Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 1368: Zero confession? Are you planning to use power to suppress others?

Seeing Lao Zhang approaching, the kidnapped woman immediately made a stern call, "Help me! Uncle police, help me!"

Lin Meng patted her cheek and hissed, "Quiet! What's the noise! ​​You yelled me so much."

The woman avoided Lin Meng's hand in disgust, "Remove your dirty hands. I hate those mucus like snot."

Lin Meng smiled, "Don't be disgusted, I believe that soon, you will have to be like me. There is no skin, and the body is covered with mucus."

The woman said, "Go away, disgusting monster!"

Lin Meng used the thin stone to slash across the woman’s face, "You called me a monster again? Believe it or not, I tried a little harder, and a blood hole appeared on your face immediately, and then I grabbed it. The **** hole, pull it hard, brush the floor, and your face will be completely torn off. Then I will follow your face and tear off your skin piece by piece! It won’t be long before you Will look exactly like me."

The woman was so frightened that she yelled, "Don't tear my face, please, uncle police, help!"

Old Zhang clicked the bullet into the load, pointed his gun at Lin Meng's head, and said sharply, "I'll say it again, let go of that girl!"

Lin Meng looked at Lao Zhang with contempt and laughed, "Who did I think it was? It turned out to be the cowardly policeman. You pointed a gun at my head, didn't you plan to shoot?"

Old Zhang suppressed his anger, "Yes, if you don't let go, I can only shoot."

Lin Meng said, "It seems that there are regulations for your police to shoot. You can't shoot and kill criminals casually, because criminals also have human rights."

Lao Zhang nodded, "It's true that you can't shoot casually, but if the suspect's actions have seriously threatened the victim's personal safety, you can shoot."

Lin Meng smiled, "But I don't threaten this beauty's personal safety now."

"You are talking nonsense, do you plan to strip her skin and say that it does not threaten her personal safety?"

"I was helping her. I wanted her to experience the beautiful feeling of a human body at zero distance from the fresh air. You know, this feeling is very special. It's like a person's whole body is covered with nostrils. Breathe freely. We humans have only two small nostrils, but we have to breathe a lot of air for the whole body to use. This is seriously unscientific. This is the reason why we humans often feel hypoxia, because there are only two nostrils. The small hole absorbs oxygen, which is really overwhelming, so we need to expand the contact surface between the body and the air, so that the body can breathe directly, and the skin in the way must be removed. You will understand my approach, provided that one of you personally Try my feelings, and this girl became the first lucky person."

"Shut up! You madman. Please put your madman's remarks away quickly, no one here will appreciate your actions. Ms. Lin Meng, you are already in a frenzy now, do you understand? What is your **** theory? No one can accept it at all."

"You are so stupid. I have never seen you stupid people who are stubborn and don't accept new things. How do you grow up? No wonder that social progress is so slow now because of the existence of you stupid people. You refuse to accept new things. You are an obstacle to social development and must be removed! Only by removing all of you stupid and stubborn people can the whole society move forward quickly."

Lao Zhang said impatiently, "Stop! Stop it, please don't spread your ignorant remarks. I won't tell you so much nonsense. I will order you to let the girl go, otherwise I will open it. The gun is out."

Lin Meng sneered, "Shoot? In what name?"

"Is it enough to shoot in the name of your serious threat to the young woman's personal safety?"

Lin Meng seemed to be irritated and opened his throat and shouted, "Idiot policeman, I just told you that I did not threaten her, I am helping her, do you understand? If you can't even recognize help and threats, you What kind of cop?"

Lao Zhang sneered, "That is because you personally think that this woman is not threatened. The eyes of the people at the scene are discerning, and they will make a correct judgment on your behavior. If you refuse to plead guilty, the court can sentence it with zero confession. You go to jail."

"Zero confession? Are you planning to use power to suppress others?"

"I don't want to use power to suppress others. What you did has seriously violated the law. All the witnesses at the scene can testify for me."

Everyone said in unison, "Yes, that's right, we are all willing to testify for this policeman, proving that you really intend to harm this young woman."

Lin Meng raised his voice and shouted, "What are you doing? There are so many people. You want to bully fewer people with more people. There is no way. I won't give in."

Old Zhang said, "We didn't want to bully you. The main reason is that your behavior violates the law and you must accept legal sanctions."

Lin Meng was choked and looked at Lao Zhang with a serious face with wide eyes. Suddenly, a grieving laugh broke out.

"Oh, who I thought it was. I have always seen you very familiar. You are the police officer who shot Madam Qin to death the previous time, right? The last time you shot Madam Qin headshot is still The aftermath is not over, now you are actually shooting at me? It seems that you are really addicted to shooting?"

Because of Mrs. Qin's affairs, Lao Zhang has always had a shadow in his heart. Now that Lin Meng has said the matter in public, Lao Zhang felt guilty, and his gun hand began to tremble.

The eyes of everyone suddenly focused on Lao Zhang, and they talked about each other.

"Mom, he was the policeman who killed Mrs. Qin. Why do I say so familiar?"

"Mrs. Qin died terribly. Not only did her body explode, she also got a headshot."

"By the way, this old Zhang, didn't the media jointly ask the police to expel him? Why is he still working as a police officer? How can someone who shoots casually like this be a police officer?"

"But I heard that Madam Qin is not a monster, it's just a monster, she's dead if she dies."

"Can a monster shoot at will? What I want to say now is his casual shooting as a policeman, not whether the person shot was a monster."

"What you said seems to make sense, even if it is a monster, as a policeman, it is wrong to shoot casually."

"But this Madam Qin is really weird. I also heard that Madam Qin is resurrected again."

Speaking of Mrs. Qin, everyone who had been silent became boiling again.

All of a sudden, various discussions flew into Lao Zhang's ears.

Lin Meng smiled and said, "How is it? Lao Zhang, it seems that everyone's evaluation of you is not very good? It seems that most people derogate you."

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