Manual of Space-Time Interference

Vol 2 Chapter 123: go ashore

I took out a set of winter casual clothes from the opening on the side of the big backpack. After putting it on, the biting chill brought by this cold winter subsided a little, and the warm feeling began to gradually return. within the body.

After taking a few breaths, Dialect lifted his body and opened another opening. At the same time, the entire backpack also sank slightly into the water, eating more of the waterline.

The structure of the backpack is a layered isolation structure, and the materials inside are put together in different categories. It also includes a parachute at the top and several airbags on the side of the backpack, all of which are emergency measures to prevent accidents. .

He took out the inflatable kayak and foldable oars inside without haste. Dialect took out a small gas tank from the inside. After extending the kayak and oars, he used the guide. The air hose connects the air tank to the kayak.

Unscrew the air valve slightly, and the entire kayak inflates and inflates in a visible way, and then completely inflates within a few minutes. Dialect watched, twisted the air valve again, and carried the kayak on his back. Backpack.

The sky was still dark, and the stars were still twinkling. He watched and slowly climbed into the kayak, and then slightly propped up the surface of the backpack with both hands, and the whole kayak slowly entered the water.

There was no signal on the mobile phone, and even the phone could not be dialed. Some were just positioning messages from Nuwa. The dialect looked at it with a compass to find the correct direction. After fixing the sculls, I began to slowly slid, and controlled the kayak slowly towards the shore.

It was very quiet, and it seemed that there was no sound of seabirds. In the vast sea, there seemed to be only such a small boat left, drifting with the current...


"Dong 1, Cave 1, Unidentified people found in the A12 waters, repeat, unknown people found in the A12 waters!"

"Determine the number of people, vehicles, and nationalities!"

"The number is one, and one single-person kayak is moving towards our coastal defense area. The yellow race can't judge the nationality!"

The sergeant of the positional defense replied with a walkie-talkie. On the screen in front of him, a kayak was approaching at a slow and steady speed.

"Keep your distance, confirm its identity and purpose, and be ready to kill at any time!"

"Dong Jiu understands!"

The Master Chief replied, put down the walkie-talkie, looked at the kayak on the screen, and said to the person next to him, "Prepare for battle, if there is any change, just kill it!"


The person next to him replied, the Master Chief nodded, walked out of the tent, took six people, ran towards the two assault boats under the coast, and quickly drove in the direction of the single-person kayak.


"The personnel in front immediately stop moving. You have entered our military defense zone. Get up and put your hands above your head. Don't make any movement!"

The Master Chief looked at the kayak under the searchlight next to him and shouted through a loudspeaker. At the same time, the soldiers on the two assault boats pointed the guns that had opened the safety at the people on the kayak—Dialect.

He listened, stood up slowly, and raised his hands slowly above his head, without the slightest abnormal movement, because he knew that once there was any change, the four rifles would definitely fire at the first time, and waiting for him, only die.

This is not a time of peace, this is a time of war, all military operations are based on wartime regulations, no matter whether you are innocent or not, as long as you are considered a threat, it is definitely the gun that is waiting for you, not the police who come up and give it to you. Wear handcuffs.

"Report name, nationality, identity information!"

The Master Chief continued to roar,

"Rabbit country, you have no right to inquire about your identity information!" Fang Yan shouted back, looking at the muzzle of the gun less than 20 meters away from him, even under the icy cold wind, cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Report your name, nationality, and identity information!" the Master Chief roared, raising his hand at the same time. The soldiers on the two assault boats tightened their rifles again, and their index fingers began to bend slightly.

"Nationality, rabbit, and the rest involve state secrets, you have no right to inquire!" Dialect also shouted back, the sweat on his forehead became more and more obvious.

He knew that he could go ashore, but the difference was his identity. The treatment of a spy and a special fighter was completely different. All he needed was a phone call.

The atmosphere on the entire sea froze in an instant, and a chilling atmosphere began to spread, the dark muzzle, the blazing searchlight, and the pale face of the dialect.

The Master Chief didn't reply or give an order. Looking at the dialect on the single kayak who refused to answer, he suddenly turned his head and said, "Stay vigilant and come close to check!"

The assault boat slowly approached, and at the same time, the dialect was slightly relieved.

"Come over slowly, put your hands on top of your head, and don't make any small movements!" The Master Chief said, turning on the safety of his pistol, pointing to the the slight contact between the assault boat and the kayak, Fang Yan's body swayed slightly, and with the five muzzles pointed at, he took a step towards the assault boat, and then slowly pulled the other leg up.

"Search it!"

The Master Chief said, the soldier next to him put away his gun, searched his body roughly, and finally took the dialect's mobile phone and shook his head at the Master Chief.

"Hold your head and squat down, be honest!" The Master Chief pushed Xiao Yan's shoulder and drove him directly to the side of the assault boat. After instructing the two soldiers to look after him, he stepped onto the single kayak and put the Take everything inside.

"Go back!" The Master Chief said to the personnel who controlled the assault boat, withdrew the magazine from the dialect pistol, looked at it a little, and handed it to the soldier next to him, then looked at the dialect squatting in the corner, Opened the backpack.

"Compressed rations, first aid kits, pistol bullets..." The Master Chief muttered, looking at Dialect from time to time.

"Head, what's engraved on it looks like something engraved on the armor of the special forces?" The soldier next to him picked up the pistol and looked at it carefully. asked for sure.

"Are you sure?" The Master Chief took the pistol over suspiciously, looked at the vaguely familiar pattern on it, glanced at Dialect in confusion, but slowly put the things he took out into his backpack. put it aside.

There was a white light on the horizon, but the whole sea area was still very dark and silent. The whole city seemed to be shrouded in dead silence, and only a blazing bright light was left...

There is still a rifle pointed at the top of his head, and it is a rifle with the safety opened and the bullet loaded, but the dialect at this moment has gradually calmed down...

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