Male God’s Freestyle Flirting

Chapter 112: public opinion

Just like the case of Ruan Wei right now.

To be honest, the matter did not have much to do with Han Yu, but after a deeper analysis, the matter did have a lot to do with Han Yu.

Now everyone is quite critical of the boy, and even Teacher Luo is very disappointed in Han Yu after hearing the details.

They agreed that Han Yu's "not reminding" led to Ruan Wei's miserable results.

Tang Xia couldn't hear others say that about Han Yu, but she couldn't find a reason to refute them. During the lunch break, the boys from other classes talked loudly in front of the girls, belittling Han Yu's character to nothing. Tang Xia couldn't bear it anymore, rushed over and said—

"You don't know Han Yu well, so you shouldn't say that about him."

Unexpectedly, those boys were all familiar with Tang Xia, and started laughing at each other.

"Isn't this Han Yu's little tail?"

"Yo, do you feel bad?"

"Aren't we right? If it wasn't for Han Yu hiding those old things from Brother Song, why would that girl in your class be like this? It's still a group, tsk tsk."

The group of boys talked a lot at that time, Tang Xia couldn't remember clearly, Xu Yayao, who was passing by the toilet, couldn't see it, argued with them a few words, and then dragged Tang Xia away.

She was in a daze at that moment, Xu Yayao later said that when she saw her eyes were red, she was obviously scolded by the other party bloody.

Tang Xia smiled bitterly, feeling sorry for Han Yu.

Public opinion is a terrible thing. It can make a person, and it can also destroy a person in an instant.

If Ruan Wei was in school now, she would be the first person to be destroyed by public opinion. It's just that now that she's not here, everyone can't see the girl's appearance, and can't speculate on her mental state concretely, but they all pretend to be superior and sympathetic, and all point their fingers at Han Yu.

The saliva must always be sprayed on one person, if Ruan Wei is not here, Song Ge is not here, then it is Han Yu.

In fact, Tang Xia was right. Han Yu has a "selfish" factor in his bones. Last semester, about Qu Sisi and Gu Qing, she and he had a complete quarrel over the word "responsibility". Now, time seems to turn back, Back to the original point of contradiction.

The girl didn't know why the teenager developed such a character, because she didn't understand his childhood experience, so she blamed him for his "selfishness".

Tang Xia also didn't want to say that he was "selfish" so bluntly.

Han Yu is such a proud young man, she shouldn't rely on him to pamper her, so she can speak freely. But at that time, Han Yu obviously didn't show mercy to her, he was aggressive and stingy, and she was also angry, so she didn't realize that she had to worry about his feelings.

And many years later, when Tang Xia finally walked into his heart, into the darkest past in his entire life, she finally understood——

It turns out that some people's "selfishness" can be forgiven.

But today's Tang Xia still doesn't understand. She treats Han Yu equally with her own vision and education. She hopes that he will not be so indifferent and be a "normal" boy. In this way, he will receive less admiration, less bad comments about him, and she will not be so sad.

Tang Xia is easy to get soft-hearted, she can't see other people's weakness, even though Han Yu has never shown weakness in front of her, but calm down now. She still regrets it.

Regret whether I would speak too seriously.

But regretting regretting, Tang Xia seemed a little angry again, unwilling to apologize.

He is selfish!

The girl thought viciously, and sat up from the bed with her hands up, her eyes were red and swollen, and the water vapor was blurred.

She was not in the mood to do homework, so she just broke the jar, took a shower and lay down on the bed, thinking about it for a long time.

Tang Xia decided that if Han Yu's complexion could look a little better tomorrow than today, just a little bit, she would not remember the villain's faults and give in first.

With such anticipation, the girl barely fell asleep, and arrived at school the next day yawning. When the team leader came to collect homework, she lied for the first time——

"I forgot to bring it."

Because Tang Xia has always been quite obedient, the class representative didn't say much, and just wrote down her name in the notebook.

The bell for the morning self-study rang, and Tang Xia sat on the seat and pinched her fingers uneasily.

Han Yu didn't come.

She felt like sitting on pins and needles, finally got through the half-hour self-study class, and ran to the four groups to ask all the questions, "Isn't Han Yu coming today?"

Qi Hui shook his head, "I don't know, how about I send him a message and ask?"

Tang Xia hurriedly urged, "Ask."

Qi nodded back, and stretched his hand in the drawer to send a message, while muttering in a low voice, "You two really scared me yesterday, you were so angry... You don't know, Han Yu's face on the way home, I and I He has known each other for so long, and he has never seen anyone who smells worse than yesterday."

Tang Xia was a little embarrassed, and said cautiously: "Are you really angry?"

"What are you doing lying to you?" Qi Hui stared, threw the phone inside, turned around and pulled Tang Xia to sit next to him, and went to the bathroom at the same table, and there was no one in the front and back seats, "I'm honest, this is really No wonder he, it’s fine if others don’t agree with Han Yu, you can’t follow the trend and talk about him. Han Yu is small-minded, no matter how harsh others say, he won’t take it to heart, you can’t, I can’t, you know?”

Tang Xia's EQ is not low, so she can naturally understand what Qi Hui said.

But it doesn't matter if she understands, people's emotions are the most uncontrollable, and she will speak without choosing words.

"Did you reply to the message?" Tang Xia asked.

Qi Hui looked down, "No, it's too late now, why don't you wait for me to go to the toilet and make a secret phone call?"

As soon as the voice fell, someone on the other side of the classroom suddenly gasped.

Tang Xia followed the prestige and was also surprised.

The boy came in through the back door, put his schoolbag on the table, and sat down as if nothing happened.

Han Yu!

Tang Xia was taken aback, shook her head and looked intently.

It is indeed Han Yu!

She was happy, and everyone around her smiled back and said, "Don't worry now, right? Go and apologize to him, just coax him a few words." , and added, "The tone must not be as cold as it was yesterday after school. Han Yu is a soft eater. If you coax him, he will calm down."

Tang Xia nodded and trotted over.

As soon as he returned to his seat, before he stood still in front of Han Yu, the class bell rang untimely.

The math teacher came very punctually, and he came in before the bell rang.

Tang Xia was a little annoyed, she pursed her lips and looked at Han Yu, then sat down reluctantly.

It is raining outside today, and the exercises between classes are cancelled. After the math class, there is a rest time of more than 20 minutes. Tang Xia tormented a class, and finally waited until the end of get out of class. She took two sets of deep breaths, and turned her head to talk to Han Yu face to face.

But he didn't expect to turn around. In less than two seconds, the boy got up from his seat with a stern face, and left the classroom without saying a word.

Tang Xia froze in place, unable to recover for a long time.

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