Magic Apprentice

Chapter 175: Air battleship

Compared with the country of grasslands full of wind and rain, Kaoqi's summer is obviously much longer.

Maybe it is because the inland is more likely to accumulate a lot of heat, or maybe it is because there are not so many storms, and the summer of the Kaoqi Kingdom is much hotter than other places.

For Vedsk, which is in this hot and scorching day, it is the most leisurely season for the nobles and wealthy people.

Because most of them will choose to leave this bustling capital at this time, and go to the country house or the quiet mountain manor in the suburbs to avoid the arduous heat and boredom.

Because of this, Vedsk at this time has a tranquility that was not there before.

But at this moment, tranquility has already been replaced by that discussion.

And those nobles who were supposed to go out for summer vacations did not leave Vedsk unusually. Those nobles who held public office were unable to find leisure because of their official duties, and their wives and children wanted to not miss that Great miracle while choosing to stay here.

The miracle talked about by the Vedsk people is a huge air battleship that can be seen every day and slowly flies in the sky.

People who live in Vedsk get up early every morning at five or six o'clock. They either lean to the window or stand on the street and balcony. Everyone waits silently in the southeast direction.

There was almost no delay. The huge air battleship always appeared in people ’s line of sight at half past six. The hull of a dozen meters long and a few meters wide made the Vedsk people below look like Intoxicated.

Many people even chased the air battleships and ran on the streets.

At this time, the rushing crowds, carriages and citizens riding horses formed a long flow of people.

For a while, Vedsk, which was supposed to be full of silence and tranquility, seemed to be a joyous and noisy festival.

Cheers can be heard everywhere, and the Vedsks cheered vigorously, "Long live Kaoqi, Long live His Majesty the King".

The air battleship always flew slowly over the city of Vedsk, and the whole process took about an hour and a half.

The Vedesques have long discovered that the speed of this flying boat is obviously much faster than it seems.

This one-and-a-half hour period is the most exciting and joyful time for the Vedsk people, and this excitement is hard to dissipate for a long time.

Because of this, the mornings of Vedsk, which always seemed so calm in the past, now become very upset, and the bars and restaurants that have never had the worst business in the morning of the past have become very popular at the moment.

People who have seen the lively Vedsk will come to these gathering places in groups and talk about every detail they see today.

Those various bars and restaurants have become places for clamor and disputes, as well as gathering details.

Almost everyone is here, telling everything they have seen in detail.

Whenever opinions cannot be unified, quarrels are naturally inevitable.

The most suitable arbiter at this time is naturally the barman at the bar, because they hear all kinds of rumors almost every day, and many people come to them every day to get all the details.

There are countless more gossips spreading through the mouths of the Videsk people through their mouths.

Every morning, Vedsk is always immersed in joy and hilarity, and all this is exactly what the strange queen would like to see most.

This was originally the idea she had come up with, and even her brother, the prime minister who was famous for his scheming, was also amazed.

Not only him, but also the emperor, His Majesty, had to admit that the wife he was marrying was quite a cunning figure.

But this cunning is exactly what he needs most at this moment.

The war on the front, which apparently failed to return, wasted countless dollars, and cost many soldiers their lives, originally caused the Kaoqi people to feel extremely lost, and lost confidence and pride.

But now, just letting an imperfect air battleship fly slowly over the sky every day, all the people of Vedsk were immediately excited, and once again ignited the people of the first powerful country. A sense of pride and honor is an effect that cannot be achieved by any speech or grand military parade.

But in the heart of Horcos III, there is still a deep loss.

Because at this moment, a thick stack of reports was placed in front of him.

The bottom stack is detailed and comprehensive information about Sophie's recent situation and the analysis results of the information.

And the stack above was given to him by his spies, and all the intelligence agencies in the Kingdom of Reading were completely uprooted overnight.

The two piles of thick documents piled on each other, and Horcols III felt a headache, a deep sense of weakness rose from his heart.

Because it was only him who knew the most, how much hard work and great price he had spent with him and Somerset.

Almost every supporter lurking in the upper levels of Sophie was secretly made of countless gold coins.

In order to buy them away, Hagero and Somerette spent countless costs, of which just one of the wizarding associations, Ke Weizhi, spent a dozen of their precious digs from the ruins of the ancient magic empire Classics.

At such a huge price, the lurkers in exchange were wiped out completely after more than a month of scenery.

There were almost none of the lurkers, all hung on the squares of the ancient king city. The gallows caused the lurkers to die in pain and the countless money Kaoqi spent on them Made a bubble.

Even among the lurkers, a few particularly cunning and concealed characters survived, but they were already shocked by the wanton killing and **** tough steel wrists.

Hokors III didn't even think that it was possible for these people to serve him.

However, Sophie's fiasco did not hurt him. After all, those who were bought by him were all the people of Sophie's kingdom.

And those intelligence networks that were uprooted in the Kingdom of Reading have made this Supreme Majesty feel heartbroken.

These spies were all Hagero, Somerette and he spent countless efforts and costs, and it took nearly ten years to train them.

In fact, Hagrid and Somilet were very happy to surrender control of the army and officials in their hands, but for the final trump card in their hands! ! Those spies refused to take it out.

As soon as Holkers III thought of it, he felt even more distressed when he tried to get the spy and means of those spies.

In order to make the spies absolutely loyal to him, he fed these cunning and fearless people with countless money, and also spent countless efforts to keep their families firmly in his hands.

But now all the hard work has turned into running water, and what worries him even more is that in the hands of the controller, no one can keep secrets.

Presumably at this moment, countless confidential information about the Kaoqi Kingdom has been presented on the table case of the upper-level figures of the organizer.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the seat that made him feel the most troublesome is dying, and his life is about to come to an end.

From all signs, the Kingdom of Lyding will not attack Kaocchi for the time being.

But this does not make the emperor's majesty much easier. Although there is no threat from the north that most worries him and fears, there is already a strong enemy in the west.

The Sophie Kingdom announced that it was in a state of war, and he and Somiret did not dare to let the ministers know.

Because neither he nor Sommeret knew very well that let the people of Kaoqi know how Sophie would actually wave the flag of war, what would happen.

In the past year, although the power of the Kaoqi Kingdom reached its peak.

But the world has almost regarded this year as a year when the Sophie's reputation spread to every corner of the world.

A year ago, whether in the eyes of the Kaoqi, Leding, or even Montita, the Sophie Kingdom was an ancient and somewhat declining kingdom.

But at this moment, this ancient kingdom has already become almost able to dominate everything in everyone's mind.

The names of the four sages have already become powerful and unstoppable, especially Enleco among the four sages, which is regarded as a character far surpassing all great mages.

Almost everyone believes that as long as he is alone, it is enough to fight against the team of the six mages, not to mention behind him, there is a more terrifying and powerful Princess Her Royal Highness.

Even for the Supreme Majesty, the pair of mentors and apprentices also made him feel a headache.

At the beginning, he originally planned to use a well-planned assassination to completely eliminate these two most troublesome characters.

The initial stage of the plan seemed to proceed quite smoothly.

But now, Horcols III has become more and more afraid to guarantee that the action, as Hegeilo sees with his own eyes, has made the strongest of the four extraordinary magic apprentices in the Kingdom of Sophie, Turned into ashes and dust.

Throwing the last page of the report on top of the thick stack of documents, the Supreme walked slowly towards the door, and now he needed to face his most important ministers.

Out of the study that neither Hagerello nor Somilete could enter, the hall was outside.

At the moment, only Milinda and Dray Kesi in the hall.

Milinda leaned on her feet as usual, leisurely holding a tall wine glass full of wine, sitting on the sofa.

And Drey Kesi stood quietly with his hands down, his face and hands tightly wrapped in the big red robe, so strange and mysterious.

This hall does not have a so-called door, and on the ground at the corner of the hall, there is a very delicate teleportation magic circle.

At the beginning, the Supreme Majesty had used each other's close friends for his two close friends. Because of this, he carefully constructed this study room with no doors and windows that could only be accessed through this special magic array.

"What happened to Lyding?" Horcos III asked the super magician in a red robe standing aside.

Naturally, Drechs knew what he wanted to know.

He raised his head slightly, staring at the emperor, and said slowly, "Your Majesty, the person you are most worried about, has left this world."

"I? I am most worried? Dear Drake, you must be the most relaxed and happy about that person's death!" Hokors III smiled and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty, but I also feel deeply regretful that I cannot personally give her a fatal blow, and that she cannot see the new power I have now realized and possessed." Dreykes said indifferently .

For the brand-new power mentioned by the court master, Horcols III was quite concerned. He was slightly moved, but soon calmed down.

Although he once felt a very ominous feeling when he learned of the existence of this power, he also saw a glimmer of light from it. If this power could be used for him, it would undoubtedly free him from the predicament in front of him.

"Drey Kesi, you still have to be cautious. On this matter, I quite agree with the view of the evil mage Terode. That kind of power is really not auspicious. You know, the powerful one was almost invincible. The ancient empire was lost under this power. "Milinda next to it obviously didn't care about it, she said sharply.

For this strange woman, Drey Kesi didn't care at all. When he was hired for Somilet, he didn't listen to the woman's bitter and ironic words.

What's more, Draykes himself is also very clear, whether it is Milinda or the evil mage Trod.

That kind of power is indeed very auspicious, but he has no choice, because he has been deeply attracted by that kind of power, and has indulged in the vast world that he has never seen before.

The highest achievement of the ancient magic empire has been presented to him. As a magician, how can he resist the most deadly and powerful temptation.

In fact, when he chose that kind of power, he already realized that even if the punishment he finally received was more terrible than death, he could not stop him from exploring and seeking this power.

Because this is the most precious wealth that the gods inadvertently left to mankind, and it is also the most fatal flaw. That is intense learning and curiosity.

Drechs even believed that a real magician would definitely choose the same as he did at the moment when facing such a choice.

At least, he believed that Sophie ’s little magic apprentice, and his crazy teacher, would definitely be like this.

Sometimes, Drechs even guessed that maybe he and the two guys who had become his biggest enemies would have far more understanding and trust than ordinary people, because they are the same kind of people, full of knowledge and power. There is no end to the longing for peace, but nothing about everything else.

Because of this, Dreykers just said indifferently: "Thank you Miss Milinda for your reminder, but at this moment, only this kind of power can contend those two powers that far surpass any other great magician's enemy. "

Speaking of this, he suddenly asked for a pause, because he remembered the unknown new ability that he had seen the evil mage Trod in the Monteta Prairie.

"Perhaps, Troder himself has already thought about this, as far as I know, he is also conducting research in this regard, but we have a slight difference in the choice of direction."

"I am afraid that Trod may want to bypass the ultimate goal of the total destruction of the magic empire and find another possible path. And I traced the footprints of ancient times and pursued the highest achievement that I had ever achieved."

Regarding the words of Trod, whether it is Horcos III or Milinda, they are very interested, because they did not know the evil mage Trod, and they are also seeking this ultimate power that can destroy everything. Rhodes was originally a figure full of countless puzzles, and there were far more mysteries than Dreykes.

And the biggest one among many mysteries is undoubtedly that this one does not look like a kind guy, how to treat Hager Elo, who is also not a beloved one.

Whether it was Horcols III, Somerset, or even Milinda, he had felt deep envy as a child.

But this has always become a puzzle that puzzles them and is difficult to understand.

They even speculated that Hagero was an illegitimate child of the evil wizard Trod, not the true descendant of the lintel family, but this suspicion, as Hagero fell into love, could not extricate himself, and eventually left Going on a path similar to his ancestors in the past without breaking through.

Because of this, they feel more and more mysterious and unbelievable about the evil wizard Trod.

"Trode is also studying the ultimate power?" Milinda couldn't help asking.

"Yes, and I believe that the progress he has made has far exceeded my level. He has put some of it into practical use, and his body may have almost reached the point of immortality," said Drechs.


Horcos III sighed heavily. He suddenly felt very funny, as if history had returned to its original point.

The most unlucky and at the same time the most tempting thing, the immortal body, appears again in this world. Does this indicate that the time to change history again has come?

And who will be the loser this time?

Was it the Kingdom of Kaoqi built on the remains of the ancient empire that year, or another victor that he absolutely did not want to see?

"That was supposed to have turned to ashes, but now from all the signs, does the little magic apprentice who is still alive in this world have the same immortal body?" Milinda used a mocking tone Asked.

This unexpected word made the thoughtful Horcols III perturbed.

This is indeed something he never thought of.

Prior to this, all his conjectures revolved around conspiracies and traps that he was familiar with and good at.

Obviously for him, the best explanation is that Sophie Elementary, or Her Majesty the Queen of the Montitar Kingdom, had already anticipated everything that might happen, and they set a huge trap in advance, Enlai Ke's death was originally a trap.

The purpose of this trap is to make Hagero, Somilet and himself take it lightly, so that the entire assassination that was planned and prepared as early as ten years ago can be fully implemented.

The first-hand Kaoqi not only made the Sophie Kingdom that did not intend to go to war, but also had to take the most dangerous frontier position, but also made the Kaoqi Kingdom spend a whole decade to build a secret The Internet is completely exposed.

Whenever I think of this, the Supreme Emperor has some regrets. He blames it on his opponent's extraordinary foresight, the traps in the trap, the conspiracy in the conspiracy, it is really brilliant.

However, at the moment Milinda's unexpected words shocked the supreme majesty.

Because, he suddenly thought of another possibility.

Perhaps the scene Hagrid saw was not a brilliant, seamless performance.

Sophie's little magic apprentice had once turned to ashes.

It's just that the powerful enemy who should have died completely has an immortal body.

Immortality is not an unreachable thing originally. At the beginning of the late Magic Empire, the secret method of immortality has been thoroughly studied.

At this moment, Horcos III vaguely felt that the wheel of history had entered another cycle.

Since the undead body can be reproduced on the evil mage Trod, Sophie's little magic apprentice may already have the same ability.

"The secret of immortality." The next Drey Kesi also murmured to himself, obviously what he thought was no different from that of His Supreme Majesty. "For an enemy with an undead body, how can he really die?" Horcos III frowned and asked, the object he was asking was obviously the court master.

"If you can't know how to get eternal life, you can't know how to make the person who has eternal life die." Dreykes replied very simply.

Horcos III nodded thoughtfully. He glanced at Dray Kesi, then said slowly meaningfully: "Then you will try to find the secret of eternal life, if the results of your efforts are rewarded , Milinda and I really wanted to try out the joy of death. "

Speaking of which, Horcos III seemed to be very happy, and he walked directly towards the teleportation magic circle.

"Let's go and see how Hagrid and Somilet are going. After all, what they have in hand is our real trump card." The Supreme Emperor said with a smile.

"I really don't understand why you asked Haigeello to study such a thing, which should have been the responsibility of the Magic Corps." Milinda was obviously very dissatisfied with this, she said coldly.

"My dearest queen, you have to admit that those flying boats were stolen back by Hagero at the risk of his life. Presumably he will never be willing to put these things that he took pains to get back to you Here. "Horcos III exclaimed with a smile.

"What ’s more, although he also possesses magical martial arts skills, Hegeelo is obviously more suitable than you for manipulating those airships. His choice is indeed incredible, but you have to admit that obviously he did find something you did not s things."

"Although he came into contact with magical martial arts much later than you, his understanding of magical martial arts now seems to be more thorough."

Horcos III suddenly became serious, and he said while thinking.

"Duke Haigeello has apparently surpassed the status of the warrior. He gave up using magic to enhance the power of martial arts, and chose some other simple but obviously very useful abilities."

"Maybe this is a truly perfect combination of magic and martial arts. Use martial arts to strengthen yourself and use magic to gain extra power!"

"Although Duke Hageello may not be able to overcome opponents who use magic to enhance martial arts in a fair duel, if the battlefield can be chosen by the duel, even the means of the showdown are completely unlimited, I am afraid Hager Duke Lowe will win the final victory, because he has found a way to maximize his power. "Dreykes also nodded and said.

"It's a pity that we know too little about the demon martial arts." Milinda apparently didn't intend to admit that Hagrid was stronger than her, which her honor and vanity did not allow.

Hold the brace on the left arm with your right hand and recite the spell of teleporting magic. For the current Milinda, teleportation through the magic circle is already a breeze.

She was no longer the layman of the magic.

A buzzing sound rang out from all directions, and her body was surrounded by white light.

The white light became thicker and thicker.

Suddenly, all the white light disappeared without a trace, and Milinda, which had been enveloped by white light, had disappeared.

The same buzzing sound and dense white light appeared on the top of a castle deep in a depression in the southeast of Vedsk.

After the white light dissipated, the figure of Her Majesty appeared.

Milinda walked slowly to the front of the platform, holding the stone wall with both hands, looking into the distance.

I saw hundreds of airships moored densely in the wide but seemingly deep depression.

Most of these airships are exactly the same as the one that flew over Vedsk every day.

But some are different.

They are longer and larger than other airships. The largest one is just like a medium-sized warship on the sea.

Milinda stared at the huge airship, at the battleship named after her.

Gaze at the bow of the high, gaze at the five pairs of huge and transparent golden wings tightly fixed on both sides of the ship.

"Is it fascinating again?"

Suddenly, behind him came the gentle voice of His Majesty the Emperor.

"She's my baby, and I always feel that I can't see enough." Milinda said slowly, unlike her in the past, her expression seemed so dignified at the moment.

"She is also my baby, she will become the most powerful flagship in this invincible fleet." Hokors III said with a smile.

At this time, suddenly below the castle, there was a cold voice.

"The flagship has always stayed in the safest place. Although it does look very powerful, it is better to say that it is a symbol or display than a battleship."

The person who would satirize Horcolus III so arrogantly is naturally only the bad friends of his time.

I heard another voice saying: "Hegello, I think you might be a little jealous. I thought that when this warship was just completed, your level of happiness was not under my sister."

Hegeello did not intend to refute what Somilet said. He shrugged slightly and said indifferently: "I have changed my mind now. Such a huge but uncharacteristic warship can only be regarded as For display, I prefer a flexible and fast swordfish rather than sitting on a clumsy killer whale. "

It hadn't waited for Hagrid to finish his speech, and Her Majesty had already flew off the high platform.

The servants and guards turned a blind eye to this "abnormal behavior" which was absolutely abnormal and absolutely contrary to any royal etiquette tradition.

Obviously there are very few people here who treat this strangely majestic queen as a woman.

"It's just that the awkward killer whale you're talking about has the capital to wander, and it can easily turn everything around into a sea of ​​fire and ruins."

"And the swift swordfish has only a sharp thorn, unless it can hit the target, otherwise it can hardly give anyone the slightest threat." Milinda said tit-for-tat, obviously for her biggest opponent She did not intend to make any concessions at all.

However, Hagero didn't intend to continue the war. He shrugged his shoulders and turned his head.

"Hegello, I really want to know, how is your warship modified? Perhaps the dispute between swordfish and killer whale will bring us the most correct choice and the most reasonable tactics."

Horcos III came slowly. As a monarch, he could not jump off the platform like Milinda. Following behind Hagero, the crowd arrived at the "dock" built in a huge cave.

The scaffolding around has been removed, and a thin and long battleship is moored above the windowsill.

As Hagero just described, this battleship really looks like a swordfish.

Of course, this does not refer to the thin and long spikes specially made by the front end, but because this battleship is not like other battleships, only two pairs of wings.

In the middle of its back ridge, there is a row of wings very similar to the dorsal fin of swordfish.

"I can't imagine. If this thing had no other row of wings under its stomach, how could it prevent itself from tumbling in the air?" Milinda said disapprovingly.

"This is a secret, but we will soon be able to know whether my method will be successful." Haigeello said with a sneer.

With that said, he flew up onto the flying boat, followed by several magicians and a group of soldiers, one by one, passed the ramps on both sides and climbed into the flying boat. The people next to them all dodge far away to the two sides of the dock, among the two long solid bunkers.

A gust of wind suddenly rose from the sky. I saw the ten pairs of golden thin wings that were quietly clinging to the side of the ship, and slowly opened.

The countless fine patterns on the thin wings suddenly radiate a bright golden light when viewed from a distance. It is like a dense network of dense blood vessels. It suddenly fills with blood, but the blood is as beautiful as gold. s color.

The gust of wind soared in all directions, blowing away everything that was not fixed in the dock.

With the raging wind, the slender battleship slowly floated up, only to see it float leisurely about two meters above the ground.

Suddenly, a pair of small wings were drilled out of the smooth and flat bottom of the ship.

The small wings like ventral fins make this slender battleship more like a swordfish floating in the air.

However, neither Milinda nor Horcos III thought that such a design was just a sensation.

Because, they all know Hagrid's temperament, he is definitely not the kind of characters who are only for the sake of beauty and unrealistic.

What's more, they also saw the top row of wings erected like dorsal fins, and at the same time they were gradually filled with the golden light like a network.

The raging wind clearly proved how powerful these slightly shaking wings used.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound much louder than other battleships trembles the entire dock.

Amidst the squeaky beams and scaffolding of the scramble, the slender battleship slowly drove towards the entrance of the huge cave.

At first, its speed was so slow, but when it left this cave that was too small and too restrictive for it to show its hands and feet, its speed suddenly increased, and in the blink of an eye, it disappeared. In the blue sky.

Horcos III and Milinda flew up the hillside, and they looked up at the sky.

Only a very small black spot could be seen in the sky, and the black spot quickly penetrated into the white, soft, thick cloud like cotton balls.

"The speed of this thing is not slow."

Milinda sighed softly, apparently she was very clear, this time she fell into the wind in a contest with Hagello.

"Aren't you sneering at the force of this swordfish?" Horcos III asked with a smile.

"Is this ironic? Or a reminder?" Milinda asked coldly.

That Supreme Majesty, of course, did not dare to make his wife feel unhappy. In the Kingdom of Kaoqi, women are the real leaders.

This supreme emperor has no interest in causing the anger of his paladin queen, because he knows very well that Mirinda is likely to use her extraordinary martial skills to make him ugly in front of the attendants and courtiers.

As in the past, the emperor shrugged his shoulders. He looked at the sky and suddenly lowered his voice. "Maybe I have to spend a lot of money from the treasury to transform the warships that have been built."

Speaking of which, the Supreme Majesty smiled and asked the queen beside him: "How many wings do you intend to have your baby plugged in?"

"It depends on how much I have to pay for it."

"Although, in terms of martial arts, I like strange tricks and tricks, good at attack and assault, while Hagero's martial arts are more perfect and pursue a balance of offensive and defensive."

"However, our pursuit of tactics is just the opposite. I like to prepare everything for a while, and then, on the battlefield I have chosen, carry out a battle that is not far from what I expected."

"And Hagero, obviously, prefers unexpected and rapid attacks, causing opponents to suffer a fatal blow in the blink of an eye, he likes to take risks in exchange for victory."

"Our style and our understanding of war have caused our choice of weapon types to be very different from Hagero."

"Presumably, when Hagrid had just established the Knights of the Blast, even you were very surprised. Presumably, not many people could understand Hagrid's unexpected choice. I had expected it. "

"Give up the defense, choose the absolute attack, and the maximum possible speed. This is the war that Hagero is good at. This is Hagero's understanding of victory."

"And I prefer cavalry in heavy armor and soldiers in heavy armor."

"Because of this, I was able to say with certainty that if Hagero and I had a duel on the battlefield, the final victory would definitely be taken by me." Milinda said calmly.

"I thought you were just not upset," the Supreme Majesty yelled aside.

"My tactics happened to be Hagrid's nemesis. Although his raid was rapid, it had a fatal weakness, that is strength and sustainability."

"The warship that pushed the speed to the extreme, very in line with Hagero's characteristics, that is what he is good at, and the choice he likes." Milinda said slowly.

"So, do you still like the 'baby' full of ballistas and five bursts of fire?" Horcos III asked with a smile.

"Perhaps, I will put a few more pairs of wings on 'Baby'." Milinda said nonchalantly.

Horcos III smiled and shrugged his shoulders. He was clearly aware of his wife's fickleness.

At this time, the little black dots had drilled out of the clouds.

I saw it turned around and flew directly towards here.

If other flying boats are like wild geese soaring in the sky, then it is undoubtedly the king of speed among the birds-Swift in the wind and rain and lightning speed competition.

The buzzing sound became louder and louder, even slightly harsh.

It was just a small point just now, but after a short while, the slender air battleship has shown its slender and majestic posture in front of everyone's eyes.

As a hurricane swept across the earth.

The raging wind blew away everything around.

Hokors III quickly set up an enchantment to gather himself and the queen.

The guards beside him were not so lucky.

The raging wind swept away them like fallen leaves.

Fortunately, each of them was skilled and agile, so when they landed, they didn't suffer much damage.

However, no one dared to complain at all to the Duke of Hagrid.

Coupled with seeing the emperor and empress standing on the hillside leisurely, these servants can only complain in the bottom of their hearts, why they did not have the ability to use magic.

After rushing forward hundreds of meters, the battleship gradually stopped.

It floated quietly in the air, the dorsal fin that had been trembling slightly had stopped, and the pair of ventral fins had already gathered back.

The wings on both sides were still trembling slightly, making a subtle buzz. The slender battleship was slowly and awkwardly gliding at the moment.

It rests on a ship's platform, and three huge brackets like pliers lock the slender air battleship firmly.

When those wings had just gathered to the sides of the battleship, the majesty of the queen could not wait to fly there.

She jumped lightly and jumped on the deck of the battleship.

The floating look of the long skirt and the dashing figure made all the people who witnessed this truly breathtaking.

Such an elegant and beautiful movement, such a light and elegant posture, can really only be described by "exquisite art".

However, such a beautiful move, apparently out of step with the noble Queen's identity, as long as the thought of these, whether it is those servants, or Horcos III himself, can only sigh and shake his head.

This is the queen of Kaoqi Kingdom. She is the most powerful and strangest and absurd queen in the world.

However, Her Majesty herself obviously didn't feel anything at all, or even didn't care at all, whether her behavior attracted criticism from others.

She got into the cabin.

The smallness of the cabin was originally what she expected, but Milinda still didn't think that Hagero had taken extreme measures in order to maximize the speed of this battleship.

There are few voids in the cabin.

Everyone can only sit in their place, and there is only one aisle in the center that allows people to walk sideways.

And in order to save space, many seats are set above others' heads.

Hagero's position is at the very end of the battleship, and his own position is only slightly wider than others.

In such a small space, the layout is neatly organized, with two exquisite face-to-face cabinets on the back, with small partitions over the cabinets.

There is a roll of drawings in each compartment. It is not new to these Milinda. It is the place where the map is placed. Every warship has such a layout.

On the front side of Hageralo, two small windows opened from left to right.

Through these two small windows, you can see the outside scene.

A movable partition lay across Haigeello's chest. This peculiar desk is extremely space-saving.

And another movable partition is hung on the ceiling above the table and chairs, which is inlaid with a crystal clear magic mirror plate.

Hagero raised his head slightly, and was able to see clearly what was visible in the mirror plate.

"Not bad! The most efficient arrangement." Haigeello asked leisurely.

"If crowding is a symbol of efficiency, then people in wheelchairs are undoubtedly the most efficient guys." Milinda said in her usual mocking tone.

Hegeelos didn't disagree with Mirinda's sarcasm. He pointed to the front and said proudly: "Take a good look at the fine thorn you just said, maybe you will feel jealous and maybe."

In fact, Milinda had already noticed that at the forefront of the battleship, the dense and complicated layout was unimaginable.

Around a two-meter-long hollow metal cylinder, there are circle after circle of magic arrays that overlap and overlap.

These magical arrays shone with colorful lights, and even Milinda could clearly feel the powerful and cohesive magic gathered in the center of the hollow metal cylinder.

She also clearly saw the two one-meter crossbow arms and the tightly stretched bowstrings.

"Using the ballista to give the arrow a considerable speed, and then using the magic similar to the burst fire, so that the arrow has a faster speed?"

Milinda saw the mystery at a glance: "How far can it reach?"

"Good eyesight." Hagello laughed teasingly, but obviously he was extremely satisfied that he could win a little this time.

"Tell me what I care about, how far can this thing throw an arrow?" Milinda said impatiently.

"In the case of a flat shot, the range is about six kilometers, but when the battleship flies to the highest altitude, the arrows shot can hit a target more than ten kilometers away." Hagero said slightly proudly.

"What about the shooting speed?" Milinda asked again, a smile on her lips.

"I admit that it's really a bit slower," Hagero said indifferently.

"I believe it is still very useful, especially for the kind of tactics you are good at." Milinda said with a smile.

However, she had n’t waited until Hagrid ’s smug smile appeared, and immediately added another sentence: “But, do n’t forget that when you were defeated in the hands of the pirate king Rosem, he ’s kind of frequent Tactics, used against you, are also very useful. "

Upon hearing this, Haigeello immediately became serious and silent.

For him, it was the only failure he fully admitted to, and it was also the last thing he wanted to be mentioned by others.

As he was about to look for a topic to satirize the majesty of the queen, suddenly, the mirror plate flashed a pale red light.

"What happened?" Milinda no longer joked this time, she asked solemnly.

Hagero looked at the mirror plate for a while, and then his expression became very dignified.

"A pair of eyes peeping into our eyes, hidden in the mountains. Recently, these clowns have suddenly become more common. Yesterday we poke a pair of eyes blind. Unexpectedly, today there are guys who are not afraid of death. Come."

Speaking of which, he suddenly asked to raise his voice and ordered: "Pay attention, prepare to lift off, prepare the ballista ..."

A series of orders came out of the majestic commander's mouth.

Having said all of this, Hageello turned his head coldly and asked Milinda: "Do you intend to leave here, and if so, there is still time."

Mirinda glanced out of the window, and then said disapprovingly: "I plan to see for myself the actual combat capabilities of this battleship."

As soon as the words fell, Hageello shouted aloud toward the front: "Grasp the handrail and set sail."

Almost for a moment, a buzzing roared in the calm cabin, and the sound was irritating and noisy.

As the noisy buzz sounded, the battleship slowly floated upwards, and the bow of the ship slowly turned around, toward a sudden mountain rock in the distance.

There was almost no warning, and the bow of the battleship was lifted up sharply, and then it flew away like an arrow off the string.

Almost everyone in the battleship was holding onto the handrails on both sides of the seat. The huge pressure made them breathless for a while.

Only Milinda and Hagero, the two superb Paladins, were completely indifferent to this. Milinda simply leaned on the window, grabbed the window edge with one hand, and stood there steadily.

The slender battleship flew away quickly, and at the moment, a white Harrier Eagle also flew above the mountain.

Its sharp eyes were obviously also seen, and the danger was approaching it.

The creatures who were born to be able to soar in the sky naturally know much better than humans how to fly in the sky.

I saw it flexibly darting through the mountains, and its white wings almost clung to the dense canopy.

"You met a tough opponent."

Seeing the graceful figure of the white Harrier Eagle from the mirror plate, the Queen said with a sneer.

"After all, this kind of animal can't be compared with the wisdom of human beings," said Haigeello, his tone full of strange coldness and sharpness.

"Prepare to launch a honeycomb," Hagero commanded loudly.

With this command, the soldier at the bow raised an arm in the center of its thickness, like an olive arrow, and carefully inserted it into the metal tube, with the end of the arrow above the bowstring.

"You intend to burn the woods below too?" Milinda said disapprovingly.

"It's time to roast quail." Hagero said indifferently.

With a cry, the soldier pedaled the machine hard and fired the arrow.

I saw the series of magic circles stacked one after the other, and suddenly a bright light flashed.

The colorful and dazzling light did not flash in a flash, but everyone in the battleship clearly felt the tremor that came faintly between the flashes of light.

The arrows like a six-day thunder ~ ~ shot at the target.

Suddenly, a thunderous roar made the whole mountain tremble.

As the roar sounded, I saw that the arrow had turned into the sky.

Such a dense Mars densely enveloped a square acre or so.

There was another roar, but this time, the roar was like many countless thunders connected in series.

With this strange roar, the sky of Mars turned into a bright red cloud. Under the red cloud, the original lush trees immediately ignited a blazing flame.

The raging sea of ​​fire quickly swallowed all the surrounding mountains.

The fire was soaring and the smoke was billowing.

The huge and slender battleship that caused all this is wandering in the sky.

It seemed to be a huge eye, glancing at everything below, and it seemed to be a ferocious goshawk, looking for its prey aggressively

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