Male God’s Freestyle Flirting

Chapter 187: Shameless

"Tang Xuan?"

Qiu Shuhan's voice was still as calm and gentle as ever, like the soft spring wind, warming his face slightly.


Tang Xuan's tone was lighter than hers, and there was a trace of disgust in the indifference.

Qiu Shuhan heard it.

That was the antipathy she never felt when she was with Yun Chen before.

"What's up?"

Taking a silent breath, Qiu Shuhan slowly climbed down from the upper bunk. In order not to disturb her sleeping roommate, she was careful not to make any movement, even without turning on the lights. She put on her slippers and opened the door by the faint moonlight, and walked to the balcony superior.

The night wind in the early morning is not strong, but the coolness is very obvious when it blows on people's bodies, and it is bone-chillingly cold.

Tang Xuan was a little puzzled, why did the other party know it was him without saying a word. But Tang Xuan didn't want to care about these for the time being, and said straight to the point: "I think we need to talk face to face."

Qiu Shuhan shrank his shoulders and wrapped his thin nightgown tightly, not surprised.

"Yes, when?"

Tang Xuan was taken aback by Qiu Shuhan's calmness, but he quickly answered, "Are you free at nine o'clock in the morning? I'll wait for you across the school."

At that time, the bar was just becoming popular. Compared with the bustle and madness of the bar, the bar was more like a quiet corner in the downtown area, a corner for the upset people to return to.

There is no disco in the bar, no hot dancers, and no urban impulse of luxury. It's a place for small talk, for opening up, for a get-together with friends or not.

Tang Xuan didn't go there often, but subconsciously, she chose a place that was more suitable for girls.

"Okay." Qiu Shuhan never said much, even if the object was Tang Xuan, she cherished words like gold.

Or, she didn't know what to say.

Tang Xuan probably hated herself already.

Thinking of this, Qiu Shuhan faintly revealed a smile.

"Hung up." Tang Xuan finished briefly, and without waiting for the other party's response, she ended the call neatly.

Qiu Shuhan took off the mobile phone leaning against his ear in a daze.

On the screen, Tang Xuan's name was clearly marked on the incoming call.

He didn't save her number, but she remembered his number the first time she appeared as Yun Chen's girlfriend.

This is their difference.

This is the victory and defeat of the lovesicker and the loved one in secret love.

This is also the humbleness and arrogance of the pursuer and the pursued in love.

Qiu Shuhan has always been a high-ranking goddess. She was held in the palm of her hand like a treasure by the whole family and cared for growing up. She was courted by handsome and gentle boys at school, but she lost her image in front of Tang Xuan and was defeated.

As much as she liked him, she was as shameless as she was.



In Qiu Shuhan's view of love, as long as he succeeds, means and scheming, although it is shameful, he has to do it.

In order to get close to him, she will do things that she is not ashamed of, and become someone she is not ashamed of.

Isn't that the case with higher animals?

Love teaches us to laugh, to cry, to sing when we are satisfied, and to vent when we are hurt.

But one day, we learn to love, but we can't really cry, can't really laugh, we forget that the most beautiful love is your sincerity, plus, my simplicity.

I want to get you, no matter how hard it is, I will work hard.

In every way I can think of.

What is wrong with becoming a demon for love?

Qiu Shuhan slowly raised his head, staring at the crescent moon, until his eyes felt sour, and then he realized that his cheeks were moistened at some point.

Do people really like to humiliate themselves?

Or, are there really masochistic tendencies?

Otherwise, why are there so many people who would rather cruelly push away the one who loves them, and shamelessly please the one they love?

Qiu Shuhan's heart is completely opposite to her friendly and weak appearance.

She is typical - tofu mouth knife heart.

"Shuhan? Are you outside?"

Someone in the room woke up, probably because the glass door on the balcony was not closed tightly, and the night wind blew the cool air in, causing a roommate to sit up on the bed in the cold.

"Ah, it's me," Qiu Shuhan suddenly came back to his senses, quickly put away his tears, and walked into the dormitory with his head down, "I'm sorry for waking you up."

"Why did you go to the balcony at night?" The roommate asked with lingering fear, "You are still wearing your big white dress, but it scared me." The girl patted her chest, yawned, covered the quilt and lay down again .

Qiu Shuhan smiled lightly, "A little insomnia."

"Miss Yun Chen?" The girl thought for a while and asked tentatively.

Everyone in their dormitory knew about Qiu Shuhan and Yun Chen's breakup, but seeing that Qiu Shuhan didn't act very sad, they thought she had adjusted herself quite well.

It still seems to have an effect.


"Don't think about it too much, go to bed quickly, there is still class tomorrow morning." The girl didn't know how to comfort her, and she was sleepy, so her voice gradually became quieter.

"Hmm." Qiu Shuhan closed the curtains, lifted the hem of her skirt and carefully climbed onto the bed.

I don't know...whether Yun Chen also suffered from insomnia.

Qiu Shuhan still felt a little guilty in his heart.

She suddenly had some regrets, regretting that she shouldn't have spoken so decisively.

But some people, some things, have no chance to choose a second time in this life.

Qiu Shuhan lay on the hard wooden bed, staring at the ceiling with his eyes open, until finally a ray of light penetrated into the dark dormitory.

A few minutes later, the morning alarm of the roommate on the opposite bed rang, and one hand poked out from under the quilt, and it took a long time to reach the phone and turn off the music.

A few minutes later, the three roommates in the dormitory climbed out of the bed one after another, with the same disheveled hair, squinting their eyes to find clothes in the closet.

"Shuhan, wake up." One of the roommates was halfway through brushing their teeth, and seeing that she hadn't gotten out of bed, ran over and patted the railing at the head of the bed.

Qiu Shuhan turned over, closed his eyes and said weakly: "I'm sleepy, I can't go to class in the morning."

"Did you forget whose class this morning is?" The roommate's eyes widened, and he mumbled with a toothbrush in his mouth, "We are the counselor!"

Known for being a hard-faced teacher, it is a wonder that he will not be given the final exam if he skips class twice!

If I remember correctly, Qiu Shuhan escaped once last time.

"Ask for leave for me. In the afternoon, I will go to the school hospital to issue a sick leave certificate." Qiu Shuhan waved his hands and simply covered his face with the quilt.

"What's wrong with you, are you sick?" The other two girls returned to their seats and began to apply skin care products after washing, and asked with concern.

"I didn't sleep well last night, and I didn't have much energy." Qiu Shuhan said sullenly.

"Okay, then you rest and call us if you feel uncomfortable," the roommate confessed before leaving, "I'll bring you food when I come back."

"En." Qiu Shuhan replied indiscriminately, and waited for a few minutes after hearing the door closing, before lifting the quilt and sitting up.

Then she brushed her teeth, washed her face, changed her clothes and put on makeup, and went out on time before 8:30.

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