Magic Apprentice

Chapter 165: After the storm

The most violent storm in the Montita grassland has just passed. This twenty-day storm has destroyed countless tents and caused tens of thousands of herders to suffer heavy losses.

However, the Montitas used a unique method to declare that they could withstand any blow and test.

They replaced joy and sorrow with joy and joy.

In fact, this celebration is more magnificent and lively than any other event in the past.

Because before the "Devil Storm" arrived, many tribes moved to the empty fortresses.

With thick walls and a five-meter high foundation, these fortresses are naturally not comparable to those of tents.

Therefore, compared with previous years, the losses suffered by the grassland people this time are almost negligible.

Not only did everyone survive the terrible storm that had taken thousands of lives in previous years, but those who were able to settle in the fortresses, even compared these small fortresses to those in their minds A city in the cloud like "paradise".

Without the hardships of the past, without the stagnant water filling the tents, when the rain cleared, the people who came out of the fortress only felt that they had never been as relaxed and comfortable as they are now.

Although the outside is still a vast ocean, and the fences and ceilings that collapsed in the storm still make them the most precious wealth-those cattle and sheep, which have suffered very heavy losses.

However, those who were dying from injuries and serious illnesses in the past have disappeared. For the Montitas, this alone makes them feel very lucky.

And the way they are used to express luck is to celebrate as much as possible.

Celebrate this festival with no fixed days.

This was originally a festival full of bitterness and helplessness. Instead, it became the grandest festival on the grassland, and the level of excitement even exceeded that of the three major celebrations.

The reason for this is that, in addition to the Montita people being the best at turning pain and sorrow into the joy of life, another reason is those cattle and sheep who died in the storm.

The Montita people never waste anything, and cattle and sheep are their most valuable asset.

The reason why the Monti people chose this time as their holiday is because they do not want to waste anything precious.

Various crowds emerged from the curvy and narrow alleys in the city of the cloud and the city of the earth.

An elderly man, a baby in his hand, a strong man, a beautiful and slim girl, and people of all ages and identities flooded every street in Grant City.

Everyone was heading in one direction, rushing towards Grant Lake like a tide.

Artisans, civilians, warriors who have just passed the test of life and death on the battlefield, and members of the unicorn that are admired and admired-the biggest heroes in the battle to defend the Montyta grassland and peace Crowds chasing the noisy children, batch after batch flowed forward.

There was a vibrant smile on their faces.

They chatted carefreely, and even the women who were not allowed to talk to each other on weekdays were gathered together.

They are in a hurry to get the food distributed to celebrate the holiday.

The stagnant water on the ground has not receded. The river composed of stagnant water and the long river composed of people flow together outside the city.

Noisy and noisy, countless crowds make Grant City full of tumultuous noises.

This loud noise seems to be comparable only if all the bees in hundreds of hives are released onto the street.

The residents of Grant City were very excited, and even the storm had just passed, and they were covered with a light gray weather, which did not make them feel unhappy.

The terrible storm that swept through the Montyta grassland still left a trace of cold wind, constantly piercing people's faces.

But the people of these grasslands seemed to feel no coldness at all. The men even opened their shirts, and even women and children lifted their trousers high.

Even the mischievous child stepped **** the stagnant water, kicked the water everywhere, and used it as pleasure.

The huge newly-cast gate was open on both sides, and the flow of people like the tide flowed out as if the dam had opened the gate.

On the horizon in the distance, you can see a few dim shadows, which are the new fortresses that have just been built.

The people who lived there had obviously not yet arrived in Grant City, which delighted the bees crowding out of the city gate.

The reason why the residents of Grant City can be so excited is the cattle and sheep hanging on the rows of shelves.

Today is not a real holiday, but before the holiday is always more lively than the day of the holiday.

Because every grassland people can get a piece of food on this day.

Whether it is the elders living in the city of the clouds, or the orphans wandering in the city, can get the festival gifts on this day.

Everyone used the fastest speed to run under the shelves where the cattle and sheep were hanging. Everyone carefully selected the favorite cattle and sheep.

Under each shelf, there is a strong man with a sharp knife, and their task is to divide those cattle and sheep.

Stubb was mixed in the crowd, and he behaved just like the people next to him.

He also stared closely at the tall wooden frame in front of him, at a cow hanging under the wooden frame.

He also slowly moved forward with the team, waiting for his turn to choose the portion of his food.

He was in no hurry to find the person who contacted him.

Because he is very clear, even if he has sharp eyes, it is impossible to find a specific person in this crowd who can't see the margin at a glance.

As the team moved forward slowly, when it was his turn, the sun had already burst out of the clouds, and the accumulated water quickly evaporated under the sun, but the evaporating mist did not make people feel less excited.

But for Steve, all this made him feel strange and familiar.

The reason why he is strange is because he has never experienced all this in person. After all, he lived in the brightest years at the top of the city in the cloud, and he never walked down from the high above this time. City in the cloud.

As one of the oldest tribes in the city in the cloud, and the eldest son of the most powerful clan in Montyta, it is naturally impossible to compare with the residents at their feet.

Neither he nor the people around him were short of food, so he ignored the cows and sheep who died in the storm.

Even if the cattle and sheep have not rotted, but have been soaked in water for a long time, they have already lost their original taste. The only people who will be happy and excited for this are the civilians who have little wealth.

This may indeed be arrogant or arrogant, but in the past, Steve always took it for granted.

In fact, his pride that he belongs to him is not excessive, after all, he is the most powerful person in the kingdom of Montita, he is the first captain of the unicorn, and he is also the strongest and strongest candidate to inherit the throne .

It's a pity that all this no longer exists. Not only he, but also his family and his loved ones have already turned into dust and bones on the grassland.

And the glory of the past no longer exists. What still exists is the oath of revenge.

Like everyone else, Stubb picked a piece of lamb that looked the best. It was a leg of nearly six kilograms of lamb. The slight fishy smell proved that the leg of lamb was still fresh.

Carrying the leg of lamb and the bag of spices used to marinate the lamb, Stebb walked slowly towards the distance.

A red flag was inserted all over the distance, and those flags formed a huge irregular ring.

The people carrying the assigned cattle and sheep ran happily under the banner at the same time.

The place surrounded by the red flag is Grant Lake, but at this moment, there is no trace of the lake at all.

At a glance, except for the solitary Grant City, there are some shadows in the distance, and besides it is a piece of cattle and sheep.

Stubb walked around Grant Lake slowly for the most part.

There has long been no sign of anyone here.

Tossing the leg of lamb in his hand, he looked around. The person who had joined hadn't appeared, and there was no sign of someone walking towards him.

Stubb sat down on the stake next to him, he looked down at his figure reflected in the water under his feet, and then gently stroked the cheeks covered with beards.

I don't know if those old acquaintances face him, can he still recognize him as a character who was so flamboyant.

The first captain of the unicorn.

Monti's first warrior.

His most beloved mount "Black Cloud".

The sword he possessed "cracked the world."

All of this was once a legend that everyone on the grassland clamored for.

But now, he is already a scolded evil man, a man who once made the city in the cloud fall.

Those who defeated him and replaced him as a new legend described him as an unforgivable.

Stubb guessed whether his enemies knew that he had already fled to the most hated enemy of the Montita generations-the Kingdom of Kaoqi.

He guessed whether his opponent had thought that one day, he would return to this grassland to get a fair deal for himself, and avenge his hatred for the dead relatives and children.

As soon as he thought about this, he felt the blood in his body was boiling, but he also knew very well that he had to be patient to fulfill his wish.

Thinking of this, he bent down to pick up the leg of lamb, and then pulled a cutter from his waist.

With the strength of the Paladin, he naturally dealt with this little leg of lamb easily.

The sturdy leg of lamb quickly turned into a pile of squarely cut pieces of meat. As for those bones, they had already been removed.

Stubb was washing the meat in the lake water while watching carefully.

After the storm, the cold water of the lake was so biting that he dipped his arms in the lake and felt the unique cold feeling, which made this brave man who used to be on the grassland feel a lonely and desolate.

As a wave of water rose, the middle-aged warrior felt that someone was walking slowly towards this place.

Clenching the knife in his hand, Stebb was attentively alert to the nearest one.

The nearest person has a strange and stable footsteps, and his actions are so light-hearted. A person with such strength is definitely not a simple character.

But when he saw the person who was getting closer, he took a breath in surprise.

"I didn't expect that I would appear here." The jointer said with a smile.

The strong wind on the grassland blew the man's linen hair.

But Stubb knew that the person in front of him definitely didn't like this color, because that person had blond hair that was as bright as the sun.

"I didn't expect it to be you," Stebb said, still lowering his head and washing the lamb in his hands.

"I can't trust anyone else for such a big thing." The man said lightly.

"Don't you worry that once your identity is exposed, you will be hunted down by countless people?" Stebb said calmly.

"Unless the Monti people want to provoke war, otherwise no one will dare to move me even if I disclose my identity." The man said coldly.

"As far as I know, the woman sitting on the top of the city in the cloud is a ruthless, mean and vicious guy at the same time," said Stebb.

"It's nice to see that you hate Sisilia. Your hatred is what I need most." The man said with a smile: "Is the things I taught you useful?"

"I don't know, unless we compare them, there is no way of knowing whether those things are useful," Stebb said lightly.

"I wish I could compete with you again. You are one of the few people in this world who can be my opponent." The person nodded and said.

"Unfortunately, the one who can compete with you will soon be one less." Stebb said slowly.

"You can choose to give up." The man said disapprovingly.

"You can't have come to persuade me to give up this task. Wasn't it you who laid this killing? Dear Lord Duke," said Stebb.

"Have you already planned?" Hegeilo was not kidding this time, he said solemnly.

"If you and Sommeret did not expect anything wrong, the day after tomorrow will be the end of your enemies, and also the day of my revenge." Said Steve, although he said revenge in his mouth, but he looked He went up very calmly, still washing the lamb there.

"Someret's analysis should not be much wrong. For the Montita people, isn't tomorrow's festival also the day when Montita children become adults?"

"This must have a special meaning for the elementary student, and with the elementary student there, the only person who is qualified to preside over the adult ritual is Sisilia."

"However, accidents always happen suddenly when others think it is foolproof, so the final decision of this operation is still in the hands of you who are responsible for this operation," Hagero said.

Sdebu glanced at the highest commander of the Kaoqi Kingdom. If he was confident about this person, he believed a little.

Whether he is the analytical and predictive ability that Mr. Somilet has, or the means of arrangement and arrangement of the person in front of him, he can't help but admire it.

In his view, these two people are simply synonymous with conspiracy.

"If those two people really leave the city in the clouds, I can guarantee that it will be their death." Steb said coldly.

"I must remind you of one thing. For the enemy you hate the most, what method do you want to use to kill her? I don't care, but for that Sophie elementary student, you must promise to give me that to you. Dagger, inserted in his chest. "

"Before that, I had arranged a sniping, and that sniping was very successful, but it ended in failure. My enemy is a guy who can't deal with poison, and he can absorb the evil spirits refined by Trod. . "

"In a sense, my enemy is a very difficult character to kill. Because of this, I have tried every possible way to find the 'soul dagger'!"

"Maybe only this artifact capable of killing dragons can really give my enemies a fatal blow. Because of this, I must warn you not to waste the opportunity in hatred and revenge."

"No matter how much pain your opponent gives you, no matter how much hatred you have in your heart, death is enough to make up for it."

"Relax, I know how to do it." Stubb said: "But I don't know what you are for, you will never risk your life to connect with me and tell me these things. Dive into the depths of the grassland. "

Hegeilo did n’t answer the question about Steve. He glanced around and said lightly: "I just want to see this beautiful city called the city in the cloud, and this vast expanse. Grassland, maybe this will be decisive for my coming again. "

Stubb glanced at the person in front of him, and he more or less guessed some of his purpose.

"Are there any gains?" He asked.

"The harvest is great. I saw a lot of very interesting things." Haigeello said with a frown, saying that the young commander turned his head to look into the distance.

At the top of the white city entangled with the faint mist, a few flat things like bark scratches can be seen floating in the air.

That is what he is most worried about. In fact, both he and Milinda are doing the same research in secret.

It seems that Sophie's little magic apprentice had the same idea.

What made Haigeello uneasy was that he was more like a primary school apprentice than that primary school apprentice, whether he and Milinda, or Drechs and Kobe Leo.

"By the way, I always wanted to know what kind of power did you choose?" Haigeello suddenly turned his head and asked.

"Why don't you say your own choice?" Stebb said coldly.

"Don't you want to leave something? Just like your ancestor Shegeray." Haigeello said slowly.

"Maybe you just want to hear the experience of another warrior who is practicing magical martial arts just like you, is that not the case?" Stebb said calmly.

"You can think so, or you can say that I am very concerned about your choice, because you are completely different from other warriors with magical martial arts skills."

"Whether that magic knight Kate or Milinda sees magic as a supplement to the same strength as martial arts."

"Because of this, Milinda ’s choice is almost the same as that of the magic knight Kate, and the magic that makes the body phantom is indeed very suitable for this guy Milinda, this kind of magic is almost equivalent to tailor-made for her. general."

"But this must not be of any use to you. The martial arts handed down from your family were originally a perfect magic martial arts. It is a combination of the magic civilization possessed by the magic empire and the essence of thousands of martial arts. The strongest skills that have been tempered. "

"Presumably, you who have recovered the long-lost magical power of the family from me have a different and in-depth view of the magic weapon skills."

"I really want to know your choice, maybe that will open another door for me." Hagero said.

Stubb stopped and threw the lamb in his hand aside. After thinking for a moment, he slowly raised the knife in his hand to his eyes.

The palm of his hand was slightly shiny, and Hagero felt that Steb was continuously gathering "qi" on the palm, and the gathered "qi" was continuously transformed into wind. power.

Hagero is no stranger to all this, because this is the power of "floating" and "wind wing" that he and Milinda have been studying.

However, he did not expect that these two simplest wind magics actually have such a strange use.

Almost in a flash, Hagero already understood Steve's ideas.

At this time, the warrior who used to be on the Monteta grassland slowly opened his palms, and the cutter floated in the air, as if suspended by an invisible silk thread.

Suddenly he waved his hand violently, accompanied by the sound of a sharp metal breaking wind, the surface of his feet swelled with fine ripples.

Although Hagero can block the arrows coming from under the fly, and can also catch the sharp sword, but for such a small hidden weapon, under normal circumstances, he will only choose to avoid it.

Because it is much more difficult to catch the hidden weapon thrown by a real master than to block the arrows.

But this time Hagero didn't dodge at random, nor did he try to pull away the sharp knife that had hit him.

Because he knew that Steve wouldn't hurt him, he was also absolutely certain that even if he shot, it wouldn't have any effect on this flying knife.

As Hagrid had expected, when the knife was about to be nailed to his throat, the knife suddenly changed direction and wiped his neck and flew over extremely dangerously.

After the flying knife slipped half a circle, it flew back to Stubb's hands.

"Perfect vision, perfect technique, in my opinion, this is even more powerful than Mirinda's phantom attack." Hagero said.

Although his compliments were insincere, he really appreciated the strange magical martial arts created by Steve.

Hagero even speculated that Stab did not highlight his true achievements.

However, Hagero was able to guess roughly what the secret card had never been revealed.

As for the hidden weapon, Hagero is not ignorant, in fact it can definitely be called an expert in this field.

Although compared with the strong bow and crossbow, the hidden weapon has no advantage in speed and strength. However, the hidden weapon has a great thing that other crossbows can't reach. That is, when the weapon launcher throws a large number of hidden weapons, even the powerful weapon will feel overwhelmed.

A maneuvering flying knife can never defeat the wind knife cast by a real magician.

Esterb ’s cleverness, he is absolutely impossible to practice such waste, so his hidden cards must be the secret weapon volley.

This ability reminded Hagero of the Great Magister who built the saber for him, Carret of the Kingdom of Reading.

Among the countless works of Carritt, there is exactly the same one.

The set of weapons known as "Chen Xing" is known for its quantity and strange and inexplicable attacks.

"It's always bad to come and go, can you tell me your choice?" Stebb said slowly.

"I don't care about choices. My martial arts are exactly the same as Milinda and you. Instead of pursuing offensive like you, it is more used for defense."

"When the burst bomb was made by Milinda, I already gave up the path of further strengthening the martial arts with magic. The power I chose was not used for white-blade fighting." Hegeilo said with a smile.

"However, the ability I chose is quite useful, and it is precisely because of this that I dare to sneak into the city of clouds."

Stubb looked at the Supreme Commander puzzled: "You want to enter the city in the clouds, are you going to do it yourself?"

"Maybe, I will help you in the event of your failure, but I believe that with your ability, this possibility is almost impossible." Hagero said.

Stubb glanced at the Duke, and then turned his head to look at the distant city in the cloud.

Looking at the shadows floating in the air, Stebb nodded thoughtfully.

"If you plan to enter the city in the cloud, I can arrange for you to meet you. Anyway, I can't use his help anymore." Steb said indifferently.

"That would be great, although I also have people who respond to me, but those people are mixed with the defectors in County Strell, and it is more or less inconvenient to move." Hagero said with a smile.

"Where do you live? I let the jointer contact you at night," said Stebb.

"If it's convenient, I plan to live with you." Haigeello replied.

For this proposal, Stubbs thought for a while, then nodded slowly.

Gathering the lamb on the ground and throwing it into the bag wrapped with spices, Staple stood up and headed towards Grant City.

"Tonight, I invite you to taste the flavor of Monteta's unique roast meat." Sdebuyan said of Yang's spice bag full of lamb. He looked so relaxed.

"Okay, I heard that your craftsmanship is no worse than that of Gorslow." Haigeello said equally easily, as if he was going to not the enemy capital of Longtan and Tiger Cave, but the hometown he was most familiar with.

The two of them walked back and forth towards the distance, and the city gate was still crowded with people who could not see the end.

Compared with the empty, deserted lower floors, the upper floors of the city in the clouds are quite lively. In the closed passage, you can still see the traces of several pedestrians.

Because the storm has just passed and the outer streets are still covered with stagnant water, people still choose this much dry inner passage.

At this time, the city in the cloud should be called the city of waterfalls. I saw countless small waterfalls pouring down.

The midsummer sun in the sky turns the flying water droplets and the water vapor rising upwards into a thicker and thicker fog, which tightly surrounds the city in the clouds.

The old wise man, the old man who once served as the king of the kingdom of Montita, and the poor father who was overshadowed by his daughter's reputation, are slowly walking on the relatively empty passage.

The series of wet footprints behind him proved that he had just come from below.

The grandeur underneath, the joy on the people's faces, made the old man feel very happy.

Having just experienced a war, the Monty Steppe at this moment really needs a memorable and sad holiday.

It is for this reason that he and his conscientious son-in-law decided to squeeze some money out of the already difficult state treasury, so that Grant City and the surrounding civilian people can be happy and satisfied. Spend three days in the middle.

Not all the cattle and sheep are victims of the storm. Many ministries were bought from the wealthy tribes.

Just after the storm stopped last night, the wooden frames were already standing on the open space beside Grant Lake outside the city gate.

And he has been busy all night, never sleeping.

However, when he saw Grant ’s civilians gather and grow long people to the lake, they saw their faces full of happy smiles, and everyone, even the children ’s eyes, were full of expectations. Looking, he felt extremely relieved and satisfied.

This old man of high morality is almost certain-although there is no exquisite food, nor the most mellow wine to entertain the people of the grassland, but this festival celebrating the past of "Devil Storm" will surely become the most Happy time, and they will always be remembered in their hearts.

With a feeling of contentment, the old man walked slowly towards his home.

As he walked through the empty square, he suddenly saw a shadow slide quickly.

The old man raised his head, and he was really interested in the flat boat that glide silently like a slender shuttle across the sky.

In his view, it was indeed a great creation, except that he would never try to fly in the sky again.

This old man who once served as King of Montita was convinced that if the gods had intended to allow humans to fly in the sky, they must have given wings to humans.

And the feeling of trepidation made him more attached to the earth.

Perhaps, the Montita people really prefer to be close to the land that raised them.

However, the old man is also very clear why his daughter so devoted all her energy to sleep and sleeplessly on these flat boats flying high in the sky.

And he who had experienced the battle personally also knew clearly that the days of using brave and superb martial arts, riding fast horses, and slashing enemies with a sharp scimitar in the past are gone.

Heroic soldiers and cavalry once thought invincible will no longer be able to dominate the battlefield.

Only those magicians who spit out long tongues of fire, turning large areas of grassland into blazing fires, and those soldiers with thunder bombs, were able to prevail on this strange battlefield.

In an instant, the old man felt exhausted. After all, he was also a captain of a unicorn that was praised by people. He was also known for his bravery in the grassland.

But now, it is clear that his martial arts have no place at all, which makes him feel deeply lost.

But when he thought about it, he felt excited again, because even an elderly man like him who was old and decayed, as long as he held two explosive mines, he could still kill the enemy on the battlefield.

With that deadly weapon, compared with the oldest strongest brave man in the grassland, his grandson Dak, there is no difference in strength.

This thought made him feel uplifted, and his footsteps became much lighter.

Following the flat boat, the old man walked forward through several corridors.

Six such flat boats were moored above the square in the distance. The magician on the side was picking up the magic circle and carefully filling those flat boats with magical energy.

On the other side, her daughter, Cicilia, is standing there looking at the sky alone.

The old man walked slowly towards his daughter, he had something to discuss with his daughter.

But when he walked over to his daughter, the old man hesitated again.

He watched carefully, lest he looked away, and regarded an illusory image as his daughter.

Although his daughter told him that the unreal image was no different from her own, in the eyes of the stubborn old man, the unreal image could never be regarded as herself.

"Dear Father, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, the voice of his daughter talking came from behind, and the old man was taken aback. He turned around in a hurry, looking at the other daughter standing behind him.

This unexpected shock made the old man even more resentful of these illusions. He didn't like this kind of pretense, even though these things are very useful.

However, what made him feel deeply helpless was that he discovered that magic that disliked him appeared more and more around him.

"Where are you really? I don't want to talk to a bunch of phantoms." The old man said angrily.

The two Sisilia smiled faintly, obviously she was very interesting about her father's stubbornness.

"I'm in your granddaughter's house, if you want, you are welcome to come." Sisilia said with a smile.

But there was still a sense of mockery hidden in the slightest smile, because Sisilia knew very well that her father would definitely be willing to see Chris.

As Sisilia expected, the old man immediately rejected her proposal when he heard this sentence. In his view, there is really no worse character in the world than the high princess, but this is terrible. The characters, but they have unparalleled strength.

And this is undoubtedly the worst thing.

Sending away his father, Sisilia's avatar continued her work.

"Is it fun to play with your father?" Said Kris coldly.

"His spirit is not bad, there is no whitish hair because of me, no signs of wanting to vomit blood, nor is he held hostage by the elves for the aftermath for me."

"But think about it, Master Naga can't come here from any distance, and come here to negotiate with the elves to release the hostaged king," Sicelia said diametrically.

"Hehehe, I don't know who ran away from home with a big belly. Such a guy still said that he was a good girl, which is ridiculous." Kris also lifted the scars of Sisilia.

"Unfortunately I haven't been pregnant for a long time now, Kris, seriously I really envy you now." Sisilia stared deliberately at Kris' belly.

The latter is clearly on the verge of soaring.

"I'm tired. Are you planning to use a mirror? This thing is not very useful for me with only one brain, but it is very suitable for monsters like you."

"It's just, I'm worried that if you split your mental power into so many, it will make you crazy." Sisilia ended a war in time before Chris's surge, but she was naturally opposed to Chris. She immediately provoked another war.

Fortunately, Kris didn't care about being called a monster by others.

Obviously, focusing on her abdomen is more likely to cause her anger than focusing on her spirit.

Watching Sisilia leave, Chris was sitting vigorously on the mirror.

"Come here and hang the mirror for me." The high princess of the angry princess vented her anger on Enleco's head, but Ulean was already used to it, he This has become more and more comfortable.

As Cisilia had expected, the transformed artifacts were all mirrors in all directions.

Those mirrors are more transparent and brighter than the original lenses polished with dragon scales, and the silhouettes reflected in the mirrors are even clearer.

There was a scream, and eight identical Chriss appeared in the room immediately.

Even Enleco couldn't figure out how Kris divided her brain into so many parts.

Two of them, Kris, dragged Enleco's arm and dragged into the laboratory desperately, and his mouth kept reprimanding: "Come on, hurry, don't be lazy, modify the device If you do n’t get the baby out soon, the nasty Sisilia can always find the target of ridicule. "

Seeing Kris, who was as hot as a child, Cisilia gently hugged her daughter in her arms. She quietly pointed to Kris, and compared the gesture of a child.

An Qili nodded slightly next to her, a sweet smile appeared on her face.

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