
Chapter 108 106 Third Grade Strong Man

Chapter 108 106. The third grade strong man

Osprey remembered his boss's instructions and did not dare to neglect the mysterious client, so he told the story in detail.

It turned out that about two or three months ago, the largest force in the entire academy, the Wuwuhui, wanted to monopolize the trading market for extraordinary items and materials in the academy's trading area by relying on its many students who were good at making extraordinary items.

Wanwuhui operates several online stores in the trading area of ​​its official website, and these stores have recently increased their prices at the same time.

For other stores that were operating normally, Wanwuhui used some less honorable methods. Small shops run by a single student or several students will either be annexed or forced to close.

As for the online stores run by other associations and gangs in the college, they use a half-forced, half-solicited attitude to invite them to "cooperate" with the Wuwuhui.

In this process, the Wuwuhui united forces from two or three other colleges and completely controlled the college's official website trading area.

"This customer, our store doesn't want to be like this. Now that our online store has made money, part of the profit has to be paid to the All Things Association. After the price increase, fewer students are willing to buy materials and potions, and the profit is on the contrary. Less,” Osprey cried.

Russell typed again and asked: "Besides your White Wolf Club, what other forces has the All Things Association united with?"

"My impression is that they also recruited people from the Green Moss Sisterhood. There are some students in their sisterhood who are proficient in herbalism. They open a shop in the trading area and sell medicines." Osprey answered calmly.

Russell figured out the context and nodded gently.

Among the many majors in the academy, there are three professional core courses that are good at making extraordinary items.

The second-year professional core course of the Department of Transfiguration and Transformation, Alchemy.

The second-year professional core course of the Department of Necromancy and Life, Herbalism.

The third-year professional core course of the Department of Creation and Summoning, Oddities.

Among them, several vice-presidents of the All Things Society are third-year experts in the Department of Creation and Summoning, who can use precious materials to create magical and extraordinary items; in the White Wolf Club, students from the Department of Transformation and Transformation are the most numerous, and their shop is The main products sold were alchemical products; and in the Green Moss Sisterhood, there seemed to be several herbalists with the same major as Russell, but with a higher grade.

The only thing that confused Russell was why the civil engineering students didn’t sell moving castles and floating cities online? Isn’t that their specialty?

"Besides chatting with you privately and trading at low prices, is there any other way to buy cheaper goods?" Russell asked.

The online store run by the White Wolf Club sells several alchemy products, such as blazing fire glue, thunder stones, heavy metal elixirs, enchanted concentrated sulfuric acid that can corrode steel, alchemy dolls with advertisements inserted at random times every day, and apple-flavored holy water. Wait, Russell doesn’t even like it.

A few of the products he was interested in were out of stock.

Osprey thought for a while and replied:

"Guest, you can go to the offline trading area of ​​the academy. There is more room for bargaining there, and because the prices are not posted online, the core members of the Wuwu Society may not be able to control them."

In the college, in addition to the online trading area on the official website, there is also a small open space for the offline trading area. There are many students setting up stalls there, which is a bit like a flea market in nature. Russell had passed by several times before, but never took a closer look.

Russell took note of the suggestion and thanked Osprey.

"Shopping, let's go to the offline trading area in the next two days!" Behind Russell, the female ghost wind chime was excited, as if it had awakened her beautiful memories when she was still alive.

The morning sun was bright, the lake was covered with a golden veil, and the warm wind made people drunk.

Russell took the gold coins, bypassed the quiet woods and small lakes, came to the back door of the junior high school, and found the offline trading area.

As soon as he approached here, Russell heard shouts and greetings.

There are many students setting up stalls here, thirty or forty stalls dotted here and there. Judging from the black iron badges on their chests, almost all of them are first-year students.

For most junior college students, they may have to repeat the first grade for many years, and may never even have the opportunity to advance to the second grade, so the academic pressure is not great. They have passed the exams in most courses during the past years of repeating grades. They do not need to repeat the exams this year, so they have a lot of free time.

Setting up a stall is a kind of after-school fun for these students. Moreover, you do not have to close your eyes when practicing spiritual practice. You can practice spiritual practice while setting up a stall.

There are also some stalls run by intelligent creations such as dolls, puppets, clones, and gas servants, which do not require the owner's personal supervision. There was even a stall managed by an evil spirit. It was immediately obvious that the stall owner was also a psychic.

Feng Chime followed Russell, using illusion skills to fine-tune the details of his facial features in advance. He chattered and talked non-stop along the way, unable to take any time off.

Russell passed by a stall run by an alchemy doll and saw the alchemy doll shouting the advertising lines at the top of his lungs:

"The White Wolf Club's exclusive online store has recently launched enchanted concentrated sulfuric acid, which can easily melt steel! Block the mouth of the alchemy doll to cancel personalized advertising services."

When Feng Chime saw this interesting scene, he maintained his usual good attitude of being startled:

"Wow, this doll is so amazing! It can even hawk."

Russell lowered his head and took a look at the items sold at this stall.

It is occult materials such as lapis lazuli, opal, coal jade, sulfur, chakra gemstones, citrine, blind cat ashes, rabbit's feet, etc. There is no concentrated sulfuric acid at all.

Russell rolled his eyes:

“This alchemy doll is not advertising the owner of his own stall at all.

"I estimate that the owner of the stall bought an alchemy doll from the White Wolf Club's online store to help him or her manage the stall. Unfortunately, this alchemy doll has the side effect of randomly advertising every day.

"Well, help advertise other people's stores."

The White Wolf Club is indeed a villain, and the products they sell are quite immoral. Russell cursed.

Russell quickly browsed the products at some stalls, and for a while, he didn't find the extraordinary items he wanted to buy.

"White Wolf Club's exclusive online store has recently launched apple-flavored holy water, which is easy to use and delicious! Block the mouth of the alchemy doll to cancel the personalized advertising service."

Russell noticed a stall amidst the cries of alchemy dolls.

Behind the booth table, a girl with short red hair sat. She lowered her head slightly, crossed her legs, and was imposing, exuding the aura of keeping strangers away.

On her left breast, there was a silver badge!

The material of the badge and the pattern on it represent the third year of the Department of Creation and Summoning - "Magical Objects".

A third-year student, the proud son of the Higher School, actually came to the Junior School to set up a stall in person?

Russell was a little shocked.

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