Made in Hollywood

Chapter 831 Who is Monkey King

Although Hong Kong films are not dying, they are on the verge of death. It has long been known that a large number of Hong Kong film directors choose to go north to find a new way out.

A large number of Hong Kong directors went north, which, to a certain extent, prospered the film industry in the Mainland, but also brought many inherent disadvantages of Hong Kong films.

In fact, it is not difficult to find out after a little analysis. Judging from the trajectory of bad Chinese films in recent years, in addition to mainland directors, Hong Kong directors have also contributed a considerable amount. Many Hong Kong directors are typical opportunists. Strictly speaking, Speaking of it, it is not too much to plan into the type of "insulting the audience's IQ".

In Duke's view, the quality of some Hong Kong directors' works is not high, which is considered to be "excessive consumption of their own credit". In fact, the root cause is the CEPA agreement signed in 2004.

Since the signing of the agreement, Hong Kong directors began to enter the mainland in a large scale, but an indispensable part of co-productions in the mainland is censorship. As a Hong Kong director who does not know the censorship system at all, he crossed the river by feeling the stones at first. In terms of movies, they basically choose the safest routine, so in the past 8 years, most of the movies that Hong Kong directors have brought to mainland audiences have been movies of two routines: costume martial arts and costume comedy.

As for gangster movies and gangster movies that Hong Kong directors are better at, no one dares to try them casually.

After testing the waters, many Hong Kong directors found that costume martial arts and costume comedy themes are enough for them to get a good box office.

Moreover, most of the Hong Kong directors who are currently active in the mainland are middle-aged and elderly, and their pursuit of new genres, new themes, and new technologies is close to conservative in terms of creation. Except for a few representative figures such as Xu Laoguai In addition, the routines of most Hong Kong directors are very old, but they are still using these past Hong Kong movie plots to make money from mainland audiences.

However. With the invasion of Hollywood movies, just like Hong Kong movies losing the Southeast Asian market and even the Hong Kong market, how can audiences who have seen what movies can do continue to recognize those old wines that do not even replace new bottles, so their works It is not surprising that more and more are classified as bad movies.

But these works of these people have also given hope to some directors in the mainland. Since the films made by so many big Hong Kong directors are nothing more than this, and our standards are comparable to theirs, can't we make money?

Movies are deeply influenced by social and environmental factors, and the current mainland is no longer the 1990s of the last world.

After many years of baptism in video halls and more than ten years in the Internet age with advanced information, the taste and appreciation level of mainland audiences are completely different from those of ten or twenty years ago, and the main consumption is more of the post-80s and post-90s. .

Many Hong Kong filmmakers who went north. And I didn't regard myself as a part of this place, as a passerby like a migratory bird...

Of course, Duke would not be so stupid as to say these words. Compared with those Hong Kong directors, he is a real passerby and outsider.

Leave the theater where the forum was held. Duke declined the banquet invitations from several Chinese film company bosses on the grounds that he was unwell. After meeting Scarlett Johansson and Tina Fey, he drove back to the hotel where he was staying.

"How was the forum?"

Back to the hotel. The excited Scarlett immediately asked, "Do you have any suggestions? Don't you know the Chinese film market very well. Maybe you can become their savior."

Hearing this, Duke hung up his coat, sat on the sofa and shook his head, "Honey. We will always be outsiders to this country and this market."

He will not be so stupid as to think that the other party really regards him as a savior and his own people, let alone think that one person can change a country's film industry.

Seeing that Duke seemed a little tired, Scarlett took the initiative to turn to the back of the sofa, stretched out her hands and rubbed them lightly, and then massaged Duke's shoulders.

Although the technique was not very professional, Duke still narrowed his eyes comfortably.

After massaging for a while, Scarlett looked at the time and asked, "Are you hungry? Shall I tell the chef to cook?"

Duke nodded slightly.

This trip to China, Duke and Scarlett also specially brought their own chefs.

Probably due to the busy relationship in the past two years. In the past few months, Duke's stomach has not been very good. Under Scarlett Johansson's strong request and insistence, he hired a special nutrition and health chef. Designed and cooked exclusively for him, the chef's recipes, in Duke's words, are insane.

The chef named Alan Campbell designed a very targeted healthy recipe. Duke is not the kind of rigid and stubborn person, and he also knew that Scarlett cared about him very much and did not refuse.

For the past month, 80 percent of what Duke has eaten has been vegetables, the chef buys the freshest vegetables possible, and the remaining 20 percent is lean meat—grass-fed steak, duck and chicken .

As for the fish, most of them are wild salmon.

Not all fresh vegetables and fruits are suitable for consumption. In fact, nightshade plants such as peppers are completely prohibited in the diet, because these things cannot increase resistance and improve stomach function, including tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms and eggplants.

Some may think this is crazy, but there are many other things that Duke is advised not to eat.

For example, do not eat white sugar, do not eat white flour, do not eat monosodium glutamate, chefs will use virgin olive oil for cooking, but never use olive oil for cooking, only use coconut oil when cooking, and only use Himalayan pink rock rose salt, without adding iodized salt.

Because iodized salt does not do any good to the body of normal people.

Besides that, is there anything else? No coffee, no caffeinated foods, no mushrooms, no dairy products.

If Duke wants to relax, Alan Campbell makes quinoa with vegetables, with kale or chard or beet greens, with garlic, roasted in coconut oil, and some toasted almonds, Cashew paste mixed with curry, lemongrass...

In addition to paying special attention to diet, Duke also needs to have a regular life schedule. Since it is difficult for him to relax after a busy day at work, he will do some cognitive exercises to relax his brain before going to bed.

Fortunately, the current Duke is no longer the nightlife activist he used to be, and he pays great attention to his own maintenance.

When Duke came to China, the most important job was to promote "The Avengers". In the next few days, he and Scarlett Johansson attended a large number of various activities and frequently appeared in the media.

In addition, under Duke's proposal, Warner Greater China set off a wave of publicity. Through a series of hype, the topic of "The Avengers" was increased to attract more fans to buy tickets and enter the theater.

For example, Duke put his idea on the "Chinese Avengers Alliance" that had been sent to him. China Film Group, the co-distributor of Warner Greater China, launched a campaign called "If China is Formed" on several large websites. Avengers, who would you recommend' event.

This instantly aroused the enthusiasm of netizens, and the replies on several websites quickly exceeded 500,000. Characters such as Calabash Brothers, Black Cat Sheriff, Monkey King, Nezha and even Thunderbolt Beibei were included in the candidate list by netizens. As for the villains, the bone spirit, scorpion spirit, and snake spirit are all listed as suitable candidates by netizens.

"It would be awesome if Chinese cartoon characters also joined forces to film the Avengers! The black cat sheriff led the team, with Monkey King on the left, the third prince Nezha on the right, and Brother Calabash standing behind him!"

"The villains are also easy to find. Demons and ghosts such as One Ear, the cat-and-mouse-eating joint scorpion spirit and the snake spirit couple, the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and the Bone Demon are trying to rule the world. The Alliance, finally defeated evil and brought peace to the world."

Someone proposed to set up a "Jinyong Martial Arts Alliance", which would bring together Linghu Chong, Yang Xiao, Baimei Yingwang, Hong Qigong, and the old urchin; …

"Honey..." Scarlett asked Duke curiously after listening to Tina Fey's translation, "Who is Monkey King?"

"A monkey with great powers."

Duke didn't know where to start with this purely oriental myth, "In short, it's a hundred times more powerful than Harry Potter."

Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and other superheroes have unprecedented collective attack, which is undoubtedly the biggest gimmick of "The Avengers".

Chinese netizens who are looking forward to the development of domestic Chinese films are only slightly guided, and their imaginations start to fly all over the sky, such as the idea of ​​​​can animation characters such as Calabash Brothers, Black Cat Sheriff, Monkey King, and Nezha form a "Chinese Superman" team? There are endless.

Under the instigation of Warner Greater China, some reporters consulted the opinions of well-known people in the industry, and the feedback they received was that this idea is a bit "nonsensical" and creative, and it is not easy to implement it. Chinese filmmakers are shooting this kind of live-action performances. Inexperienced and incompetent in superhero films.

Stimulated by a series of publicity and marketing, "The Avengers" has been so aggressive in the Chinese market. In the week from last Friday to this Thursday, it has crazily cut more than 800 million RMB at the box office. Everyone is aware that, The film is bound to create a new box office record for Chinese films.

At the same time, "The Avengers" continued its madness in North America, with a total of 112.06 million U.S. dollars in four working days after the end of the first week, and a cumulative North American box office of 355.37 million U.S. dollars!

Just like in North America, this film has no rivals in the global film market for the time being. In just seven days, the global box office has reported 882.66 million US dollars, almost booking this year's box office champion.

However, in the new weekend, "The Avengers" will face strong challengers in North America and overseas at the same time, and "Fast and Furious 5" will be screened globally in more than 90 countries and regions. (to be continued ~^~)

PS:  Ask for monthly and recommendation tickets!

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