Magic Apprentice

Chapter 116: Scary meeting again

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!

Enlecomer counted the teeth marks and scratches on his body, which were the marks Xi Ling left him.

Enlecco still couldn't figure out that this thing was planned by Feiana, and she was also a victim. Why would she be treated as a target for revenge, and Feiana can watch the drama without incident?

The "door" was tightly closed, and a very slight voice came from inside, not knowing what the two "forest fairies" were discussing.

But Enlek believes that the result of the consultation is definitely not a good thing for him.

Not knowing how much time had passed, the curtain was finally opened, and Feiana smiled and beckoned, letting Enleco go in.

Xiling sat in the corner, her fierce eyes still flashing enough to kill people, and the tears on her cheeks had not yet dried. Apparently she cried again just now.

"Okay, Xi Ling and I have negotiated properly. In the future, if you want to take good care of the two of us, you have to agree to some conditions." Feanna said with a smile.

Enlek had nodded again and again, in fact, he had been taking care of these two little girls.

"Now you listen to the conditions that Xi Ling made." Feiana blinked mischievously. "First of all, she is the master of Canelio, and her mother is the leader of the controller, and her family is the first family of Reading, so the safety of the Kingdom of Reading makes her care. Once the Kingdom of Kaoqi attacks Redding, You must stop Kaoqi's attack. "

Enlaiko had no doubts about this request.

If the Kingdom of Kaoqi successfully annexed Leding, then the next goal is likely to be the Sophie Kingdom, so it is best to maintain the current situation.

"The second condition is that if Xi Ling has a child." Feiana blinked again. "All belong to the Roland family."

For Enlek, this is not a problem.

He never paid attention to the surnames of others, and the peaceful life in his hometown made him uninterested in his family and Mendi.

"Look, I'm right, this guy doesn't care who his children and grandchildren belong to." Feiana shouted at Xi Ling.

Enleco suddenly felt humiliated.

When I was at the headquarters of the controller, I didn't even think about it, so I agreed to the request of the monster Most and sold all my children and grandchildren to it, as if I was really sorry for my children and grandchildren.

"The third condition is that you have to obey our orders in the future. You must not violate our orders. Even if you can't do it, you must do your best. Don't refuse, don't avoid, and don't be lazy. Anna said excitedly.

"You can't do it anymore," Xi Ling added fiercely.

The request made Enleko speechless, and he stared at the two little girls in a daze. This is an illogical requirement, and with this rule, the previous two conditions are not needed at all.

But looking at Xiling's fierce light, Enleco nodded.

"Fourth condition ..."


Enlecco began to wonder if he would run away again-to escape from the squeeze of these two "forest fairies", he promised a lot of inconsistent and illogical requirements, and these conditions are simply worthy of the name Losing power and humiliating the country.

But in order to be safe, he all agreed.

"Ah, you promised to be very refreshing!" Feanna sighed and said: "But don't think about it."

"You have to make a contract with us." Xiling said fiercely, saying she took out a nail and grabbed Enleco's wrist.

The sharp nail tip scratched a magic pattern on Enleco's wrist, and blood ran down the wound.

"Xiling, you have made too much blood out." Feiana said worriedly.

"Relax, this guy's body is okay, it doesn't matter if he bleeds a little bit of blood," Xi Ling said, seeming uncomfortable, and then biting **** Enleco's arm.

Enleco had to endure all this.

But he was not worried about the magic pattern. With his current strength, the contract is not binding on him at all.

In fact, with his understanding of spiritual magic, even the contracts that were signed under the pressure of Teacher Kris have no effect on him now, and his power has already exceeded the scope of these contracts. .

After biting hard and refreshing, Xi Ling chanted the curse softly. Enleko finished reading the back part of the curse, and saw that the wound gradually stopped bleeding and healed slowly.

"Okay, the contract is completed. If you dare to violate my will, I will urge the curse to make you miserable." Xi Ling said coldly.

"Look, now all problems have been solved." Feiana smiled and hugged Xiling, and asked intimately: "What else do you want?"

"I want to take a bath. The two of you guys are not afraid of getting dirty. I don't think it's okay. I can't stand it. Enleco. You have to find a way for me to take a bath. But I don't want to take a sea bath. The bath water must be at a moderate temperature." Xiling said coldly.

"Wow, you will enjoy it, then I will wash it with you." Feiana said with a smile.

Enleco looked at the pair of "Forest Goblins" frowningly, and he now regretted what he was doing to provoke them.

For a while, Enleco seemed to be back in the days when he was worried in Vedsk.

But for the requirements of these two little girls, Enleco did not care.

Summoning the water element out of thin air, even the little girl Bertina can do it, so it is even more difficult for Enleco, who has a mental oscillation.

Teacher Chris can mix divine magic energy into the water element. In the process of manufacturing the "Holy Water Device of Life", Enleco already knew the trick.

He who signed a contract with the Demon Clan has no way to summon divine magic energy, but summoning elemental magic energy is a breeze.

Enleco raised his hands flat, and a huge water polo floated in mid-air, with red light scattered in the water, so beautifully beyond description.

"Try the temperature, I don't know what the temperature is to be moderate."

"Do you want to complain? Is it reluctant to serve me?" Xi Ling asked angrily.

Now Enlec was speechless.

Reaching into the huge water polo, Xi Ling fiddled with the little red light like a star, and after a while she opened her eyes and laughed, as if all her resentment had disappeared.

But Enlek would never think that way. No one knows more about the moodiness of the two "little goblins" Xilin and Feiana.

"Okay, okay, enough." Xiling exclaimed suddenly.

Taking her hand out of the water polo, she turned her head and said to Enleco: "Okay, now you go out."

"Go out?"

Enlecco was worried again, and he forgot about it.

"Your pervert, originally wanted to see beautiful women taking a bath!" Xi Ling sneered.

"You turned around." Feanna said.

"It's not enough, I have a better way." Xi Ling said with a smile excitedly, completely without the sadness and anger just now.

Enleco suddenly felt dark in front of him, and a long skirt wrapped his head tightly.

"Xi Ling, this is not very good, it would be very sad to wrap your head in a skirt." Feanna said.

Enleco felt that someone had knocked his head hard, and then heard Xi Ling said with disapproval: "His luck has never been better, no need to worry, even if you are unlucky, it has nothing to do with us. Are you safe and sound? "

Enleco sighed deeply in his heart, and it seemed to indicate that there was indeed nothing wrong.

Immediately after leaving Redding, he immediately fell into the hands of these two "forest fairies", and it seems that the future will never be better.

Enleco complained of himself there. As long as he knew this, it would be better to return to the Kingdom of Sophie with Her Royal Highness. Although Her Royal Highness was equally trembling, it was much better than the two goblins.

Above the deck, the captain was attentively steering the helm.

Although the sea looks calm and calm, this sea area is called the state of death. The calm sea is densely covered with reefs, and because of the reefs, the currents here are also unstable.

A small windsurfing board is opening the way for the boat ahead, and the surface of the sea is covered with red buoys, which is the reef.

Captain Smuggler is not without entering this sea area. Smugglers always deal with danger, and this sea area is the best place for joints and transactions because the patrol boat is never close.

But he never traversed this sea, only a madman will challenge this sea of ​​death, and he is definitely not a madman.

"There is a vortex on the right."

The sailors standing on the side of the ship exclaimed.

Smag hurriedly steered the steering wheel to the left, driving in this sea area, there was nothing more terrifying than the sudden vortex.

"There is a buoy on the left."

The sailor on the port yelled.

Smag hastily turned the bow, and the boat passed the buoy. Both the captain and the sailors were shocked by the cold sweat.

The next voyage was a little easier to walk. Although winding around, there was a wider channel.

The captain handed the steering wheel to the second officer.

"At the current speed, it takes at least ten days to cross the Tooth Islands, and it is extremely dangerous along the way. If it is not done well, the ship is destroyed." The first officer said.

"Yeah, I'm also thinking about whether to leave this dangerous route halfway through. The place where we joined last time was a good choice." The captain said: "But I am more worried about encountering those cards Aoqi people. "

"The Kaoqi people will not target our ship. There are so many ships at sea worth attacking." The first officer said after thinking for a while.

"I hope so, but only our ship is sailing to Pirate Island, and their primary goal is probably to cut the connection between Redding and the island, followed by attacking ships to create panic."

"If you encounter the Kaoqi people, only the guest is *, it seems that she is a magician."

"When she used diamonds as a ticket, I was wondering if she would be a magician, or even the richest people, only the magician didn't care about these gems." Captain Smag said with a smile .

"The diamonds are really beautiful, plus the cargo in the bottom compartment, this time our harvest is not small."

"I'm afraid this is the last time I have traded, and it's almost time to fight." The captain said with exclamation.

"what's your plan?"

"Maybe follow Rosem, maybe join the patrol." Captain Smag said indifferently.

"Join the patrol? That's interesting. I don't know what those old opponents who chase us all day look at." The first officer laughed. "No matter what your decision is, I always follow you." Said.

"What do I want you to do with you? First go back to your hometown, marry your sweetheart, and enlarge her belly, then you are eligible to come back and follow me." The captain said with a smile, but there was a voice in his tone. Desolate.

"I don't want to add burden." The first officer shook his head.

"Idiot, that's not cumbersome, it's hope, hope for the future, don't let yourself leave deep regrets, and don't let the people you love and those who love you leave regrets, is carelessness a man? "

"Yeah, the pirate king Rosem is a man! Isn't he having an illegitimate daughter with the Grand Duchess, wow, that girl is really beautiful." The second deputy interjected.

But he was immediately hit on his head.

"Focus on the boat, now is not the time to be distracted, we all finished playing accidentally." The captain said sternly.

"The pirate king probably also feels that the future is unpredictable, otherwise he will not uncover this secret that no one has ever known." The chief deputy sighed.

"Father and daughter know each other, but it's a matter of concern for him." The captain said: "So I advise you not to regret yourself. Instead of suffering, you should marry your beloved one and take care of her carefully. Guard her and make her feel safe and warm. "

While the captain and chief mate discussed the biggest and most profound problem in life, a limp sailor came out of the captain's room.

I saw him walking in front of the captain with a frown, and said, "The guest has found that we are carrying other guests."

"Did the two women and one guy play too crazy and alarmed the guest?" The captain asked.

"You wouldn't tell her that it was the sailor and wife on the ship who were fooling around?" The first officer said disapprovingly.

"I said, the meaning is similar to what you said, the guest pulled through my lies at once." As the sailor lifted his sleeves to reveal his upper arm, there was a burning trace, "This is the result of lying, to I still have numbness in my body so far. "

"That guest is indeed a magician, and can only say that the three young boys were out of luck. If I can't persuade them, if I can't, I have to find an island to let them go ashore." The captain shook his head helplessly.

"Yo captain, don't get involved again. This matter has nothing to do with us. The other three people are probably not characters we can afford."

The sailor shook his head again and again: "Do you know why that guest will find someone taking this boat?"

"Hurry up, don't appease us," the first officer blamed.

"The three teenagers are also magicians. They cast magic in the cargo compartment and were perceived by the guest." The sailor said quickly.

Everyone was stunned.

"What the **** is going on? I haven't seen a few magicians in my life. Now, at once, there are four magicians riding on this broken ship." The second officer sighed.

"I hope they don't fight." A sailor said.

"Yeah, no one here can persuade them." Said another sailor.

This is also the most troublesome thing for the captain. What a magician looks like, he has never seen it, but the destructive power of the magician is still fresh in his memory. Prove it all.

"What did the guest say?" The captain asked.

"She wants to meet the three guests." The sailor said carefully.

The captain frowned tightly.

Dressed neatly, Enleco was pleased to be able to calm down the two goblins by taking the opportunity to visit the mysterious guest.

To be honest, he really can't eat it.

If Feiana's moodiness caused him a headache, at least she still had tenderness, and Xi Ling had only full hatred.

Enlai Ke was surprised that Xi Ling hated her not the first time she had taken her, but because she forced her to leave her hometown.

It turned out that this resentment had accumulated in her small chest for a long time, and that last night was just a fuse.

If there is anything more terrible than Xi Ling ’s grievances, it is the irresponsible Feiana, and Xi Ling, who digs out the hollow and pranks, this pair of bad personality.

Enlaco finally realized the irresponsibility of Feiana.

She provokes the whole thing with one hand, but she is biased, and at a critical juncture, it even damages the wind and fuels the storm.

This could not help reminding Enleko of the elves they saw in Geqin. This temper was obviously a characteristic of the elf family.

She likes to play irresponsibly and irresponsibly. Although Fianna hates her elf blood very much, she still has the character inherited from the elf family.

As for Xi Ling, it wasn't her resentment that scared Enleco the most, but her elusiveness.

If Feiana is a cloud in the sky, always changing, sometimes white clouds are floating, and sometimes clouds are overcast, then Xiling is the lightning in the storm, and I don't know when or from which direction.

To Enleco's trembling heart, Xi Ling's attack had absolutely no warning, and there was no way to evade and guard against it. All day he was worried, and Enleco felt uncomfortable.

Now he has a chance to relax a little, and nothing really makes him more happy. Maybe he could take the opportunity to get close to the mysterious guest in the name of studying magic.

Maybe you can stay in the captain's space or on the deck during the day. Although Xiling and Fianna are tricky and fierce, they will not be in front of everyone.

As for the evening, Enleco was still certain that he could smooth out the two goblins.

Changed a long dress, Xi Ling and Feiana seemed to have changed their personalities, one graceful and the other elegant, and it really felt like a pretty lady.

However, as soon as Enleco thought of the two of them, they felt deeply regretful and helpless.

If the two of them can always maintain the appearance of this slim lady, then he can indeed be called the happiest person in the world.

Walking on the deck, the starry sky made Enleco feel that the outside world was indeed beautiful.

At a glance, the sea feels exactly the same as the small, narrow piece of the window. The sea breeze is greeted with a salty taste, and the waves hit the ship's hair. Breath, in the small cabin, it is absolutely impossible to feel all this.

The boat was moored and did not sail. In the Toothed Islands, where the reefs were densely populated, even smugglers dared not sail at night. That was the route to the underworld.

But Enlecco looked around and puzzled him that nothing had happened, but the boat had already been put down to the sea, and some sailors even had life buoys on them, a look like a shipwreck was about to happen.

The door of the captain's room was open, and the sound of knife and fork collision was heard. Apparently the guest had already begun to enjoy her dinner.

"It's rude." Xiling said softly.

"As long as she lets us stay on the ship, be patient." Feanna comforted.

The three went towards the captain's room.

Looking down into the captain's room is a staircase. The captain's room is quite large, and the ceiling is at least three meters away from the top.

There is a long table in the center of the captain ’s room. On the main seat is a woman in a luxurious dress, her head is sucking down the delicious oyster juice. The tableware has been set up next to it, obviously it is Seats for them.

The woman's hair was very strangely combed, curled and curled on both sides, and the tip of the hair was pointed backwards, as if it were the horn of a sheep.

The forehead ornament hanging on the forehead is inlaid with a huge ruby ​​in the center, proving that this woman's status is definitely not low.

Seeing that the woman didn't take care of them at all, she was enjoying dinner there, and she was really angry. She stabbed Enleco, then raised her fist and pointed at the woman making a beating action.

Enlek shook his head, he could not do such a thing.

Seeing that Enlecco actually disobeyed her orders, Xi Ling was very angry. She vented her anger on Enlecco's body and twisted Enleco's back.

Enleko was terribly painful, but he didn't dare to shout, lest he should be rude to strangers. This was the habit he had developed during the general training of the princess's hell.

In the princess's palace dubbed the Royal Circus, as long as you make any wrong action, the princess of the princess will use a bitter taunt to make you remember the mistake forever.

The taunts were like a file that made him uncomfortable. By comparison, Enleco preferred to be tortured by Xi Ling, which was better.

After a while, the woman slowly picked her head up.

When Enleco saw the woman's face clearly, he yelled, and immediately wanted to flee, but unfortunately the retreat was blocked by Xi Ling and Feiana standing behind him.

The woman also recognized him. Being able to meet in such a narrow place is obviously beyond her expectation.

However, the disciple's reaction did not exceed her expectations.

"I really didn't expect that the person who took the boat would actually be you. What's this? Coincidence? Or is it a netizen?"

There was a sharp and harsh sound in the captain's room.

Xi Ling and Feiana were extremely surprised by Enleco's panic. They were absolutely sure that Enleco knew the woman, but how could there be such a fierce reaction?

Although Enleco is a timid guy, but he can make him afraid of this, it will definitely not be an ordinary character.

Xiling and Feiana clearly felt Enleco ’s body shaking, because the stairs were shaking with shaking, the two little girls looked at each other, and the name of a person suddenly jumped out of their brains. .

Kris-Her Royal Highness Princess Sophie.

For Her Royal Highness, although Xi Ling and Feiana have never met her, the name is very familiar to both of them.

In the reference room of the headquarters, there is a whole cabinet of information about her, and the most recorded of these materials is about the "evil deeds" of the high princess.

Horror, powerful, and dangerous. This is the organization's assessment of this woman.

Although this woman may be regarded as the most powerful magician in the world, no country has ever imagined borrowing her power, even the kingdom of Sophie has no such plan, because it is too dangerous. Too.

What this woman is best at seems to be destruction.

It is said that the day she was banished from the Magic Association, the Sophie Kingdom Magic Association even celebrated for several days in a row.

It was this crazy and dangerous woman who taught the three most powerful magic apprentices in the world.

Kate, the magic knight, is probably the lowest among the three.

But even the weakest disciple is enough to make countries salivate, and the organization has also included this person in the list of special people who pay the most attention.

It should be known that those who were originally qualified to be listed on the list were all big men like Horcos III, Hagero, and Somiret who could influence the power structure of the whole world. Even King Sophie did not have that qualification.

Saint Bertina has nothing more to say.

The title of the saint was not given to her by the kingdom of Sophie, but by the people of the enemy Kaoqi.

As a foreigner, she has a great influence on the Kaoqi Kingdom, it can be called unprecedented, and it can even be said that if Kaoqi attacked Sophie, Kaoqi itself would be so Split.

Nearly one-fifth of the land to the west of the current Kaoqi Kingdom is not the authority of His Majesty Emperor Hokors III, nor the leader of the foreign vassal of Hager Elo, but the Sophie of Bertina.

The last one, undoubtedly, is Enleco himself.

Those who do n’t know him all see him as a prophet and a wise man, just like Weston, the father of the Kingdom of Reading, and those who really know him know that this guy is a monster. The deeper you understand him, the better I found that this guy was strangely weird.

And these three magic apprentices of unparalleled power and fame were precisely the one with the sharp voice in front of the woman.

Although these three magic apprentices have additional teachers, and their time to learn magic with their respective teachers is much longer than following this woman, but no one believes that jaw-dropping achievement, that unimaginable miracle, is A few other teachers taught the results.

"Wow, you must be Her Royal Highness Princess Sophie. My name is Xiling. My father is the guard of Canerio County in the Kingdom of Reading. My mother is a descendant of the Roland family. I Ancestors and your ancestors have fought side by side, and I admire you too. Please let me call you a sister. I always wanted to have a beautiful and considerate sister like you. "Xiling immediately joined the long princess In front, said kindly.

A sharp and harsh laughter came immediately from the captain's room.

The frustrated Enleco had to admire Xiling's flattery and martial arts to be home. Neither he nor Jerry had ever been able to make Teacher Chris so happy.

Moreover, they lost their dignity and smashed their farts. What they got was nothing more than being called, like a pair of slaves.

Looking at the intimacy of Xi Ling and Mrs. Chris, you can imagine that in the near future, she can stand on her head and gesticulate.

Fianna glanced at the listless Enleco, then at the good friend who had a cordial conversation with Her Royal Highness Princess Chris.

As if to apologize, she nodded slightly towards Enleco and ran to Xiling.

Fei Anna, who received the same education as Xi Ling, was naturally proficient in flattering. The elite masters organized meticulously trained elites to see the wind and helm and cater to the wishes of others. Naturally, this is not what the businessmen like Jerry and Enleco can do. Comparable.

After a while, Her Royal Highness Princess Chris and her two "Forest Goblins" were intimately matched by their sisters.

Seeing the intimate appearance of Hering, Feina and Princess Kris, Enleco sitting in front of the dining table was like a needle felt, and she was at a loss for a moment. The door of the captain's room was open, and he wanted to escape.

But there is Teacher Kris here, and the chance of running away is almost zero.

Although he mastered mental oscillation, he definitely didn't want to compete with Teacher Chris. In the magic forest, the contest between Teacher Chris and the old wolf made him tremble.

His strength is at best to the point of the old wolf, and he can not use the four-line magic at the same time. It is impossible to beat the old wolf. In front of the old wolf, he can achieve a tie.

But teacher Kris is completely different.

Contending with the old wolf, she actually forced the old wolf to deliberately use the strongest curse-free magic to deal with her. This is definitely not something a normal person can do, plus the ancient magic called "Talbot" , I fear that Bo has no chance to escape.

"Oh, why are you here, are you here to catch the escaped disciple?" Xi Ling asked softly, obviously the girl had not forgotten the resentment in her heart.

Seeing Mr. Kris staring at herself, Enleco suddenly felt rough.

"How can I know that this guy is here? Predicting the future is not what I am good at." While glancing at Enleco, Her Royal Highness Princess said: "But since this guy has thrown himself in the net, he has captured him, my The niece must be quite happy. "

Xi Ling said sadly, "What shall we do?"

"He bullied you?" Chris asked coldly and looked at Enleco.

Xiling shyly shyd into Chris' ear and murmured for a while.

Enlecco secretly called bad.

If he can say it honestly, he can still argue two words, and Fianna can also say a few good words on the side. Now it is good. This kind of behind-the-scenes transaction is the most unpredictable.

Seeing Xiling's red eyes, as if he was crying out of grievance, Enleco knew he was in trouble. He didn't even have time to call out the "chaotic crystal wall". With a clear but sharp howling, countless electrical sparks suddenly appeared on the table and chair.

Pain was already used to Enleko, but the strong paralysis prevented him from further action.

The dishes cooked with oysters and lamb liver are indeed delicious, but with the face attached to it, the taste is not so good.

It's a pity that Enleco's power to move his fingers is gone. He once again experienced the terrible shock of the long-lost electric shock. Even Xi Ling and Feiana were startled. They never heard of this power.

At that moment, the wooden table suddenly turned into a conductive metal. What magic is this?

To their surprise, Enleco was defeated so easily.

No one knows Enleco's strength better than them.

Enlecco did not use spells at all to perform small magic, often with one finger, the magic was already activated by him.

It is for this reason that when fighting with the magician, Enlecco can always prevail.

But the speed of the woman's shot in front of him was obviously faster than that of Enleco. With a scream, the magic came out, leaving no room for parry and dodge.

Xi Ling and Feiana glanced at each other, they nodded secretly, and now they finally understand why Enleco plans to run away as soon as he sees his teacher, the difference in strength is indeed very large.

Xi Ling and Feiana secretly guessed that if you let other people know about this matchup, they would n’t know what they would think, but you can be sure that Kaoqi ’s big stupid bear will feel deeply lost, and Dreykes might be jealous Go crazy and hide somewhere to practice hard.

"It's up to you, whatever you want to retaliate against," Chris said lightly.

"I think I have almost retaliated." Xiling said, looking at Enlaiko's miserable fall on the dinner plate, and said uneasily.

"How does this work? How precious is the girl's chastity, how can it not be paid enough?" Chris shook her head and said.

"Fina and I have entered into a contract with him, and he will have to listen to our orders in the future." Xi Ling said with a smile.

"You better not underestimate this guy, your contract may not be effective, even those contracts in my hands can no longer restrain him, otherwise he will not let him leave my niece alone. Run away. "Chris said while eating oysters.

"So what can this be done?" Xi Ling said grievously.

"Relax, I have stronger and more binding contracts. The reason why I did n’t use them at first was because of inconvenience. Secondly, I did n’t expect that this guy would become so useful. You do n’t know when, This guy is a waste. The courage is small and useless. "Chris said contemptuously.

It ’s useless to hear Chris ’s mouth full of words. Not only Feiana, but even Xi Ling also secretly pity Enleco. There are so many sad stories behind such a powerful strength.

But if you think about it carefully, only Her Highness will do such a thing.

It is her nature to waste at will.

Xi Ling and Fianna have long heard from Enleco that the reason why the virgin Bertina has such a great achievement is that her power, which was rumored as a miracle, was originally used by the high princess to wash clothes. It was the countless dirty clothes that made Bertina perfect.

Washing clothes can create a saint, such a miracle can not even be created by gods.

"Why are you going to Pirate Island?" Chris asked.

"We just want to leave Redding." Xi Ling said.

"It's for this guy?" Chris pointed to Enleko and asked, "Is this guy worth your sacrifice?"

For this question, Xi Ling really couldn't answer. The reason why she betrayed the organization was not related to Enleco at all. Now I am confused with this guy because of a joke, maybe this is the fate of fate.

Seeing that Xi Ling and Feiana did not answer, Kris asked again: "What are you going to do next?"

"With my sister." Xiling said intimately.

"Alright, come back to Sophie with me." Chris nodded.

"However, the Sophie Kingdom seems to allow only one wife, and cheating and having a lover is considered a major crime." Fei An said uneasy.

Chris said disapprovingly: "Don't worry about him! What rules, customs and laws go to hell, free and unrestrained, don't care about these meaningless things." After that, Chris made a series of harsh words. Sharp smile.

Xi Ling and Feiana stared at the woman in front of her with dumbfounded eyes.

The Kingdom of Sophie has designated her as the number one dangerous man. It seems reasonable. It is a strange thing for such a guy who is not subject to any restraint to cause trouble.

There is also a character in the Kingdom of Reading who is unwilling to be restrained. He is the pirate king Rosem.

But Rosem is much more convergent than her. But even so, the Pirate King is already a pretty dangerous guy.

Xiling and Feiana couldn't help but imagine how the two unfettered characters would meet.

"Oh, sister, you haven't said why you went to the pirate island." Xi Ling asked.

"I'm going to find two artifacts."

"Artifact? What kind of artifact can work for you?" Xi Ling asked in surprise.

In her and Feiana's opinion, the things that Enleco usually makes can already be regarded as artifacts, and Kris is the teacher of Enleco, and her skills are definitely more exquisite than Enleco. What is eye-catching is definitely not simple.

"Have you heard of the" Water Emblem "?"

"The ultimate defense artifact, one of the three artifacts of the Protoss left during the ancient war of gods and demon." Feiana replied immediately. The elves have detailed records of the three artifacts, so she knows it very well.

"Yes, after the war between gods and demons, the Protoss recovered three artifacts, each of which only left one to be placed in the human world, but the" Water Emblem "never appeared."

"Is this artifact on Pirate Island?" Feiana asked.

"Ten times, I accidentally found a volume of dossier, which records the relics of worshipping the water god, and the relics record the merits of the water **** in the war of gods and demons."

"Is it possible to confirm that the artifact is on the island?" Xi Ling asked in surprise.

"Almost, the other two artifacts were unearthed from the relics in a similar situation, and the last person who saw this file was Sisilia. For this reason, she went to the Pirate Island, but I do n’t know why she did Take away the 'Water Emblem'. "

"You said there are two artifacts, and what is the other one?" Fianna asked.

"It is mentioned in the dossier that there are two Holy Grails sealed under that relic, which is said to be a gift left by the God of Wisdom. The Holy Grail contains" Wisdom ", and drinking" Wisdom "will gain infinite power."

Suddenly asked Kris ’s expression became fierce, "The abominable guy obviously took a holy grail, the guy ’s talent is not very good, it was impossible to have any achievements in magic, but because of drinking What is in the Holy Grail can she reach the state like now. "

"Sister, do you want to find another holy grail with the power of that other holy grail?" Xi Ling asked her softly.

"That's not true. My strength is strong enough. It is meaningless for me to strengthen it. I am interested in what is in the Holy Grail?"

"What will you do with the power in the Holy Grail?" Xi Ling asked, her eyes flashing with longing.

Of course, Kris can see that although she is a little crazy, she is not unreasonable.

"I will give the holy grail to my niece, she will use it, as you two don't need that kind of thing at all, you have more convenient tools, why don't you use it to your heart's content?" Chris pointed and still could not move Enleco.

"Yes, we can squeeze him." Xi Ling nodded and agreed: "But I want to have strength."

"I can teach you." Chris said unexpectedly.

Although he knew that this was an excellent opportunity, because the disciples taught by this woman in front of him were famously powerful, but Xi Ling did not intend to seize this opportunity.

Although there is no way to figure out what kind of training the four magic apprentices received in the magic forest, but from their attitude of fear and awe to the teacher, that short time will definitely not be an interesting experience .

Xi Ling and Fei Anna do not have much pursuit of magic and power. They can do so as long as they can get together. Otherwise, with their qualifications, one is a half-elf and the other is a descendant of the Hades. only these.

"I'm stupid and don't need to work, it's more fun to squeeze that guy." Xi Ling said quickly.

"Okay, then sign a stronger and stronger contract first, so that he will never escape your palm." As Kris pushed the tray in front of her, she flicked the table in front of her face with her hand. It seems to be a mirror.

But this mirror is not reflective, and what is reflected in it is a huge library.

"Contract." Chris pondered: "The contract inscription, this is useless, the spiritual system is bound to magic, and it is useless. Curse is too dangerous, and the effect is slow, the curse, let the girl raise worms. nausea."

After a long time, Chris shook her head and said, "I didn't see anything suitable. You have chosen it yourself and you can use it. The contract magic that the guy can't get rid of, I have all found it out."

Xi Ling and Fei An stepped forward, and they chatted while watching.

"Wow, I haven't even heard a lot of things." Feanna exclaimed.

"Some are the magic that has been lost in ancient times, and some are the witchcraft of the witch people in the barbaric era. Contract magic is now out of fashion, but it was very prosperous and prosperous in the barbaric era and the years before." Silk explained.

Suddenly, Xi Ling screamed, and saw her face flushed, pointing to the table and said, "There is still such a contract magic."

Feiana looked closer, her face also flushed, but Kris didn't feel it.

Kris glanced back and forth and said disapprovingly: "This is nothing more than awesome. Bloodsoul witchcraft can be said to be a combination of curse, guts and necromantic magic, among curse, guts and necromantic magic There are more things than nausea. "

Looking at the woman in front of her who is so focused on the study of magic that she has lost her seven passions and six desires, Xi Ling and Feiana have nothing to say. Obviously they are not really focused on the same place.

"Are you going to use this method?" Chris asked.

"Just use this way." Xi Ling asked suddenly, the little girl's boldness and madness surprised Fiana.

"But is this method effective?" Xi Ling asked.

"Blood Soul Witchcraft is quite dangerous, but extremely effective, because the carrier of their induction and influence is human and resentment, unless it is a dead person, or it will always be more or less possessed and resentful, even sages cannot avoid it, so No external force can drive it out, "Chris explained.

"Danger? What kind of danger will there be?" Feanna said cautiously.

"Like curse and gout, the key to the success of Blood Soul Witchcraft lies in the strength of the caster. If the strength is not good, the loser will endure the terrible witchcraft."

"There is an elder sister like you, a person of great strength is beside. How can UU reading make witchcraft go back on us?" Xiling handed out a tall hat.

Chris was obviously extremely comfortable, and the sharp, pointed laughter sounded again.

After tidying up the table and replacing it with a new tablecloth, Enleco was thrown on the table.

Xi Ling and Feiana looked at each other, which was indeed beyond their expectations. In their imagination, it should be more romantic and warm.

With a scream, an enchantment enveloped the captain's room, and the inside and the outside were completely isolated.

"Who comes first?" Chris asked.

"Fina, you come first. I'm not ready yet. It must be painful to do that." Xi Ling frowned.

So far, she regretted the choice she just made. If the person presiding over the ceremony was not Kris, Xiling would definitely regret it.

Fianna stood on the dining table with her scalp hard. She closed her eyes gently and clenched her lips.

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