Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 2754: I need her

Luffy sighed, "This stupid guard is too infatuated. As for this? The woman was so indifferent to him, and she made it clear that he would not want him. He still cares about people so much, so tired."

Moyue smiled bitterly, "Why don't you be too infatuated. When you are in love, the infatuated one is easy to be fooled by the infatuated one. However, what is worse than the other people's juggling is that after breaking up, you are still so infatuated. It's not necessary."

Luffy frowned. "When the two are in love, there must be one infatuated and the other infatuated. Is this certain?"

Mo Yue nodded, "Of course. When two people are in love, there is always one who pays more and the other pays less, and the two are happy. After all, they are still a minority. As for men, how to find ways to seduce women to get what you want The beauty or money needed is a lifelong skill for men to practice. If this skill is well practiced, you will have a lifetime of beauty, wives and concubines, if you do not practice well. In this life, I have to live hard and poor."

Luffy frowned, "I said that the devil yue, people live in the world, don't you have to rely on your own efforts? Always thinking of calculating others to make yourself rich, is this too wicked? Also, what you just said is calculation Woman, is this kind of thing a big man should do?"

Mo Yue smiled and said, "What's the matter? People living in the world, in addition to working hard, they have to learn to use their own strengths and advantages. Only such a person can be profitable and be successful in society. Water rises up. However, you are still too young. You can't understand it if you tell you this now. When you enter the society in the future, you will understand it all. If you want to break into the society, you have to do your best Okay."

Luffy nodded, "Well, I seem to understand."

Mo Yue yawned and sighed, "Damn, I'm damned, I'm sleepy again. No, my eyelids are starting to fight, I want to sleep for a while."

Luffy smiled and said, "No, you just promised me. You must finish all the stories, so you are not allowed to sleep now."

Moyue yawned loudly again and sighed, "Oh, okay. Since I promised you, then I will fight to stay up and tell you the story."

Luffy smiled and said, "It's almost the same. If you promise good things, you should do it. So now, please continue to tell the story?"

Mo Yue smiled, "Okay, no problem. Let's continue now. At that time, the stupid guard yelled into the microphone and cried out desperately again. The handsome guard frowned, well, you don't torture yourself anymore, You know that she won’t come back to you again, why can’t you let go of her with deep nostalgia? Isn’t this trying to find depression for yourself? If you still treat me as a friend, just listen to my advice, Forget her. The stupid guard shook his head, you don’t understand, she is my favorite person. Her smiles are all imprinted in my mind. As long as I close my eyes, it will immediately come to mind. Her appearance, she is so cute and charming, I don’t deserve her at all. That’s why she left me and went with other men. The handsome guard said angrily, ah! What are you talking about, she is just a **** An old woman in her teens, and you are a great guy in your early twenties. When you are with her, she takes advantage of you. In the end, she does not cherish you and dumps you. All of this is not hers. She is so much older than you. If one day, the two of them really get to the point of breaking up and cannot continue, you should say the word of breaking up first, not she did it first, do you understand? Dumb guard Shaking his head in pain, I don’t care, I really don’t care, I just can’t do without her. I miss her crazily now. As long as she can come back to me and ask me to do anything, I’m willing. The handsome guard angered, you Stupid, you are so stupid, she is so much older than you, she took the initiative to dump you, and you still miss her, all this is too unfair. The stupid guard shook his head, and you were wrong again. In front of love, no Who is right and who is wrong, there is no fairness or unfairness, there is only love and unlove. If you love, don’t care about right and wrong and fairness. This is the experience I have summed up during the period of my relationship with her. In the face of love, Right, wrong and fairness do not exist. The handsome guard angered, and you were talking nonsense again. It seems that your brain has a problem. The dumb guard looked at the handsome guard with an obsessive smile. I didn’t have any problems at all. I It's completely normal. I'm just immersed in love. People in love are generally low in IQ. My current performance is completely normal. The handsome guard shook his head, that's enough, you were captured by that woman, and she was trained to be submissive. What do I feel like? How can I describe it? Oh, um, yes, full of servility, that’s the word, the feeling you give me now is full of servility. The stupid guard still smiles obsessively, stupidly, casually What do you say. I don’t care. I know. I love her very much. I can’t live without her. I can’t live without her. She is like a warm little sun. As long as I see her, I feel the whole person. It feels warm from the inside out. I lose her now, and I feel like I am living in a frozen world, surrounded by ice and snow, the sky is covered with goose feathers and heavy snow, and the ground is covered with thick snow. It makes people feel difficult to breathe. So, she must come back and come back to me. Only when I see her again, the ice and snow in my heart can melt, my world can become colorful again, and I can come back to life. The current me is like a walking dead, the current me is a A corpse that can talk, walk, and eat. do you understand? She must come back to me, I need her. "

Luffy frowned, "Damn, this is too sour, it's really unbearable."

Mo Yue smiled, "Don't say that you are listening now, and you can't bear it. The handsome guard who was there at that time listened to it, and a row of front teeth were sore. The handsome guard was holding back the fire, so it was easy to listen to the dumb guard After finishing speaking, he grabbed him and slapped him in the face. The stupid guard slapped him for no reason. Of course he was not convinced. He opened his throat and shouted, are you crazy? Okay, why do you hit me? The handsome guard said angrily, I think you woke you up, even if I beg you, don’t be confused. I’ll tell you one last time, she doesn’t love you anymore, she’s gone with other men now, What do you think you are still thinking about her? This seems to wake up the dumb guard. The dumb guard opened his eyes in surprise and looked at the handsome guard. After a long silence, he plunged into the handsome guard's arms and burst into tears. "

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