Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 2744: The secret behind the dismissal of the deputy captain

Luffy smiled, "I really didn't expect that before, I only felt that you were an evil guy. I didn't expect you to have such a wise insight into our human life."

Demon Yue smiled, "I am the son of the Demon King. I was originally born with the same age. Although I am dead, I have been alive for many years. I have seen your human beings born generation after generation. How to plan is still qualified to express opinions. I just hope that you can accept my opinions seriously."

Lu Fei smiled and said, "I understand. In life, remember to work hard. Don't worry, I must keep your teachings firmly in mind, and I will never relax at all."

Mo Yue smiled and said, "Well, then I will tell you the story now. Just now, when the captain mentioned Lydia, it was annoyed. The reason is simple, because the former deputy captain just resigned not long ago. The guards We talked a lot at the time, and felt very uncomprehending about the departure of the deputy captain. Because the deputy captain is a college graduate from a regular university, and he has just turned 30, he became a deputy captain at this age, plus he has academic qualifications, who Dare to guarantee that he will not have the opportunity to work in the building to become a senior white-collar worker? And the deputy captain is still the captain’s nephew. Although the deputy captain can work here, he obviously relies on personal relationships to get in, but the deputy captain is courteous and courteous. , And not as slippery as the captain, in the eyes of the guards, he is really the hard-working second-in-chief in the guard. However, it is such an honest and stable person who was inexplicably fired. The captain is now with Lydia Squirting wildly. Normally, the captain’s mouth is very strict. He never said anyone’s wrong, but today, what happened to him? A mouth is like a machine gun, bursting and spraying endlessly. Captain The performance at this moment made the two guards immediately think of the dismissal of the deputy captain not long ago. The dumb guard was silent for a long while before stammering. The captain, um, the dismissal of the deputy captain would not have anything to do with Lydia Right? As soon as the words fell, the captain laughed immediately and couldn't stand up. The two guards looked at each other, and no one dared to speak. Both of them were dumbfounded by the sudden laughter of the captain. The stupid guard stammered, Captain, you suddenly laughed, the dismissal of the deputy captain could not really be caused by Lydia? The captain sneered. Of course, it was the fox who was capable. Who else was besides her? The stupid guard was taken aback, but what's the reason? I remember Lydia had a good impression of the deputy captain, often opening her mouth and shutting her mouth to praise the deputy captain's intelligence and ability. But how could she be stabbed by the deputy captain in the back? The captain laughed, very simple. , Because this vixen fell in love with my nephew, she praised him because she wanted to get the favor of my nephew, but my nephew has a wife, plus Lydia is Tom’s mistress, so where is my nephew Dare to break the ground on Tai Sui to provoke that bitch? But what a coquettish woman Lydia is. When I see my nephew is not tempted, she continues to seduce in every way, and it is common to call and send text messages in the middle of the night. Because of Lydia’s entanglement, my nephew quarreled with his wife almost every day. His wife thought he was unfaithful. During that time, my nephew was so troubled that he planned to quit his job because he loved himself very much. Wife, I don’t want her to be wronged. He once told me that if Lydia doesn’t let him go, he will only have to resign. Because his wife doesn’t work, the family counts on his income alone, so He did not dare to resign easily, worrying that his family would lose his livelihood. The husband and wife often quarreled, and I tried to persuade him several times. However, his wife always suspected him, thinking that if there is no affair between them, the one named Lydia Why are women struggling so hard? His wife not only quarreled with him, but also said that she was going to divorce and took the child away from him. This is The last thing my nephew wants to see is because he has always attached great importance to family, and he regards his wife and children more importantly than his own life. Ever since, a nice and happy family was messed up by Lydia. Just when my nephew felt that she was about to collapse, Lydia suddenly decided to let go, she suddenly stopped making trouble, and my nephew's cell phone was quiet for several days. He started to feel complacent and told me in private that this shameless lady finally retreated. But I don't think so. I advise him to be more careful. I don’t know whether he listened to my advice. Anyway, within two days, my nephew received a letter from Tom to the effect that the letter is not suitable for my nephew’s current work ability. For the current job position, I hope my nephew can find a new job as soon as possible, and I hope that after reading the letter, he will immediately go to the financial office to settle this month’s salary. The stupid guard sighed. This letter was written by Tom himself. The hypocritical and cunning guy, the wording of the letter sounds very polite, but in fact he just wanted to announce one thing and tell you to get out. The captain sighed, yes, this is the typical Tom style. As long as he wants anyone to disappear, the designation is to disappear immediately, without any room for negotiation. After reading the letter, my nephew became very angry. Of course he knew that the reason why he received the letter of resignation was entirely because of Lydia. She had been pursuing herself, but she couldn’t be pleased, and she felt that she was losing face. revenge. At that time, my nephew was going to go to Tom to expose Lydia’s intention to retaliate against him. I quickly grabbed him and persuaded him for a long time, but he refused to accept it. Of course, I understand his feelings. A woman who was indiscriminate had been rectified, and she felt uncomfortable in her heart. My nephew originally planned to retaliate against her, but then he thought that I was still working here. In order not to affect my future, he had to knock out his teeth and swallow it in his belly, suppressing the matter, and left here silently without saying anything. . My nephew is a tough man, he did it all for me. The thought of him swallowing this wretched gas so much for me makes me feel terribly uncomfortable. I introduced him to work here in the hope that he can develop well in the future, but all of this was messed up by the wife of Lydia. When the captain said this, the back of his nephew mournfully left before his eyes, and he couldn't help but cried. Nephew, I blamed me for being bad. As an uncle, I failed to take good care of you, which made you lose your job. My uncle is really a failure. Even his nephew cannot be taken care of. Actually let a **** bully you. "

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