Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 165: Kai Zhang

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Chapter 165 Divine Fist Zhang Kai

"Since it's here, leave it to Lao Tzu!"

The tall and middle-aged man said coldly, "Today, don't even want to leave alive."

"Zhang Kai? Your brain is so funny, you dare to talk to Ben Shao!"

Mo was hurt, and he had nowhere to send his hair. At this moment, Zhang Kai, the **** fist, came over and immediately sweared out: "Do you know who Ben Ben is? You want to keep me here, you Are you tired and crooked? "

Mo hurt his side, and gentleman Xuan did not speak, but his expression was extremely displeased.

If the situation is not critical at this moment, I'm afraid we have to learn from Zhang Kai.

In fact, it is no wonder that they will do so.

It should be noted that the three of them are the top geniuses of the Moyu Tower and Tingxue Mountain Villa, and they are highly regarded by the ancestors.

That Zhang Kai, although known as the "Fist of Fist", is just a casual martial artist and has no clue. If he really hurts them, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat, and he may even lose his life.

"Three little things that are not even hairy, their mouths are really stink."

In the face of the screams of ink wounds, Zhang Kai was frightened and unconcerned: "However, the more stinky your mouth is, the more I like it. When I think about killing the two top talented disciples of Qianlong County, Lao Tzu I'm excited. "

"What? You actually know who we are!"

Moju's face changed: "Since this is the case, how dare you even dare to do so, aren't you afraid of the pursuit of my master Mo Yulou?"

"Of course, I am afraid of chasing and killing the top gates of Qianlong County. Zhang Kai grinned." But if you all die here and are swallowed by the golden sword shark, then who knows that I killed him ? "

"You ..." Mo Injury and Junzi Xuan's expression changed greatly: "You ** are crazy, in order to kill us, it takes so much effort."

"Hey, you look at yourself too."

Zhang Kai shook his head and smiled: "I killed you just for the sake of my hand. Lao Tzu came here for a big fish!"

"For a big fish?"

The three wounded by the wounded looked along Zhang Kai's eyes, and finally fixed his eyes on Cheng Feng: "It's him? You're killing us because of him? In order not to leak the wind!"

"Who is he?"

However, Zhang Kai no longer spoke, a pair of fierce eyes, locked Cheng Feng dead.

"Divine fist Zhang Kai, we have never met, so it is impossible to have resentment."

In the face of the beast that usually stared at Zhang Kai, Cheng Feng didn't panic, but asked slowly: "So you didn't kill me for your own sake."

"Before the war, let's talk about it, are you deciding on the family of the Holy Fire County, or the Lan Cangzhou Li family ... Yang or our Qianlong County Tiemu family."

"Your cub's brain is really alive. You want to know the answer. I'll say it when I catch you."

When Zhang Kai was talking, the muscles on his shoulders suddenly collapsed, and his arms grew thick in a circle.

Followed by, Boom!

The two fists mixed with horror, like a shooting star, blasted at the three gentlemen.

This Kay is indeed worthy of the title of "Fist of God". One punch blows out, and it really is different. The punch is not yet close, and a fierce breath will strike first.

There are three gentlemen, and there is no one with ten wounds, so Junzixuan stepped forward to face the challenge.

But I didn't expect that with just one punch, he was penetrated by the fierce fist, and was shaken back.

"Moyu Sword and Shield!"

Junzi Xuan was blown back with a punch and Moju had to go up, but with just one punch, Moju was blown out and blood vomited.

"I'll fight with you." Three gentlemen, only one gentleman and gentleman left in the blink of an eye, only desperately.

"I'll deal with this guy. You can take Genzi Xuan and Moju to escape!"

Finally, Cheng Feng moved.

I saw him stabbing all over the sword, and in front of him a layer of knife protection film condensed, and then punched forward to meet Zhang Kai.


Beeps ~~~

The fists collided, and the sound of a cracked porcelain bottle sounded.

It turned out that Cheng Feng's knife cover was just a punch, and Zhang Kai's punches shook and collapsed.

"This guy's fist is so hard!"

The corner of Cheng Feng's mouth cracked slightly, and the fist that had bumped against Zhang Kai was numb.

"A few of you little things, let me die here."

As for Zhang Kai, after punching back Cheng Feng, he took a few steps, and his fierce fist hit the two gentlemen and sisters.

Junzi Xuan, they were blown by a punch nearly a hundred meters away, and just after slowly coming to God to escape, they were caught by the golden giant shark that was thousands of meters away.

You know, the Golden Great Sword Shark was almost not beheaded by ink wounds before. This time, fortunately, to escape the shackles, it is natural to revenge.

When Zhang Kai saw this scene, he automatically removed the ink wound.

Because in his opinion, the ink wound stared at by the golden giant sword shark is absolutely dead or dead.

So at this moment he was only thinking of killing two gentlemen, and then slowly crafted Cheng Feng.

But will Cheng Feng let him get what he wants?

"Zhang Kai, your opponent is me."

Alas, Cheng Feng shook himself in front of Zhang Kai, and immediately blasted Zhang Kai's iron fist with his fist.

Bang Bang Bang Bang ~~~

Breathing time, Cheng Feng and Zhang Kai banged dozen punches.

In this wave of confrontation, Cheng Feng was beaten backwards by dozens of meters, and the knife cover of his body collapsed directly. His fists were even more flesh and blood, and all the bones were exposed.

"Xiaozi, dare to confront me with Zhang Kai."

Intercepted by Cheng Feng stiffly, Zhang Kai was a little surprised: "Since you like confrontation so much, Lao Tzu will complete you."

"Thunder cannon fist, one blow!"

Zhang Kai's eyes showed a savage slapstick, and then he exhibited his boxing skills.

Alas, a faint layer of thunder and lightning began to gather on Zhang Kai's fists.

"This guy seems to be serious."

Looking at the fist that thundered and strung, Cheng Feng felt only a tingling scalp.

Originally, he felt that after practicing the knives and tyrannical power, his physical strength was much stronger, and he could compete with Zhang Kai.

But after a brief temptation, he found that he was far too different from Zhang Kai in terms of physical boxing.

If you don't, Fengfeng didn't lose, because he still has a hole card, which is the beast Wuhun.

Once the beast martial spirit is activated and the power of martial art soul is incorporated into the body, Cheng Feng can be called a humanoid beast. In such a state, you can fight against the beast peak Shihuang, and you can kill the mutant Great Sword Shark alive!

Therefore, although Zhang Kai's fist is strong, Cheng Feng can also compete with it.

Cheng Feng noticed that a big purple bear behind him rose slowly.

This big bear was fierce and violent. When it appeared, it screamed immediately. Although no sound wave came out, it gave people a domineering atmosphere.

As if to live!

"A purple bear?"

Tens of meters away, Zhang Kai's eyes could not help but shrink: "It is actually a first-class seventh-grade beast martial arts soul, it can be called a genius, no wonder it can make Tianmu Dengkona and other Tianjiao eat."

"However, although it was a genius, he didn't grow up at this time. It was easy for me to kill him."

== Today's violent chapter 23, a full 50,000 words, brothers are all cool, remember to vote for a monthly ticket after the encouragement!


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