avoid interruption, he put a ‘closed’ sign in front of the dormitory door, and there were still people knocking on the door.

"Go and have a look, maybe there is something important," Nalan said.

Cheng Feng nodded, walked over to open the door, and immediately saw Wang Wanben and the blue-eyed boy mingling together, pacing at the fire outside.

"Brother Feng, you're back." Qi Ming and the two gathered around when they saw Cheng Feng.

"what happened?"

"Brother Feng, those 370-year-olds are really deceiving people too much."

The flame of hate sprayed out of Wang Wanben's eyes: "In the past two days, Brother Jiang Tao went to the No. 99 Sword Pond to warm up the sword, and intended to use the power of the Sword Po to make the sword further. She was interrupted by her 370-year-old Xiao Lin, who was extremely humiliated. "

"Brother Xiaobei got the news, went to the theory, but was oppressed severely by the other party's invitation to the top ten master Yu Moyu from the 370th session. He was forced to hide in the turret and has not dared to come out!"

"Xiao Lin, Yu Moyu! Why are they targeting Brother Jiang?" Cheng Feng's voice became cold.

"Xiao Lin and others targeted Brother Jiang on the surface because Brother Jiang had soaked the No. 99 knife pool."

The blue boy Qi Ming resentfully said, "But in fact, they got the first master of the 370th session of the Dota Song Guzheng, and deliberately sought out Brother Jiang."

"Song Guzhen?" Cheng Feng suddenly understood the name.

Because this Song Guzhen is Song Dongyang's brother.

As the third master of the 371st session of the Dota, Song Dongyang has not dealt with Cheng Feng very much since the beginning of the training on Iron Lane.

Not long ago, Song Dongyang died in Qianxue's secret place, and Song Guzhen counted the other's death on Cheng Feng's head.

As one of Cheng Feng's few friends, Jiang Tao was naturally caught up, and suffered no harm.

"I killed Brother Jiang!"

Cheng Feng's hands clenched tightly, making a crunchy bony joint sound, but maintaining a strange calmness.

The more angry the moment, the more calm Cheng Feng was.

"Where is Brother Jiang now? Has the injury been treated?" Cheng Feng asked.

"Brother Jiang kept himself alone in the room, and no one saw him." Wang Wanben said with red eyes: "Brother Jiang's legs and knees were broken. It is difficult to heal, I am afraid I will die!"

"Go, go to Brother Jiang."

Cheng Feng instantly made a decision in his heart, and said to Tiemu Fenghuang: "Are you going with me, or are you going to seal all your mobility and stay in the house?"

"Of course go together." Temu Phoenix said gloatingly.

"Go!" Cheng Feng ordered.

He glanced at Xiaohei and found that the scam was still devouring the heart of the Great Sword Shark, so he didn't bother. Under the leadership of Wang Wanben, he went directly to Jiang Tao's dormitory.

After a while, Cheng Feng and the four came to Jiang Tao's dormitory.

咚咚咚 ~~~

Cheng Feng knocked on the door of the dormitory, but there was no response in it.

"Brother Jiang, it's me, Cheng Feng!"

After knocking several times, I saw no response. Cheng Feng took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "I already know about your affairs ... I can't hold you back."

There was a silence in the dormitory for a while, before a weak voice came out.

"Brother Cheng, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"I just hate myself, hate myself for being weak, hate myself for being disabled, and never want to find Xiao Lin's beast to revenge."

"I hate it!"


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