Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 8: Shangguan Feiyan

The big man laughed angrily: "Boy, you dare to control Laozi's affairs. If you eat the bear heart and leopard, don't you want to ask who Laozi is?"

"Oh, I really don't know." Huamanlou's tone was still so plain, "Who are you?"

The big man raised his head and straightened his chest: "Lao Tzu is a famous flower knife in the rivers and lakes, Tai Sui Cui Yidong. As soon as Lao Tzu's knife is out, your life will be gone."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, who is Huadao Tai Sui Cui Yidong? Is it amazing? The knife is amazing? My life is my own, I don't want others to take it."

The little girl couldn't help it anymore, she chuckled, and completely forgot her fear.

"It's impossible for you to want your life! If you anger me, I will give you ten holes to see if you are still crazy."

Cui Yidong's face changed, and he roared, holding up the sky full of sword flowers, and attacking the flower full building.

The Huadao Tai Sui didn't blow it out either. Lu Yang knew that after seeing the sword technique, he knew that he had been soaked in the skill for decades, and he was full of momentum.

Lu Yang secretly said a bad sound. He saw that Huamanlou did not move his body, and he didn't know that he was resisting the knife.

But his worry was superfluous, seeing that Huamanlou's body didn't want to move at all, he only moved two fingers.

Cui Yidong's knife seemed to be thrust directly into Huamanlou's hand.

The knife was clamped tightly by Huamanlou.

The little girl looked silly at the beginning, but she soon recovered.

The little girl stepped forward to look and saw that the big man had actually stopped breathing.

"Uncle, you are so amazing, just such a clip, not only caught the knife, but also broke his veins with internal force, killing him." The little girl cheered.

"It's not that I'm great, friend, thank you for your shot." Hua Manlou sighed.

It was still discovered, Lu Yang sighed, Huamanlou is indeed Huamanlou, extraordinary people.

"Hua Man Lou is really Hua Man Lou, and my hearing is really extraordinary. My name is Lu Yang and I am glad to meet you." Lu Yang smiled.

Huamanlou touched Cui Yidong's body for a while, only to see a petal with blood in his hand.

The little girl's eyes widened: "Petal!" Inhaled a cold breath.

"Pick flowers into a sword, flick your fingers into a sword, great skill! You can't do it without a hundred years of skill. But your age doesn't sound very old." Hua Manlou sighed.

"Huamanlou is really amazing." Lu Yang smiled. "Your aura is also good. At first, I was too worried. Believe that if I don't make a move, you can take the Huadao Tai Sui knife."

"Thanks for your help. Come, Brother Lu, have a drink with me." Huamanlou smiled.

I don't know how he did it. A table appeared in front of him with a few cold dishes and a pot of wine.

"If you don't have time to prepare, just keep it simple and have a drink at the bar."

"Okay!" Lu Yang is proud, "It is my honor to meet Brother Hua. Today we are not drunk or return."

"Come on, I'll pour the bar for you." The little girl got up happily, lifted the glass, and filled Lu Yang and Huamanlou.

"Come on, a toast!" Huamanlou raised his glass, touched Lu Yang, and drank in one gulp.

"Fuck!" Lu Yang also drank it in one gulp, Cui Yidong's body had been kicked downstairs long ago, and he would go to clean up later.

There are already a thousand glasses of wine every time you know, so let's talk about it after drinking alcohol.

"By the way, what's your name." Lu Yang was holding a wine glass, "How could you be chased by Cui Yidong? He is so incapable."

The little girl smiled and said, "You are great. He is quite famous in the arena. Who says he is incapable. Many people have been defeated by him. I am Shangguan Feiyan from Jiangnan, and I can't beat him. his."

Shangguan Feiyan, Lu Yang and Huamanlou naturally have never heard of this name.

"Then how did you offend him?" Lu Yang asked.

"Because I stole his things." Shangguan Feiyan bit her lip and said, still annoyed that he was chasing him and fleeing.

Lu Yang and Huamanlou did not feel strange, but laughed.

Huamanlou smiled and said, "What a naughty child."

Lu Yang also laughed: "Stealing things is not a good boy."

Shangguan Feiyan rushed and said, "Even though I am a thief, he is a bad person. I have never stolen things from good people, I only steal things from bad people."

Shangguan Feiyan lowered his head. It's like a kid doing something wrong.

She secretly looked at Huamanlou and Lu Yang from the corner of her eye, and said, "Don't look down on me."

Huamanlou smiled slightly and said, "I like your temperament. I like people who tell the truth. It's much better than those who talk sweetly to your face and stab someone in the back."

Lu Yang gave a thumbs up: "A person who steals bad people is a good person."

Shangguan Feiyan looked at Lu Yang and Huamanlou, and said, "Can those who tell the truth stay here for a while?"

Huamanlou said: "You can stay as long as you like."

Shangguan Feiyan was relieved and smiled: "Then I can relax. I was really afraid that you would let me out if you refused to help me."

"How is this possible? I won't die." Huamanlou smiled.

She Shangguan Feiyan walked to the window and took a deep breath.

The whole building is full of flowers, and the whole wind is full of flowers.

At this time, the window was almost black, and the room was gradually darkening.

Shangguan Feiyan sighed lightly and said, "Time flies so fast, it's getting dark now."

Huamanlou said, "Yeah. That's right, time passes so fast, and it passes by accident."

Shangguan Feiyan said, "Why don't you light up the lights?"

Huamanlou smiled and said: "I'm so sorry, I almost forgot to have a guest here and forgot to light up the lights."

Drinking wine with Lu Yang cup after cup, in the mood, actually forgot the time and forgot to light the lamp.

If Shangguan Feiyan hadn't mentioned it, he hadn't noticed it.

Although I met Lu Yang for the first time, Huamanlou felt familiar.

"It's okay." Lu Yang smiled. "Only lights up when there are guests. This is the place full of flowers."

Shangguan Feiyan said: "Only when you have a guest do you light the lamp?"..


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