Manga: The King’s Seat

Chapter 105: not enough

Puff puff!

Li Yi, who had soared murderous intent, cut three times in a row.

As a result, none of the three knives pierced the key point of Jianba Jianba, which made Xuhua Li Yi's brows tighten, and his killing intent became even stronger.

Even if Gengmu Jianba is on the verge of death at this moment, Void Li Yi is still unhappy. After all, his speed and strength are higher than Gengmu Jianba, and he can't give Gengmu Jianba a fatal blow. He can only rely on such an attack. It made Geng Mu Jian eight serious injuries to death, which made Xu Hua Li Yi very upset.

"Ahem, not enough, this way... this is not enough to kill me, go on!"

Gengmujian coughed up blood, his swaying body could only rely on the support of the Soul Slashing Blade to prevent himself from falling to the ground.

"Really tenacious, I won't die if I was injured like this." Xuhua Li Yi said, taking a step forward, smiling coldly towards Gengmu Jianba, stretched out his left hand, and gently pushed towards Gengmu Jianba.


Mengki Kenpachi's body fell heavily to the ground, but he struggled to get up again after he had just fallen.


Xuhua Li Yi suddenly kicked his feet and kicked Geng Mu Jianba who was struggling to get up again, and then stepped Geng Mu Jianba to the ground to prevent Geng Mu Jianba from having any chance to struggle again.

"I don't understand. You should have fallen a long time ago, but you have been holding on with your tenacious willpower. Tell me, what is the point of persisting like this?"

As Li Yi said, the Soul Slashing Sword in his hand tapped Gengmu Jianba's chest. At the point of Bi Anhua's knife, it was Gengmu Jianba's knot.

Gengmu Jianba quickly glanced at Higan Flower, silent, just breathing deeply and adjusting his breathing rate.

The more wooden swordsman's attitude made Li Yi feel uncomfortable again. His life was clearly in his hands, but this guy didn't have any consciousness. With this arrogant attitude, he must teach him a profound lesson. He must not be killed easily.

"Say, or not?"

Li Yi said jokingly, applying a slight force on his feet to make the blood flow faster in Gengmu Jianba's wound. At the same time, the flower of the other bank gently pierced Gengmu Jianba's knot, and the strong threat was self-evident. Metaphor.

Mengmu Kenpachi remained silent, and slowly closed his eyes.

A touch of hostility suddenly appeared on the face of Void Li Yi. At this moment, all the patience of Void Li Yi had disappeared, and he was fed up with even more arrogant attitude.

"Aren’t you always pursuing your busy life in battle? I just won’t let you do what I want. I want to break your locks, so that you will lose your spiritual pressure forever and become an ordinary soul. In this way, it may be more than letting you die. It can make you feel pain, haha!"

As Li Yi said, he couldn't help but feel happy for his clever plan and began to laugh wantonly.

At this moment, Jianba, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes, a strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and the frail appearance of his face disappeared in an instant. With the help of the gap of Li Yi's laughter, he grabbed the soul-slashing at hand. The knife slashed towards Li Yi's waist like a lightning.


A huge explosion sounded, and at the same time, a figure flew out quickly.

"Ah! What are you waiting for? Of course I am waiting for this moment!"

Gengmu Jianba said to Li Yi, who was flying backwards quickly.

Li Yi, who was flying upside down, quickly adjusted his body in the air, and then steadily landed on the ground, looking at Geng Jianba with a cold expression.

After listening to Gengmu Kenpachi's words, he lowered his head to look at his waist, where there was a long wound. The wound went from left to right, almost traversing his entire abdomen.

Caressing the wound on his waist, he frightened Li Yi for a while. If it weren't for Xu Kai, if it wasn't for Xu Kai, his speed at this time was far faster than Gengmu Jianba, this knife had already killed him!

"I still underestimated you. I didn't expect that even at this level, you still have the ability to threaten me!"

Xuhua Li Yi said coldly to Gengmu Jianba.

Then he took a breath and continued: "Unfortunately, this is your last chance. The next blow, I will kill you completely, and I won't give you any chance again!"

When Li Yi finished speaking, his body disappeared in an instant. The next moment he was standing behind Gengmu Jianba, holding the other side flower high. With this blow, he did not use a thorn, but chose to cut Gengmu Jianba off.

"Your own hard-working and painstaking sneak attack failed, you must be very depressed, just disappear with such deep disappointment and unwillingness!"

Li Yi's light and fluttering voice sounded behind Geng Mu Jianba.

Gengmu Jianba grinned and held his Soul Slashing Knife tightly, completely ignoring the attack behind him.

Biganhua quickly cut down, and the cold blade had touched Geng Mujianba's skin, and at this moment, Gengmujian was moving!


Li Yi only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and the more wooden swordsman had disappeared, leaving only a chopped captain Haori in place.

"Is it the empty cicada in Sifengyuan Yeyi!"

Li Yi whispered to himself, an unexpected color flashed in his eyes.

Even Mu Jianba will learn the tricks of others, not to mention blurring Li Yi's surprise, even if Li Yi himself sees it, he will definitely be shocked.

There was a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and Li Yi disappeared instantly, leaving a light and fluttering sentence in place: "If you have seen and heard domineering, even if Ye Yi comes, it is useless!"

When Gengmu Jianba reappeared, Void Li Yi's figure also appeared, standing in front of Gengmu Jianba, sneered at Gengmu Jianba.

Even more Mu Jianba's expression remained unchanged. He had already prepared for this. He had witnessed Li Yi playing Yeyi and knew that the empty cicada was ineffective against Li Yi, and he was not very skilled in the use of the empty cicada. It's normal to be caught up.

"time up!"

Gengmu Jianba suddenly whispered.

Blurring Li Yi's hearing is inexplicable, but he didn't ask too much. Now is not the time for small talk. He must solve the problem as soon as possible, and then focus on devouring Li Yi.

Otherwise, the longer the delay, the easier it is to produce too many variables.

Thinking about this, Void Li Yi directly did it, ignoring Geng Mu Jianba's words.

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