Manual of Space-Time Interference

Vol 2 Chapter 140: There are always bad people trying to harm me!

The gunshots stopped a little, but the dialect was very clear. This did not represent the past of the crisis. On the contrary, this crisis was getting closer and closer to him, just like a series of hurried footsteps stepping through the stairwell.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A series of rapid gunshots sounded from upstairs again, and then completely returned to calm, dialect listened, slightly relieved, put his ear against the wall, and carefully listened to the remaining voices in the building , but in a split second, he turned his head to look beyond the living balcony.

A flash of lightning suddenly lit up the night sky, turning the whole world pale, a little "tick" sound began to sound, and then it became more and more dense...

The house leak happens to rain overnight, and there are always people who want to harm me...


On the 8th floor, Berg looked at the fallen corpse in front of him, raised his hand and clenched his fist at the players behind him, and then walked over slowly, kicking away the rifle that the corpse was holding.


Berg shouted, looking at the blood hole on the forehead of the corpse, the whole person relaxed a little, turned around and walked towards the three team members who were still on guard, and asked loudly, "Anyone injured?"


"feels good!"

"No, but head, a very sad thing, it's raining heavily outside!" Glens replied, and then pointed to the corridor window, and at the same time, another light shining in the night sky appeared.

Berg looked at it, took a photo with his tactical flashlight, then turned his head, with a hint of helplessness in his tone, "It's a pity, we can't go back tonight."


One of the team members scolded, and when Berg listened, he could only shake his head helplessly, and then pressed his wireless headset, "Grace, how are you over there?"

"Everything is normal, but head, I don't want to go down and accept this free shower!" On a balcony on the 8th floor of the opposite building, a dark shadow moved suddenly, and then a voice came out.

"If you don't come back now, wait for me to kick your **** in the middle of the night!"

"OK, I'll come right away!"

A helpless voice came from the headset, Berg listened and smiled, then turned to look at the four team members in front of him, "OK, let's search this building first, I'm in charge of the 8th floor. , Glens, you go to the 7th floor, Bit, you go to the 6th floor..."

After Berg finished allocating, he paused, stared into the eyes of his four team members, and continued, "Be careful, keep radio communication! Move!"

The five people dispersed in an instant, and then ran towards their assigned floors, while in the opposite building, one person was running down the stairs continuously, rushing towards this building.



The sound of breaking the door sounded, and Glenston paused. Holding the gun, he slowly walked inside, constantly observing suspicious things around him through the tactical flashlight.

A flash of lightning struck from the direction of the living balcony. Glens quickly turned his head to take a look, and then slowly continued to walk towards the interior of the living room.

In the direction he had just looked at, a pale hand suddenly stretched out from below and quickly climbed over the railing, and then, under the light of lightning, the other hand also climbed abruptly. go up...

A bit, isn't it right?

Glens suddenly came up with this idea, turned around quickly, took a picture behind him with a tactical flashlight, looked at the empty door, shook his head, and turned around.


An extremely shining white light came in from the direction of the balcony. Glens blinked involuntarily, then he was alert and continued to walk towards the bedroom, but he didn't notice that accompanied by this lightning, there was another one in the room. The head slightly exposed by the kitchen door.

"Drip, answer!"

A drop of water dripped down the wet hair on the head, hitting the dust-intensive floor, but no dust was raised...

"Ghost weather!"

Glens muttered, stretched out his left hand sideways, gently placed it on the doorknob, then quickly pushed open the door, took a step back, and then slowly raised the gun to see to the inside of the room.


Seeing that there was no one in the room, Glens breathed a sigh of relief, and put a relaxed smile on his face again. He lifted his foot and entered the door, but slowly stood there again. There was also a trace of doubt on his face.

Why is this room so clean?


A slight voice sounded from behind, and at the same time, there was a gust of wind in his ears. Glens turned his head instantly, but turned back to the front in an instant, and then started to involuntarily rotate in the opposite direction...

The look in his eyes slowly disappeared, but a trace of vigilance still remained on his face. A dazzling white light hit Glens from the window, and the disheveled figure that emerged from behind Glens—Dialect hoo! "

With a breath, it was finally spit out by Dialect. Slowly, he dragged Glens to the bed, and then quickly took off all the equipment on his body and put it on himself.

From the moment the first door smashed upstairs, Dialect knew that his only chance to survive was almost gone, because this group of people would rest here at night.

The premise of the rest is to thoroughly inspect the 8-story residential building, and at the same time, his bedroom, which has been cleaned and has many traces of life, will definitely attract their attention.

Originally, it was expected that two people would work together, or a whole team would search collectively, but I don’t know if this area has been searched, or the team leader’s head was hammered, and he was negligent and let one person Search the first floor, and this gives the dialect the opportunity to strike first.

Judging from the sound of gunshots and footsteps before, there were 5 people in this team, located on the 4th to 8th floors.

Then, each of them is broken?

Dialect thought, stuffed the magazine into the tactical pocket of this combat uniform, then took the frying pan beside him and hung it on his butt, looking at Glens who had only underwear left in front of him, slowly Taking a deep breath, he slowly stood up.

Turning off the tactical flashlight on the rifle rail, the whole room fell into darkness again in an instant, leaving only one after another dazzling thunder light that flashed in from the window. He watched and hung the rifle on his body. , then took out the pistol.


A slight voice sounded, and at the same time, a dark yellow bullet was also pushed into the barrel of the pistol. Dialect held it up and slowly walked towards the door...

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