Magic Apprentice

Chapter 169: Return home

Yesterday was joyous because someone was able to be resurrected, but today it is already immersed in the sad atmosphere.

In the past, for Enleco, the Kris he had seen, in addition to occasionally showing a trace of mature temperament, or occasionally showing a profound and wise like philosophers, most of the time Silk gave him the impression of a crazy, victorious, powerful and grumpy female magician.

Because of this, Enleko really didn't know what to do with Kris at this moment.

The high princess was sitting blankly in the corner of the wall, her hands clasped her knees tightly, her body curled up in a ball, and her eyes were full of sadness.

Quietly in the room, An Qili * was next to Enleco. She gently poked Enleco with her arm, apparently suggesting that he used to console Kris in grief.

Even the annoying golden little thing who loves pranks and does not have silence and rest all day long is sitting quietly in the Holy Grail at this moment.

Enlecco walked hard towards Chris.

He was convinced that it should be time for him to comfort Chris in turn, and perhaps this could be regarded as a repayment of Chris ’s painstaking efforts to resurrect him, perhaps to compensate Chris for her favors this month.

Enlek never thought that he hadn't been close to Chris, and Her Royal Highness had turned her head to look at him.

"I want to go back to Sophie, I hope you can go with me." Chris said slowly, her tone full of sadness.

"Okay, I had this plan originally." Enleco nodded repeatedly, in fact, when he heard the news of Joe's death, he also felt a bit worried.

For Enleco, Joe also had a profound impact on him.

Although Joe often fooled him and bullied him, it was because of Joe that Enleco understood that there is another way of survival in this world.

If Enleco was the most envied childhood, the free traveler, then Joe is undoubtedly the greatest traveler.

And Joe also made Enleco understand how to become a leader.

Enleco could never forget the dazzling spear. He even felt that the scene where he was chased chased by dogs seemed to be still in front of him.

"Okay, but where do we go first?" Enleco asked, because he had learned from Sicilia's mouth that Sophie's kingdom was currently in a terrible state.

"Go to your home and find Victor and say that he might give us some unexpected help." Chris said slowly.

But for this proposal, Enleco was not sure.

Although he already knew Victor's true identity, he could not guarantee that the magic emperor would not help them.

Enlecke even suspected that eating and waiting for death had already become Victor's true temperament. After all, after spending such a long time, anyone would be tired of everything in the past.

Tired of eternity, tired of prestige, and even some people who are tired of life, how can they help them save a kingdom?

But this matter, he can only hide in the bottom of his heart, Enleco also knows Victor's position in Chris's mind.

So whether it was good or bad, Enleko didn't dare to reveal what Victor thought.

"Perhaps, we should also ask your soul contract master, the wicked evil god, and ask her if you can use her power to launch a real spiritual storm." Chris said coldly, her words Enlecco shuddered.

Enleco guessed completely that Kris wanted to use Spirit Storm to deal with someone.

He dared not object, nor was he willing to admit, after all, Enleco absolutely did not want to let thousands of people die in his own hands.

At least not by him.

Suddenly, a series of screams sounded, and a huge bronze disk appeared out of nowhere, floating in the middle of the room.

Kris stood up slowly, and she looked a little more energetic.

Enleco stood obediently under the disc, and in an instant he felt the scene around him changing rapidly. For all this, he was already very familiar with it. It can be said that it was this earth chariot that led him to set the road now.

All the scenes gradually became clear, and finally stopped on the second floor of a house.

Enleco is really familiar with the empty house. He once spent several springs and autumns there, learning the most basic meditation and magic principles with a magician who was originally regarded as a super jerk. .

Suddenly another scream sounded, and Enleco immediately felt the sky turn around, and when he finally got his footing, he had come to the place he had just seen in the illusion.

In a blink of an eye, he crossed a long distance, and he had reached his destination.

"Enleco, I'm so glad that you are back. You must have brought me the specialty of Montyta. Their puff pastry is still memorable to this day." A dull voice came from the room, and Victor was still full The rogue look of the past.

Entering Victor's bedroom, Enleco saluted respectfully, and he did not dare to neglect the past magic emperor.

"My disciple, you must have seen your ancestor Hades, Hades. I think the grumpiness on your face has decreased a lot. I think it's been a good day." Victor quipped. He glanced. A glance at Her Royal Highness Princess standing at the door hesitating and refusing to come in.

Hearing this, Enleco was a little angry. Victor clearly knew that his ancestor was Hades, and he also knew the terrible curse.

Victor, who has the ability to see through the future, must also be able to foresee his tragic encounter. This guy has always been tight-lipped. When he thinks of these, Enleco feels more and more that this guy is an asshole.

"The disaster is over. Don't worry about the sorrow of the past. Facing the future, life will be better and better." Victor patted Enleco's shoulder and said with a smile.

Enleco himself didn't feel any special feeling for this comfort. Instead, Kris felt shocked when she heard his words.

After knocking on the side, Victor said: "You must be coming back to find out, what the **** is going on here?"

Hearing Victor say this, Kris, who was standing at the door, also came in.

"I want to know what happened to Naga and Joe." Chris said coldly.

"I can only tell you something rumored outside." Vic sighed heavily. "Naga was killed in a magic experiment, but there are rumors that someone has acted on that magic experiment. "

"And Joe died suddenly and silently. You and Enleco should be able to imagine how many ways to do this."

"Since Joe's death, Sophie has suddenly lost his head and direction."

"The court split into several factions, one of which was led by Joe's younger brother Perth. You should know Kris best about his personality."

"The other faction is led by Pastin, and your disciple Kate has now become one of the most influential people in this camp."

"Another faction is led by Ke Weizhi, who succeeds Naga. This is also a character you are quite familiar with."

Enleco knew nothing about the names Victor said. He looked at Kris with a stunned look and wanted to get answers from her.

"Imperth is an ambitious guy. Unfortunately, compared with Joe, he is a total waste. His greatest skill is to act in a pomp and specialize in those things that buy people's hearts, so his reputation is quite good."

"There are a lot of people desperately patting his ass, and while Joe is still alive, he has never given him the opportunity to show his head and let him have power. If Joe's death, who is most likely to be an internal response, because Perth has nothing to do with it. "

"However, Impos is a timid rat. There must be someone behind him to support him. I doubt that this man is Ke Weizhi. As the vice chairman of the Magic Association, he is also very selfish. The guy, McCallen was pushed out of the capital by him. Originally, Naga planned to let McCallen take his place. "

"However, these two people are not the most terrible. I am very worried that behind them, there is another person who is secretly manipulating everything. Yu Sipu is the really annoying guy, but he is very disgusting and has the title of Paladin. But, like Joe, he is also a distant relative of the royal family. I sometimes even suspect that his eyes have long been fixed on the throne. "

Just now, Victor next to him suddenly interjected: "Yes, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you, this guy from Sip, is trying to propose to your niece Frannie recently."

"I already knew this guy would definitely do something selfish." Kris said angrily, bursts of electric blasts flying at the tip of her finger.

Even Victor involuntarily stepped back a little, and he was unwilling to run into the soaring Kris.

"By the way, you should be able to give me some advice. What should I do best now?" Chris asked.

"You are already an adult and you don't need to ask me for everything. I once said that I can't tell you the prediction of the future." Victor said with a shrug.

His virtue is very familiar to Enleco.

"Okay, I immediately returned to the capital, and I took all of Perth, Keweizhi and Yousipu together."

"For Imposs, maybe he was spared his life because of his respectful points to me in the past."

"As for Keweizhi and Yousipu, you can never let it go. Turning them into a pile of ashes or two stone carvings may be the most appropriate choice."

Chris's words shocked both Enleko and Victor, and seeing the eager look of Her Royal Highness, no one would think she was just talking.

Given the long history of the high princess, no one would doubt whether she would be crazy enough to put this crazy plan into effect.

Considering the powerful strength and the same strong personality of the high princess, it would be rather strange if she could not do those things.

"I'm still telling you some secrets." Victor had to choose to surrender in the face of the crazy high princess.

"Neither you nor Enleco are experts in dealing with the situation at hand, but among the people you know, there is a guy who is good at conspiracy and tricks." Victor said.

"Are you referring to Most? Isn't she here?" Enlecco asked in confusion.

"Most has returned to Demon Realm. She wants to restore her power to the peak state. After more than 10,000 years of sealing, her current strength is less than one-third of the time of the War of Gods and Demons."

"Most asked me to tell you, don't put your idea on her head, whether it is to help you plan or give you the strength to perform a spiritual storm, it is not what she is willing to do at this stage. And the one I just said People who are good at conspiracies and tricks do not mean Most. "

"Don't you forget your ancestor Hades? He is a character who is very good at plotting conspiracies, and most of the descendants inheriting his blood have inherited the characteristics of his favorite conspiracy."

"Although you don't have the talent to inherit this inheritance, but you have another heir to the Helis bloodline, but you have a perfect inheritance." Victor said with a smile.

"Are you referring to Xi Ling?" Enlecco said in amazement, but he thought about it, and Victor's choice was indeed the most suitable one.

Enleko never forgot the scene when he met Xiling at first.

Once upon a time, the Miss Lord was one of his most feared people.

Enleco also did not forget that even a person like Hager Elo was afraid of Xi Ling by three points. Recalling his experience in the Kingdom of Reading, those who controlled him really made him still frightened so far. .

It can be said that those in charge are the most dangerous and terrible group of people he has ever seen.

But what makes Enleco awkward and regretful is that the person who created and maintained this terrible organization actually bleeds the same blood as himself.

"Because the situation is a bit turbulent, Xiling is receiving hospitality at your companion Jerry's house, along with Fianna and your father, but unfortunately I was not invited." Victor pretended to be miserable. It looks like, but this time, Enleco will never be fooled by this thousand-year-old fox.

"Then we'll meet Jerry." Chris said coldly.

"I'm afraid it won't help so much. I will give you one last advice. You'd better go to see Xilin silently and without disturbing anyone."

Enlaco naturally remembered Victor's inscrutable guidance, and he carefully exited the teacher's bedroom.

"By the way, as a compensation, do n’t forget to bring me some delicious food next time you come back from Montyta. Also, do n’t kill all the wolves on the Montyta grassland, I I do n’t want to exterminate another kind of creature for the sake of human existence. ”When Enleco retreated to the door, Victor said suddenly.

These words shocked Enleko as if he were shocked.

"Are you-the Holy Man who saved the Monty Steppe? Is it the kingdom of the steppe that you pioneered?" Enleco tentatively tentatively said.

"Just take this as the proof that I gave you the test. You can indeed be called my proud disciple, to open up a new future and start your era!"

Victor said leisurely: "And I can retire here, and there will be no more things for me in the future." Then, Victor turned around and lay down on the ground, and soon a sound of sound sleep came. sound. Enlek and Kris each retired from Victor's bedroom with a heavy focus.

Chris was the first to recover.

After hearing a harsh scream, Kris and Enleco disappeared without a trace.

The Torsule River, meandering and twisting, is not a great river. Some even say that it can only be called a slightly larger stream.

However, this humble river was famous in the Kingdom of Sophie because of the new city.

Syna is the second-largest city in Sophie, and also the most prosperous city. Because of the convenience of the transportation hub, it has become the most developed place for businesses in the Kingdom of Sophie. All gathered here.

However, compared to Kasna in Kaoqi, also famous for its commercial development, and the cities of the Kingdom of Leding, the commercial streets of Xinna City are obviously inferior.

The reason for this is that the merchants in Xinna City do not intend to obtain money from the city and nearby residents. They would rather transport the goods to Sophie in the capital or other more remote places in order to obtain More substantial profits.

Among the many businesses, the Maus family is the most famous.

With amazing wealth, the wise head of the Maus family, in addition to trying to make his family have the title of nobility, is to build an extremely luxurious mansion to show off the Maus family Wealthy.

Originally in the Kingdom of Sophie, a country that pays attention to tradition and status, no matter how the well-known rich businessman desperately shows off his wealth, most people still don't care about him.

However, the situation has changed dramatically recently, because in that luxurious mansion, there is a great group of guests.

The wealthy businessman who was savvy and longing for the glory of the lintel naturally refused to let go of such a good opportunity easily. He spared no effort to decorate his mansion's mansion with golden walls and dazzling eyes.

In this way, the magnificent Maussian mansion that was originally the most conspicuous in Xinna City, after this decoration, even more dazzling.

As long as you stand on the hill outside the city, the first thing you notice is definitely this luxury mansion.

But neither Enlek nor Kris standing next to him had any mood to appreciate the scenery in front of him.

"Are we going to visit, or do we sneak in quietly?" Enleco asked cautiously, and just now he felt that Chris was in a very unstable state.

"What difference do you have?" Chris said coldly.

"I think it's best for us to sneak in quietly. If those who are skeptical don't know that we have returned to Sophie, they may be exposed by unscrupulous flaws."

"But once they know you, the most respected Princess Herald is back here, and she will certainly be careful and alert, and will not leave us any handles." Enleco said fifteen to ten.

After thinking for a moment, Kris nodded: "So, just dive in as you said."

As soon as the voice fell, a sharp, screaming scream suddenly sounded.

The screams stabbed Enleco's eardrums and completely disappeared his figure.

The style of the house of the Mauss family is no different from other Sophie Kingdom buildings. The rolling roofs and corridors connect the houses one by one, and the buildings are surrounded by blocks. Little open space.

It was laid out into small exquisite gardens.

And every inch of land here shows that the homeowner has spent countless efforts and money.

The bricks laid on the ground are arranged in different colors to form a wonderful pattern. The tiles on the roof are made of golden glazed glazed porcelain. These glazed tiles shine a little golden light under the sun. .

In the center of the mansion, an extremely spacious building was built, which was the main hall of the mansion, and at the moment those VIPs were gathering in the hall, most people's faces were full of sadness.

"I don't know what's going on with Her Royal Highness Princess Flanney, now Sophie can only rely on her, and it is possible to reverse the world." Bertina said anxiously, at this moment among the people here, only she Is the most superb.

"Kate is closely guarding her princess's side, and you don't need to worry about her princess' safety for the time being," Jerry interjected.

"I heard that Yu Sipu once found an opportunity to ask Kate for a duel. Presumably those guys can't wait to shoot to Her Royal Highness." Bertina shook her head again and again, her worried look more intense.

"However, I also heard some rumors. It seems that SPY didn't get much benefit from it. Lord Pastin did not say that with Kate's current strength, although he still cannot beat the Paladin, he just wants to protect himself. Words, but it can be done. "Jerry said.

"Yeah, yeah, Miss Bertina, even the head of the army said that Mr. Kate would have nothing to do with his strength. The head of the army would not lie, Mr. Kate. After all, it is his son. "Said a middle-aged fat man next to him. He looked respectful as he spoke.

This bald-headed, shiny man with a pair of blistering eyes is Jerry's father and the richest businessman in the city.

"But now, whether it is Kate or Her Royal Highness, are surrounded by those people. If Lord Pastin is in the capital, maybe he can still give Kate support, but now, Lord Pastin is going to the desert. Halfway through, for everything that happened in the capital, I couldn't help. "Bertina said.

"It would be nice if our teacher Her Royal Highness Princess, or the guy Enleco was here, either of them could make those people dare not move." Jerry said.

"Now all the roads leading to the Kingdom of Montyta are blocked by the Kingdom of Kaoqi, and even the channels for sending messages with the power of the military gods are completely blocked by those military **** priests of Kaoqi."

"And Mr. Chris, who would come back every other week, has been silent for nearly a month. I am very worried about what happened in the grassland country."

"From the way they dealt with Master Naga and Joe this time, this assassination must have been planned for a long time." Bertina said with her teeth gritted.

"This-Miss Bertina, it is best not to say that this is an assassination before the facts have been discovered. Presumably this will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles, even if you do n’t think so, but your current status, After all, it represents the will of the church. "

The wealthy rich man said carefully, he even looked around nervously.

For this cowardly guy, most people simply don't take it for granted. Only the His Royal Highness Lord of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Redding, who kept saying nothing, had a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

Just as everyone was talking, there was a sudden scream.

The shrill voice struck the fat man, and the two young men standing beside him to the ground.

Jerry and Bertina, as well as the two distinguished guests from the Kingdom of Reading, responded very quickly. They covered their ears in time and filled their hearts with shock and joy.

Obviously, they are very familiar with this signature style of appearance.

To be able to have such a sharp and lethal cry, I am afraid that it is only the crazy and creepy high princess.

As the screaming sounded, an invisible boundary surrounded the surroundings in a blink of an eye.

In the middle of the hall, two figures appeared out of thin air.

Among the three men who were knocked down on the ground in an instant, the tall knight standing on the far left immediately climbed from the ground, and he pulled out his long sword worn around his waist.

However, he also quickly saw the two unexpected guests.

"Enlek!" He cried in surprise.

"Jack, I'm very happy to see you, and I am also very happy to be able to return to Sophie." Enleco said with a smile.

"Oh-everything is solved now, as long as Her Royal Highness returns to Sophie, everything will be solved." Jerry next to him is almost the first person who is completely awake, he is also the first Time gave up the fart.

"His Supreme High Princess, your appearance is like a mist-dispelling sun. You are the greatest savior. You are the kingdom's only hope. I am your humblest servant, waiting for your dispatch at any time." After finishing speaking, a more skillful person immediately came to the side, making the little slider extremely shameful compliments and praises.

I saw that the bald fat man hadn't gotten up from the ground, and was still half kneeling there, so he patted on the horse fart endlessly.

Everyone was taken aback by this kung fu. Everyone stared at the flat-footed rich man for a while, and then glanced at Jerry, who was standing next to him.

Now everyone finally understands why Jerry has such a great flattering skill. It turns out that he only received a small part of the pass back.

And judging from his father's shameless touted, what Jerry learned was nothing more than a fur.

"Of course I am the savior, which doesn't need you at all. Now tell me what happened? I just heard some bad rumors." Chris said coldly.

Her arrogance did not surprise the three disciples and the two distinguished guests of Reading.

The shameless businessman was also not surprised. The only one who was shocked was Jerry, the two older brothers who did not know much about Her Royal Highness.

Among the people standing in the hall, speaking of cleverness, naturally it was Jerry, Xi Ling, Feiana, and the rich businessman, and the others were more or less clumsy.

Xiling and Feiana are not interested in themselves, so they are happy to watch the excitement.

As for the rich man, he had already heard about his crazy high princess from the mouth of his son.

For such a hard-to-serve noble guest, this ingenious rich man will naturally not take the initiative to jump out of the promise.

Flattering and exerting energy are absolutely two different things. For this reason, how could this billionaire Sophie richest man not know?

Because of this, the important task of explaining the situation naturally fell on Jerry.

Jerry carefully selected the words while telling the situation to his terrible teacher who might be impulsive at any time.

Unexpectedly, he was pleasantly surprised to see that Her Royal Highness Princess did not say a word, and listened to him quietly about what happened to Sophie recently.

This unexpected thing made Jerry a little bolder. He said carefully: "His Royal Highness, you don't know how serious things are now. Your brother, His Majesty the King, because he feels sorry for Master Naga and Joe died and couldn't afford to fall ill. "

"Now whether it is the court or most of the officials, they are controlled by Impos. Many people are afraid that there may be a war with the Kingdom of Kaoqi, so any officials in the main battle are suppressed."

"This is not just the wishes of officials, but also the meaning of most people and businessmen."

"In the capital, everyday people submit joint requests for peace, and even the big merchants here have advocated sending the peace mission to the Kingdom of Kaoqi again."

"Undoubtedly, in this matter, it was definitely Perth who secretly incited civilians and caused panic."

"However, this is obviously also related to Sophie having enjoyed peace for too long, the people are full of fear of war, and the fear of the strength of the Kaoqi Kingdom."

"And those civilians and businessmen are also worried that they will have to pay heavy taxes because of the war. For the sake of money and benefit, those civilians are stupidly standing on the position of the traitors.

"The most troublesome thing is that the Magic Association now orders all magicians not to participate in politics."

"However, this gesture itself shows the support for Impos. Without the help of the magician, it is impossible to defeat Kaoqi's army."

"What ’s more, the Royal Knights are now mostly in the hands of You Sipu, and no one in the capital can defy his orders. If Kate is not always guarding the Princess, it may be that Yu Sipu has already princessed Your Highness is under house arrest, "Jerry said worriedly.

To his surprise, Her Royal Highness did not lose control because of her anger, as he expected.

Jerry couldn't help but peek at Enleco who had been standing next to Her Royal Highness, he became more and more admired by this guy.

How Jerry couldn't figure out what kind of magic Enleco did, could actually make the horrible and crazy witch teacher so gentle and quiet like now.

Carefully elaborating the current situation in detail, Jerry once again exerted his fart effort.

With his dad's shameless performance just as a demonstration in the front, Jerry's brazenness obviously deepened a bit, and his flatter skills became more and more clever.

After hearing Jerry's description, Kris frowned slightly, but she never said a word because she always remembered what Victor had just told her.

It is obvious from that remark that although the current situation seems very troublesome, it has not yet reached a difficult situation, and the key to solving this matter is clearly in Xi Ling.

Thinking of this, Kris turned her head and looked towards the elite of the organization that controlled the Kingdom of Reading.

"Xiling, I want to hear your opinion, don't you pervert me!" Chris said, and her sharp voice made Xiling creepy.

The Miss Sovereign of the Kingdom of Reading did not intend to participate in this matter at all, and the Kingdom of Sophie had nothing to do with her.

Here, she has no power, no conflict of interest, and has two mountains, Kris and Enleco, and she doesn't need to worry about any troubles.

Yu Qingli, she did not intend to make suggestions for Sophie's future and safety, but she had already figured out a countermeasure in her mind.

In fact, in her view, neither the Sophie clowns who jumped out of their ambitions suddenly, nor the Kaoqi blackhand hidden behind the scenes controlled all of them. Understand, it is far from comparable to Reading, which has centuries of dark history.

Those Sophie people clearly did not understand the relationship between conspiracy and **** violence.

Those stupid and self-sophisticated Sophie men wholeheartedly want to behave like a gentleman. Xiling guessed that maybe these Sophie would fall down gracefully when they died.

As for the Kaoqi people who manipulate everything behind the scenes, Xi Ling appreciates their cold but highly efficient assassination methods.

Whether it was Naga or Joe's death, it seemed so seamless. Such superb means of killing made Xi Ling feel that it was indeed in line with what her ancestor thought, and it was an artistic plan and execution.

However, after the Kaoqi people succeeded in assassinating their biggest opponent, they showed that it was not slow, but Xi Ling felt disapproved.

In her view, the senior prime minister and the duke are obviously just beginning to learn conspiracy and tricks. They can only be regarded as apprentices with insufficient experience. Compared with real experts, they obviously have a lot of overall layout Lacking.

While watching her with cold eyes, she has already discovered numerous flaws.

In her precise mind, those opponents have been knocked down to the ground countless times.

However, all of this, for her, is just the idea and virtuality that exists in her mind.

Xiling never thought of saying these things and sharing them with others.

Now the high princess of the princess suddenly pointed her spear at her, and at once the high princess of the county was scared, and she felt panic.

If anyone in this world can really fear her, it is obviously the mad and terrified princess in front of her.

Having witnessed the magical power possessed by Her Royal Highness Princess, her almost omnipotent skills, and her unscrupulous temper to achieve her purpose, to be honest, Xi Ling has no courage to deceive with lies.

"Dear sister, I'm so happy to see you again. During this whole month, I miss you all the time." Xi Ling quickly went forward and pulled Chris' arm and said intimately Body words.

"As for the things in front of me, if you want to get some reference from me, I will not hide it at all, but I am afraid that what I said is too naive and ridiculous. It has no reference value for you. "

After the elite in charge of the organization first deliberately demoted himself, he said slowly: "I could not have figured out any countermeasures myself. I just remember that one of my ancestors once said that in any conspiracy Behind, the key role is still strength. "

"The real clever conspiracy should be to give the dragon a fatal blow, not to blur the body of a tiger."

"Those Kaoqi people obviously committed the deadliest mistakes. Although they successfully assassinated Master Naga and respected Joe, as long as there is a sister, the Kingdom of Sophie is always the most powerful country."

"In addition to this matter, the Kaoqi people also made another mistake."

"My ancestor once said another sentence, that is, if you want to use conspiracy to control the situation, the most important thing is that you can't relax at all times."

"Because of this, my ancestor created a depressing organization, but it really controlled the situation firmly."

"While the Prime Minister Somilet and the Duke of Hagerello have good strategies, they obviously have too many things to be busy, so there is simply no time to lay the foundation and create an organization that can control the situation."

"Because of this, it seems to me that everything they get by * conspiracy and trickery will be equally easily lost."

"If I organize the counterattack, I will definitely choose to use conspiracy to regain everything I have lost."

"First of all, there is no gentleness at all for conspiracies and tricks. Eliminating the most important enemies at the fastest speed is the most important guarantee for the successful deduction of conspiracies."

"In this respect, those Kaoqi people proceeded quite smoothly in the initial stage, but for us, the guys to be eradicated are much easier to deal with, just like Master Naga and Joe, both of them must be in the eyes of Kaoqi people. The enemies destroyed are the same. "

"And the newly appointed prince, the president of the Magic Association, and the paladin who are doing their utmost to pursue Her Royal Highness are also the objects we must eradicate."

"It's not the same as killing these guys with the power of my sister."

"The real trouble is actually those ordinary people who are incited. Although the character of the Sophie people, as long as a pool of blood or two or three bodies, they can make the ordinary people who are incited shut their mouths immediately, but this way In case the kingdom of Kaoqi wages a war, the people of Sophie may be unwilling to defend the kingdom with blood and life because of resentment. "

"Because of this, even if you want to get rid of the three debris, you have to find a justified reason."

"More importantly, we must let civilians stand on our side, let them hate the three debris, and at the same time be full of anger at the Kingdom of Kaoqi."

Hearing this, Kris suddenly interjected: "How can this be done? Those civilians are all stupid, timid, weak and weak guys. They are full of fear for the war, and they only want to protect their own. Wealth and life. "

Xi Ling shrugged her shoulders and said, "It's not really difficult, but it depends on whether the tall idiots are stupid enough."

"If you want to incite civilians, it can't be easier. Just let them know that someone wants to seize their wealth, and wants to collaborate with the Kingdom of Kaoqi to steal their land. Those civilians will definitely jump out one by one Fight desperately with the public enemy who harmed them. "

"I guess those idiots will also take tough countermeasures, of course only if they are convinced that they have firmly controlled the situation ... Let our opponents bear the notoriety of the massacre of civilians, and then, Your Royal Highness Princess is like a savior It usually appears in front of everyone, and the most severe punishment is given to those who slaughter civilians. "

"At that time, let those guys who cast in the wrong camp push all the evil on the head of Kaoqi Kingdom."

"With your strength, Her Royal Highness, it's too easy to do this."

"At that time, a little incitement, in order to preserve their lives and property, those cowardly civilians will gather courage, they will take the initiative to stand under your banner and launch a fierce attack on the Kingdom of Kaoqi."

Hearing this, Princess Long Palace no longer interrupted Xi Ling's words and asked, "How can you make those idiots do what you want?"

A strange smile appeared in the corner of Xi Ling ’s mouth, and Enleco could n’t help but feel horrified, because at that moment, he could n’t help but remember the scene in the headquarters where he was deceived. .

Enleco absolutely believed that the smile was full of evil, and he was also absolutely sure that the smile was inherited from Hades, because he had experienced countless times in the dagger full of endless darkness. That creepy smile of triumph.

As he had expected, the Lord Shiling said leisurely: "It is actually very simple to make those idiots do stupid acts, as long as they are convinced that they have firmly controlled the Kingdom of Sophie."

"In this matter, the most needed is the help of Her Royal Highness Princess Flanney. She can do all this easily with a play."

"As long as Her Royal Highness shows the strength to succumb to them, choose to stand in their camp and pretend to be willing to reorganize the mission and negotiate with the Kaoqi Kingdom."

"And all we need to do is to sneak into the consciousness of the ministers who have stood in the wrong camp and tell them that a good opportunity to get rich has arrived."

"Let them increase taxes in the name of summing up the Kaoqi Kingdom, let them discuss which land to cede to the Kaoqi Kingdom in exchange for peace, and then we will catch some ordinary people to let them know what they have lost for peace Everything will far exceed the price to be paid for the war. "

"And the biggest benefit of this plan is that the other party has no way to crack it."

"Even though the three guys are very clear-headed, if there is no way for UU reading to the people who support them and the subordinates who rely on them to maintain their power, I do n’t believe they will be so cruel. People also kill at will, and this is their most fatal weakness. "

"Even if our opponents take a harsh approach to controlling their subordinates beyond our expectations, this will certainly shake their own internals."

"If this is the case, we can easily surrender those who originally voted for them. If they are surrounded by traitors and strangers, those guys will never be able to do it if they do n’t want to fail. Anyway, we will be fully Excuse, uproot those guys thoroughly. "

"I think that only the elder sister, your supreme princess, can accomplish this great achievement. Only your determination and the strong power you have can reverse the world and save this precarious country."

When the former elite of the control organization finished all this, a series of abnormally excited, sharp and piercing laughter flooded the hall.

This extremely cheerful laughter made all the people beside him feel horrified, but what was even more horrifying was the words said by the Miss Lord.

Until now, everyone really understands what is really evil wisdom.

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