Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 123 Cao Yan's priority

When entering the spaceship, Cao Yan took Eggy and the small maze box together, but the big cat and the butterfly evolved from the ant colony stayed in the ruins, waiting in place.

When Cao Yan came out, he immediately noticed that the big cat was behaving strangely.

One of its paws was raised but not lowered, as if it suddenly stopped while walking, and its black cat eyes stared sharply ahead, motionless.

According to the habits of cat monsters, this kind of situation, which seems to have been cast with a holding spell, is usually the performance before discovering a problem, preparing to fight or pounce on prey.

Cao Yan became vigilant because of this, and realized that something was unusual, so he quickly moved sideways to the side of the passage, clinging to the wall.

This is a relatively rational choice when encountering danger. Not only can it reduce the area to be hit, but it can also be used for concealment and multi-purpose.

Cao Yan made a gesture, and the colony of ants that had turned into butterflies immediately fell to the ground and scattered, pushing forward into the darkness ahead like mercury pouring down the ground.

In the shadow behind her, Eggy floated out like a ghost.

The big cat stood in front of Cao Yan, acting as bodyguard and personal thug.

The division of labor among several monsters is clear and organized.

Cao Yan soon received a message from Eggy, but he didn't find it in front of him.

However, the all-pervasive ant colony found a very shallow footprint under the wall of a ruined building.

This shows that someone was indeed peeping in the dark just now, and retreated only after realizing that Cao Yan was alerted, and it was not a false alarm.

Cao Yan rushed to the place where the footprints were, looked down, then looked back at his position just now, and found that the distance is still quite far, and it is unlikely that the other party can see the process of entering and leaving the spaceship.

And even if they saw it, the other party would not know the reason why Cao Yan disappeared and then reappeared, so there is nothing to worry about.

What makes Cao Yan wonder is what is the purpose of the person hiding in the dark and watching?

Is it a whim hiding in the dark and watching, or is it a malicious and planned follow-up?

Cao Yan frowned, suppressed all kinds of guesses in his heart, and decided to return to the ground camp first.

The sun was setting.

There was a flow of people in the camp, and people from the two major associations were preparing dinner.

With the opening of the treasure chest's coefficient, it means that the exploration of the core area of ​​this ruin is coming to an end.

Three days later, a group of main personnel will withdraw to Shanghai, and Cao Yan will also return with the team.

Returning to the camp at this time, he walked directly to the place where he lived.

The place where he rested was a small temporary tree house built on a tree within the camp.

It is common sense to rest in the jungle and live in trees, which can avoid unnecessary danger and protect against moisture.

For Cao Yan who lived in a tree house for the first time, it was quite novel.

When he returned to the tree house, he took out a few bottles and jars, all of which were tools used in Warcraft Pharmacy, and then took out a transparent vial.

Daima and Nan Yu were responsible for following the Thunder King Bird. In addition to the Thunder King Bird, they also retrieved the blood of another king-level monster, the Hexagram.

Later, Cao Yan helped Daima and Nanyu repair their equipment, and was rewarded with a drop of blood from the Thunder King Bird and the Flying Snake.

Lei Wang's blood was handed over to the spaceship by Cao Yan and stored in the gene pool. The six-winged flying snake's blood remained in his hand, and the vial he took out at this time contained the drop of flying snake's blood.

Cao Yan wanted to reward the ant colony by feeding them the blood of the flying snake.

Ant colonies are never picky eaters and can eat almost all substances, but they are limited by their level, and if they contain things with too much energy, they will be exploded by energy after eating them, such as the penis bone of the sea dragon.

Cao Yan took out these many utensils to dilute the blood of the six-winged flying snake with magic beast pharmacy.

The blood of a king-level creature is self-contained, and it doesn't mean that it can be melted with a basin of water.

Cao Yan used the knowledge of pharmacy to heat the blood, a process similar to distillation, and it took a lot of effort to slowly dilute the drop of blood.

He poured the king's blood diluted many times into a small vessel,

Then he knocked on the small box in the maze to let the ants come out to eat.

He squatted aside with great interest, waiting to see if the attempt would succeed.

The little ants lined up to get the meal ticket, and each ant diluted the blood a little bit.

The first ant, as a member of the Death Squad, was the first mouse to drink the blood.

After waiting for a while, the ant was safe and sound, but it was crawling around in place as if a little excited.

It seems that after dilution, they can absorb the king's blood.

Cao Yan hurriedly filled up the small container, and passed on the memory of the queen ant, so that the ant colony would come out for additional meals.

"Hello, Cao Yan, are you there?" The voice of a Malaysian girl suddenly came from outside Cao Yan's tree house.

Clumsy footsteps sounded steadily along the climbing ladder under the tree house.

From the solidity of the footsteps, it can also be heard that some parts of the Malaysian girl are well developed and heavy.

Daima poked her head in from outside the tree house, her eyes overflowing: "Changtou and the others held a meeting in the tent in the center of the ruins, and said that the excavation of the ruins went well this time, and you are the first one. Before going back, you can share part of the proceeds from the ruins and let you go. "

Before Dai Ma came, Cao Yan blocked the ants behind him, nodded when he heard this, got up and walked out.

The small maze box is not afraid of being stolen at all, and no one can steal it, so Cao Yan stayed in the tree house.

But he didn't know that after he left, the ants lined up and quickly drank all the animal blood poured into the vessel, and then... they seemed to be drunk.

The Malaysian girl twisted her coquettish waist and bulging buttocks, walked side by side with Cao Yan, and said with a smile, "Cao Yan, I heard that you often miss women at your age, is it true?"

The Malaysian girl is a hooligan, which Cao Yan knew when he first met her.

It's rare that it's just the two of them, and the Malaysian girl will definitely take the opportunity to flirt and say a few rascally words to Cao Yan, the genius in her eyes.

"Cao Yan, do you think I look good?" Seeing that Cao Yan didn't respond, the Malaysian girl blinked and asked.

Cao Yan still turned a deaf ear and remained expressionless.

"How about... How about I go to your tree house secretly at night?" The Malaysian girl licked her plump lips, her face flushed, and she seemed to be excited about herself first.

Cao Yan thought to himself that this girl has big breasts and talks a lot. If I really say something hooligan, I will directly scare you, for fear that you will not be able to hold back.

If you think about it or forget it, it is standard practice to hang up and flirt with a Malaysian girl. It seems inappropriate to flirt with a Malaysian girl.

The two ended up in a makeshift tent in the middle of the camp.

The important figures of the two major associations are all here at this time, and there are quite a lot of people.

Sitting in the middle of Changmu Dama Jindao, seeing Cao Yan coming in, he said with a smile: "According to regulations, those who come to participate in the excavation of the ruins have the right to control part of the income first. For the things found in the ruins this time, Cao Yan you What do you like, I decide, let you choose first."

Shang Fang and the others curled their lips together. The things found in the ruins are not your Chang Mu's personal belongings. Why do you let people pick them first?

But no one said anything. First of all, Chang Mu was always tough and unreasonable. It was a consensus not to mess with him as much as possible.

The second is the excavation of the ruins. Cao Yan's role is obvious to all. If he is asked to take it first, everyone will recognize it.

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