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Chapter 171 Poison Division

"Willn't that powder be some kind of poison?"

The powder sprinkled by Zhang Kai was colorless and tasteless. After Cheng Feng applied it, he did not feel abnormal.

But Cheng Feng felt a strong sense of threat in his heart.

Therefore, Cheng Feng judged that the powder might be a poison made by a poison master.

It should be noted that in addition to the warriors, there are many other professions on the continent.

And this poison division is one of them.

It is rumored that the poison division is a branch of the alchemist.

The pharmacist is good at using heaven and earth medicine as a material to make various magical elixir, which can help the warrior to impact the realm, warm the meridians, temper the flesh ... and so on.

But the poisoner is just the opposite.

They are good at collecting poisons in the heavens and the earth, extracting toxins, and training them into various poisons that kill people.

It can be said that the poison division is the most hated and most excluded type of people in the world.

Because if you practice hard for countless years, you can build up to the earth, but if you are poisoned by a high-level poison by the poison division, you will run out of blood and suffer endless suffering, and it is better to die!

"Cheng Feng, Zhang Kai's sprinkled powder is not a poison, but 'Senecio', a powder used to track people."

At the moment of Cheng Feng's wild speculation, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "This thyme is colorless, odorless, non-toxic, but once it is on the body, it is difficult to wash it off. You can only wait for it to slowly and slowly dissipate."

"And the incense can be smelled by a kind of bee‘ bi-headed bee ’. Even one hundred and eighty miles apart, the source of this incense can be found.”

"Senecio, Buzzard!"

After listening to Nalan Changsheng's explanation, Cheng Feng nodded: "I see. I'm afraid this Kay is dying for the Tiemu family, so he came to see me."

Cheng Feng is right.

Before Zhang Kai was dying, he said that Cheng Feng was waiting to be killed by the masters of the Ironwood family.

This sentence fully illustrates the relationship between Zhang Kai and the Tiemu family.

"Iron family, this **** mess!"

After clearing his thoughts, Cheng Feng's eyes showed a strong killing intention: "It seems that the Tiemu family is not killing me. At Qianlong Academy, even if they hate me again, they dare not openly, so they keep I can't bear it. "

"It was so hard to wait until I left, and spread the news, so that those non-disciplined martial arts practitioners would find me unlucky."

"And if the martial arts practitioners can't help me, they will be tracked with a thousand miles of incense, and then attack in person, never to suffer the future!"

Cheng Feng smiled coldly: "But, will Cheng Feng be as you wish? This time, if you come from the Ironwood family, I will kill one if you come, and I will kill a pair if you come to two!"

"You owe Cheng Cheng's blood debt, and it's time to collect interest."

Of course, although Cheng Feng planned this way, he was extremely alert.

Since the Tiemu family had fought such a big battle, the attacking force would definitely not be weak, and they would even shamelessly dispatch masters far beyond the peak of the process.

Therefore, Cheng Feng must be cautious and cautious, keeping life as the top priority.

After all, if everyone is dead, even killing as many people as possible in the Ironwood family is useless.

Because with Cheng Feng's current strength, even if he kills too many, it is impossible to shake the foundation of the Ironwood family, meaningless.

"Zhang Kai and the people of the Tiemu family have probably already discussed it. Once Zhang Kai releases the" Senecio "and is smelled by the bumblebee on the side of the Tiemu family, he will know clearly that something happened to Zhang Kai Now. "

Cheng Feng groaned in his heart: "By then, the clutter of the Tiemu family will immediately dispatch and kill me."

"So, I must not stay here too long."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng picked up Zhang Kai's body and groped for a while, then found the practice secrets of Thunder Cannon Boxing.

In addition, there are a lot of Yuanshi, silver ... wait, Cheng Feng comes and refuses to transfer them all into the soul ring.

Cheng Feng's soul ring, but a high-level soul ring, was apology from Qihe genius Song Ke, and was given to Cheng Feng. The storage space is large.

After processing the miscellaneous things, Cheng Feng couldn't wait to pick up the practice secrets of the Thunder Cannon Boxing, ready to read it.

You know, Cheng Feng is very jealous of this thunderbolt.

In particular, after knowing that this Thunder Cannon Boxing is a god-class top martial art, the eyes have become extremely hot.

Now that we have it, we can't wait to practice it immediately.

However, the reality does not give Cheng Feng this practice time.

Cheng Feng has just opened the cheats of the Thunder Cannon Boxing, and is about to read it carefully.

In the distance, Junzi Xuan, who saw the whole battle in his eyes, couldn't sit still. When he saw the battle was over, he quickly rushed over.

"Brother Cheng Feng, you were just too fierce just now!"

Junzi Xuan said with admiration on his face: "I didn't expect that you were only half-step martial arts practice, but the combat power has reached such an appalling level. I am afraid that in the half-step martial arts ranks, it is already peerless.

"It's just that Zhang Kai's beast is cheaper. I originally wanted to cut the clutter by myself and revenge my sister."

"It looks like there is no hope now."

Seeing Junzixuan, Cheng Feng had to put away his cheats for Thunderbolt, and then said: "Brother Zixuan, in fact, you're a little bit sorry earlier."

"You know, this Kay is just a puppet who listened to someone's order. Although your sister and sister were killed by Zhang Kai, if you go to the bottom, it is caused by the people behind Zhang Kai."

"People behind Zhang Kai?" Junzi Xuan asked, "Who are those miscellaneous!"

"The people behind Zhang Kai have too much influence. Just before Zhang Kai was beheaded by me, he even sprinkled a thousand miles of incense on me. I am afraid that he will come out and kill me soon after."

"That being the case, then I'll wait here and personally sharpen the dogs." Junzixuan said.

"Brother Zixuan, I understand your mood, but you cannot stay, you must leave immediately."

Cheng Feng said: "I have said just now that the people behind Zhang Kai are so powerful that they are not what you and I can compete with now."

"So if you really want revenge, just listen to me and persevere, and leave as soon as possible. After returning to your ancestral door, you will study hard and practice hard. When you become a good martial artist, you will have the opportunity to avenge your revenge . "

"Okay, I listen to you." Junzi Xuan exhaled, "but you have to tell me who the person behind Zhang Kai is."

"The person behind Zhang Kai is our first family in Qianlong County-the Ironwood Family!"

"The Ironwood family ... I see."

Gentleman Xuan muttered a word, then said nothing, holding her body and sister, turned away.

After sending away Gentleman Xuan, Cheng Feng remembered his goal of this trip, the golden giant shark.

The golden sword shark was previously hit by Zhang Kai with a six-time thunderbolt, which caused a second mutation.

After this mutation, the Golden Great Sword Shark has become stronger.

And this beast was extremely vengeful. After the mutation was over, he originally planned to find Zhang Kai's anger, but happened to encounter Feng Cheng and Zhang Kai's bang, and beat Zhang Kai to a disability.

This time, it was completely scared of the golden great shark.

Although the beast was very vengeful, he also knew what could be provoked and what could not be provoked, so when Cheng Feng resolved Zhang Kai, the goods quietly plunged into the Jizhou Lake and flew towards the distance.

Amazing to escape.

However, after Cheng Feng has experienced so much trouble, he just waited for it, would he let it go easily?

Therefore, shortly after Junzixuan left, Cheng Feng operated the God of Fortune, and after he locked the golden sword shark, the whole man flew out like a goshawk.


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