
Chapter 75 73 President of the White Wolf Club, Arctic Wolf!

Chapter 75 73. President of the White Wolf Club, Arctic Wolf!

Two months later.

On the morning of the weekend, Russell opened his eyes in the morning light on his dormitory bed and ended his morning spiritual practice.

He gently exhaled a mouthful of dirty gas and felt that the energy in his body was more abundant.

Even if the meditation has ended, the churning life energy seems to still be resonating with the entire universe. As his spiritual progress increased, his physical strength also steadily increased.

He took a rough look at his physical condition and used the strength assessment method developed by Subway to judge:

"Finally reached the peak of the mid-first-year consummation, and one foot has entered the late first-year stage. However, the spiritual cultivation process seems to have reached a small bottleneck. If there is no external help to overcome the bottleneck, I am afraid it will take at least a month to advance to the late first-year stage. .”

During this period of time, Russell has been attending classes on time every day. In addition to core psychic classes, important witchcraft principles classes, spiritual practice classes, there are also basic runes classes, basic ritual classes, introductory classes in occultism, etc. His knowledge of magic is much richer than when he first entered school.

However, Russell's investigation into the unusual hauntings of spirits in the abandoned tower has made no progress. Nocturne didn't come looking for him either.

Suddenly, Subway's voice came from under the bed:

"Russell, you have actually reached the late half-step of the Great Perfection, the peak of mid-first grade? It's too fast.

"What? How do you know that I entered the late first grade more than a month ago? Oh, it's just so-so. It's just a trivial matter to me."

After discovering that Russell ignored his bragging, Subway started today's topic as usual:

“Russell Russell, have you heard about the recent rumors that the gymnasium equipment room is haunted?

"It is said that an extremely violent ghost suddenly appeared in the abandoned equipment warehouse! It is 10 times more ferocious than the ghost in your undead and life textbooks!

"Aren't you a psychic? How about we go exploring to the gym together tonight?"

Russell didn't even look up: "That's a lie."


"Because I used my psychic skills to create the rumors."

Subway was obviously shocked by Russell and was silent for several seconds before asking:

"Did you control ghosts and create supernatural phenomena in the gym equipment warehouse?"

"There is no complete control," Russell said. "I used necromancy to imbue several Chihuahua ghosts with spirituality, giving them the ability to interfere with physical reality, and then let them run freely."

"Chihuahua? No wonder! Let me tell you, how can ordinary ghosts be so ferocious?" Subway complained and then asked:

"Why are you doing this?"

"I received a mission and am investigating an abnormal phenomenon caused by a spirit body. I don't want other students to set foot on the scene." Russell replied calmly.

"So you made it look like it was haunted and wanted to scare away all the students trying to get close to the equipment warehouse?" Subway suddenly realized.

He waved his hands repeatedly, obviously not optimistic about Russell's plan: "It's useless, it won't scare them away, it will only attract more good-hearted students to explore."

"No, no, no." Russell shook his finger:

"The anomaly I'm responsible for investigating is over there at the abandoned tower, not far from the stadium.

"After the strange stories appeared, there must have been many good students going on adventures. They were all attracted to the gymnasium, and no one interfered with my investigation in the tower.

"Even if there is another strange noise near the tower, an explorer like you will only think that the source of the abnormality is in the equipment warehouse of the gymnasium."

The corner of Subway's mouth twitched, he slapped his thigh fiercely, and clicked his tongue a few times:

“I didn’t expect you to be so smart.

"What you did makes sense. Many students in the lower grades lack the means to deal with spirit bodies. This can prevent students who want to explore from accidentally falling into danger."

Immediately afterwards, Subway complained again:

"But, Russell, you are still too conservative and cautious. Most students go on expeditions in teams, and there are many elite second-year students among them. There will be no danger."

"No, no, no." Russell shook his finger again:

"I prevented other students from setting foot on the site, not because I was worried that the expedition team was too weak, but because I was worried that the expedition team was too strong, and there were many second-year elites sitting around, scaring the ghosts away from coming out, and affecting my investigation."

Subway was speechless for a moment, feeling that there had been too many reversals in the past minute and he couldn't react.

After a while, Subway remembered what he wanted to do when he asked Russell out in the first place, and felt a little unwilling to not be able to explore the gym:

"Russell, how about tonight, I go with you to explore the abandoned tower, oh no, to investigate. The task you accepted should not require you to find helpers."

Russell suddenly seemed to remember something and slapped his thigh: "Yes, maybe there will be something to gain from forming a team?"

"What's wrong?" Subway asked.

"I think of the previous anomaly-related reports. When big anomalies occur, it is usually when multiple students act together. I have always investigated alone without forming a team. Perhaps because of this, my investigation has never made any progress. .”

Russell immediately turned to look at Subway:

"Okay, let's go to the Abandoned Tower tonight."

There is a dense forest area between the junior college and the senior college of the college.

But today, there is a luxurious and spacious three-story villa in the center of this dense forest area.

The humans, horses, goblins, shadows and other extraordinary creatures in the surrounding dense forest all consciously avoided and did not approach the villa. It's like there are many terrifying beings inside.

For example, a tree pulled its roots out of the soil, turned into a tree man, moved dozens of meters away from the wooden house, and then took root again.

Today is a large gathering of the White Wolf Club.

As for the villa that suddenly appeared, it was created by a cadre of the Civil Engineering Department in the White Wolf Club, and it would disappear the next day.

In the villa, the sound of carnival could be heard from time to time.

A large group of men and women were having a party in the villa, smashing apple pies and cakes on their friends' faces. The smell of champagne and coke filled the air. The floor was covered with food scraps, playing cards and alcohol foam. There were even loud noises coming from some rooms. Screams of joy.

On the third floor of the villa, a group of students surrounded the young man on the sofa.

The young man wears leather shoes, fashionable white clothes, crossed legs, sunglasses, and a cigarette in his mouth. He looks handsome but has a strong murderous aura, like a gang leader out of a movie.

He is Bai's brother, the boss of the White Wolf Club, and one of the few fourth-grade experts in the academy, the Arctic Wolf!

"I see. It seems that the freshman named Russell, along with Subway, Black Feather and Clara, may have caused you a lot of trouble. They don't take our White Wolf Club seriously."

The Arctic Wolf blew out a smoke ring, put out the cigarette in the ashtray, and looked at the aggrieved White, Wolf Spider and Emerald Cat in front of him.

"Boss, you have just started smoking. Isn't this a bit wasteful?"

The girl in the back, Osprey, complained, but no one paid her any attention.

Nanami stood in the corner of the room, silently looking at Shiro who was complaining to her brother Arctic Wolf.

She knew that in the past two months, although Russell had won the magic showdown, there was no need to delete the video.

But he did not upload the video, nor did he accuse her of attacking her with the video.

Of course, what Nanami didn't know was that Russell didn't care about it at all.

Knowing that the boss Arctic Wolf might avenge himself, the Emerald Cat was overjoyed and added:

"Boss, you are so wrong! Russell is so cute. He simply respects us. We must repay him wholeheartedly."

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