Social Fear Alicia! !

“It seems that Miss Eden is very surprised~” At this time, Rita just came over with two cups of coffee.

“Miss Eden, Miss Alicia~ please sit down”

From Eden’s point of view, Rita’s every move seemed extremely calm and graceful.

The smile on the face also seems to have a natural sense of affinity, which makes it easy for people to let go of all defenses.

Not to mention the temperament and appearance, which are exactly the same as the image of the maid in the game.

If Rita were to change into the maid outfit from the game…

It can only be said that what Mi Huyou did was really too reductive.

Not only the appearance and voice of the characters are completely restored, but even the character and temperament are so similar…

It’s just a game, is it necessary to be so real…

“Wow~~ Could it be that the characters in “Honkai III” are all made according to your template~ It’s amazing!”

Alicia looked at the girls with sparkling eyes.

“This cute girl with the blue hair… is,,?.,”,;;’;”‘,;!.!!.?’,,,;::,.:;”.;:;, .!”.;?;!’..!'”‘? Hasn’t appeared in the game yet? When will it come out? I like it so much~”

Gan Yu was stared at by Alicia, feeling a little embarrassed: “Hello…my name is Gan Yu”

Alicia blinked, and then slowly came to Gan Yu’s side, with her hands behind her back, she leaned slightly towards Gan Yu, and said in a sweet voice:

“Gan Yu…the gentle wind blows the forest, and the sweet rain moistens things~ She really lives up to her name, she is a gentle and sweet girl~”

Being praised by Alicia, Gan Yu’s face turned red immediately: “Thank you…thank you”

“This is squad leader Fu Hua~ Can you teach me the Cunxin boxing method~ The combination of boxing method and beautiful girl…is simply perfect~”

Fu Hua: “…”

“I’m sorry… I don’t know how to punch with an inch of heart…”

“Hee hee~ It’s okay, I can create together with you~”

“Hey~ This is Mei~ Don’t move~ Look in the mirror with your eyes~”

“Let go of my Mei!!”

Kiyana has been staring at Alicia.

In her opinion, this is a bad woman.

The other party is going to tease other sisters, she can bear it, after all, Alicia is also a beautiful girl.

But, if Alicia wanted to tease Mei, she would definitely not be able to bear it.

Mei can only be hers.

So, seeing Alicia attacking Mei, Kiyana finally couldn’t help it, and threw herself directly into Mei’s arms, as if swearing sovereignty.

Seeing this, Alicia didn’t care, she teased the pink show, “It seems that Kiyana cares about Mei~”

Having said that, Alicia’s voice paused slightly, and she let out a series of laughter like silver bells: “I found out~”

“You…don’t talk nonsense, or this lady will be rude to you~”

“Qiana…” Mei pulled Lakiana, and then she gave Alicia an apologetic smile: “Please don’t worry about it, Kiyana just has a little temper”

Alicia covered her mouth and smiled lightly: “It’s okay~ cute girls always have some little secrets~”

After saying that, she winked at Qiyana: “I will help you keep a secret~”

Kiyana only felt her heart skip a beat.

Oops… This nasty bad woman is too cute, too good at teasing…

No, no, my heart belongs to Mei alone!

“Who…who has a secret, I will definitely open my heart to Mei~hmph~”

“Then, is the lovely Kiyana willing to open up to me?” Before Kiyana could answer, Alicia continued:

“Alicia is very willing to open her heart to Kiyana~”

“I don’t want it~” Qiyana blushed slightly, and ran to Youlandelle with Mei Yi.

Seeing this, Alicia just smiled, the meal should be eaten one bite at a time.

If you want to make friends, you can’t chase too hard, otherwise it will be annoying.

Therefore, it is good to introduce yourself when you meet for the first time, and you can slowly develop your relationship in the future.

Thinking of this, Alicia set her sights on Walnut next to her.

“This lovely little sister…” Before she could finish speaking, Hu Tao took the lead in introducing herself.

“Hello, my name is Hutao~ I’m Hu who eats and drinks in the sea~”

Alicia’s eyes brightened: “Such beautiful eyes, this must be the magic of a beautiful girl~”

“Hey~ Many people have praised me so much”

Walnut is also an existence at the social ceiling level, so it is very easy to chat with Alicia.

“Will you also play a role in the game? When will it come out?”

Hearing Alicia’s words, Hu Tao’s face suddenly collapsed: “The boss said that it will take a while…”

“Hey… I don’t know what kind of identity the boss will give me~”

“You said, what would it look like if I appeared as a Herrscher? Would I also become a villain like Kiyana?”

“Or, will you be able to drive a motorcycle like sister Bronya?”

Alicia nodded her chin and thought for a while: “Spread your head~ the skirt becomes long~”

“Haha~ It’s so interesting~ If only I could play a role in the game~”

Hearing Alicia’s words, Hu Tao looked her up and down.

“How is it? Today’s Alicia, isn’t she shining ~ hee hee~” EllieShia didn’t care about Hu Tao’s gaze, instead she turned around and let Hu Nuo look at it to her heart’s content.

Hu Taozhen nodded: “Well…if you talk to the boss, he might agree to you”



“Then can you take me to meet your boss?”


After seeing Alicia’s coquettish operation, Eden couldn’t help but touch his forehead.

She even regretted bringing Alicia here.

“I’m sorry… Alicia’s personality is like this, but she didn’t mean anything malicious”

Rita smiled indifferently: “A very cheerful girl, she should have many friends.”

“I don’t know…”

But Qiyana said angrily: “Huh~ what is cheerfulness, this is obviously social terror”

“Why is it called social terror?” Mei asked curiously.

“Social terrorist!!”

“Pfft…” Eden couldn’t help laughing out, but when she turned her head, she saw that Alicia was having a lively chat with Hu Tao, and even Gan Yu and Fu Hua were pulled over by her.

Several girls seem to be discussing something very interesting,

Even Gan Yu and Fu Hua had faint smiles on their lips.

“It’s really an apt description…”

PS: Alicia’s way of speaking is so hard to write… (sigh)

4D is updated today, baby, let’s vote for free data

[The picture shows Rita]

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