Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 1327: Our luck is good, the beads in Lin Meng's body are female beads.

Quail Egg said, "What would happen if the beads in Lin Meng's body were male beads?"

Master Azan said, "If the beads in Lin Meng's body are male beads, of course it is a failure to combine beads, because the opposite **** attracts and the same **** repels each other. This is the iron law."

The quail egg said, "What if these two foxes made into Meizhu are gay?"

Master Azan frowned, "It seems that foxes like beasts rarely have gays. And foxes, whether male or female, will most likely choose to fall in love with men and women among humans, regardless of whether they are male or female. **In the past, I really haven't paid much attention to it."

Liu Xin twisted the ears of the quail eggs, "Go and go, don't affect the master's work."

Master Azan coughed twice, "Now, I still try to see if the beads in Lin Meng's body are female or male?"

At this time, the bead had begun to move up slowly in Lin Meng's body.

Wherever the beads went, the internal organs and bones were clearly photographed.

Quail Egg said, "To tell the truth, this bead is much better than X-ray. If this bead is ground into powder and installed in an X-ray machine, it will be better than our current X-ray machine, at least without radiation."

Liu Xin hissed, "Why are you still talking? Don't make any noise. Don't study any X-rays. Is that something you are thinking about? It's something that a scientist is thinking about, so don't bother about that."

Master Azan concentrated his energy, placed Meizhu in his palm, and recited the spell silently.

That Meizhu immediately emitted a beautiful light blue light, which gradually expanded, forming a light blue halo around the bead.

Then the light blue halo gradually spread to the surroundings, passed through the window, entered Lin Meng's room, and surrounded Lin Meng who was sleeping on the bed.

The light blue halo became darker and darker, and finally turned to deep violet.

At the same time, the beads in Lin Meng's body became restless. It was originally slowly moving up in Lin Meng's body. Now, its moving speed gradually slowed down, and finally stopped.

Upon seeing this, Master Azan was overjoyed, "We are lucky, the beads in Lin Meng's body are female beads."

Liu Xin said, "Master, why do you think so?"

Master Azan said, "I'm doing a **** test for the bead, using this male bead as bait. Assuming that the bead in Lin Meng's body is a male bead, then it will ignore the halo emitted by the male bead. Lately, the established process completes its detoxification work for the host. But now, it stops moving, which means that it is interfered by the male bead halo, and only the female bead can be interfered by the male bead halo."

Liu Xin suddenly realized, "Oh, that's how it is."

Quail Egg said, "What if the beads in Lin Meng's body were made by a fake lady among foxes?"

Liu Xin said, "Go! You thought they were all the same as you."

Quail Egg said aggrieved, "Sister, although I am a mother, but my sexual orientation is normal, I still like girls."

Master Azan laughed, "Animals rarely get the wrong sex, and male animals can find female animals from far away, even if they are found across several hillsides. The reason is that animals are not recognized by their appearance. Gender depends on smell. They can smell the smell of the opposite **** from a few kilometers away. Animals have a very sensitive sense of smell."

Liu Xin said excitedly, "Master, since the beads in Lin Meng's body are female beads, let's hurry up and close the beads."

Quail Egg said, "Yeah, Master quickly heal. I can't wait to see what Hezhu will look like."

Master Azan nodded, "Well, it's time to let them fuse together." After speaking, he recited the spell silently.

The beads in Lin Meng's body suddenly became restless, it moved disorderly in Lin Meng's body for a while, and then suddenly moved upward.

Since the bead is bright, when it moves in Lin Meng's body, its moving track can be seen very clearly.

The bead moved from her large intestine to the stomach, and then from the stomach to the esophagus, and then it quickly ascended the esophagus to the mouth.

Master Azan smiled, "Look, the beads have reached her mouth. As long as her mouth opens, the beads will leave her body immediately."

Liu Xin said, "Okay, okay, Master, you should work harder and get it out of Lin Meng's body."

Master Azan nodded and continued to chant the spell.

At this moment, Lin Meng twisted her body uncomfortably.

The quail egg said in surprise, "Oh, it seems that Lin Meng is about to wake up."

Quail Egg said, "Yeah, don't let her wake up. If she wakes up now, wouldn't we give up all our efforts?"

Master Azan said, "Don’t worry, this is normal. Meizhu left her body, her body has already felt it, and her body is sending a blocking signal to her brain. But her brain still can’t receive this message. The reason is that she is now asleep, which is what we usually call deep sleep. So she will not wake up, her body cannot receive instructions from the brain and cannot make further movements. We can rest assured , Continue our process of combining beads." After speaking, continue to chant.

Quail Egg whispered, "Why do I think her body is so pitiful? After reporting for a long time, the brain didn't react at all."

Liu Xin said, "Go! Shut up, do you still want her brain to respond? Her brain reacts, isn't the master busy for a long time?"

Liu Xin and Quail Egg opened their eyes wide and stared at the screen of the phone. They saw Lin Meng writhing on the bed with a painful expression on their faces, and then slowly opened their mouths.

At the same time, the bead sprang out of her mouth and flew out of the window like a happy bird, following the path of the violet halo.

The quail egg exclaimed, "God, it's amazing. That bead has been successfully seduced from Lin Meng's mouth."

Liu Xin's tongue knotted with excitement, "Shut up, don't make noise."

The bead flew into Master Azan's palm, and stood side by side with the bead in his palm.

The halo from the two beads gradually merged into one.

Master Azan smiled, "You two can be optimistic, now you are ready to join the beads." After speaking, he recited the spell silently.

As soon as a slight bang was heard, the two beads merged together and became one bead.

This bead is twice as large as the one just now, and the light it emits is even brighter.

Master Azan held it in his palm, feeling it shimmering like a little sun.

Liu Xin burst into tears with excitement, "Mom, this bead is so beautiful, I have never seen anything so beautiful."

The quail egg was trembling with shock, "Wow, the most precious gemstone in the world emits less light than this bead. Seeing this bead, I feel my eyes look dull and dull when I look at everything else."

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