Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 312: Sculptures

Iron Mouse arched his hands towards the three older brothers and the two generals, "Two generals, since the treasures of the three older brothers have been destroyed by the villain Kim Young-hoon, I am the only one left, so I will have to meet the enemy. . Don’t worry about the two generals, even though I am the youngest of the four brothers, my spells don’t have to be worse than three brothers. Now I will show my shame and let the two generals see my spells."

Before the words fell, the Iron Mouse tapped his toes lightly, swept up, and stood still in front of the guards.

"Tell Jin Yingxun to come out, I have to take his head."

The king and the guards had been watching the Four Rats and the rebels from a distance. After seeing the Four Rats and the two rebel generals Yang Shouzhi and Jin Liming murmured, Iron Mouse immediately flew over to challenge them.

Saying that the iron rat went there for a while, dressed in black, with a thin face, looking like a tuberculosis ghost, holding a black giant eagle in his hand, and not losing his momentum to his three brothers at all.

With the previous experience of fighting the Copper Mouse, the overwhelming silver snake was caught off guard, so this time the king did not remove the Chi barrier, and the guards were all safe and sound inside the Chi barrier.

The king whispered, "Xiao Bai, only the iron rat is left out of the four rats."

The skull said, "Your Majesty, the giant eagle on his hand should be the same as the silver snake on the left arm of the Copper Mouse. They are both magic weapons used to attack."

The Iron Mouse yelled impatiently, "Jin Yingxun, come out if you have a seed, don't always shrink in the infuriating barrier and be a tortoise."

The skull whispered, "Your Majesty, never go out."

The king whispered, "Then how do we deal with it."

Skeleton said, "Your Majesty, it's still the old method. Use static brakes and demolition."

The king nodded, then said loudly, "Iron Mouse, don't hesitate to use any tricks you have, this king is here waiting for you."

Iron Mouse snorted coldly, "Jin Yingxun, you are used to making tricks and have to guard against you." After that, he immediately pointed out his sword and recited the spell silently.

With the sound of the curse, the giant vulture he held in his palm suddenly screamed, flapping its wings and flying into the air, hanging there.

The giant eagle is hanging in the air, its wings flapping constantly, screaming while flapping.

Iron Mouse suddenly increased the frequency of the spell, and saw his mouth open and close quickly.

As the frequency of the spell accelerated, the screaming of the giant eagle became more and more stern.

The screaming scream seemed to be calling something, and it pierced people's hearts with a single sound.

The king whispered in surprise, "Xiao Bai, what is that giant eagle doing?"

The skull said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, you should be able to see it right away. Let's stop silently."

Suddenly, not far from the sky, countless screams came.

Yes, you read that right, not a scream.

But countless screams.

The eyes of the king and the guards were all attracted.

"Quickly, look there, a black cloud is floating over." The sharp-eyed guard shouted.

The king looked intently, and sure enough, in the direction from which countless screams came, a thick black cloud slowly floated towards the Zhen Qi barrier where they were.

It was a **** cloud, wherever the black cloud went, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared on the snow.

A black cloud that moves slowly and constantly emits a screaming and screaming sound is indescribable against the background of the flying goose feathers and snow flakes.

Dark clouds are not scary at first, and I am afraid that everyone has seen dark clouds. When the weather is bad, dark clouds appear in the sky.

But who has seen the black cloud that can scream?

The king and the guards stared at the black cloud, as if staring at something evil and incredible.

The black cloud got closer and closer, and one of the guards suddenly yelled out like a loss of reason, "Those are all giant eagles! They are all giant eagles!"

Yes, where is the dark cloud, it is clear that a group of black giant eagles are flying towards the infuriating barrier where the guards are.

Because of the huge number of giant eagles, it looks like a large black cloud from a distance.

The king stunned, "Xiao Bai, why are there so many giant eagles? Just after sending the group of snakes, another group of giant eagles came."

The skull said, "Your Majesty, among them, I should have thought that the female eagle flying into the air and screaming is bound to summon all its sub-eagles."

The king frowned, "How can this be done?"

The skull said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, let me take a closer look and think about how to deal with them."

While talking, the group of giant eagles has flown above the Chi barrier.

The giant vultures spread their wings and hovered over the Chi barrier, completely obscuring the little light left in the originally gloomy sky. The guards hiding in the Chi barrier felt as dark as night came, and the guards felt More frightened, they shrank together, shivering.

Iron Mouse saw this and laughed, "Jin Yingxun, just now my third brother wanted to use the silver snake to fight a war of attrition with you, but he failed. So now, I will fight you with a giant eagle. Do you think I will win or lose? I want to see how much qi in your Jin Yingxun's body can be consumed by my giant eagle!" After all, Iron Mouse did not wait for the king to reply, and immediately pointed out his sword and said silently. Spell.

The giant eagles who originally hovered above the Chi barrier were driven by the spell, and immediately swooped down towards the Chi barrier.

Upon seeing this, the king immediately pointed out his sword and recited the spell silently.

The true energy continuously flows out from the king's sword finger, into the true energy barrier.

The Chi barrier was instantly thickened, and the back-phagocytic function was also strengthened.


Almost when the sharp beaks and sharp claws of the giant eagles touched the infuriating barrier, a harsh explosion sounded, and countless giant eagles were blown into blood.

For a while, the delicate meat scraps, the delicate blood flowers, the black feathers and the white snowflakes were lifted up by the shock wave of the explosion, flying around in the air, and then falling sternly on the thick snow on the ground.

The tragedy of the scene cannot be described in words. There is no complete giant eagle corpse to be found on the snow, only fist-sized pieces of meat can be seen, **** and scattered on the snow, making people horrified.

Seeing that their companions were blown to death by the True Qi barrier, the giant vultures flew into the air and circled, collectively screaming, seeming to mourn for their companions.

Upon seeing this, Iron Mouse said fiercely, "Jin Yingxun, the giant eagles just now are only the first echelon attacking the infuriating barrier. There will be second and third echelons. It should be said that there are countless echelons waiting for you. Just wait to accept the torture. This infuriating barrier, I will break it quickly."

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