Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1510: The same emperor

Hit you, not because you take advantage of me. But because you stabbed me in the back. My Genghis Khan doesn't need a reason to do things. I abandon the situation and hit you back because you make me unhappy!

When the two of them were being generous, suddenly a voice remembered: "Oh, you guys are endless, hurry up, did Lu Yang say anything to me in his heart?"

Torrey's spirit of excitement just castrated suddenly. He looked at Hua Zheng and smiled bitterly: "Sister, can't you see, are my father and I so proud?"

Hua Zheng made a roll of his eyes and said, "Fuck me, let me ask you, did Lu Yang mention me? Otherwise, I will make you full of feet!"

Torrey laughed bitterly. He waited viciously for Hua Zheng and said, "He said, he wants to marry you home quickly and smash your ass!"

Genghis Khan has marched northward!

He even abandoned Hanzhong, and even Chang'an didn't care about the defense anymore, and went straight to the north.

The poor King Hanzhong, before Genghis Khan could accept him, Wanyan Honglie's army fought over. This time Wanyan Honglie walked to the inconspicuous place of Wuguan. He desperately wants Hanzhong, because Hanzhong is what he needs urgently.

Like Lu Yang, he knows that Hanzhong is a huge bargaining chip to determine his future position in this cooperation. Once he wins Hanzhong, he will be fearless.

He can sit on an equal footing with Lu Yangping, because he holds a huge power and an important position. Colleagues rely on Hanzhong, he can also do with Ouyang Keke, unite with the Western Regions, and restrain the Mongols!

As soon as Ouyang Ke came back, the two met enthusiastically.

Ouyang Ke was also shameless, and immediately ran away after the family robbed the Mongols. As a result, Huabuca faced Genghis Khan alone. However, there are 1.8 million soldiers under his command, and only three to five million Mongolians. He is still very confident.

Wanyan Honglie was overjoyed as soon as he saw Ouyang Ke, "Mr. is really my lucky star. As soon as you come, the Mongols will immediately withdraw!"

Ouyang Ke smiled and said: "The prince does not have to pay the prize, we will immediately win Hanzhong, and then rush Changan!"

Wanyan Honglie nodded and smiled: "As soon as the Mongols leave, Hanzhong can't afford any trouble. By the way, if you have a good idea, please try it out quickly. I have solved Hanzhong and Chang'an early, so I can go back and miss my mistress. what!"

Ouyang Ke haha ​​laughed and slapped him. Where did he have any strategy, it was just Lu Yang's attention. He smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, the prince is now..."

His words were so-so, suddenly a guard rushed over and hurriedly said to Wanyan: "The prince is in a hurry for eight hundred miles in Beijing!"

Wanyan Honglie listened to Ouyang Ke but ignored Ouyang Ke, and said, "Believe of the capital! What happened in the capital?"

The guard raised his head and slashed at him before saying, "It's not the capital that has an accident, but Dongshan, Dongshan King, it's the opposite!"

"What!" Wanyan Honglie got the following and stood up. He and Yang Kang agreed to wait until August 15 when Dongshan was rebelling when he took Hanzhong. Then he could move his army to the east, take Dongshan, and rely on Dongshan Hanzhong as the fulcrum. , Support as a line of defense. At this time he can force the King Axe to abdicate!

After becoming the emperor, he was able to negotiate terms with Lu Yang, and Da Jin and Da Song jointly resisted the Mongols. Of course, this time he is the boss! Isn't it possible that Kang Er didn't do it, and let them rebel in advance.

He thought for a while, shook his head, and said in his heart, it's impossible, August 15 is still coming. I expect it will be difficult to force Dongshan to go back before September!

Thinking of this, he immediately asked: "Why did King Dongshan rebel?"

The guard hesitated for a while before he said: "Jingcheng means that recently the beggars in Yanjing suddenly spread a ballad, saying, Hanzhong chaos, Dongshanxing, Dongshan king, the world! Not long after this ballad spread, Dongshan went Inverted!"

Wanyan Honglie was shocked when he heard it, it was Lu Yang! It turned out that he already knew my plan!

I've talked about everything, but I didn't expect him, the most important person!

After listening to the guards, Ouyang Ke still didn’t know what had happened. He was shocked after seeing Yan Honglie, and comforted her: “The King of Dongshan heard a ballad and regarded himself as the master of the world. He also saw that this man’s brain was not working well. Lord, don’t worry!"

Wanyan Honglie gave him a glance and said nothing.

Yes, this is just a song. And it's the songs of beggars, who cares?

But anything suddenly becomes important at a certain time. An inconspicuous leaf can kill a person at a critical moment.

Just think about it, the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, who has been besieged for a few days, can even doubt his Wanyan Honglie, and who else can't. Now that the King of Hanzhong had just rebelled, there was only one King of the Han Dynasty, Dongshan King, and Dongshan King was nervous at first. Hearing this song, he thought of the emperor's character, what else could he do?

This is a simple ballad, but it easily rebelled against King Dongshan!

Wan Yan Honglie thought of this, suddenly a little tired, he lazily took off, a little frustrated. After all the organs were counted, the most crucial chess piece was easily removed.

When King Dongshan turned, his entire plan was disrupted, as if he could take down Dongshan, but Dongshan actually had no troops. But in this way, his overall plan was messed up, not to mention that Lu Yang would have no backs, and whether he could win Dongshan was still a question.

He sighed slightly, really tired. After working hard for most of his life, he wants to take a good rest.

Yes, take a good rest...

At this time, Lu Yang, who was exhausted, was in the Song Palace, and in front of him was the only Emperor of Song Dynasty!

"How many times have I said this from morning until now, I've got my mouth dry, but why don't you understand? Is this your country or mine?"

This is the second time that Lu Yang has a kind of powerlessness. The first time is Qiu Qianchi. This girl's abused character has made him abused thousands of times.

The second is to face the most powerful person in the Song Dynasty.

The Emperor of the Song Dynasty raised his head and cut off at him, hurriedly underground, and said nervously: "But, where Mongolia and Dajin are at war, I...I Da Song..."..


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