Magic Farmer Dara

7 Friend's suggestion

I needed my assortment, for the beginning Dara planned to include in it:

- candy of black currant, gooseberry, raspberry, sea buckthorn

- marshmallow of apples with protein according to the Tula recipe

- dried fruits obtained in a natural way, dried in the sun, without adding sulfur namely (apricot, peach, apples, raspberries, currants, yellow grapes, plums)

- walnuts, pistachio and almonds

- flour from pounded dry mulberry

- dried persimmon

- crystal sugar from grape juice and berries

- Amber sugar.

About him a separate conversation - Yantak sugar - on a camel thorn a yellowish sticky liquid appears on the leaves, in the evening it freezes and turns into small grains. Gather amber manna in late August - early September. Syrup is boiled from the manna, and this must be done early in the morning so that the manna does not melt. Amber syrup has healing properties - it clears and softens the throat and lungs, and also helps with coughing, easily dissolves yellow bile and quenches thirst.

Use in the form of syrup, which is prepared with quince and carrots.

The finished syrup acquires a dark pink color, and the carrots and quince in it do not float to the surface and are evenly distributed in the syrup. Before readiness, a vanilla pod or 3-4 stamens of saffron are added to the syrup "(it was used in Front and Central Asia since the 9th – 10th centuries AD).

- Carrot jam.

Carrot jam with honey strengthens the intestines and digestion.

A sweet almond with crystalline sugar is useful for ulcers in the intestines and bladder, pleurisy, strengthens eyesight, throat. The negative properties of almonds are hard and difficult to digest in a cold stomach, harmful to the intestines, corrects these properties - mastic.

- Almond jam is highly nutritious, very beneficial for the kidneys. If you brush your teeth with honey 3-4 times a week for a month, then the teeth are cleaned, make them white (From ancient Persian medicine 3-11 c. AD).

- Ginger jam.

- Grape jam.

- Jam from rose petals.

All the recipes of Dara, he knew both from the old Persian books and his Grandmother Sanaz, prepared these jams, but with their own characteristics. Probably the recipes were modified over time, in the absence of some products they were replaced by others, the recipe was developed and supplemented.

All the products for his online store, Dara planned to take from the village of Grandmas Makhtab. Everything is environmentally friendly, the recipes are old from traditional medicine, have been tested by modern doctors, so that in small quantities, even useful and as far as getting products from his farm, Dara planned to include other products in the assortment of both stores.

- Root -

- Pasternak

- Fennel

- Celery

- Parsley

- Ginger

- Chicory

Pasternak - has analgesic properties, treated cough, strengthens strength after the flu, it also strengthens the walls of the capillaries.

Fennel - helps to treat poisons after insect bites and snakes, but it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating.

Celery - good for flu, improves memory.

Parsley - heals the heart and blood vessels.

Ginger - cures cold, cough, has a warming effect.

Chicory is a natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent.

Any plant has its positive therapeutic effects, so and negative, it should be remembered. The man is unique in itself, one thing suits one thing, another thing suits another and also grow other plants - luffa, it can be eaten and can be used as a sponge. Luffa is good with meat. It is popular with restaurateurs as the above listed roots.

The same row includes asparagus and artichokes. In restaurants, these products are bought with great pleasure. At the same time, only 1-2 kg are bought at a time, for 4-5 days. Moreover, for example, 1 kg of asparagus costs $ 14, but the artichoke is already 25. One celery root jumps in price from $ 1 to 5. Depending on the season.

So to grow in small batches of several kg of these rare garden crops, it would be very beneficial, provided that a direct contract is signed for the supply of these products to restaurants. Moreover, they buy these products at the market price, and not fixed. As producers of such garden crops, from one, two and more is not. Seeds have to buy in Europe or Russia, but they are already proven, high-quality, without unpleasant surprises in the form of some diseases or pests in them. These seeds are subject to verification by a special plant protection service against pests.

Therefore, the seeds are expensive. In addition, there is a need for knowledge of how to grow this or that garden crop, your approach, your agrotechnical measures, who do not know them, he does not manage to grow anything.

For the realization of his other idea, Dara decided to plant berries and bushes. Irgu, Strawberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Currants, Gooseberries, Sea Buckthorn, Blueberries and agree with the mountaineers, who in the villages have organic fruit trees.

Namely, the supply of apples, pears, cherries, cherries, plums, mulberries and also try to plant a couple of interesting plants - irgu, fezalis, sloe, medlar. If you take root, then the table will be richer and more money will be available in the future.

He will be able to start a business through the online store, attracting customers and creating a customer base. After three months, he hoped to start a store on the ground and also to cultivate your small farm. He will have to work on it himself.

Grand ideas. It remains only to bring them to life!

The same evening, his longtime friend Jos Aguar came out on Skype, they met him on an internship, on new technologies in historical science.

Since then, they often talked, after an internship, Dara was seen in Jos a couple of times at international conferences.

Jos was 10 years older than Dara. He was a historian and cartographer who worked for a multimedia company in the Philippines.

While they were on an internship, Jos said that they sometimes eat horsemeat too, like Dara. At parting, friends exchanged gifts; Jos gave him an "English Tagalog Translation Dictionary and Phrasebook 1st Edition." Dara gave him a cup of tea from his native city.

Hi, Dara! so, how are you?

Dara, waited ... waited, he thought, now Jos will tell him - well, how is your farm and shop there, did Aunty Shabnam have time to go international?

But no, it only seemed to him.

Here, why am I calling you? The fact is that our company has now developed a new software for drones. We tested them, work perfectly, though there are some problems, when the weather is unstable, strong wind or rain, then drones cannot work. And so wonderful technology in action. Namely, they can be used in agriculture!

Hey Jos? This is how we studied on internships, space imagery? Type of monitoring satellites for agriculture? Mapping - the state of crops, moisture, and on them and recommendations for the application of mineral fertilizers? Something like that?

No, bro, you do not catch up? Drones are the best! Cheaper at times! The more opportunities for farmers.

So, I invite you to participate in our program and become a distributor in our country of our technology! We will provide and multicopter and software and service "Agro Analytics." Most of all, for farmers who have a field of 4 to 30 hectares!

For example, our company can provide farmers with digital thematic maps - monitoring crops of crops, the degree of moisture, assess the germination of sprouts, monitor and plan plowing, analyze the state of the soil, and harvest. Identify adverse processes for crops such as floods or pests. As well as a map of the soil and the content of various elements in it. On the basis of this, the expert system will be connected and will allow you to make a plan for planting certain crops according to soil types!

Cool same ?! Admit it, Dara! These are new technologies in action!

This is a new direction in the world, agricultural management. Precise farming.

You can use our copters and do point planting of seeds, in those places where the soil will accept them better! You can water the plants, spray them with fertilizers or pesticides! They can show the lack of nutrients in the soil, not to mention the invasion of pests.

This is a true technological miracle!

Imagine, Dara on your laptop will have the whole map of your farm plot, for example. Roads, rivers, ponds, warehouse, beds with your vegetables and you can easily deal with planning, harvesting, and indeed automate this process. We have ready-made solutions, there would be money and desire. Moreover, I note that the drone itself is not as expensive as the software itself.

This is the price of a small car with a trailer. Plus we provide you with service. Well, the type I can go to your country and create your own expert service center. I have not traveled abroad for a long time, and I have not seen you. Good opportunity, so I immediately remembered you! You need to grab the bird of happiness by the tail and not to wait for something unknown!

The note, the drone can shoot in the clouds, plus an hour it can easily take off another 25 square meters. km, when areal shooting.

Well, think about it, and in a couple of days you will tell me whether I thought up or not!

I tell you, this is a goldmine!

Real real magic!

Dara, smiled, what a good friend he has! This is the main topic! He can now try it on his farm, if indeed everything is so, then the new business can be stirred up in the capital and this is a completely different level! Cool, Jos! Respect, you!

Then Dara remembered his relative, he seemed to be about 10 years ago, was developing microelement fertilizers for farmers, picked up various chemical elements for soil types, in very small quantities and in weak concentrations. As well as the second method, it is already completely environmentally friendly ...

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