Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 549 Extra 15

"Master Priest, congratulations..."

"Congratulations. In the future, if you become an official in the same dynasty, you will need a priest..."

As soon as the prince and princess left, all the civil and military officials of the court swarmed up to them.

Song Qing thanked them one by one, and after exchanging greetings and greetings, he walked back to the priest's hall alone.

The sun in June is like a blazing fire, and the scenery on both sides of the road is full of vitality and lush green.

The huge palace was quiet, except of course the noisy cicadas chirping from unknown trees.


When someone stopped him while passing a quiet bamboo viewing path, Song Qing paused.

Following the sound, I saw Song Dai, Nangong Yu and other palace people in a pavilion on the left.

And she heard it right, that priest was called by Nangong Yu just now.


Her mood felt weird for no reason. She was still used to Nangong Yu calling her Song Qing.

Thinking about it in his mind, Song Qing had already come to the group of people and saluted them.

"I see the queen and the prince."

"You, you, why did you become a priest and still be separated from us?"

Song Dai stepped forward to help Song Qing up and said angrily, while pulling the person to sit down on the stone stool next to her, she said,

"I must have been very busy these days due to taking over the position of priest, but I haven't been to my place for a long time.

If Miao hadn't mentioned it to me, I would have thought that you no longer want our Ayu. "

Song Qing was a little embarrassed, "There is no Queen..."

As soon as I started talking, I didn’t know what to say. What to say? I said that I didn’t want Nangong Yu.

From the beginning to the end, Nangong Yu didn't want her. How could she not want Nangong Yu?

"Aunt Rongyi."

A mellow and restrained sound rang in my ears. The sound was very close, right next to me.

I don’t know why Song Qing instinctively wants to run away. After all, the relationship between the two has been very delicate over the past year, so it’s better to keep some distance.

"My slave is here."

Rong Yi responded respectfully, then walked over with a mahogany food box and took out a small bowl of soup from the food box.

Nangong Yu pushed the small bowl in front of Song Qing, "I heard that you had a drink with Shangguan Yao last night. Drink this bowl of warming soup."


Song Dai was puzzled and looked at Song Qing, "Why have you been so fond of drinking in the past six months? I remember that you didn't drink much in the past. Drinking is harmful to the body.

Especially us women can't drink too much. Just drink a little if you want to have a good time. Be obedient. "

Song Dai only has one son, Nangong Yu, and she prefers her daughter.

Over the years, Song Qing has been treated as a prospective daughter-in-law and loved as a daughter, and she often talks about her sincere and caring words like this.

Song Qing's heart felt warm, "Okay."

He didn't look at Nangong Yu too much, picked up the small bowl of steaming tonic soup on the stone table and drank it.

During this period, I mostly talked to Song Dai, and occasionally picked up Nangong Yu's words. After all, I didn't have the inexhaustible enthusiasm that I had in the past.

Anyone who has been thinking about someone for too long without getting a response will be tired.

Especially today, taking over the position of priest is a very meaningful thing for her.

Compared with the congratulations from the prince, princess and ministers, she wanted Nangong Yu's congratulations more, even just a few words.

It's a pity that they didn't. It's not an exaggeration to say that they are two unfamiliar people who looked at each other from a distance without saying a word.

"From now on, you need to go to court and don't be greedy."

After finishing a small bowl of soup, Nangong Yuxian Rong Yi took the small bowl from Song Qing's hand and put it into the food box aside.

Song Qing's movement of wiping the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief paused slightly, and then he returned to his natural state in a flash.


Seeing the two children like this, Song Dai didn't understand anything, and she suddenly felt worried.

She originally thought that the two children would get together in the future, but this...

The pavilion is located on the shore of the sparkling lake. There are rubbles and willows to block the scorching sun, and there are palace attendants fanning nearby, so that the heat will not be unbearable.

"The situation in North Korea and China is complicated and divided into factions. If someone tries to show your favor and asks you to do something, don't agree easily, especially the Zhao family..."

"Will you protect me?"

Song Qing interrupted Nangong Yu's words, the shadows of the willow trees swayed in the wind, and those beautiful eyes rarely did not deliberately dodge in recent days.

Nangong Yufeng's eyes were deep, and the frost and snow melted in his chest. The huge trapped beast imprisoned by iron chains almost wanted to lose control in Song Qing's eyes.

"Yes, don't be afraid."

At this moment, another gust of wind carrying the heat of the scorching sun swept over. Song Qing curled her lips, and the tear marks at the end of her eyes revealed a long-lost smile.

"Well, I'm not afraid."

The estrangement between the two people for a year disappeared silently at this moment with this hot wind.

Nangong Yu's eyes were fixed on the smile at the end of Song Qing's eyes for a long time. The wavering choices over the past few years seemed to have some answers.

It's not a bad idea to seize the throne.

Every June in Dayuan, the emperor would take his concubines and ministers to the royal hunting grounds for hunting.

A mighty army escorted them all the way, arriving at the hunting ground near noon.

The black dragon pattern flag of Dayuan was flying in the wind. Shangguan, who was eager to try, saw the right moment and stepped forward to make a suggestion.

"Your Majesty, we still have half an hour. Why don't we go hunting and add some dishes to the lunch later?"

"I second the proposal!"

A burly military commander bowed in agreement, looking like he wanted to immediately ride his horse and run wildly to hunt.

"That's right!"

Nangong Xiao waved his hand in agreement and looked at Dehong who was following behind him, "Order someone to get my black iron bow and arrows, and we will go together."

Nangong Xiao was particularly happy when he left the palace today.

Without him,

In recent years, the emperor has been ignorant and immoral. In addition, the prince below has seized the throne and the ministers, led by Zhao Zhengqing of the Zhao family,

It is conceivable that people's livelihood is in a state of chaos when both the government and the public are in trouble.

In the final analysis, all this is due to Nangong Xiao, who is becoming less and less emperor day by day. In such a situation,

There were many people who wanted Nangong Xiao dead, ranging from the princes and courtiers to the common people who were complaining.

Nangong Xiao wanted to protect his life and throne without any risk, so the safest place was the palace.

But staying in the palace for a long time will inevitably make you feel bored. How can you not have fun today by escorting a large number of troops out to get some fresh air just like hunting?


Dehong responded and quickly ordered the emperor's black iron bow and arrows to be brought up. Also brought up was the emperor's black iron long sword.

"Today I am..."

Nangong Xiao stood with his hands behind his back to discuss with the ministers. Almost everyone's attention in the hunting ground was focused on the emperor.

No one paid attention to Sima Zhen, who was standing with Miaoshui. Their eyes seemed to have accidentally glanced past the emperor's dark iron sword and bow.

And Song Qing, who was standing on the other side of Miaoshui,

From the corner of his eye, he frequently glanced towards Nangong Yu, and saw Xu Rouyin, the legitimate daughter of the Minister of War, who was dressed in a smart outfit. She didn't know when she appeared.

At this moment, he is holding a bow in his hand, and his beautiful face is standing next to Nangong Yu with shyness and nervousness.

With the inner strength close to me, I could hear a minister whispering, "What a beautiful couple."

Song Qing took a deep breath, and the bright and moving smile on her face was as fake as possible.

So angry,

Quite frustrating!

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