Marchioness Brothel

Chapter 50: Buddha killing

After Jiang Xiaolou got this Buddhist scripture, he kept reading it silently, even putting it by his pillow when he was sleeping. Xu Zu laughed at her repeatedly, because her physical condition did not improve because of her belief in Buddhism. On the contrary, she became more ill. The high fever did not go away, and even started to cough violently. This cough broke her throat, and her voice was very hoarse when she spoke. She couldn't touch the food delivered, only a little water and a small amount of gruel. Yan Fengya was afraid that she would really die, and invited Fu Chaoxuan to the prison to see a doctor. But this time, he refused because there were too many things.

Until the evening, Jiang Xiaolou didn't get Doctor Fu who was supposed to visit her in advance.

Xu Zu sneered: "Look, your Huarong Yue appearance won't work this time. Doctor Fu wants to vomit when he sees you!"

Jiang Xiaolou just lay calmly on the bed, his lips slightly cocked. If Fu Chaoxuan couldn't come, he was deliberately avoiding it unless something happened. He was afraid of her, afraid of her, worried that getting close to her would change his original view. In other words, her plan has been half successful.

The fourth day passed like this, and only six days were left before the death covenant. If she cannot succeed in six days, she will definitely die here.

The spider's web was smashed by a large flying insect, and it had a big hole. It crawled around, busy repairing the old web.

On the fifth day, she finally saw Fu Chaoxuan come in, but the young doctor's face was pale and his eyes seemed a little confused. He took the pulse for her as usual, and then as if casually said: "I heard that your surname is Jiang, who is Jiang Chengtian?"

"That's my dead father." Jiang Xiaolou said softly, "Do you know him?"

Her voice was soft, but very hoarse, making him a heartbeat, and lowered her head unconsciously: "Yes, I know him. He has done a lot of good things in his life, repairing bridges, paving roads, and benefiting the people. He is a great person. , He has his longevity tablet in many temples."

Jiang Xiaolou's gaze at him betting is very meaningful: "So, you go to find out."

Fu Chaoxuan couldn’t deny it. He desperately wanted to know what kind of background Jiang Xiaolou was. Jing Zhaoyin concealed it very strictly, the news was not passed on, and most people in the prison were talking about it, but no one really knew Jiang Xiao. The real origin of the floor. He is an extremely smart person, pretending to be a idiot from Yan Fengya to learn about Jiang Xiaolou's life experience, and then he went out to inquire about it and got a little clue.

Jiang Chengtian is a kind businessman who has done many good deeds. His daughter was originally the future daughter-in-law of the Qin family, but Qin Si didn't hug him. You can imagine Jiang Xiaolou's anger, so her intention to kill is justified.

"No matter what, you shouldn't tarnish your father's fame." He blamed this, but his voice was very gentle, and the disgust on his face disappeared unknowingly.

Jiang Xiaolou smiled softly, and the person in front of her had already taken a step towards her unknowingly. What she had to do was to make him take one step and another. So, she said sincerely: "I didn't kill anyone."

Her eyes, words, and actions are all so sincere. She is playing a woman who has a devout belief in the Buddha. It's a pity-the former Buddha Jiang Xiaolou is dead.

"Do you think I would believe these shallow words? If you are really innocent, why did Mr. Liang wronged you? Is he trying to get any benefit from you, or is someone threatening to use it?" He was very puzzled. Jie has been bothering him, making him restless.

Jiang Xiaolou looked calm, with a gentle smile on his lips: "You really don't know what Liang Qing is going to do?"

"I don't know, he just asked me to treat you."

"However, you also treated him, and won his trust."

"I don't have to lie to you. People who believe in Buddhism will not lie. This is going to hell." Fu Chaoxuan frowned.

"That's because Liang Qing concealed it too well. He wanted to get the wealth of my Jiang family, so he designed the frame and hoped that I would die here."

"This is not true!" He retorted, "You are still alive, and they are doing everything possible to keep you alive."

Jiang Xiaolou sighed: "Yes, because they haven't got the whereabouts of Jiang family property from me, so I won't die naturally."

Fu Chaoxuan's face became difficult to look: "I don't believe Master Liang would do such a thing!"

"You are a doctor, not an official. I don't ask you to believe it, because whether you believe it or not will not help in this matter. Perhaps you are his accomplice-he intends to extract some information from me." Her expression flashed. , Became restless, full of doubts.

Fu Chaoxuan's face flushed immediately and his eyes burst into flames: "Do you know what I'm talking about? If I'm an accomplice with him, I don't need to spend my energy to see you for you!"

After he said this, he suddenly became angry and quickly stood up and was about to go outside, but Xu Zuo walked to the door of the cell at this time, and she looked inward suspiciously.

Jiang Xiaolou's heart suddenly stopped at this moment. This was a bet and extremely dangerous. If Fu Chaoxuan revealed everything she said, she might not be able to implement the next plan. But if she wins the bet, she will be able to achieve her goal smoothly.

So she stared at him with pleading eyes.

"I'm thirsty, pour a glass of water." He finally said to Xu Zu sullenly.

After that, Jiang Xiaolou heard the footsteps of Xu Zuo drifting away. Fu Chaoxuan stopped saying anything to her, and after drinking a glass of water, he left in silence.

An hour after Fu Chaoxuan left, Liang Qing arrived.

Jiang Xiaolou was nervous for a moment, and she must be prepared to prevent Fu Chaoxuan from saying anything, so she would have to take another path and take more thoughts. However, Liang Qing just smiled and said: "This testimony, if you refuse to be charged by then, someone will help you to be charged."

Jiang Xiaolou took a look, which was evidence of treason.

She sneered: "Master Liang, are you preparing to fake it?"

"Fake is true and true is also false, as long as I am willing, this is true. The Jiang family will become treason, and those tribes who have nothing to do with your family will suffer along with it. Nine tribes...tsk, this is not one or two hundred people. "

Jiang Xiaolou smiled: "The grown-up must remember that the Qin family had an appointment with my Jiang family, so don't let them go."

Liang Qing's face sank for a moment: "Jiang Xiaolou, you are really immortal. You can't recognize your identity after spending so long in prison. I want to see how much you can survive. !"

He stood up, sneered sarcastically, and went out.

Jiang Xiaolou knew very well that she only had five days left.

But she did not show any anxiety, on the contrary, she was extremely calm, waited silently, and chanted.

Xu Zuo's footsteps came from the end of the corridor, stopped in front of her prison, then sneered and left.

Jiang Xiaolou quietly listened to the footsteps and left. She knew very well that the young Xu Zuo secretly liked the handsome doctor. She watched herself instead of Liang Qing. Every time she saw herself chanting, she would naturally tell Fu Chaoxuan: that woman If you are doing something useless, you should be punished for crimes, so what is the use of chanting. The funny thing is that the girl didn't notice that the person she loved had a strong smell of sandalwood, and there was a string of Buddhist beads hanging on her wrist. He was a Buddhist and very pious.

Time is scarce, and Fu Chaoxuan has been silent, appearing exceptionally quiet.

On the sixth day, Fu Chaoxuan still came, but his complexion looked uglier than usual. He stared at Jiang Xiaolou for a while before saying: "Your condition has not improved. You can't stay in this place anymore, otherwise you will die. ."

He has always pretended to be indifferent, but for the past six days, he has been closely watching Jiang Xiaolou's physical condition. She is a beautiful young woman with the most beautiful voice and the brightest face in the world, but she is locked in this dark place, and he can only watch the flower slowly wither. He is a doctor and a young man. In the past few days, he has been unconsciously shocked by her and withstood the percussion of his conscience. He kept thinking about what she said, and quietly sent someone to inquire about the Jiang family. What he got was just a few words, but he began to waver.

He didn't know who to trust, Liang Qing or Jiang Xiaolou. He felt flustered, and his conflicting feelings made him hesitate. On the one hand, Liang Qing kept admonishing him, and on the other hand, Jiang Xiaolou confided gently, and the latter was obviously more attractive.

Jiang Xiaolou saw the complexity of Fu Chaoxuan's heart, and noticed the strong conflicts and struggles of the other party. Yes, he felt compassion for her and suspicious of Liang Qing, but she did not have enough evidence to prove everything to him. An imperceptible smile flashed in her eyes: "If the doctor is willing to help me, I can walk out of here alive."

Fu Chaoxuan was shocked, and suddenly remembered Liang Qing's warning; Jiang Xiaolou is a demon girl, she will use human weakness to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals, don't be tempted by her. In this case, he repeatedly reminded himself over the past few days that he didn’t dare to come here until he strengthened his conviction. He is a Buddhist who cultivates his mind and nature. There is no reason to see death. Since she is a patient, he must cure her. Leave everything alone. But now, in front of these charming eyes, his confidence was shaken.

"Of course I won't cause trouble to the doctor, I just need you to provide some help within my capacity. The Buddha said that saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Buddha. Do you want to watch an innocent person die here?" The voice was very peaceful, with an earnest request.

Beautiful, gentle, and considerate. These are just Jiang Xiaolou's coats. Under a thin layer of skin, the souls of violence and evil are hidden. However, who can see the angry burning soul through the beautiful appearance , Who resists such a beautiful temptation?

"I...Although I sympathize with you very much, you are a prisoner after all. I cannot be sure of your innocence, nor can I judge your sins, let alone help you with Lord Liang on your back." He hesitated and shook his head.

"You have eyes," she sighed, "but you pretend that you can't see. If I'm really guilty, they already have enough evidence in their hands, why don't you just convict them? All the charges are just unnecessary. , My only sin is that I refuse to confess my guilt and refuse to surrender the Jiang family’s property. Actually, you won’t be unaware of what Liang Qing has done. Why don’t you dare to admit that I am guilty if you are persistent?"

Fu Chaoxuan's teeth were clenched, and the veins were faintly exposed on his forehead.

Jiang Xiaolou smiled, gently groping for the cover of the Buddhist scriptures, gently moving: "Doctor, are you loyal to your heart to live?"

Seeing that she was no longer chasing after the topic, Fu Chaoxuan seemed to heaved a sigh of relief: "Being loyal to your heart is easy to say, but it is too difficult to do it."

"Is it difficult?" Jiang Xiaolou looked at him with clear eyes, with questions.

Fu Chaoxuan sighed: "If everyone does what they want, the order of the world will become chaotic, so the capital needs people like Liang Qing. I know many people say behind him that he is ruthless and strict in law enforcement. But without him, only It will be worse."

Jiang Xiaolou gently shook his head, his smile contained a trace of contempt that was hard to hide. He frowned and couldn't help asking: "Why are you smiling?"

"I laugh at you. You think Liang Qing's cruelty is to maintain the order of the world, but I think he is an executioner who kills innocent people. Your Majesty relies on people like Liang Qing to protect the imperial power, and you? Why should a doctor who rescues the dead and heal the wounded, a person who believes in the Buddha, is deceived by Liang Qing’s mask? Why do you know that his existence itself is a torture to the people, a trampling on goodness, why should he defend him?" He was obviously blaming, but his expression was still gentle and charming.

His heart seemed to have been scalded by boiling water for an instant, and his face was flushed for a while, very uncomfortable. He kept saying that he didn't believe Jiang Xiaolou, but in fact he couldn't help but believe it. The pain she experienced, Liang Qing's rumors, and even the terrible punishment in this prison all showed what kind of person Liang Qing was. It's just that, because of Liang Qing's kind words to comfort him, and he has never witnessed this happening with his own eyes, the clues have been ignored by him... Now that Jiang Xiaolou has accused him face to face, he is embarrassed and regretful.

"You are a Buddhist cultivator, but what is the Buddha? What is the purpose of reciting the Buddha, for self-cultivation or for the purpose of saving everyone?" She asked, her eyes gleaming.

He froze for a moment, and then said unequivocally: "The purpose of cultivating Buddhism is to escape from the realm of self and to save sentient beings from the sea of ​​suffering. The same is true for practicing medicine. Through my medical skills, I can save more people."

"You can only cure the patient's body, but you can't heal the patient's mind. Do you know the true meaning of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's saying that **** is not empty and you can't become a Buddha?" Jiang Xiaolou looked at him He stayed on his body for a long time, his voice tactfully, and persuasively, "The Bodhisattva knows that **** will never be empty, because human desires will not disappear, the evil spirits in **** will not disappear, and the karma for creating karma will not disappear. The Buddha uses his own sacrifice to save sentient beings. He uses his own weak power to try to change the world. In other words, if you heal good people, he will help more people and create good thoughts. But if If you help the wicked, he will continue to hurt lives and create evil thoughts, doctor, if I say this, do you understand?"

Fu Chaoxuan froze completely, almost losing the power of language. Jiang Xiaolou's tone was very gentle, and his demeanor was even more gentle, but this gentleness contained a charming power that made him involuntarily follow her thoughts.

"Liang Qing killed my brother. In order to get the property of the Jiang family, he put me in prison, used various punishments, and splashed a pot of dirty water on me. He made an innocent woman's reputation Damaged, dignified, Doctor Fu, if your mother and your sister also fell into my situation, what would you do, stand by?" Jiang Xiaolou's expression gradually turned cold.

It is not difficult for a person to put down the butcher knife, but it is really not easy for him to turn the gun. But she was confident enough to deal with all the problems. From the first day, she knew that he was a strict self-discipline, rigid and upright person, and even inexplicably wary of young and beautiful women. Perhaps this was because Liang Qing allowed him to come to see him. Liang Qing was worried about things and was susceptible, so he chose Fu Chaoxuan because he would not easily change his principles and attitudes, let alone be confused by her. The beauty and tears of a young woman can be very lethal, but it will only have a counterproductive effect on the man who hates the feminine and flattery. Of course, he is not hard-hearted, he believes in the Buddha, and he always carries a strong smell of sandalwood. This was the only breakthrough, Jiang Xiaolou used this to break his seemingly indestructible city wall. Use a peaceful and pious attitude to convince him that she is the same person who believes in the Buddha, and find his inner weakness, one day, two days, three days... little by little to influence him, infect him, shake him, and finally control him. thought.

She is like a dexterous spider, using her endless silk to wrap Fu Chaoxuan into her web.

As a woman, she is no different from a man. She should be braver than a lion, more cunning than a fox, and more vicious to those who betray her than a snake. She can be compassionate, honest and gentle, but if necessary, she must also know how to abandon all good qualities and change her course. In short, in order to achieve the goal, use all means.

Fu Chaoxuan tried his best to restrain himself, but he still felt big beads of sweat leaking out of his forehead. What he diagnosed was an executioner, a murderer who slaughtered innocent people. This imagination made him feel numb.

Jiang Xiaolou observed his expression, his eyes still clear as water: "It is impossible for a man to redeem himself, do you know the status quo after Liang Qing became Jing Zhaoyin? In his prison, the framed and murdered people have not stopped for a day. Yes, the prison here kills forty or fifty innocent people every day. To kill the people is commonplace in his opinion. Those who try to impeach him have never succeeded. Know why? Because your Majesty trusts him and also needs him. As long as he lives a day, countless people will be wronged and fall into hell."

Fu Chaoxuan only felt a mess in his head, and took a step back subconsciously: ""

"If you want, please look at the truth." She quickly untied her skirt, turned her back, and showed him the numerous scars on her back. A series of terrible scars have been cracked, and the teeth and claws remain on the white jade skin, winding all over and indestructible for life.

Such a scene is not half charming, but brings a kind of terrifying beauty.

"This is--" He turned blue, his whole body struck by lightning.

"It's Liang Qing's ally, what my enemy did." Jiang Xiaolou put on his clothes again, his expression condensed and turned his face to face him again, "Those people ignored my begging for mercy, ignored my pain, and forced Grabbed me, and dropped the red soldering iron, sharp iron tongs, and fine needle points on my body one by one, making me bruised and bruised. At that time, I was crying and almost lost consciousness. I desperately begged the Buddha, but The Buddha could not save me. Because of pain and shame, I wanted to die like this thousands of times. But I am still alive, do you know why? Because my life is not mine, this flesh and blood body was originally caused by Parents, I have the obligation to make my life happier and more meaningful, and I have no right to destroy my own life. I hate Liang Qing not for my own hatred, but for more innocent people. Now I can firmly Surviving is to eliminate harm for the people."

Fu Chaoxuan faintly anticipated something, and his eyes gradually showed a trace of panic: "The Buddha's teaching is to stop killing, you are really crazy——"

"No, doctor, you are practicing medicine to save people, and what you can save is limited. This is just a small good. If someone succeeds in killing Liang Qing, it will save countless lives. It will not only save their bodies, but also save them. The soul and dignity of her, this is the real great good." The luster that circulates in her eyes secretly carries a terrifying power.

Fu Chaoxuan stepped back uncontrollably, his pupils suddenly contracted, his complexion disappeared instantly, and his limbs became stiff.

Jiang Xiaolou clearly saw that there were beads of sweat falling from his cheeks.

Jiang Xiaolou looked at him with a calm expression. She knew very well that as a life-saving doctor, he was frightened by her thoughts. To kill is to save others. She conveyed such a shocking concept. But he clearly believed it, but he couldn't stop him from having a strong sense of guilt. So, she smiled and said: "This is my idea, I am going to implement it like this. Doctor, what do you think?"

He looked at her with a look of horror as if he had hit a ghost in the middle of the night: "I...I can't violate the precepts--"

"Everyone has his own world. What he sees is what he wants to see and what he hears is what he wants to hear. But even if he sees it with his eyes, he will involuntarily add his own judgment, Thinking. The Buddha said to cultivate merits is to find one’s own heart and let his behavior obey his heart. As a person, you should cry when you are in pain, laugh when you are happy, and vent when you are angry. Human nature is also the true mind. What order or other people have nothing to do with the mind. The practice is eclectic and not trapped. This is just a process. People only need to be honest with their inner heart, and this is the real thing. Practice."

"What the **** are you trying to say?" There was a crack in his eyes.

His beliefs collapsed little by little, even though he did not admit it, before Jiang Xiaolou's eyes, even the steel would slowly shatter. Such a beauty, such words, with a terrible temptation and an overwhelming power.

He felt that in his own heart, she had the same emotion aroused by her. This feeling had been buried in his heart for a long time, and he kept relying on the doctrine to suppress it, layer by layer. But Jiang Xiaolou's words forced that feeling to wake up a little bit.

But how can he? After reading the Buddhist scriptures for so many years, why all the oppressive power and restraint power became so vulnerable in front of her!

"Doctor Fu, Liang Qing deceived your trust, and you are also full of resentment and anger towards him—"

"Enough, stop talking nonsense!" He interrupted quickly, as if he knew what she was going to say.

"Since you deeply hate his deceit, why do you show such an expression and why you refuse to admit your heart? Because you did not come home for Buddhism, because you are afraid of facing your own anger." Her voice is as elegant as usual Yi, but step by step forced him into a dead end.

"I... totally don't know what you are talking about!"

"Really, but you should think like this. The world created by the Buddha should be clean, how could it become what it is now? It's so pitiful, you've been in pain, you watched countless people suffer, and Continue to live a life of deceiving the heart and self."

He stared at her face and shook his head, finally his body weakened and fell to the ground: "I won't be convinced by you..."

"The so-called order is just a scene of the powerful, there is only one thing we really need to do, not whether you can be accommodated by society, but whether you can live according to your own will, nothing more. If you can get rid of the garbage, This world will become clean. Taboos only exist in this world of imperial power. Look at the world of animals, how do they live? If I were you, I would spare no effort to do what I should do."

Fu Chaoxuan was overwhelmed by such appalling remarks, and at the same time seduced by her way of doing things. That's right, he thought the same way. Liang Qing deceived him and hurt so many innocent people, but he was in a high position and had a vegetarian diet, and he had to diagnose and treat diseases for such people... He was indirect. Murderer.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault-if I noticed it earlier, I can try to stop him!" He murmured subconsciously.

What Jiang Xiaolou saw in his eyes was a hidden grievance, which shouldn't belong to a doctor or a Buddhist.

To induce him to kill is a crime to fall into hell, but Jiang Xiaolou does not regret it, because every word she says comes from the heart, not just to induce the young man in front of her. Whatever she thinks, she can say, this is where she is rebellious, because she is unwilling to suffer, she wants revenge.

"Come on, stand with me and bring down those who pollute the world. It is not difficult. I will also be with you and bring down our enemies." She said with a little gentleness.

His whole body was limp, but his spirit was very excited, and a strange brilliance faintly throbbed in his eyes: "Yes, I am his doctor. This is the opportunity the Buddha gave me, the best opportunity!"

Jiang Xiaolou smiled softly. There was no trace of pride in this smile, only gentle, amiable, supple and considerate: "No, the first thing you have to do is to arrange your own retreat, rather than rushing for success. There is no such thing as an overnight success. Only when you protect yourself and your family can you be perfect.” She is indeed a despicable and vicious woman. She uses a considerate face to induce him, but she will not send an innocent person into To death, all she wanted was Liang Qing's life.

Fu Chaoxuan’s expression has been replaced by an excited emotion. He stared at her and said very seriously: "Yes, keep a useful body and not easily damage it. This is the Buddhist teaching. I must first think of a suitable method to let You successfully left here."

On the seventh day, Jiang Xiaolou’s condition worsened. Although the wound on her body began to scab, her body became hotter, and the whole person began to show symptoms of coma. Liang Qing became uneasy. He repeatedly urged Fu Chaoxuan to increase the dose. No matter what, Jiang Xiaolou's life must be saved. Fu Chaoxuan seemed to have tried his best, but he still couldn't change the worsening trend. In the end, he had to kindly suggest Liang Qing to temporarily move people from the prison to the official wing behind the prison. Liang Qinggang hesitated very much at first, but thought of the end of a dead man being handed over to Zi Yihou, he had to agree to this suggestion. For the patient, a poorly furnished wing is definitely better than a prison with an extremely harsh environment.

Jiang Xiaolou didn't pretend to be sick on purpose. Her condition was real. She always felt that her body was hot and cold, and she had a high fever. Fu Chaoxuan ordered someone to bring a thick bedding and let Jiang Xiaolou lie down to rest. For the next three hours, she remained unconscious and fell into a dream state that was difficult to escape most of the time, and she was groggy. When she woke up, she found Fu Chaoxuan sitting next to her, lowering her head to acupuncture her. Finding that she was awake, he took the needle and smiled and said: "Your high fever has gone away, everything will be fine."

After speaking, he handed over a bowl of dark concoction, Jiang Xiaolou frowned, still holding it up and drank it. Because the tongue is bitter, she has no way of telling the taste of the concoction.

After drinking the medicine, his forehead was a little sweaty, but his body was not as painful as before, which proved that Fu Chaoxuan's medical skills were very good.

"Originally what you said, believing in the Buddha is false." He asked suddenly, with a trace of temptation in his eyes.

Jiang Xiaolou paused for a moment. At this moment, she can use the same means to deceive the other party. She has such abilities and means, but she can't say: "No, it was true."

She said the word once, which means that she has abandoned the Buddha and no longer believes in anyone. Fu Chaoxuan was shocked. The whole person seemed to be stunned. For a long time, a trace of irritation appeared in his eyes: "So, were you deceiving me before?"

Jiang Xiaolou said coldly: "I followed my father to the temple to give alms at the age of seven and knocked all the Buddha statues; at the age of eight, there was a famine in the capital, and my father opened a warehouse to release grain to relieve the refugees; at the age of ten, my father invested thousands of dollars in silver to build stone bridges for the people. In the past few years, our Jiang family has done good deeds to help many poor people, doing business fairly and justly, and forging as many good destinies as possible. Why did the Buddha bring disasters and make my family ruined? Liang Qing killed countless people and was full of blood debts. Why didn't the Buddha punish him? "

Fu Chaoxuan gritted his teeth and said: "People do things on the ground, the Buddha monitors from the sky, and how the world commits crimes, he keeps it on the account. Like the flood outside the embankment, it slowly rises and rises. The embankment has not collapsed, and the world thinks it is safe. Until the day the embankment bursts. , Is the time of trial."

He answered her with Buddhist language, hoping that she would be patient, but Jiang Xiaolou looked at him with firm eyes: "No, the Buddha cannot judge, I will come. If you dare not, I will do it alone!"

Fu Chaoxuan's complexion was cloudy and uncertain, and his eyes were sharply disturbed. Looking at her, his heart changed and he couldn't speak for a while. He promised impulsively in prison, and now he began to doubt and began to waver.

"I don't force you to help me, but I will do my best for this."

"Do you know what you are talking about? How can a person do this!" He looked terrified, his eyes swept over sharply, his voice was a bit harsh, but he couldn't hide his concern, "Okay, I promise to help. But not for you, but for the innocent victims. What are you going to do now? How many people are guarding outside, do you know? Those people are holding long swords, and if you move a little bit, you will die. place!"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Xiaolou didn't look happy, but calmly asked: "Then, doctor, can you do everything I said?"

Fu Chaoxuan's eyes paused slightly and fell on her face.

She looked at him intently, her expression extremely serious.

He just nodded solemnly: "I can swear to the Buddha and do everything as you say. Then, what should I do as the first step?"

Jiang Xiaolou smiled slowly after a short while: "The autumn is high and the air is refreshing, and the banquets are frequent, presumably the rash on Lord Liang has committed again..."

Fu Chaoxuan's eyes tightened: "How do you know what disease he has?"

Jiang Xiaolou’s Qiushui’s bright eyes blinked: “Life in prison is very slow. Whether you are a prisoner or a jailer, you have to find a little pastime for yourself. Everyone is saying that Lord Liang might have contracted the cold a few days ago. In addition to drinking too much, a lot of rashes appeared on the face, and there was no wind, so many cases were put on hold, and the prisoners complained."

"It's true. Liang Qing is actually uncomfortable with drinking, but he has a lot of social entertainment in official circles. He often gets rashes all over his body due to excessive drinking. I have unique experience in this aspect, so he will specially invite me to treat the illness. Only this time The rash on his whole body is very serious, even spreading to his face, it is really unsightly, and he can only temporarily take leave to recover from his illness." Fu Chaoxuan told the truth.

"Doctor Fu, there are too many kinds of rashes in this world, can you be sure that he is caused by an allergy to alcohol?" Jiang Xiaolou's eyes were broken.

Fu Chaoxuan was surprised: "What's the reason for this?"

Jiang Xiaolou's expression was as plain as water: "Think slowly, and you should know what it will be."

Fu Chaoxuan became more puzzled, and when she saw that there was a deep meaning in her smile, his heart stunned. She approached gently, whispering a few words in his ear. When he recovered, he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

With a light breeze, he stood up and walked to the door, took a look at the heavily guarded servants outside, then quickly turned back, and whispered softly: "This matter-you must proceed with caution."

Jiang Xiaolou smiled softly, enchanting and charming: "Doctor rest assured, as long as you do as I say, everything will go well."

Liang Qing's temperament is yin-like, and the internal fire is stagnant. Every time he drinks alcohol, he will have a large-scale rash, but as long as Fu Chaoxuan takes a dose of medicine, the rash will disappear in one day, but this time the situation is completely different. He drank the medicine for two days, but the rash on his face became more serious and even turned into a larger red patch. Yan Fengya was so anxious that he asked Fu Chaoxuan to see. He added the medicine according to the previous prescriptions. However, Liang Qing’s original rash showed no signs of improvement.

Yan Fengya, who was temporarily taking care of everything, came to visit Liang Qing and deliberately pulled Fu Chaoxuan: "Doctor Fu, what is going on with my grown-up? His condition hasn't improved, but he has gotten sicker!"

When Fu Chaoxuan saw that it was him, his face was embarrassed: "Indeed, once only one dose of the medicine was taken, he immediately got better, but this time it has worsened his condition." He looked at Liang Qing who was lying in bed in the tent. After a glance, he whispered, "Master Yan, can you take a step to speak?"

Yan Fengya saw something unusual from the other party's solemn expression, and quickly led him out of the room: "Doctor, please speak up."

Fu Chaoxuan's eyebrows were solemn: "The rash on Mr. Liang's face has now turned into a larger red patch, the surface of the patch is very rough, and I can't sweat... The worst thing is that he just told me that there is a The feeling of ants crawling..."

Yan Fengya didn't think about it for a while, but was puzzled: "What do you mean--"

"I suspect - he was infected with leprosy." Fu Chaoxuan's eyes were filled with anxiety.

Yan Fengya was shocked, and it took a long time to furious: "Nonsense, you just have a rash on your body, how could it be leprosy!"

Fu Chaoxuan was anxious: "Master Yan, although I am young, my medical skills are inherited from the ancestors. If I am not sure about it, I will never talk nonsense here!"

Yan Fengya was angry, her face turned blue: "Doctor, I hope you know what you are talking about! Leprosy is not a common disease. If your nonsense is spread out... The public opinion in Beijing has always been extremely terrifying, and it will definitely happen by then. People will panic! Have you ever thought about the consequences if you are wise?!"

Fu Chaoxuan was also angry, and stepped forward without flinching: "It is said in The Synopsis of the Golden Chamber that people with leprosy will feel that their skin is licentious and itchy at first like insects, or they see things like hanging silk, or sweat not shed. , Or sore hands and feet, acupuncture is not painful, eyes and eyes are swollen, internal and external sores, red and yellow urine, urine leaks, no color on the face, trance... These symptoms, Mr. Liang already has more than half of these symptoms, and it can never be ordinary alcohol. Rash, if you don’t believe me, please be smart!” After that, he turned around and was about to leave. Yan Fengya suddenly became anxious and pulled his sleeve: "Doctor, don’t go, speak slowly! "

Yan Fengya didn't deliberately questioned it, but the leprosy disease was really distracted by everyone on Monday. He originally thought that Liang Qing was nothing more than alcohol rash. He never expected that he would have leprosy symptoms. Seeing what Fu Chaoxuan said categorically, he couldn't help but said: "Doctor... Leprosy is not common. How can adults contract it for no reason? You are absolutely sure of what you said?"

Fu Chaoxuan's face was calm, but his heart was secretly anxious. He was planning to directly announce Liang Qing's condition to everyone, but Jiang Xiaolou told him to do two things first. First, Liang Qing’s prescriptions are made of dried seafood powder. Fu Chaoxuan was shocked when he heard such an idea. Liang Qing had a red rash originally. After adding seafood, the wound would of course be ulcerated, swollen, and itching. In the future, even if the medicine residue is checked, nothing can be found. The seafood powder has already melted in the medicine. The soup was swallowed in the stomach, who would have guessed that there are such joints in it. Second, she asked him to specifically reveal Liang Qing's condition in front of Yan Fengya, not everyone.

Seeing that the other party still didn't believe it, Fu Chaoxuan snorted: "The cause of leprosy is due to alternating cold and heat, flowing into the five internal organs, passing through the bone marrow, exerting excessive force, and eating contrary to it... Adults have liver damage and cannot drink alcohol, but they prefer to socialize. There are a lot of toxins in the body, and the more toxins in the body get to this point. Master Yan, there is a period of time from the infection to the onset of this disease. It is very likely that he was infected very early, but it has not occurred. This is no small thing. It must be isolated as soon as possible and not infect other people."

"Isolate... now? No... this won't work!" Yan Fengya suddenly panicked, her expression extremely unstable.

"If you don't quarantine now, you will infect others in the future, how should Master Yan explain?" Fu Chaoxuan reminded with a grim expression.

Yan Fengya is well aware of the seriousness of this matter. The Dazhou law stipulates that all infectious patients in the capital must be sent to the relocation center for isolation. In order to protect the emperor and court officials, it even stipulated that infectious diseases occurred in the officials’ homes. If more than three relatives were infected , Even if the officials themselves are not infected, they are not allowed to enter the palace for a period of 100 days. Leprosy is not a common infectious disease, and it is not just a quarantine...

Fu Chaoxuan said, looking at the other side's expression. In fact, he was very confused, why Jiang Xiaolou only told Yan Fengya, what if Liang Qing was isolated, it is impossible to want his life.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaolou's face suddenly appeared in front of him, his eyes sparkling and smiling like a flower. But what does she want to do...

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