Magic Apprentice

Chapter 138: Angel heart

The miracles of the gods descended on the shrine of the city in the clouds, and almost overnight, news spread throughout the entire Grant City.

Everyone worships in the direction of the temple, even if they do not believe in the gods, they are also full of piety. Because no matter whether it is night or day, the temple is always shrouded in a holy golden light

Almost everyone in Grant City was delighted by this, especially those who were treated and gradually recovered, and most of them immediately became the most steadfast and devout believers of the gods.

With the miracles displayed by the gods, the sacred teachings quickly swept through the vast grasslands like a storm.

Almost everyone is celebrating the carnival for the miracles of the gods, the only exception is one person, that is Enleco.

If it were not for fear of cursing the high gods in the temples of the gods, it would immediately result in a terrible punishment. Enleco might have cursed the gods countless times in the heart.

The temple shrouded in a strong divine light all day long. For others, it is undoubtedly the greatest miracle of the gods, but for Enleco, it is like a disaster.

But what made him feel ridiculous was that he suffered himself and caused this miracle, but he himself.

It was himself who made the divine light hang over the temple all the time.

The holy grail created by the God of Wisdom has the same power as the "Chaotic Crystal Wall". It can transform all energy into a kind of energy called "life".

The energy of life is enough to promote any form of divine magic.

Because of this, as long as Enleko does not leave the temple for a long time, the divine light will not subside, and this is the root of Enleco's endless suffering.

So there was a strange waiter of the gods in the temple who guarded here all the time.

The reason why he is strange is because he always wraps his body tightly around a large and thick hermit robe.

Even in the interior, the brim is always pressed down, and even the face is covered with a steel mask. Even the eyes are inlaid with thick glass. The color of the glass is black.

Such a strange character has also become the object of discussion among worshippers.

However, people are more afraid of him than worship, because this costume is really reminiscent of the waiter of death.

For the fear of devout pilgrims, Enleco has long been turned a blind eye. In fact, there are still many troubles entangled him.

That little thing was the most troublesome of all the troubles, and now Enleco finally understands why the ancient wisdom dragon had to use such fierce words to describe this nasty little thing.

As long as Enleco imagined it, the ancient wisdom dragon actually got along with this nasty little thing for 30,000 years, and he sincerely admired the endurance of the dragon.

After only three days of getting along, Enleco felt himself going crazy. In his view, this little thing is probably the most irresponsible creation of the God of Wisdom.

Enleco even believed that it was because the God of Wisdom hurriedly opened the passage of the space and moved the Protoss to the God Realm, so he created this flawed life body by cutting corners.

On the first day of getting along, Enleco discovered that this little thing had a very strong curiosity.

But this curiosity is not a cognition of the world's knowledge. Her small head, slightly larger than her thumb, is actually filled with too much knowledge. Because of this, the little thing will show its strong curiosity in exploring other people.

The only good thing is that this little thing does not have the ability of the goblin family to read the thoughts of others.

Another reason why Enleco feels a headache is that this little thing has the same greedy temperament as the elves. Enleco has never forgotten the enthusiasm of those elves for music, and their irritability and entanglement. temper.

The God of Wisdom apparently forgot to remove these nasty things, so that the last creature he created created the nasty personality to the extreme.

What's more annoying is that the metal living body will not feel tired at all, and when not bored, Enleco is not harassed by this troublesome little thing all the time.

In just three days, Enleco had thought about the possibility of fleeing here countless times, but as soon as he thought of Chris' angry expression, he shivered.

Perhaps the only way to get him out of the bitter sea is to get knowledge about eternal life from the little things as soon as possible.

Of course, Enleco also thought about using his own research to gain eternal life.

But he knows very little about eternal life, and he has no confidence in the probability of success, and the monster Most is famous for usury. Enleco has had too many blood-sucking experiences and can not trouble it. , As far away as possible.

Another reason why Enleco was reluctant to leave here was that he really wanted to study the power of the mysterious life.

This is a force that is never known, and its name is not mentioned in any magic book.

But Enlecke doubted Victor had any idea about it. After all, he was one of the greatest magic emperors.

And he also gave himself a wooden stick. This "stick of gods", which was originally ignored by him, now became the only force that could guide him.

In fact, when returning from Pirate Island, Enleco did feel that his desire for knowledge had reached its limit.

With the title of Prohibition Mage, he can create an artifact, and he has mastered the mental oscillation. In addition to his view, it is best to be eternal and immortal, Enleco believes that he has stood at the peak of strength and knowledge on.

In addition to Chris, and the top figures in the era of the magic empire, Enleco even has a feeling of arrogance.

He seemed to have mastered the essence of the universe, as if he had found the ubiquitous truth.

It wasn't until Victor handed the stick to him again that Enleco realized that there were still many things in this world that he didn't know existed.

Enlecco discovered that he knew nothing about why he could exist.

Victor once opened the door to the magical world for him, and now he opened another door for him. The world behind the door is broader, and the key to opening the door is undoubtedly the humble "magic stick".

Thinking of this, Enleco unconsciously took the stick out of his arms.

At that time, he pranked Victor's face on a section of the stick. At that time, Victor was like this stick, and he was an invincible **** stick.

"What's this?" Suddenly someone nearby asked softly.

Enleco looked up and turned out to be the princess, followed by the little girl Lila on her side.

Since he lived in the temple, Lila has been with her princess.

Enlecco vaguely felt that there was a secret that was unknown to them between them.

Enleco didn't know what Lila had said to the high princess. The only thing she could be sure was that the high princess had a guess about her identity.

But Enleco didn't know how much she knew. The only thing Enleco knew was that she was helping him cover up.

Take the miracle caused by this time, whether it's a small thing or Her Royal Highness, even Lila knows that this matter has something to do with herself.

But Her Royal Highness told the little things and little girls not to preach to others, this secret has been preserved so far.

Enlaiko did not think that Her Royal Highness had done so, she intended to take credit for herself. She didn't need to do this at all, and she had already been admired and admired by the Monti people. And she did n’t want to reveal her hole cards like that little thing.

"This is a precious gift from my teacher, and one of the most important treasures I have." Enlek said with a smile.

"Your teacher? Can you tell me what kind of person he is?" The high princess sat down slowly, sitting on the floor of the temple, just like Enleco.

The little girl also sat down happily. She held the princess tightly, and she looked extremely intimate, as if her naughty sister followed her.

But what made Enleco panic-stricken was that he saw the pesky little thing drifting towards here, obviously she was also very interested in it.

"My teacher is a very old person, perhaps because he has experienced too much vicissitudes, so he becomes a little indifferent to all the departments, indulges in front of the long table in the bar every day, and lives in the feeling of being half drunk .

At the beginning, in my opinion, he was just living instinctively, as if he was waiting for death in mixed eating, but he enabled me to be enlightened, and this enlightenment was not only one time. Enlecco said with a smile.

"It can be seen that you admire your teacher very much." Her Royal Highness said with a smile.

Hearing this sentence, Enleco could only smile bitterly in his heart, which was really a difficult question to answer.

"You must admire your mother, too. Having a great mage mother is not something ordinary people can expect." Enleco quickly shifted the topic away from himself.

Enleko thought it was a question without any doubt. To his surprise, he actually saw the expression of hesitation in the expression of the first princess.

This also made Lila feel incomprehensible.

"There are indeed many places in my mother that I admire. In fact, she used to be the greatest person in my mind." The first princess sighed and said slowly: "But when I grew up a little bit After I understood the world and my mother better, the admiration in my heart gradually faded. "

"Why is this happening?" Enleco asked in confusion, but he hadn't thought of getting an answer from Her Royal Highness's mouth.

Because of this, when the princess told him frankly, she was really taken aback.

The princess smiled with regret and said: "Maybe as everyone said, I grew up in Sophie, so I was more or less influenced by foreign cultures, and there was more in my head that could not make Monti Thoughts that people understand and accept, or that I cannot understand many aspects of Montyta.

Even my mother is included. Although we know each other very well, we cannot understand each other.

My mother is a thorough Montita, her thoughts come from the education she received from childhood, even when she has superb strength, she is still a Montita and still receives many Montita Traditional bondage. "

The first princess ’s words made Enleco unbelievable, because the great magician Sisilia had always been in his mind and was totally unable to be gentle and gentle with the Monty prairie woman who was waiting for her husband carefully. , Associate together.

At a young age, this queen took the initiative to choose a man much older than him to serve as her husband.

As soon as he was an adult, he ran away from home, without saying goodbye, and went alone to the Kingdom of Sophie, thousands of miles away.

In addition, the excellent talents and the superb strength of being a great magician made Enleco deeply admired.

How could such a woman be comparable to other women in the Montitar Kingdom?

The high princess clearly understood Enleco's surprise and doubts. She shook her head and said slowly, "I know you don't believe it, but this is the truth."

"As far as I know, it took so much courage for your mother to choose your father to be her husband regardless of family resistance." Enleco exclaimed.

"The courage needed is definitely not as great as you think, because in this Monty prairie, every woman has the gifted power, we can choose any man we like and become our husband, marriage is by the **** of love Manipulated without any relation to the parents.

Related to the parents, only the richness of the dowry and the blessings at the wedding. In fact, for the women on the Monta Prairie, the wedding means more than just having to finish a long time with another person. The journey of life also means to completely cut off the relationship with the parents and the tribes where the parents are. "His Highness Princess said with a long sigh.

"However, your mother went alone to the Kingdom of Sophie, seeking strength beyond everything. This should always be called extraordinary courage."

To his surprise feet, Her Royal Highness Princess shook her head, her brows tightened even more: "I also admired my mother like you, and the most shocking place for her is that she went to Phine, and brilliant achievements made there.

But as my age grows, I finally know that if every Montyta woman has such a vision and opportunity, they will make the same choice, because it has nothing to do with courage. The women on the Montyta grassland are all Have such courage and perseverance. "

With that, she gently stroked Lila's head and petted the little girl's hair and said to Enleco: "You should be able to understand this, because there is a living example in front of you."

Hearing this sentence, Enleco felt extremely embarrassed.

Seeing Enleco's embarrassed expression, Her Royal Highness smiled softly, and she now finally believed everything Lila said, and it was true.

She continued: "The Sophie people may see all this as a miracle. They absolutely cannot understand how a woman can have such courage, but you should be able to understand that the people of the Monty Steppe are full of men and women. Courage and perseverance, because we have to resist the swarms, storms and uncountable disasters.

What's more, when my mother went to Sophie alone, her ultimate goal was to let my father be free again. "

Looking at the surprised look on Enleco's face, the high princess said: "On the prairie is not what you imagine, only innocence and kindness can also find traces of cunning and greed, and such people are often more than others. Easy to succeed.

Once upon a time, the city in the cloud was shrouded in deceit and greed. The elders violated the regulations and allowed their children to live in the upper level. The intertwined blood connection made them firmly entrenched in the top of the city in the cloud. I even climbed to the king, my grandfather.

These cunning and greedy guys are almost in control of Montyta. Grandpa ’s decree can only be passed outside the corridor. Although there are many people who stand up to expel this group of scum, the spread of poisonous vines has already covered the cloud. The city, even the sacred unicorn, is under their control.

My father was one of the many warriors who tried to cut through the thorns. Unfortunately, he could n’t even protect himself, even the strict laws could not guarantee absolute justice, let alone in the hands of those who arbitrarily twisted it The law will also become a weapon for accomplices and accomplices.

Those cunning and greedy guys have always been unscrupulous. The reason why my father can keep a life is only for two reasons. One of them is that my mother has mysterious and powerful magic power. Not powerful, but anyone is afraid of a magician's uninformed return.

Another reason is that although my grandfather does n’t like this son-in-law, he still tries his best to protect this little judge. Although he has little authority left, the king ’s name still has at least some power. At that time, her mother had almost no choice. She went to Sophie to ask for assistance rather than study magic.

Fortunately, Naga the Great Magus saw the magical potential of her mother, and her mother ’s power has grown by leaps and bounds. Fortunately, she once received the guidance of the main dragon priest of the Kaoqi Kingdom. One of the unknown sites met Littel and got the container where she lived. With the help of Littel, the mother gained extraordinary power.

More than ten magicians with extraordinary strength, followed their mother back to Monti Tower, and came to the city in the cloud. They are all elites among Sophie magicians, and two paladins accompanied them. They are special envoys, It is also the guard of the mother.

History will only leave beautiful things, and now on the Monty Steppe, the glory when the mother returns is circulated. The Montitas thoroughly cleaned the entire city. The city in the clouds put on a festive costume. The precious spices were smeared everywhere. The entire city of the city of Grant opened empty streets to welcome the mother's arrival.

But people once knew that the reason why the city in the cloud was thoroughly cleaned was not enough to greet the arrival of the mother, but to wash away the blood stains everywhere, apply precious spices, and more enough to cover up the city. The blood in the air.

Few people know that three days before the celebration, my mother had returned to the dormitory where she was playing in her childhood. Few people knew that that evening, every palace here was covered with blood, and the magicians took every one of the upper levels. The passages are all closed, everything is shrouded in mist, and the mother personally made the list, which is the name of the person who can survive. "

Speaking of which, Her Royal Highness shook her head slowly and sadly.

Enleco next to him was shocked. He had never heard such a **** and horrible thing.

If the list contains the names of the people who need to be eradicated, such a clearing is scary enough, and there are only the names of the people who can survive on the list. What does it mean, Enleco naturally understands it, but he dare not dare Imagine it.

The high princess apparently inherited the spirit of the Montita woman, she said what Enleco even dared not even think about: "Slaughter-from the evening, manipulating the mayor in the cloud For more than 20 years, the intertwined forces disappeared in just one hour. The square in front of you was once submerged in blood as if it were a red pond.

Because, when the massacre began, it became the desperate people who could imagine the last refuge. Everyone prayed in the temple, praying that the gods would save them, but ...

Until now, sometimes when I opened my eyes, the red pond seemed to be still in front of me, just like now. The high princess slowly raised her palm and said, "I still seem to be able to feel it, the sticky blood covered my palm." "

"It is for this reason that you chose to give up your magical talents and devote yourself to serving the gods?" Enleco asked softly.

"No, before that I have made up my mind to serve the gods. Maybe you can't believe that I once entered the temple built by the God of Wisdom. The glory and splendor are always engraved in my heart." Her Royal Highness said slowly. Her eyes were full of longing and longing.

"In my opinion, magicians use their power to destroy more. I do n’t like destruction. I prefer to create and create any beautiful things, such as houses, sculptures, paintings, clothes, decorations, etc., to create beauty. everything of.

But most creations do not use magic. In fact, in these matters, a skilled craftsman is far more useful than a magician. I had hoped that I could become a great scholar, an inventor, a person who could create all good things, just like your great fellow, I am his most sincere admirer.

However, it is also good to have special power, and I can give others special help. Because of this, I chose to be a priest so that I would not waste my talents and do what I like. The only pity is that On the one hand, Montita lacks clever advice.

I also thought about running away from home like my mother, but there are countless eyes around me. Those magicians even put magic marks on me. Even if I just leave Grant City, they will be found by them. "The high princess showed a helpless look.

"Your brother once said the same thing, obviously the two of you have the same confusion." Enleco said with a smile, remembering the sorrowful face of the prince.

The princess smiled sweetly, and she said with a smile: "It is true, my brother's desire to run away from home is more urgent than me. He once sneaked away twice, and even tried to resist the magician who caught him back."

"What happened in the end?" Enlecco asked, but he was able to guess the result. The soloist alone would definitely have the upper hand over the warrior.

Sure enough, the princess smiled and said: "For the first time, he was taken back by a gust of wind, and when he landed on the ground, it was almost unclear to the southeast and northwest parts; the second time, he obviously found some kind of magical sign The way to become weak, the magicians found him for a long time, and had no gains. Eventually, he forced his mother to take action in person. Anyway, he was finally sealed in a block of ice and brought back. "

"Hopefully, he can remember the lesson." Enleco said with a smile, such a prince made him feel amiable, as if he was a neighbor boy who likes to blame all day, not a tall prince.

"Did you know that he had run away from home in advance?" Enleco asked. He had forgotten that a high princess was sitting next to him, as if the object of the conversation was a confidant who was a sweetheart.

"His secrecy skills are quite superb." The princess said with a smile, but from the erratic gaze in her eyes, Enleco affirmed that she was one of the insiders.

"So where is he going?" Enleco asked again.

"I think it is the Kingdom of Leding, Kaoqi is our enemy, and the masters of the Kaoqi Kingdom are all famous knights, generals and foreign lords. Leding is completely different. In the training ground, although the number of Paladins is not as good as Kaoqi and Sophie, from the perspective of advocating martial arts and martial arts skills, Redding may be above the other two countries.

As for the Kingdom of Sophie, it is too far away, although with the prestige of his mother, he can definitely be taught by the best masters there, but it is also possible that he will be immediately escorted back to Montyta. After all, the mother of the mother is quite authoritative there. . "Princess An Qili said with a smile.

"What about you? If you run away from home, where do you plan to go?"

To his surprise, the princess did not want to say immediately: "Sophie." She paused and said, "Before heading to Sophie, I will first visit Chengdaville to see the legend. The splendor of the blessed land of the gods.

In recent months, there have been a lot of people fleeing from the border into the grasslands, most of them are Ledings, and some of them are Kaoqi people, because the county is our neighbor, most of these fugitives have been to Chengda Vir, who has seen the splendor and splendor of the place where the gods bless, almost everyone swears that there is the most beautiful and joyful place.

The Strel people who had to leave there, whenever they mentioned their hometown, the kind of longing and admiration was hard to describe in words. I originally thought that the Montita people were the most steadfast in their beliefs, but even if they went back The Montita people who came to the prairie also claimed that they had never seen more devout believers than the people of County Stryll.

From these populations, I heard that the miracles are like a paradise on earth, so that patients and wounds can be healed and purified even for their bodies and souls: the nobles and civilians get along with each other, and they are competing The theater of his own talent; the House where the world sits on an equal footing, using wisdom and evidence to solve problems; and the "Holy Water" manufacturing device called the miracle of miracles.

Everyone who has been there is telling about the beauty of the city and praising the harmony and justice of Cheng Dawei. There is a Freemasonry where everyone can live a happy and beautiful life. This is obviously a super As far as I can understand the great creation beyond the scope, many people say that it is even greater than the 'Holy Water of Life' manufacturing device, which is the highest gift of the God of Wisdom. "

Looking at Princess An Qili's eyes that were a little distracted because of being too focused, Enleco finally let go of it. Apparently, Her Royal Highness Princess, who was full of enthusiasm for everything she had created, did not guess her true identity.

"For this reason, do you want to go to the Kingdom of Sophie? Do you want to rebuild another Chengdaville on the Monty Steppe?" Enleco asked softly.

The princess nodded, full of longing and hope in her tone: "Yes, like my father, I hope the Monty Steppe becomes better, and I hope that the people of the Steppe no longer live. In despair and death, I hope that the tribes who have encountered the disaster of annihilation can be rescued to survive, just like those helpless Stryllshire miners. I hope that the tragedy that used the slaughter to safeguard justice will not be repeated. "

Enleco shook his head slowly, and no one knew better than him. Chengdaville's everything moved to the Monty Steppe, it was of no use at all.

Whether it is people or the environment, it is fundamentally different from Cheng Dawei.

On the contrary, it was more than a hundred years ago that the blueprint drawn by the King of the Redding was more in line with the situation of the Monty Steppe.

"Do n’t Montitas often say that even a golden mountain ca n’t be compared to flocks of cattle and sheep? The miracle of Cheng Dawei moved to Montita grassland, maybe not as brilliant as you think, the grassland here It ’s not the grasslands of County Strell, and the people here are different from the people of County Strell. ”Enleco said.

"So I'm going to the Sophie Kingdom." Princess An Qili said with a smile.

Although it is not possible to move the blessed land of the gods to the grasslands of Montyta, it is possible to bring the wise men who created this miracle to the prairie! In addition to studying deep sacred magic and receiving more profound and unequivocal guidance, I hope to see the legendary wise man, the great prophet, Mr. Nlekko.

"I heard that he is the same age as me, but he already has the achievements that ordinary people can't imagine. Although I don't value the title of the banned mage, as a priest, I don't like the title of the necromancer, but in In my mind, he is still the greatest existence, and I adore him as much as the Holy One, the savior on the grasslands of Montyta. "The princess said excitedly, she hugged tightly With Lila, she seemed to be her substitute for the great hero in her mind.

Enleco, who was sitting opposite, listened to this compliment, almost feeling self-confident.

His face swelled red and his eyes stared blankly at his knees. If it weren't for the mask, he might have been exposed clearly.

The princess's praise made Enleco blessed, but it was more a bitter smile from the heart.

If the high princess knew that the prophet who was held high in the sky by her and **** with the great saint, it was because she had been stolen her belongings and sentenced to be her own slave. I did n’t know what she would have. Kind of feelings.

Is the dream completely broken, or fell to the ground in surprise.

"How do you know that Enleco has returned to the Sophie Kingdom, he hasn't been missing for a long time?" Enleco said, calling him feels quite funny, but Enleco did not intend to cause the princess doubt.

"You have been traveling on the grassland for too long, so I don't know what happened recently. I have been focused on collecting every message about him. There have been earth-shattering news from the Kingdom of Reading, and the whole Pirate Island is inexplicably. It disappeared from the ocean, and the sea surface nearly a thousand kilometers away was completely frozen. It seemed that a continent of ice suddenly appeared on the ocean.

From the center of the mainland, a giant dragon flew from the original location of the pirate island. It was a terrorist creature that the world had never seen. The person who awakened and controlled this dragon was Mr. Enleco ’s teacher. Her Royal Highness Princess Kris, the Princess of the Kingdom of Phine, and her accompanied by Mr. Enleco, as well as Miss Feinaxia who was hailed as the goddess of protection by countless Kaoqi people. "

Speaking of which, An Qili sighed silently.

After a while, her mood seemed to calm down and continued: "After that, news also came from the Kingdom of Sophie, and Mr. Enleko and his teacher appeared on Cayenne Island. This is what I know about him. The last news. "

"How can you know Sophie's news so well?" Enleco asked cautiously, and he had become extremely sensitive to such things since the disaster organized by the master.

"Montietta has close ties with churches in various countries, and there are clerics responsible for liaison there. In addition to being responsible for liaison, I also asked them to collect information about Mr. Enleco."

The princess suddenly put out her tongue playfully and said, "I know this is really not the case. I used the power in my own hands for selfish desires. Now I understand why, in addition to pious beliefs, penalties are used to restrain people The code of conduct, even the temptation that I can't get rid of completely. "The princess sighed and shook her head again.

Enleco is not a fool, and he is no longer the innocent boy.

In the heart of Princess An Qili, the faintly unknown love, of course, he can feel it, which makes him feel more self-confident.

He had to change the subject and asked, "Does anyone know the secret in your heart? Have they given you some advice?"

The princess looked blankly at Enleco, and she suddenly realized that she said too much, a lot of inner thoughts, even her parents knew nothing about it, she was strange to this and she was not very clear about it The thin boy said it.

An Qili herself didn't know what the reason was, perhaps because Lila's words made her consider her peers to be able to talk.

Perhaps it was because of that judgment that he unconsciously regarded him as a part of himself.

Perhaps it was the feeling that had been suppressed for so long that it was necessary to talk to someone.

The princess shook her head with a wry smile: "I don't know why, I have a request, I hope you can help me keep a secret."

Enleco knew he stabbed the heart of Her Royal Highness.

This first princess is obviously not as strong as she thought, and perhaps every woman in love is extremely fragile, Enleco does not know which answer is closer to the correct one.

"How much do you know about Mr. Enleco?" Enleco asked softly, as if he was asking, as if he was comforting.

The princess did not want to continue this topic, but Enleco's words touched her heartstrings.

After being silent for a while, An Qili sighed and said, "All I know is only the rumors, his strength, his wisdom, his vision, and the Fener connected with his destiny. Miss Shia. "

"Maybe the relationship between Mr. Enlecco and Miss Finashiya is not as you might imagine. Maybe this is just a misunderstanding of outsiders." Enleco quickly explained.

However, his explanation sounded only comforting in An Qili.

The high princess said with her hands on her cheeks in sadness: "But the rumours of the twins of fate will never be wrong. Just look at Mr. Enleco and Miss Feinaxia deliberately avoiding each other. I believe this The rumors should be true facts.

Because of the spiritual connection, it is really embarrassing and confusing to know each other ’s thoughts. Everyone has some secrets that belong to him.

But I admire the two of them very much. The two can be as close as one person. It is said that they have magical power between them. Even if they are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, one of them can reach the other in a blink of an eye: The cooperation between the two of them can exert unimaginable power.

Everyone is guessing that the horror ban on freezing a thousand miles is also a miracle caused by the cooperation between them, because before that, they had triggered the same "mirror storm" which is also a miracle, and that ban curse Not only can it bring destruction, but it can also purify people's hearts. It is undoubtedly that the gods prospered their hands and brought miracles to the world.

Another proof is that on Pirate Island, no one has ever seen Mr. Enleco personally. How similar is it to the "spiritual storm" that was initiated in County Strell! And Mr. Enleco certainly got there. All the crew members of a Redding merchant ship were absolutely certain of this matter. Also for the Kingdom of Kaoqi, they were also sure that there was a fleet that was once Mr. Enleco. The captives, they will never admit the wrong person, nor will they be born out of nothing.

Mr. Enleco is the source of powerful power, and Miss Feinahya is the key to control and manipulate this power. What a wonderful combination? What a descriptive description of the twins of fate! "

At the end, An Qili's expression was full of helplessness.

Enleco, who was sitting opposite, was speechless. He had never thought that other people had imagined that.

For a while, Enleco didn't know whether to persuade him, or whether to further push the high princess into the abyss of despair. Obviously this was the best way to get out of trouble.

Before waiting for Enleco to make a decision, Lila next to her had spoken, and she gently pushed An Qili's shoulder and whispered, "Sister An Qili, even though the two destiny twins are truly in love What does it matter?

For our Monteta women, the most important thing is whether we love each other deeply. If I am you, I will directly pursue a passionate pursuit. I will not care if my lover owns another woman. Love. "

The little girl's eyes were full of firmness and fortitude, but Enleko sighed heavily from the bottom of her heart.

What made him even more headache was that the princess actually held the little girl and kissed, as if grateful.

Enlecke tried his best to avoid fainting. He looked helplessly one after another and gathered towards him.

Inspired by the little girl, An Qili seemed to suddenly relax a lot.

She used to feel deeply troubled that she was a Monteta, but now she feels very fortunate that she is a woman on the grassland of Monteta.

The Monti people's view of marriage makes her hate and disgust, but the Monti people's view of love is quite acceptable to her.

If it seems that the romantic love of Kaoqi Kingdom is furiously demanded, then Montitta ’s view of love is unreserved.

Not only did An Qili have a deep understanding of this, but even Enlecco was faintly aware of it.

While Enleko was thinking hard about the countermeasures, the high princess suddenly held his hands, and the expression was full of sincerity and sincerity.

Enlecco was taken aback, he immediately realized that his identity had been exposed, do not know when to start, Princess An Qili already knew his identity, all that was just a temptation, maybe even more A roundabout attack.

Now the little girl's words opened her heart, maybe the princess finally wanted to understand everything and planned to show love to herself in a direct way.

Enlecco only felt his heart beating violently, and felt uneasy and uneasy again, wanting to get up and turn around to escape, and now he deeply regrets why he did n’t take the chart from the control headquarters, now At this time, the best way is obviously how far to escape.

"Le Kress, I hope you can help my brother. The reason I came here was originally for this matter, this is my only request." Her Royal Highness said softly.

She didn't know that when he heard this, Enleko was almost paralyzed. The change was obviously far beyond his original expectations.

"Lilla has told me your extraordinary identity. As the inheritor of Tomur's skills, after you return to the Monty Steppe, I ask you to pass on the martial arts to my brother. Muer's most sincere admirer, just like my admiration for Mr. Enleco, his love for the great warrior is almost fanatical. "

An Qili's tone was full of sincerity and desire.

Enlecco seemed to have fallen from a boulder. He even collapsed and was weak because of this violent turmoil.

He didn't care about teaching one more martial arts. In fact, he was already thinking about how to help Duck without knowing it.

The prince regarded him as his best friend, and for his sake, even went to court with his sister. What's more, the prince's desire for superb martial arts also made Enleco feel admiration and sympathy.

Just because of this hunger for the unknown, he reminded him of himself—the magic apprentice who could do nothing.

In addition, another reason for his peace of mind is that since Princess Anqili set his identity as the heir of Tomur, then for the time being, his other identities will be safer because of this misunderstanding.

Now Enleco is more and more aware of how to use various misunderstandings, and the misunderstanding of others is far less psychologically burdensome than lying to him.

Enlek nodded slowly.

To the surprise of Enleko, he won An Qili's passionate kiss, the place of the kiss was his cheek, or the widest place of the thick mask.

"Thank you." An Qili said softly, her eyes full of sincerity and gratitude.

Enleco quickly got up from the ground, and he could no longer bear such sincerity and warmth.

He was afraid that this tenderness would completely melt him, but there was another kind of fear faintly in his heart, but that kind of fear was full of sweetness and warmth.

Walking out of the temple and coming out of the sacred light, Enleco was finally relieved.

The feeling of acupuncture all over the body, perhaps because of the punishment caused by the sky, never made him feel paralyzed.

Enleko took off the mask gently and bathed in the brilliant spring light, he felt very comfortable.

The only regret is that the city in the cloud lacks blooming flowers. The storm makes any delicate beauty no longer exist. What can grow here are some tough and tenacious lives ~ ~ Enlai Ke only feels that he now needs a bunch of flowers to support his mood. Just to enjoy it in his hands, he can also feel extremely happy.

With a heart that seemed as if the flower buds were blooming, Enleco walked towards the distance, and he knew exactly where to find His Royal Highness.

At this time, unless something important happens, this prince, who is crazy for martial arts, must be thinking hard in front of the huge rock.

Suddenly Enleko turned around and saw that the troublesome little thing was floating behind him, looking like that, as if following him.

There were small things on the side that made Enleco feel uncomfortable, but he couldn't get rid of this nasty guy.

In this place, this nasty little thing has a transcendent status. She seems to be a pet for everyone, and it seems to be a **** guarding here.

Enleko turned around and moved on.

The mood was as bright and splendid as the spring, because of the presence of this nasty little thing, it seemed a bit bleak.

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