Manual of Space-Time Interference

Vol 2 Chapter 325: negotiate

There may be two kinds of people who dare to pull out the tiger's beard, after excluding zoo keepers.

One is that Shouxing Gong hangs his neck because he has a long life, and the other is that he is really capable, and with a little courage, it is a matter of course.

Qin State is currently a stumbling block on the road of socialist revival, with a **** mouth, bared fangs with bits of meat **** embedded in their teeth, waving sharp claws, and staring at anyone who dares to go up. former person.

Just like those legends of Dragon Quest, although the brave will always win the final victory, but it is only the story in the book, and it is always only the protagonist that attracts people, but I do not see those hidden in the dark, those dark Skeletons mingled in the foul-smelling soil...

It is very unfortunate that they are currently standing in front of this stumbling block, even though the stumbling block has not noticed them.

The grand plan of restoring the country, the follow-up arrangement, is cumbersome and troublesome, but it is always divided into fine details, and then the labor is divided into the hands of the corresponding people.

Shi Lei's attitude became more and more respectful after the meeting, and the strangeness and alienation of the first meeting gradually disappeared.

As for the reason for the coup d'état, the dialect told everyone the rhetoric that he had already prepared last night.

The degree of prevention was not enough, and the Blue Star people used almost the same appearance to deceive everyone, and then infiltrated the high-level government within a hundred years, thus turning the dominance of the government in one fell swoop.

There may still be a lot of loopholes in this rhetoric, but under the interpretation of the dialect luck theory, it can be considered to be reluctant to fool the past.

However, after all, there are still some people with a heart, and those who can enter the red army are not stupid...

But in the acquiescence, everyone's words and my words have made up the reasons for the coup d'etat, and the rest is just waiting for the moment when the trump card is revealed, and I don't know What will the situation be like then...


"Ramon, you said Ramones, when can you come back?"

Galloping in the mountains, the branches and leaves in the forest are fluttering with the air pressure. Dialect is leaning on the back chair and chatting casually. A powered mecha sits quietly in the back seat, mixed with a little moist soil, and a little bit of light shines. The faint blue light shows that it is activated. .

Fu Fang and He Bin will take the afternoon flight to Nanzhou City, because after all, there are too many inconveniences in the capital of Lanxing City, and the dialect finally reminds me of Ramon who is arranged in the deep mountains and old forests.

"The last message left by Mr. Ramones, the growth time of a mechanical life is in units of thousands of years, perhaps thousands of years later."

Ramones replied simply, the dialect listened, nodded, and then turned around and rushed directly to the ground, but disappeared without a trace in the next instant...


"He Bin, has Fu Fang arrived yet?" Fang Yan pushed open the door and asked, and put the box containing the medicine in his hand on the table.

"Our members have picked up the two of them and are currently rushing to our base."

Shi Lei nodded and handed the document he just signed to the adjutant next to him. Then he looked up at Dialect, glanced at the medicine box that appeared on the table, and asked, "Captain, I just imagined For a moment, if it is arranged according to your plan, we need to arrange a team of at least 300 people to go to the square."

"Tell me what you think?"

Dialect took a glass of water, sat on the chair, raised his hand and asked.

After nodding a little, Shi Lei considered his next words, and then he said, "I made a detailed estimate, if everything develops according to the ideal state, we will definitely encounter a round-the-clock security team during the raid. power armour, which is unavoidable because they will seal off the outside environment throughout the day, relying solely on the supply of oxygen inside the armour."

"Continue!" Dialect nodded, and the expression on his face became a little serious. Any plan is a long-term trial and error. Before the time for the implementation of the plan, it may be pushed down thousands of times.

"The special power armor team has a total of 24 people. We need special firearms to be able to damage it. This is a process of killing people." Shi Lei continued, turned around and picked up a pen. "According to the information we have just compiled, the current military parade team is concentrated in the South Training Ground, with a total of 41 troops, from ground troops to space troops and other military formations, and our lurking personnel in it, a total of 32 name."

"What are you going to do?"

"On the day of the military parade, I will arrange for people to load live ammunition." Shi Lei said, drawing a large circle with his pen, "I need you to unlock their power armor intelligence restrictions."

"no problem."

"Last night, I thought about the plan you mentioned from all angles, and the key to the success of this plan lies in the gas bomb, and the nuclear bomb we originally prepared has always had a lot of loopholes, because the anti-nuclear measures The presence."


"Qin Rui's whereabouts are uncertain, and most of the time he stays in the Qin Palace, that is, the former Central State makes it difficult to carry out our raid, and generally he does not travel much. We can't prepare accordingly, on June 6th, Captain, I was reckless yesterday."

Shi Lei sincerely apologized, Fang Yan shook his head and smiled, raised his hand to signal Shi Lei to continue, and the matter was over.

"Li Deguang, the current police chief of Qin State, has basically reached the position of the center of power. At that time, his position will be closer to Qin Rui, and Qin Rui and the rest of the security personnel should not be too wary of Li Deguang. We can use him as a support." Shi Lei said slowly, spending two small circles at the Temple of Heaven in Blue Star Plaza.

"His son and him..." Dialect pointed out slightly,

"I talked to him last night, and he agreed." Shi Lei said, "Actually, the corresponding infiltration measures have already begun. Weapons and various logistical equipment are currently being shipped to Bluestar City through official channels. ."

"He also has a daughter, a wife." Dialect said again

"He entrusted us to take care of them." Shi Lei replied, "He will send them out before, Captain, this is an obsession. If the goal is not achieved, I will not give up."

"it is good!"

Dialect waved his hand and nodded solemnly, looking at Shi Lei, "Keep talking!"

"The range of the gas bomb, my staff and I carefully studied it last night. The limit range can be controlled within five kilometers with the Temple of Heaven as the center, which can greatly reduce the difficulty of making the gas bomb."

"and also……"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There were three knocks on the door, and the door opened immediately. He Bin, who was still in good spirits, walked in with Fu Fang, who was haggard behind him, and stood at attention in front of the dialect and saluted,)!!

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