Tang Xia was not fully awake yet, she only heard the word "snack" in a daze, and subconsciously blurted out—

"What kind of snack is it called? Fried chicken?"

Xiao Chi was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly, "Are you sleepy and hungry?"

Tang Xuan pursed her lips and gently pushed Tang Xia.

The girl finally regained her consciousness, slowly straightened up, rubbed her temples and muttered: "Isn't it the snack you mentioned..."

Xiao Chi couldn't help laughing, and turned to talk to his mother.

"Xiao Xia," Tang Zhihai said helplessly, "Why are you so rude?"

"It doesn't matter," Mother Xiao waved her hand with a gentle look on her face, "How long have you been here?"

Tang Zhihai looked at his phone, "Two or three hours, let's set off together later," he said, patting Tang Xia and reminding him in a low voice, "Xiao Xia, my name is Aunt Li."

Xiao Chi's mother's surname was Li, and the four of them had already greeted Tang Xia while she was asleep.

The girl raised her head slowly, "Hello, Auntie," she said obediently, her gaze was gradually attracted by the boy next to the dignified woman, "You are..."

Xiao Chi tilted his head, "We talked an hour ago."

His hair is very short, a bit similar to a board inch, this hairstyle is a test of appearance. But unexpectedly, he looked quite good-looking. Although his facial features were not exquisite, his brows and eyes were the same, and he was full of vigor and vitality.

"Yes...it's you..." Tang Xia was stunned, suddenly embarrassed for a moment, and greeted him bravely, "Hello, um...my name is Tang Xia, what's your name?"

Xiao Chi laughed again, "Xiao Chi, this is the second time, my name is Xiao Chi."

Why does he think this girl is stupid?

Tang Xia scratched her head, but couldn't remember when Xiao Chi said it for the first time.

This boy was very cheerful and outgoing, and he knew him too well, so he was talking nonsense with Tang Xuan in a short while.

Tang Xia sat next to her brother, and heard everything that should be heard.

Xiao Chi is also from Haicheng, his age is similar to his own, and even the school he attends is not far from No. 1 Middle School.

He is in Qing Gongyuan.

The school that is deeply despised by most of the first middle school students.

Tang Xia listened silently without expressing any opinion.

"Is your school under a lot of academic pressure?" Unexpectedly, Xiao Chi suddenly turned around and asked Tang Xia.

The girl was startled, and her gaze met the boy's round eyes.

The outline of his cheeks is not as sharp and angular as Han Yu's, nor is it as tough as a boy of this age should be. It just leans towards a baby face, a little naughty and cute.

"It's...not bad." Tang Xia hurriedly replied.

"Then the people in your school are all smart, right?" Xiao Chi asked again, his eyes full of curiosity.

Tang Xia lowered her head in embarrassment, "No, I'm not." She squeezed her hands together, looking very restrained under the boy's hot gaze, "Why do you think so?"

Xiao Chi shrugged, and suddenly said: "Because every time I meet students wearing No. 1 Middle School uniforms on the street, I feel that they, um... walk very confidently and arrogantly," he said without waiting for Tang Xia to answer. I couldn't help laughing first, and asked her back with blinking eyes, "Did you say so?"

This boy really likes to laugh.

Thinking about it, Tang Xia replied awkwardly: "Maybe..."

Laughter is his strength, but sometimes what he says is really hard to accept. Tang Xia's first impression of Xiao Chi is not good.

On the other hand, Tang Xuan, because discussing the same game that Xiao Chi was passionate about, had a very strong ideological resonance, and the more they chatted in the middle of the night, the more excited they were.

Aunt Li was chatting with her father, and Tang Xia leaned on Tang Zhihai's shoulder to send a message to Han Yu.

It was already early morning, and even though she knew it was a bit bad to disturb Han Yu now, she still couldn't hold back and wanted to share her experience with him.

Tang Xia typed a long string of words, including complaining that she missed her flight, telling that she met a slightly surprised boy, and lamenting that she was completely in a state of being ignored.

After she finished sending, she put the phone aside, but she didn't expect that a few seconds later, the phone rang.

Tang Xia was taken aback, Han Yu didn't sleep at such a late hour.

The boy only replied with a short sentence—

"Is surprise a positive word or a negative word?"

Han Yu on the other end of the phone frowned, quietly waiting for Tang Xia's reply.

He suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

This is the first meeting, right? It's been less than half an hour since we met this time, right? Can you describe it as surprise?

The revolutionary friendship between him and Tang Xia has been established for almost a semester, and she has never seen her describe herself like this.

The teenager was quite depressed.

Tang Xia giggled while holding the phone on the other end.

Xiao Chi glanced at her sideways, then turned his eyes away after a while.

The girl was immersed in the atmosphere of talking with Han Yu, and only at this moment, she felt relaxed and at ease.

"Neutral word, to describe his character."

Tang Xia replied like this, but felt that it was not enough after sending it successfully, so she added with a smirk——

"He's actually pretty good-looking."

As Tang Xia expected, Han Yu became anxious—

"How good-looking? Prettier than me?"

The boy jumped up from the bed, ran into the bathroom barefoot, turned on the light and stared at himself in the mirror in a daze.

The person reflected in the glass has such a delicate face, but it's a pity that the facial features on that face are wrinkling in dissatisfaction at the moment, and unhappy is written in every move.

Tang Xia deliberately teased him—

"It's not good, let's make a tie."

Now Han Yu was completely aroused to his usual arrogance——

"Wait for a few minutes."

Tang Xia was puzzled, stared at the news for a long time, and asked suspiciously, "What are you going to do?"

The boy over there hastily washed his face, took the time to read the message from Tang Xia while drying it, and couldn't help muttering to himself: What else are you doing...to stabilize my position...

Han Yu didn't have time to reply, so he tidied up his messy hairstyle, carefully covered the scar with the broken hair on his forehead, and then wiped the mirror clean with toilet paper.

Then, he raised his phone and turned on the camera for the first time ever.

It's a pity that Han Yu was in trouble next.

How... selfie?

He had no experience, and he didn't have ready-made photos at hand. It suddenly became a problem to directly crush the "surprised" boy with his own appearance.

Han Yu was a little annoyed, afraid that the wrong camera angle would affect his image, so he broke the jar and prepared to record a video.

In this way, he can prove that he is 360 degrees without dead ends.

Thinking of this, the boy finally felt complacent.

A video was recorded in less than ten seconds, it was very fast, and Han Yu was quite satisfied with the effect after seeing the effect, so he sent it directly to Tang Xia.

He sat on the sofa in the living room holding his mobile phone, and couldn't help but start to look forward to the reaction over there.

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