On the earth stage, Ma Xiaoliu held a club in one hand and a simple horn rolled up with iron in the other.

He looked at the darkened crowd below, feeling a little shocked.

This is his first appearance on stage.

Deng Cunli needed people, and he was still able to write, count, and trust.

The lack of talents not only caused Gu Jiu's headache, but also caused headaches for the people below.

The speed at which the Second Zhuang trains talents can't keep up with the needs.

No way, Gu Jiu had no choice but to send out some of the little yellow sects around him.

Ask them to study hard by Deng Cunli's side, and hope that one day they can be their own.

Ma Xiaoliu looked back at Deng Cunli, who was standing behind him.

Deng Cunli's eyes widened, and Ma Xiaoliu shivered, as if he was in a palace, quickly suppressing his nervous emotions, and cheering up.


Ma Xiaoliu banged the gongs and drums with a club.

"Everyone is here, right? There are three main things for calling everyone here today."

All the refugees pricked their ears and listened carefully for fear of missing a word.

The children were hungry and a little restless. Wang Lian raised his hand and hit, "Don't say anything, listen to what the boss says first."

Li Sheng stood in the crowd, his face was yellowish and thin, with no flesh. But he was tall and stood out among the crowd.

He rubbed the yellow mud on his body and pinched another flea to death.

He is originally from Caizhou, and his family has a small yield.

My hometown has been suffering from severe drought for three years, and everything I can sell at home is sold. I have no surplus and I can only eat wild vegetables and nibble bark.

When the bark of wild vegetables was not available to eat, in desperation, they had no choice but to escape with the whole village.

As a result, there was a rare torrential rain on the way, and the river rose, which broke the embankment and dispersed the family.

When the flood receded, he survived, but his family disappeared.

He didn't believe that all ten people in his family were dead.

He remembered that the family had made an appointment to go to the capital.

Maybe his family is waiting for him in the capital.

He tightened his belt, went on the road alone, and became a refugee in the capital.

Relying on the government's daily meal of gruel to survive.

Since arriving in Beijing last year, until this year, he has been wandering around trying to find his family.

Hope again and again, and disappointment again and again.

Two months ago, the lifeless refugee shack welcomed its first recruitment.

That time, he missed it because his heart was ashamed.

For two months, he watched the people around him gradually become stronger because they got a job on the construction site. Not only did he support his family, but he also had the money left to pull a foot of cloth for his wife.

He also saw half-and-half children working on the construction site. He could get back a few copper plates every day, as well as buns that he couldn't bear to eat.

It's really buns.

The white steamed buns made Li Sheng drool every day in his dreams.

He wants to eat buns, he wants to work, he wants to save money.

When he finds his family one day, he also has money to pull two feet of cloth for his wife to make new clothes and buy two taels of brown sugar for the child.

He stretched his neck and looked at the needless young man on the soil platform.

He has heard that the owner is a member of the royal family. So all the stewards here are the father-in-law of the palace.

The word father-in-law is very deterrent.

Anyway, no one dared to be presumptuous in front of several father-in-laws.

Ma Xiaoliu coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said loudly with a tin horn, "Listen well, everyone. For the first thing, 500 women and children need to be recruited, and feces are collected and cleaned every day. Roadway garbage, follow-up to clean up the trees and weeds on the nearby mountains.

The treatment is four wowotou a day, plus three copper plates. Those who want this job will line up here to sign up. Whoever dares to fight or make trouble, don't do it. "

There was a commotion in the crowd.

The women and children rushed to the left of the big locust tree.

Wang Lian's three children were also running to the left.

While running, she lost a straw sandal, and she had to return to pick up the drafting shoe.

By the time she was in the line, there were already hundreds of people in line.

Wang Lianshi was lost for a while, his face pale.

If it weren't for the straw sandals, she should have been ranked within three hundred.

She took a few children and said to the children: "Cheer up, our mother, someone must be selected."

Wang Ergen nodded his head.

He is already twelve years old, and he is short because of lack of food and clothing.

Don't want him on the construction site, think he is too young.

He envied that his elder brother Wang Jiangen could go to the construction site every day, and he could eat white rice and bone soup every day.

And on the construction site, meat was eaten every two days. Although there were only three slices of pork, Wang Ergen snorted, really envious.

It is said that those craftsmen can eat meat for two meals a day.

He looked at the front baffledly, he must choose.

In this way, there are four wowotou every day, plus three copper plates.

When he saves a hundred copper plates, he will buy a pair of straw sandals and eat meat.

The team progressed very quickly, some were selected and some were eliminated.

The chosen person cried with joy.

Even if the eliminated people are dissatisfied, they dare not push them. Because there is a guard with a big sword on his waist and a stick standing next to him.

These guards are not vegetarian.

In the past, someone jumped into the line, and the club fell like raindrops and was beaten to death.

There was also a vagrant who made troubles, and they disappeared from the shack two days later.

Some people say they were thrown into a pond and drowned.

Some people were buried alive in the mountains.

Some people say that they were arrested by the government and directly killed.

No matter what you say, it's all a death.

These guards, with sticks in their hands, taught the refugees what it means to be obedient and eat, and what it means to queue up.

On the soil stage, Ma Xiaoliu is announcing the second thing.

"The second thing requires a thousand labors to dig the ditches. The treatment is, two meals a day of brown rice, four wowotou, plus broth, and eight copper plates a day. Those who want to work go to the right hand side to line up to sign up. Anyone who dares to fight or cause trouble shall be driven out."


The group of refugees exploded like a firecracker.

The males ran to the right side recklessly, for fear that they would not be able to register if they were late.

Li Sheng relied on his height and long legs and ran ahead.

Since eating a meal of watery porridge at noon yesterday, he has not eaten a grain of rice all day and night.

He was very hungry.

He ranked in front of the team with the fastest birth rate, but he was a little dizzy and panicked.

He tightened his belt, he must be too hungry.

He has the strength to be selected.


There are three more gongs and drums.

Ma Xiaoliu took the tin horn and said loudly: "There is one last thing. On the construction site, the first batch of courtyards are about to be completed. People who need to buy a house can consult here. There are people here from morning to night. That's right. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money, you can pay for your work. In addition to the large courtyard, there is also a two-story small building with a single family."

Nothing happened.

If you can't eat enough, where can you buy a house?

Few people listened to the so-called third thing.

But Li Sheng listened.

Da Zayuan?

Two-story building?

Can you pay for work?

His heart is itchy.

If you can be selected, eight copper plates a day, you should be able to look forward to it.

Once you find your family, you don’t need to live in a shack, you can live in a new house.

But, don’t you go back to your hometown?

Li Sheng was very tangled.

It didn't last long, because it was his turn soon.

Ma Xiaoliu was a little embarrassed, the house, ah, people struggle for a lifetime, so there are tiles to cover him. Why these people didn't respond.

He looked back at Deng Cunli.

Deng Cunli didn't care.

The main target of the first phase of the project is not the refugees who are not full of food.

Those who really have purchasing power and are willing to buy a house are the artisans who are working on the construction site and the refugees who have income.

This is also the first group of people to be relocated in the plan.

The second group of people who are to be relocated in the plan will inevitably use violence when necessary.

But not yet in time.

If you want to carry out the second batch of large-scale relocation, you must first ensure that most families have people working to make money.

Since last year, they have been doing the registration of these refugees.

Tens of thousands of refugees, where they were born, where they came from, whether they committed any crimes, the structure of the family's population, and the number of laborers in the family, these information have long been registered.

Recruitment depends not only on the availability of labor and whether it can endure hardship.

We also need to look at the number of laborers in this family and how many people have already worked.

If there are three labors in a family, two labors have already got jobs. Then there is one labor left, sorry, but the opportunity must be given to another family.

If you want to resettle this group of refugees, you must distribute them evenly to a certain extent.

If the food cannot be distributed equally, it is necessary to allocate part of the work equally.

Finally it was the turn of the Wang Lian family.

"Where is it from?" The guy glanced at their family and asked with a serious face.

Wang Lianshi was very nervous, rubbing a corner of his clothes, and whispered, "From Caizhou."

Man knows it all.

Caizhou has suffered severe drought for several years, and many people flee from famine.

One part went to the south, and part went to the capital.

Many others died halfway.

The guy picked up the Caizhou population register, "What's your husband's name?"

"The last name is Wang."

Zhao Qian Sun Li...

Population registration, sorted according to the surname of the hundred families.

"Wang what?"

"Wang Lianshi."

"What's your son's name?"

Wang Ergen took the initiative to take a step forward, "My name is Wang Ergen, and my brother is Wang Jiangen. I work underground."

The man nodded and quickly found Wang Ergen's family.

"Only Wang Jiangen is working in your family now?"

Wang Lianshi nodded again and again, and said cautiously: "Only my Dalang is working. There are many people in the family, and the food earned from work is not enough."

The man was silent.

He glanced at the steward next to him. Manager nodded slightly.

The man said blankly: "Wang Ergen, you are hired. Take this note and go to the next door to complete the procedures. Next!"

Wang Ergen was overjoyed and held the note tightly for fear that it might fall.

Wang Lian was anxious, "Then, what about me?"

The guy said unceremoniously: "If you hire your son, you won't have your chance. Don't block it, the next one."

Wang Lianshi was a little flustered and wanted to ask again, but was pushed away by the people behind.

The people behind were very dissatisfied and murmured: "My son has been hired, what else do you want? Is it possible to think that the whole family will be hired?"

Wang Lianshi flushed, and hurried away with a few children.

Wang Ergen took the note and went to the next door.

The guy received the note, took a look, took out the wooden stick, dipped a little red paint on the brush, and wrote Wang Ergen's name, age, hometown, and date.

Dry the paint and hand it to him, "Take it. With this, you can get paid and food. If it falls, you must make it up in time."

Wang Ergen held the wooden stick tightly, as if what he was holding was not an identity plate, but a peerless treasure.

Similarly, he had seen wooden strips on his eldest brother Wang Jiangen.

The eldest brother treats the wooden strips as a treasure, and no one is allowed to touch it.

He heard from his elder brother that he would not receive any wages if he did a job without wooden slats.

Someone once dropped the wooden slats on the construction site. Before the replacement, he did not eat a bite of food and received a penny of wages.

Wang Ergen looked all over his body, and it was inconvenient to put the wooden strips anywhere.

Fortunately, there was a hole in the wooden strip. He found a string to string it and hung it around his neck, so he was not afraid of falling off.

On the big locust tree, in the crowd, there are already a piece of wood on the neck of many people.

Anyone who has wooden slats has received the envy of others.

They straightened their chests subconsciously to separate them from those who were not working.

Even though I was still hungry, I didn't get a penny. But those who have wooden slats are consciously superior to others.

Wang Lianshi was very happy and envious.

She didn't expect Ergen to be selected.

"Mother, the manager said just now that I am going to work today. Tonight I will be able to go home with Wowotou and money."

Wang Lian cried with joy, "Good, good. You and your eldest brother have a job, and the good days of our family are coming soon."

Wang Ergen grinned.

Li Sheng also hung wooden slats around his neck, and the same group of young adults gathered together.

The recruitment rate was very fast, and when the sun came out, the five hundred women and children had already been recruited.

The dude selected ten captains from among them, and each captain had fifty people under him.

"Remember, each team has its own mission area. For teams that have not completed the mission, all labor costs are halved."

The rules set by Gu Jiu only deduct wages, not rations.

The women and children buzzed, all talking. The ten people who were selected as the captain were suddenly stressed.

The dude continued: "No fights or fights, no sneaks and slips. Anyone who is disobedient will be confiscated and driven out. Pick someone else."

Everyone's hearts condensed, and they were a little nervous.

I heard that dozens of people have been replaced at the construction site because of laziness.

"Tools are served for each person. Whoever dares to hide the tools privately and bring them home secretly, the team's labor money will be halved."

The person who had the idea of ​​tools, panicked and quickly dismissed the idea.

The dude assigned the tasks, and the five hundred people, under the leadership of their captains, began to work.

The task of the day cannot be completed, but wages will be deducted.

No one wants to be deducted from wages.

The captain of Wang Ergen's team is a woman in her thirties who is very stout. I heard that I had worked and managed affairs in the landlord’s house before.

Under the leadership of the team leader, everyone received the tools and came to the dicing place.

Wang Ergen allocates dung balls.

His fighting spirit is high, and he has a sense of superiority in picking up the dung ball.


A thousand strong laborers are gathered together, the same team of fifty people.

Li Sheng was appointed as the captain because he could read.

He led the team, led the hoes, shovels, poles, and baskets, and set off to the mission area.

As requested, they had to dig a ditch out.

On the design drawing, the ditch Li Sheng dug was an underground sewage channel.

After the channel is dug, a stone road will be built on it.

After several days of big sun, the ground was hard.

When a **** went down, his hands were shaking.

Li Sheng spat on his hands and rubbed his hands.

After a year of working on the ground, the **** can hardly be moved.

Today's task is relatively heavy, he is the captain, can't be lazy, but also takes the lead.

Even if you are hungry, you have to use all your strength.

If the task is not fulfilled, the wages will be halved. He will be killed by his teammates.

The sun is getting higher.

The aunt of the logistics team sent several buckets of tartary buckwheat tea.

Everyone drinks tea in batches to add water.

More importantly, tartary buckwheat tea can shock the exhausted and hungry body, cheer up and dry until noon, with brown rice and broth to drink.

After drinking the tea, continue to work.

At noon, under the shade of trees near the construction site.

Li Sheng held a ceramic bowl, pickled vegetables, and quickly grilled brown rice.

Eat at the construction site and be full.

He ate three bowls and drank two bowls of broth in one go.

He felt satisfied with his round belly.

How long has he not had a full stomach?

One year?

Two years?

Or three years, five years?

Anyway, since the disaster, he hasn't had a serious meal. Not to mention the broth.

Satisfaction after eating, washed away the exhaustion and fatigue.

I really want to eat brown rice every day and drink broth every day.

Like Li Sheng, other people feel unreal for the first time in many years.

"The owner is kind!"

"I am too full to move."

"Lie down and sleep for a while. I have to go to work in the afternoon."

"Woo...I want to take the broth back to my family."


The crying boy slapped on the head.

"Why cry? You have Wowotou at night, take Wowotou back."

Working on the construction site can only take Wowotou back.

This is the rule.

The reason for this rule is that people who are worried about going to work are reluctant to eat in order to bring food to their families, and go to work hungry every day. Not to mention delaying the construction period, maybe it will cost your life.

The second is worrying that some people will eat and take.

Meals also cost money, not pie in the sky.

If the construction site wants to control costs, it is necessary to put an end to any behavior that harms the public and the private.

Someone once surreptitiously took a Tibetan rice ball. After being found, he was beaten up and fined for ten days' wages. Promote it as a model in the refugee shack.

There will be a second time, just drive out.

Since then, many hands that are ready to move have all retracted.

How many rice **** can be bought for ten days' wages.

Too bad.

Of course, some people do not believe in evil and have to challenge the rules of the construction site.

The result was being driven out and there was no way out.

Li Sheng is full, but the whole family is not hungry.

He doesn't need to bring rice **** to anyone, and he doesn't have to worry about bringing rice **** or not.

Eat and drink enough, take a trip to the ground, sleep.

I still have to go to work in the afternoon, so I must hurry up and take a good rest.

Wang Jiangen touched his mouth when he finished eating.

I have meat today.

The aunt in charge of logistics gave him the three fattest pieces of meat, which made him very happy.

It feels good to eat meat.

Eat the meat, as if full of strength.

After dinner, the captain summoned them to speak.

"The house on the construction site was built by us, brick by brick. I don't need to say what the house is like, you all know."

Everyone nodded, wondering what medicine was sold in the captain's gourd.

The captain asked: "Do you want to live in a new house?"

A man grinned, "The captain can really joke, how can we be qualified to live in such a good house."

"Who said I was laughing?" The captain was stern and serious.

The man was stunned, "Can you really live?"

The captain laughed in a blink of an eye, "The owner is considerate of us and gave us a chance to live in a new house. A courtyard, a well, and a house for eight taels of money.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money to pay, you can pay it off in three years. But paying off in three years is one tael more expensive and requires nine taels of silver. It can also be paid in installments for five years, and a house is ten taels of silver. This is the main house price.

Smaller wing rooms on the left and right sides, each room is six taels of silver, seven taels in three years, and eight taels in five years. There is also a two-story building, which can be bought upstairs and downstairs. But that is too expensive, so the specific price will not be mentioned. "

There was no sound.

Everyone looked dumbfounded.

Everyone is satisfied if they can eat enough, feed their family, and buy clothes for both sides.

Never thought about buying a house.

This shock is a bit big.

The key is that the house is really strong, and it is still in the capital. A room of six or seven is quite expensive in my hometown, but it's really not expensive in Beijing.

Although everyone flees to live in shacks and eats relief, they also know that prices in the capital are high.

"This, this, is this true?"

"Of course it's true, how can I lie to you. Do you see the craftsmen over there? Some of those craftsmen plan to buy a courtyard house independently, and some want to buy a two-story building."

"How much does it cost?"

"The craftsman has a lot of money, so I am not afraid of not having money."

"I bought a house, can I go back to my hometown?"

"If you buy a house, you can settle down in the capital."

"Isn't it impossible to go back home."

"If you want to go back to your hometown, don't buy a house. If you want to buy a house, you don't have to go back to your hometown."

"The house is too expensive to buy."

"Captain, do you want to buy a house?"

"I plan to buy two houses. One is for my own use and the other is rented out to collect rent."

"The captain is amazing."

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