Magic Farmer Dara

45 Conversation at the wheel

On the way, there were many hidden radar ... but the Chinese iPhone reported in bad Russian "dear ... after one three zero meters radar at 70 km" ... "dear ... after seven zero meters radar at 60 km" ...

In places where there was no Internet ... the iphone was stoically silent.

And you send us a telegram at the end of the day, said Grandfather Kamol ... I don't have a telegram and no iPhone ... just an ordinary Nokia and leave me alone!

Baraz again raised the topic of Russians and Americans.

In fact, they are the same, only speak different languages. Both those and others say what they think, and not what is necessary in format. They are open. But Americans, in contrast to Russians, are also more emotional, often smiling. But this may be due to business necessity, involuntarily, the advice of the antiquities of Carnegie and Peter's Principles came to my head ... Parkinson's laws, but not the Alzheimer's type and the business laws of 1970-1980.

Russians they smile a little, especially in large cities. Something they resemble the Germans. The train is going, everyone is silent in the carriages, they are sullen, not so much in India, there people communicate with each other, they sing songs, they dance, it is interesting to go. From one point of the country to another, 3500 km in three days! Romance! In Germany, with boredom, everyone would be numb ... A different mentality, a different culture.

I remembered the Americans when they succeeded at some scientific forum, their idea passed - the entire American delegation from professors to students rose to their feet, began to laugh loudly, clap their hands and speak first to the USA! USA! USA!We changed the world! USA! USA! USA!

Emotionally, they expressed their enthusiasm, well-coordinated, team work! What can I say, well done! It is not customary for us to openly express our emotions!

The difference in the culture of perception of the world.

Then I remembered another case, in those days the USA was a rich and successful country, in one of the corporations, they had a laboratory for studying the natural environment of Mars. Everyone worked there young boys and girls. They were between 25 and 30 years old ... The salary per year is up to $ 400,000, a very good salary even by the standards of the United States, there a good salary is considered to be $ 120,000.

The boys and girls shared digital terrain models and 3D digital topographic maps of Mars, shot all sorts of animated documentaries, looked for something there remotely - either water or minerals. They seriously said that they would take raw materials from Mars to Earth!

We did not understand them! There are still a lot of problems on Earth, a lot of things still remain unexplored, and they have gathered where to ...

Five years have passed in the United States experienced an economic crisis, the corporation first closed the laboratory, fired all the young specialists. The consumption per year for the whole laboratory was 180,000,000 dollars, only 28 people worked in it! We have all the science that is, 36,000 people in the country at that time allocated only 36 000 000 dollars!

The guys could not find a job for a long time ... since they were looking for a salary of at least $ 400,000 and could not find it, the crisis was. After the crisis ... they could barely find work for 150,000-220,000 dollars. It can be seen that the world crisis has taught the corporation not to waste money on some strange projects ...

In general, something like this ... probably the constriction of the ropes between the Americans and the Russians, because they resemble each other. This is like a race for the leader. On the other hand, the USA has often helped Russia at different stages since 1853 and even in 1920-30. During the Second World War. Consider that Russia and the United States are like two twin brothers. At some stage, and then they kind of changed and lost their own blood. Therefore, these banners went


In general, what do we care about those and others?

Well, Russians are closer to us!

That's for sure!

We understand their language better than English. Like their culture and mentality is closer to us than the American. Although these are two great European cultures, but with their own unique features - Western and Eastern Culture.

Although at the same time they have one European root of development. But for some reason Russians are closer to us? Maybe because they are geographically nearer really? Also Russian tanks are fast, so in that case any problem they decide quickly ... with allies like Russia and China, no one else would even think in their thoughts to do something funny ... is great ... peace and clear skies overhead.

Does it really matter ... let the politicians think about it ... and we are simple people ...

But of course I agree with you that it was wasted time, the study of various types of nuclear explosions and how to hide from them hypothetically, wearing white slippers and a white sheet ...

The listening to idiotic lectures, tedious, reading dusty books of the 1950s about nuclear cannons and other things shit ... but also read all sorts of science fiction about the nuclear winter ...

For some reason, historians also read medicine for 2 years to us ???? But not specialists in history! Count up all we had 73 subjects at the university and only 22 specials of them! Is this nonsense ????

Of course, here the Americans are not to blame ... it was just then that there was such schizophrenia in both Russia and the USA ... they probably didn't have a good time either.

Yeah, I remember these stupid political informational lessons at school, where we were told how badly they live in the USA ... and literally after a couple of years, we generally started full tin.

The card system, the queues, the shortage, there was no product on the shelves, they were given 2 kg of sugar in their hands ... the interruptions in bread began. In general, it is good that this idiotic period is over.

Then I remember how the money was changed in three days ... huge queues, shouts, crush ... in general, ass.

So let's all live together without any blame...

You would like to go in the United States?

They i means clan society will not let me go once, but two and me are well for $ 150, it's interesting to live in my homeland and see how it lives ... how new industries appear, how technological industries close, dozens of research institutes close in one year and then out of 50 closed research institutes 17 opens again. How reforms are carried out in the economy, and start a positive change in the country!

... this could only be read in history books and now we all see it with our own eyes. As they saw those people who earlier scolded from the stands with foaming at the mouth, capitalism, and then having forgotten all their ideals, became ardent supporters of capital!

Where else can you see this? This is very interesting! You can carry out such exciting research as changing consciousness and social values. From equality, fraternity, to greed and greetings, dear Gobsek Onére de Balzac, it seems?

The fact that there is little money, that where the hell is you will go further than the ring road, well, it's the little things in life, the Arabs would say "Maktub" fate, this karma, well, and I will say this is just a fascinating study! Science is an interesting activity as well as social research in real time! As a researcher, can afford to leave such an interesting area for study?

What, what, you say?


Not! You're wrong!

It is interesting! You will be able to cope with difficulties, you will be able to overcome total obstacles, you will be able to achieve something yourself in the clan world, where it is possible to rise somewhere only if you have connections, help from clans, patriarchs.

The man himself can practically do nothing himself, and here there is an opportunity to refute this statement!

One way or another, Baraz doesn't need to return to this topic often, it has already set edge on edge ... history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood. So this is all in the past.

Now you need to build a business relationship without any emotions. Investments are needed, new technologies, new formats of relations ... and there is no need to step on the history rake often, although not to forget about the historical lessons of the past.

Here we came to the farm for conversations ...

I understand now why did you make this conversation Baraz!

During conversations, time flies by and you don't want to sleep at the wheel!

Yes, it is fun!

But all these ideological treatments for hell have not surrendered to us, someone with this good money raises doing black PR, and we only waste of time.

Well, in any case, we have no money for their goods ... we buy everything in China! It has been our ally for the last 2,200 years ...

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