Man of Dungeon

85. Uncle, I accept

"Since the change... powerful demons that have never existed in the forest have begun to emerge"

The elder continues his explanation with a strange face.

"There have never been more in the Elf Forest...... there have been demons like Lizards and Panthers. But they had no strong magic."

(... magic? You mean the MP?

"How about that? The forest today is overflowing with demons with strong magic. Fortunately, the Elves possess a wealth of knowledge and magic, not what they want, but do not draw others in force. It doesn't extend to being destroyed by demons, but it takes a lot of vigilance to walk."

(Are you saying the monster will raid the NPC)

"Well, it's still good to the point where demons emerge... it's well thought that some kind of demonic vein change will produce demons that contain more magic than traditionally from somewhere else. But..."


The elders say like a little tired.

"But there are things happening that natural phenomena cannot explain. It means that an extramonstrous demon has appeared."


Sigesato leans his neck strangely.

"I don't know what to explain. They look very creepy. It has a firm, cold scale of silver, ruthless and fearless. That's creepy enough, but there's no blood in that body. What a tough guy."

The elder explains with a frivolous look that seems painful.

"You sure look like a little scary monster."

Sigesato leans on the elder's opinion.

"And the fierce demon emerges from nowhere, springing up massively in the West Forest."

"Wow, are you serious"

"Ahhh... we have been sleepless peacefully at night because of that"

"... I wonder if it's a metal type monster..."

When Jisan whines casually about what he thinks, Sigesato and the elders turn to Jisan with momentum.

"Cold scales of silver, fearless and fleshless.................. yes, it could indeed be!

"Do they know about them?

The elder asks in desperate shape.

"Well... I thought it was probably a” mechanical soldier ”called the metal type"

"... Machinery?

The elder now turns his gaze to Jisan with a Kyotong face.

"Oh yes... it's certainly not a measure, but I think anyone has seen it once..."

"!? Aren't they scared?

"Huh...? Oh, well, the special..."

It was a perception from Jisan that there was no significant difference from ordinary monsters.

"Oh my...!

The elder stares at Jisan with his loud eyes as if he was impressed.

Fine, it was Jisan who I think would change her expression.

The elder sets aside for a moment and begins to speak again to determine his will.

"…… with their knowledge… I see you as quite a wise man…"

A silent Dorado is nodding with Uneune but no one responds.

"... that's what I need from them."


"As I said earlier, there are tons of machines in the West Forest...... soldiers? is overflowing. Especially as we approach a certain point, that number increases."

"... a point?

Sigesato listens back.

"I'm expecting something at that point"

"I see..."

The elders go on looking sorry.

"So what... can't you ask someone who already has the knowledge of that mechanical soldier to cooperate in the investigation of that point...? And of course,” the utmost sincerity ”..."


"Huh!? Now what?

…… Fine... "

It was Zisan who unexpectedly accepted before the elders attempted to present additional conditions.

(... if there's so many metal types, I'd definitely like to take a taste)

In the end, it is.

"Ew! Thank you so much... for the elite elves..."

"Oh, no, that's fine"


"You don't have to put it on special, do you?

(... I don't like too many people)

"Oh well... what a high virtue... but could you at least let me put one on it? Sometimes we want to see what we have..."

"Oh yes... if you say so much..."

"Good.................. Now, Elves, Elite Squads...... Captain...... have the Harde there......"

The elder sends his gaze to the elves' central figure, the elves who brought the Gisans this far, who first spoke with the Gisans.

"No, the Lord is coming"


Sarah pinches her mouth suddenly, keeping her mouth shut all the time.

"Maximum sincerity? And you're gonna show them, aren't you?

Sarah puts a prank face on Niyali and the elders.


The elder bites his lips into Sarah's magnificent but sensible remarks.

"These people have the power over the Demon King, but the Lord would never have figured that out, would he?

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